AGNPH Stories

Lucario's New Family by tsukunertov


Brock Gets the Girl, FINALLY

Repeated: I am only updating the none proofread version right now because I have already tried to proofread this five times, but these stupid computers are just to stupid. Grr. I will have the proofread version tomorrow.


It has been a week since the last time we have seen Ash and boy has it been dull since then. Just Ash trying out the device all week on pokemon in the forest. He would get them so scared. Pikachu was happy too because now he can actually have a conversation with his best friend. Imagine not being able to talk to someone and not only building, but also maintaining a relationship to the one that Ash and Pikachu share. Ash chatted with Pikachu, Staravia, and Eevee all day just catching up with each other. Staravia couldn't help but remember what happened only a week ago and she always giggled at whatever Ash said, even if he was being serious. Ash and the rest of his pokemon were happy to share some quality time with each other.

"Waaahh!" Ashley cried. Ugh. Ash loved his child, but he hated waking up in the middle of the night for her. He could barely take care of himself, let alone someone else. "Whatdya want? Are you hungry?" Ash asked hoping that this wouldn't take too long. Ashley nodded. "Well, then we need to get Jade, now don't we?" Ash said as he picked up his daughter and walked over to Jade's room. "Jade. Wake up honey. Ashley needs you." Ash whispered into Jade's ear while slightly nudging her to wake her up. "WHAT DO YOU WAAANT!" Jade yelled as she was obviously not a morning person. "Uhh, just, just wanted you to help. You are the only one who can feed Ashley." Ash stuttered as he tried to convince Jade to help. "Waaaahh." Ashley cried at Jade's temper. "It's ok baby. Come here, I'll feed you."

"Hey daddy, what are we going to do today?" Vair asked. "I don't know Vair, let's see what TV says about Twinleaf Town. It led us to that nice restaurant, eh Jade." Ash winked. He loved how he could talk about it without actually saying it. Jade didn't seem too happy about it. Ash turned up the volume on the TV to zone her out. "Now for the newest attraction in Twinleaf Town, the Twinleaf Town work-out gym. (I couldn't word this right because of a town gym is completely different from a work-out gym.) This new state-of-the-art facility has the best equipment to shape up pokemon and even trainers if they need it. Our staff will work with you to help you get to where you want to be. So what are you waiting for, com'on down." The newscaster said. "Hey Vair, do you want to come work-out with me. It could help your training." Ash urged Vair as Vair was already one step ahead of him and waiting at the doorway. "Hey Ajay, Pikachu, Brock, do you want to come too?" Ash asked. "It will be a guys retreat." They all agreed and were off without any further delay.

As they walked to the gym, they couldn't help but think of what they could become afterwards. Brock pictured himself ripped and having Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny hanging down from his massive biceps. Vair imagined getting stronger and him and Ash winning their first gym badge. And so on, so forth. They got there and had to crane their heads upward to see the whole building. They walked inside and could feel a nice burst of fresh air as they could feel the air-conditioning. Pikachu and Vair ran over to the treadmills and raced each other seeing who was the fastest. Ajay spotted the bench-press and felt right at home lifting the huge weights. Brock on the other hand, tried to show off to the girls. Ash, having never worked out before, didn't know what to do or where to start. "Do you need help?" A Nidoqueen asked. "Hi, my name is Claire. I work here and it seemed like you were lost. Have you ever done this before?" "Actually no. Could you help me?" Ash said. She too had a necklace with the prototype of the translator. Did Professor Rowan give these to every business in Twinleaf Town? "Well sure darling, but first, we need to stretch. Com'on, let's grab a mat and I'll show you how to loosen up." Claire pointed to the mats in the corner. Dang, he's cute. "Thank you." Ash said with a smile. She's really helpful, that ad wasn't kidding, Ash thought to himself.


The story switches from the guys to the girls throughout the story. Hope it doesn't confuse you


"Hey guys, just because the boys are out having fun doesn't mean we can't." Dawn shouted as she led everyone down the stairs. "Piplup, Buneary, let's go." Dawn yelled out throwing the pokeballs in the air. "Let's go shopping! I heard that Twinleaf Town has one of the biggest mini malls (oxymoron) in the whole Sinnoh region." Dawn shouted as she started running. "Well, I guess we have no choice." Jade told Ashley as she too began to run after Dawn.

- - -

"Ok, now one of the first things you'll want to do is stretch, so you won't hurt yourself. Without proper stretching technique, one can hurt themselves badly." Claire pointed out as Ash came back with a mat. "Now this first one, you have to take your arm and cross it over your body, yeah, that's it." As she showed the stretch, Ash tried to mimic her the best he could. "Ok, now you want to spread your legs and lift your left arm and touch your right shoe. Here, I'll show you." She said coming over to show him how to do it. She laughed to herself, "Like taking candy from a baby." She then proceeded in lifting Ash's arm and making it touch his right shoe. "It kind of hurts. Is it supposed to?" Ash asked as he could feel the pain in his right leg. "Yes. This is your muscles telling you that you are weak and need some help. Com'on, let's go lift some weights now." She told him escorting him to the free weights section of the gym.

- - -

When Dawn, Piplup, and Buneary got to the mall, they turned into 3 completely different people. They were... shopaholics. As Dawn and her pokemon went into crazy shopping mode, Jade and Ashley go looking for some clothes, as she saw all the humans where clothes. Also, she didn't want all these men staring at her as she walked down the halls of the enormous mall. She grabbed a whole arsenal of clothes she found that would cover up just enough that people wouldn't stare at her. While doing this, she found the sexiest dress she had ever seen. (Even though she didn't see a lot, this was one pretty hot dress.) She imagined Ash going bananas as she would come out of the bathroom with this on. Perfect. "How's the shopping going?" Dawn asked as she seemed to be a little calmer now. "Good. How do I purchase these? I've seen Ash have to pay for things and I have no money on me at all. But I really do need some clothes." She told Dawn as someone walked by her staring at her chest the whole time. "I hate pervs." "Don't worry, I'll pay for these." Dawn said as she went up to the counter to pay for everything. "Thank you so much Dawn." Jade told her after everything was bought. "No problem, what are friends for." Dawn replied as she handed Jade her bags.

- - -

"Ok Ash, now for squats, you have to keep your shoulders square and back straight as you motion like you are going to be sitting in a chair. After you go as low as you can get, come back up to where you started. Let me show you how it's done." She then went up to the bar and easily sat down, then back up just like she said. "Notice how I keep my back straight throughout." Claire pointed out. Stepping away from the bar, she told Ash, "Ok, now try 3 sets of 10 to start out with." "What?" Ash said confused by what Claire just instructed. "That basically means that you do 10 squats, 3 times." She told him. Wow, he really had never been working out before. She thought he at least knew what a set was. Ash then nervously went up to the bar and very slowly pulled it off the rack. As he went down, Claire came behind him saying, "Ok, remember to keep your back straight. There you go, now try a little bit lower this time, here, go down until you are sitting on my knee." Ash tried, but stopped at least 3 inches from her outstretched knee. "Com'on you can do it."

Ash's knees buckled underneath him. As he fell, Claire reached out even further making Ash land on her leg while the bar fell to the ground. "Thank you, but on the next exercise, can we take it down a notch? I do not have the muscle capacity of a strong Nidoqueen like yourself." He said as he waited for her next instruction. "Aw, you're too sweet. Before we go to the next exercise, do you need a drink?" She asked as she could she he was already beat just from stretching and a few minutes of soft calisthenics. "Thank you." Ash breathed heavily as he began to almost crawl over to the drinking fountain.

As he walked, very slowly, she watched him as she began to fantasize about him. This was cut short when she felt a tug on her athletic shorts. "Excuse me, miss. Where is your bathroom? It's an emergency." She turned to see Vair bouncing back and forth from one foot to the other. "Uhh, go out that door over there, then take a left down the first hallway you see. After that, it is the third door on the right." As she told him this, he was already halfway out the door. "Thank you kind lady." Vair yelled as he ran out the door. She turned back to see Ash waiting for his next exercise. "Ok Ash, let's work on..." she looked around as she tried to find a machine that she could 'help him' the most on. "Uhh, let's... do some sit-ups. Grab the mat you used earlier and meet me back here." Ash came back with the mat ready to do his exercises. "Now you know what sit-ups are, right?" She questioned. "Even I know what sit-ups are. So how many do you want me to do?" "We'll stick with as many as you can handle. We don't want another accident now do we?" She giggled as she said this. "I like your laugh, it's really cute." Ash complimented Claire as he got down on the mat. "Ok now let me see you technique." She asked him. Ash lifted his body with his abs up and down again with his hands on his chest. "Very good, ok now since you conquered that, how about you try it with your eyes closed. It may not sound like it changes things, but you'll be surprised at how it turns out to be." Claire once again laughed as her plan rolled into action. Ash looked bewildered for a second, then felt that if she told him, it must be true. So he closed his eyes and pulled up to perform his sit-up, only there was an object in his way. He opened his eyes to find the Nidoqueen kissing him. Ash couldn't believe what was happening.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Ash flared up as he, once again, had another person make moves on him. It was like everywhere he went, the girls, (pokemon girls that is), were attracted to him. "I'm taken, thank you very much." Ash said. "O my, I'm so sorry, I wouldn't have dared to if I knew you weren't single. It's just that many guys who come in here are single and they are just trying to show off to the ladies." They both turned to see Brock flirting with yet another girl. "I see your point, but either way, there are better approaches to finding out if someone is single other than kissing them and see how it turns out." "I'm so sorry, I should have known you were taken. No guy like you could stay single for long. When am I ever going to meet the right guy?" She asked looking up at the ceiling.

"If you need it, I'm always here." Brock said as he ran up to her. "Your beauty can only be matched by your awesome physique! Please go out with me." Brock asked as he did this for the tenth time today. Claire was still a little shocked at how Brock's outgoing qualities. "He may not look like it, but Brock is an awesome guy. Give him a chance." Ash whispered to Claire. Claire, now hearing from Ash that Brock was a good guy, happily answered, "Yes." Brock stood there dumbfounded. He had never had a girl say yes to him before. He knew this day would come, but he wasn't prepared for it. "Uhh, great. Do you want to help me work out? I've just got done working my glutes. (I hope that is how you spell that, either way, you know what I mean.) She laughed as she followed him to the other machines. "Wait for me!" Ash yelled. He still wanted to get bigger and now he just lost his trainer. Claire laughed as she watched both Brock and Ash try and out-lift each other on every machine. After an hour of their contests, Claire easily showed them up by lifting twice as much as they were lifting, combined.

This continued until everyone was done working out. "Hey Brock, I'll catch up with you guys after I finish up here." Claire waved to us as she went back to work. Ajay seemed pretty satisfied with what he accomplished. Vair and Pikachu not only were dead tired, but acted like it too. Ash carried Vair as Brock carried Pikachu. Ash could barely hold his son up after his tiring work-out. Also, it wasn't like Vair was the tiniest Lucario around. He weighed in at around 90 lbs while Ash only weighed in at 120 lbs. He almost dropped him by the time they got back to the Twinleaf Town hotel. They all took the elevator except for Ajay because even after working-out as hard as he was, he still had a ton of energy. The boys all went into their rooms as they laid on their beds trying not to move a muscle in their body. As Ash was walking into his room, Dawn stepped out and slapped him across the face.

"How could you?" Uh-oh, did they find out about him and Staravia? "How could I what?" he replied hoping it was something completely different. "You know exactly what you did, kissing another girl at the gym. I thought you were better than that." She said as she hung her head in shame at ever trusting Ash. "What, you mean Claire, she was just helping me train, and then she kissed me in a sneak attack. I never wanted to kiss her. Wait, how do you even know about that? Where's Jade? He asked as he tried once again to get into his room. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, she is awfully upset right now. The only person she wants in there is Ashley. She won't even let me in." Dawn explained. "I didn't believe it at first, but that is what we saw." "No, it wasn't like that. She kissed me and then I pulled her off me. She is going out with Brock now." Ash said as he tried telling his side of the story. "Go ask Brock if you don't believe me." "It's not me you have to convince, it's Jade." And with that, Dawn left to the privacy of her own room.

Ash waited there for a while dwelling on what Dawn had just told him. After a while of deep thought, Ash reacted. "Honey, let me explain." He heard excessive crying coming from the other side of the door. "No Ash, just leave me alone. I don't want to even hear you right now." "Bu..." Ash tried to save before he was but off. "Save it, it won't work. You'll have a better chance in the morning. Com'on, I have an open bed." Brock said as he showed comfort to Ash. "No Brock, I have to wait here and show Jade that I care. I'll wait right here until she is ready to look at me, let only hear me out." Ash said as he turned his back to the door and slid down until he hit the floor. "Suit yourself, just remember, my room will be open if you change your mind." Brock said as he went back into his room. Ash just sat there all night thinking about what to say to Jade without getting slapped too awfully much.

Claire came up the steps and walked up to Ash. "What are you doing out here? Did you get locked out of your room?" She asked concerned. "Well, I'm actually out here because of you. This is why I'm out here. It's all because of you!" he screamed as he turned away from the now stunned Nidoqueen. She then began pounding on the door to Ash's room trying very hard to hit just hard enough to make a proper sound, but not too much as to break the door. "Claire, what are you doing?" Ash yelled as he took some steps back just in case Claire broke down the doors making them shatter into millions of tiny chunks of wood.

Jade finally answered the door very furious. "You, how dare you show your face around here? Do you want to see the family you are breaking up? Here, look at my beautiful 2 and a half week old baby daughter. You happy now." Jade screamed still mad as hell. "Wait, just here me out." Claire begged as she knew any false move could end badly. "Why should I even be listening to you?" Jade asked in a rhetorical question. "Because she has something important to say. Just hear her out." Ash yelled back at his wife. He hated doing this, but he knew it was the only way that stood a chance at working. "Ok, you have 10 seconds. 9." Jade began counting down. "It wasn't Ash's fault. I kissed him because I thought he was single. He pulled away from me the instant he knew what was happening. I would have never done it if I knew that he had such a wonderful family like you." She crammed into the remaining 8 seconds. Claire was still heavily breathing as she tried regaining her breath. "If you don't believe her, ask Brock, he saw everything." Ash pointed out. "No, it's alright. I trust you. But Ash, I know that everywhere you go, people are going to like you. I can't stop that. But you have to be able to recognize that and explain to them that you already have a family before something like this happens again.

"Jade, the only reason I went there was because I wanted to become stronger. When I had to watch as Vair and Ajay squared off it was horrifying. You don't know what it's like seeing someone you love being beaten and you have no power to help them. Yes, you were tired, but you still had the potential to kick his ass. I wanted to protect my family, help them. They always help me and there is nothing I can do to thank them." Ash explained to Jade. "You think you don't help us? You may not help us during fights, but you help us in every other aspect of life. You were the person that I finally opened up to and told about Ajay in the first place. I feel protected when you're around because I know that you will always be able to help me up when I fall. Don't you ever say you don't help this family. You are the person who helps the most. Don't you ever forget that." Jade replied.

"Claire right?" Jade paused as she waited Claire's answer. "Yes, my name is Claire Stockholm, (Again, a rushed name. No internet now so I am stuck with whatever pops out of my crazy mind.) and I am a fitness trainer at the Twinleaf Town work-out emporium, or at least I used to be. I quit deciding that I want to travel with you guys and the gang. You see, me and Brock, we are kind of dating now." Claire blushed as she said this. "You and Brock." Jade couldn't help but laugh as she imagined the sight of the two together. "Hey now Jade, don't laugh. It's not polite. Claire, I think it's great that you decided to give Brock a chance." Ash said. "It is his first time for him and he needs a girl with him right now." "Well, to tell you the truth, this is my first time dating too. I've heard about 'dating' before but never actually thought someone would ask me out. "What, a pretty girl like you?" Ash complimented Claire. Jade stomped on his foot when Claire turned the other way blushing. "Well then, I guess I'll see you in the morning." Claire added as she ran towards Brock's bedroom.

"Hey Claire, you wanna room with me. I'm pretty lonely since Jade left to sleep with Ash." Dawn asked sneaking out from behind her door. "Well, sure. You seem like a nice girl. All of you seem really nice." Claire said tearing up, "Thank you all so much." She then ran into Dawn's room and jumped onto the bed, causing it to crash onto the floor. As everyone ran up to help her, she just laughed as she felt right at home with her new friends.


I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for reading and please don't forget to review all my chapters so I can develop as a writer. The minute it takes you to reflect on what you just read really helps me and let's me build on my writing skills so every chapter improves as I go. Again, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the future chapters to come.
Chapter End Notes:Hope you like it and please review. Got to go
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