AGNPH Stories

Pokemon: Rise of the Pokemorph by the_shadow_master_of_wea


Brock has a Girl

Pokemon: Rise of the Pokemorph

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Only the idea and OC's. The OC called Jennifer however belongs to Catsithx.

Author Notes:

-- This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.

= = = = = = This will identify where each paragraph breaks.


Beta reader: Catsithx

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Chapter 9: Brock has a Girl

Another few days had passed since Ash had bought the ring, but he was still clueless about how he was going to ask Misty to marry him. The sun was bright and the air was cool. With it being a Sunday, the Gym was closed. Misty had decided to take it easy because with the next Indigo plateau tournament coming up in a just over a month, every trainer who had not yet gotten their badge was in a hurry to get it. This happened every year during the last few weeks before the tournament started. In the last week alone, she had to deal with eight challengers, five of which had earned their badge. The other three would be showing up again with in the week to try again.

"Hey guys, I'm heading out. I'll be taking a walk." Jeremy announced and of course, Melody was by his side. It had taken some time, but she wasn't grasping onto Jeremy like she normally had been. She still held his arm of course, but she now gave him the room to free move about unhindered. Jeremy also had a Pokeball with him. Ash deciding that it would be best to discuss some ideas about his proposal some place away from Misty, Jeremy decided to go with him. Pikachu had agreed to come as well.

The group of four had chosen to take a walk out to the forest. Jeremy grabbed the Pokeball he had and threw it into the air releasing his Riolu, Ricky for some much needed exercise. Sure, Ricky had been given free reign in the gym, but there really wasn't enough room for him to truly move about there and exercise as he wanted.

"Ok Ricky, don't stray too far." Jeremy informed his friend letting him explore the forest. Ricky nodded his head showing that he had understood the rules and stretched a bit before jumping into the trees to explore. While Ricky could easily understand human speech, Jeremy however was not able to speak his tongue. He may have had Lucario DNA in him, but that did not let him speak Riolu.

"Hey Jeremy over here this looks like a good spot to rest." Ash pointed out as they found a calm clearing and decided to rest a bit. A fallen tree and a large flat rock provided flat spaces to sit upon. A small stream full of clear water divided the clearing in two and feed in a lake just a short distance from the clearing.

"Yea, what is it?" Jeremy took a seat on the fallen tree with Melody by his side.

"I need some help." Ash said as he took a seat on the rock. Pikachu hopped down from his shoulder and decided to explore the area a bit.

"And what kind of help do you need?" Jeremy asked. Melody had turned around to look at the lake behind her. A Magikarp or Goldeen would breach the surface and jump up only to land back in the water.

"I'm not sure how to propose to Misty." Ash admitted.

"Hmm. Yea. I'm not sure how I can help. If you think of something, I'll give you some help setting it up, but asking me how to propose." Jeremy knew very little on the subject at hand.

"I might just have to ask Brock." Ash said.

"You mean Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader?" Jeremy questioned.

"Yea, that the one." Ash told him.

"Isn't he the guy who goes crazy every time a girl step into the room? From what Misty had told me, he's not exactly my first choice to ask about proposing to someone. He doesn't have a great track record with women." Jeremy recalled the details about how Misty was always dragging Brock away.

"I see your point." Ash thought it over and quickly came to the conclusion that maybe Brock wasn't the best choice to ask for advice.

The two of them began talking and after a while, an idea had been formed. It would take a day or two to set up, but it would be worth it.

The main problem was how was he going to propose. Of course Ash had seen others propose before while traveling on his pokemon journey. To see it happen and actually doing it were two different things. He looked at Jeremy with a pleading look on his face. "What you want me to help you with Ash?" Jeremy stated giving Ash a confused look.

"Look Jeremy I am a bit nervous about this I need to practice with someone on proposing." Ash replied.

"Uh you're a good friend but I don't feel I should help you with that. How about Misty sisters, they would love to help you with this." Smiling proudly at himself at this idea.

Ash sighed. "They would never keep it a secret from Misty. They're her sisters they would run over there and tell her that I was going to ask her to marriage."

"Let's use the others to help you with this like the Pokemon." Jeremy points over to the others as they're having fun. Ash looks at them. Of course Ricky and Pikachu were out of the question to short it would be awkward. He thought of Bayleaf and would it be all right to use her. Then he remember how much she loved him. She might take it the wrong way and think he is proposing to her. Then it hits him "Hey Jeremy how about Melody can you get her to do this for me."

"Well that's up to her if she wants to do it" He looks over at Melody who simply nods her head to agree to this. With an excited look on his face Ash leads Melody to an old log and had Melody sit there while he kneels before her and gets the ring out. "Ok I fought Gym Leaders, other trainers, Team Rocket, and many others. So why am I so scared to do this." Ash thinks to himself.

Melody looks at Ash for a second before using her ability to see aura to sense his fear. She actually surprised by this. She looks at Jeremy. 'Is he ok? I sense great fear over something.'

Jeremy looks over at Melody. "I'll explain it to you later ok just go along for now, ok." She tilts her head, a bit of a confused look on her face but shrugs knowing Jeremy wouldn't do nothing to harm her in anyway.

At this time Pikachu and Ricky stop playing noticing the others are doing something else. So both of them run over to see what's up. The two of them make it over just in time to hear Ash's question. "Will you marry me Misty?" Ricky just has a look of confusion on his face. While Pikachu's jaw almost drops to the ground. Traveling with Ash for as long as she has, she understands the ritual for humans finding mates. She's heard Brock and Misty talk about it many times over meals they have had. Its just Pikachu never though her trainer would ever do something like this mostly, because he has been into training over the years and trying to catch Pokemon.

For some odd reason Melody starts to giggle at Ash. To her this was a weird ritual that humans did. Her family told her that if a male Lucario wanted a female to be their mate they would do some feat of strength or be challenge for that female and she would choose her mate that way. She always wonders what her mate would be like as she looks at Jeremy. She realizes then that Jeremy is her perfect mate. Always kind to her despite how she was when they first met. He never asked nothing of her always was there for her. "Melody, are you alright?" Jeremy asked slightly confused. "Listen, Ash really needs your help with this."

Embarrassed by this she simple lowers her head in shame realizing that she did say she would help. It was just that this simple action got her thinking about her love of Jeremy and how perfect she thought he was.

"Ok one more time hopefully she will actually help pay attention. Here we go." He takes Melody's paw and looks up into her eyes trying to imagine Misty sitting there. " Misty will you marry me." He pulls out the ring from his pocket.

Going along with it Melody says yes. Of course Ash not understanding her language, all he hears is "Lu."

As Melody blushes a bit, Jeremy translates for Ash. "She said yes."

"I guess this will have to do then cause I don't think I can get anymore prepared than this." Ash sighs as he gets up.

Pikachu, unable to believe at this point was struck in awe, but quickly started shouting her view on the matter. 'Are you serious? She's nice at times, but think of the all trouble she's caused.' Pikachu started, but of course Ash wasn't able to speak her native tongue either. 'She used to beat you up for the smallest of reasons and made a big deal out of everything.' Upon seeing Ash's confused face, she turned to Jeremy. 'Translate this for me.' She demanded.

Jeremy just raised his hands up showing he wanted to keep his involvement on this argument to a minimal. "I'll translate but his word is final." Jeremy stated.

After the next minute of Jeremy translating for Pikachu, Ash looked down as his friend with a look of surprise. Yes, Misty had a mean streak, but he did care for her. Over the last few months she hadn't shown malice towards him and had even shown a mass of kindness. Her beatings were now saved for the largest of things and even then, there were small. Ash just smiled as he replied to Pikachu's questions of doubt. "Yes Pikachu this will be different. I do love her more than anything; I was just too blind to realize it before. I want to be there for her. After all this time and everything we have been through, I need her and this is the only way I see that I can be with her all the time."

Pikachu simply looks at his oldest friend with a look of amazement. She had only seen this determination in Ash only when he went for a tournaments or Gym battles. Seeing this look gave her a strange sense of confidence that things might just work out. Realizing that he was serious, she simply nods her head and shouts out a loud "PIKA." Before even Jeremy says anything Ash raises his hand to stop Jeremy from translating. "I know what she said. I have known her long to understand that." He smiles down at Pikachu. "Well I need to find a place to propose to her now."

Jeremy walks over to Melody and sits next too her as she snuggles up to Jeremy. "How about the sisters Gym I am sure they wouldn't mind."

Ash shakes his head in rejection at the idea. "Knowing them they would want to be there when I propose to her, but I doubt I could do it with them giggling and stuff. No I am thinking about a restaurant somewhere I can be away from everyone. I guess I'll ask Brock see if he knows someone who can help me with this. We could go to his gym and ask him directly instead of calling him. It would be nice to see him again."

Jeremy looks Ash as he gently rubs behind Melody's left ear causing her to smile. "From all the stories I have heard of him I would love to meet this guy to see if he is as you all said girl crazy as you both from your stories."

Deciding that it was time to start heading back, everyone started to head back to the gym. Jeremy continued to talk with Ash on the way about a few things concerning the proposal.

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By the time the group had returned to the gym, Ricky had worn himself out with all of his exercise so Jeremy carried him the rest of the way back. Just as the group had walked back into the gym, Misty greeted them. "Ash you are not going to believe this, but Brock is headed out this way in a few days. His gym is down; the last challenger took out the lights. But that's not the big news." Misty informed Ash.

"Wait, why would he be coming out here?" Ash asked.

"He has someone he wants us to meet. And he says that she tracked him down at his gym." Misty said.

"Hold on, you mean that he actually found a girl?" Ash asked unable to believe what Misty had told him.

"Maybe he's not as bad as you though?" Jeremy noted.

"Oh no, he was always like that." Misty replied. Jeremy just shrugged it off since he couldn't confirm or deny anything having only heard stories.

"So, when is he getting here?" Ash asked.

"He called shortly after you left, so it can't be too much longer." Misty explained.


Brock arrived just as the sun was starting to set. The jeep Brock had purchased a while back to help move supplies to and from the gym was a slightly battered thing given the nature of the jobs it performed. There on the doors was a picture of his gym badge, the Boulder Badge. Just like always, his hair was well kept and his eyes were barely open making them look closed. He wore a decent jacket, green in color with a dark brown pair of pants. Under his jacket was a brown shirt.

Walking over to the passenger door, Brock stops to take look at Ash and Misty. "Guys, I'd like you meet Jennifer."

As Brock opened the door, Jennifer stepped out. She was just shorter then Brock, her eyes showed a kindness that Ash and Misty were familiar with. Her long purple hair was tied up in a single ponytail that rested over her shoulder. She didn't wear anything too special, just a pink T-shirt and a pair of jeans, both of which had shown some signs of where and tear. "Hi, you must Ash and Misty." She smiled.

"So, are you really Brock's girlfriend?" Misty asked surprised to see the alleged female friend of Brock's.

"Yep, we got together about a week ago." She replied.

"I never would have thought it could happen." Ash stated.

"So this is Brock?" Jeremy stated as he walked out of the gym with Melody holding his hand as usual.

"And who is this?" Brock asked.

"I'm Jeremy." Jeremy informed Brock nodding his head. Jennifer just gave him a strange look.

"So, you're Jeremy. Ash and Misty have told a bit about you. I really hope that you get your memory back one day." Brock stated.

"Thanks. I've also heard a lot about you." Jeremy stated.

"Well, let's hear it." Misty moved toward Jennifer. "How did you two meet?"

"Well, I first met him here in Kanto on my way to meet up with some of my family in Pewter City. It wasn't a real meeting or anything, but while I was in Pewter City, I just kept kinda bumping into him." Jennifer stated. "He look so ruggedly handsome I couldn't help but to fall in love with him."

Brock blushes at bit at hearing this. "Well you know I do look very handsome." He strikes a quick pose to make himself look a bit cooler.

Misty no longer able to contain herself busts out laughing at this. Everyone turns and looks at her trying not to fall over from the laughter that she is trying to contain. "Oh please Brock you were throwing your self at every girl we came across. Every female trainer, officer Jenny and Nurse Joy that we came across."

Brock looks a hot under the collar for a second as Jennifer looks at him knowingly. "I know I was there the one time he was hitting on officer Jenny. He was trying his hardest to woo her with his charm. I thought that was cute. No matter how hard he tried he never gave up on what he wanted. I guess that's what drew me to him. Someone who wanted to get they wanted."

Misty still giggling a bit. "So how did you finally get him to notice you?"

"I challenged him to a gym battle. At first he destroyed my first Pokemon a Vulpix." Jennifer stated.

"Then she cheated." Brock said.

Ash looked at Brock " What do you mean cheated Brock?"

Brock blushed at this "She was wearing such tight clothes I couldn't help but stare and I started to make mistakes throughout the battle. Which ended up a loss for me. After that she had asked me if I wanted to go out for a celebration for her win. After that we hit it off."

Jennifer hugs him from behind "Yep we an item after a few dates."

At this Misty stop laughing, "You really do love him don't you."

Jennifer looked towards Misty "Yeah but I had to build up the courage to talk with him. For that matter, I had to work up the guts to have a gym battle with him. I was afraid that I wasn't his type after all the women I saw him flirting with all the time"

While Misty and Jennifer were talking Jeremy was looking closely at Jennifer. Ash noticed this. "What's wrong Jeremy you're kinda staring a bit hard there."

"Is it me Ash or does she look like a cross between officer Jenny and Nurse Joy." Jeremy replied.

Ash looked at Jennifer for a second watching her laughing at one of Misty's jokes about Brock. He sees some of Nurse Joy's facial features with the eyes and hair color that of officer Jenny. The main difference was the hair even though it was purple it was more of a long flowing style different than either Joy or Jenny. "Yeah I see what you mean Jeremy. I do see a resemblance between them. It's just that she seems to have hew own style to set her apart from them."

"I know it's just ironic how much she seems to look like them both. I guess in a sense you could say Brock got both girls he has been chasing all this time in one girl." Jeremy laughed.

Melody looks over confused by what Ash and Jeremy are talking about and looks at the girl in question. She sees nothing special about her. Then again this girl is human not a Lucario so it's hard to see what is so special about her. Since Lucarios pick there mates thought feats of strengths and scent. Physical appearances are little in value. With humans she has noticed over the last few weeks that they go off appearance more than anything in most cases.

Melody shook her head a bit at this. She didn't choose Jeremy for his looks, but sure he is nice looking for a human in a sense. But there something about Jeremy that she that gives her a sense a safety that she feels around him. She hasn't felt this way since she was with her family. With that thought she grips Jeremy's arm tighter as if she were to let go he would leave her forever.

Brock glances over to see Melody griping Jeremy' arm tighter. "Looks like you have a special bond with your Lucario. I haven't one since I was in Sinnoh Region. They're kind of rare around here, but from what I have read about them they tend to be close to their trainers."

"No she's not mine I found her a while ago. Team Rocket was trying to catch her I simply just made sure they didn't." Jeremy explained.

"Wow a wild Lucario who travels on her own free will with a human. That's something you don't hear everyday." Brock stated. "You must really be special to her."

"Come on, Daisy is finishing up the meal we started." Jeremy stated turning back toward the gym.

"I can't wait to try your cooking Jeremy. From what Misty tells me, we're in the same league." Brook replied leading the way for Jennifer.

"So I've been told." Jeremy answered.

= = = = = =

Dinner went over without any problems. The group talked for a while longer before at last, everyone was starting to get ready for bed. Brock was given one of the spare bedrooms to share with Jennifer. Jeremy was on his way to the kitchen for a quick drink of water. With Melody already asleep, he figured he might as well walk around some more since he wasn't quite tired yet.

As he entered the kitchen, he was quick to put his hat back on seeing Brock and Jennifer there. While Brock was getting a pair of glasses, Jennifer was bent over and in the fridge.

"Oh, hey Jeremy." Brock greeted him as he entered. "Just like Ash." Brook shook his head a bit with a smile.

"What?" Jeremy asked confused by the comment.

"Most of the time unless Ash was sleeping, he wore his hat." Brook replied.

"Okay." Jeremy reached up and got himself a glass just a Brook moved over to Jennifer.

"They sure do have a lot juice here." Jennifer commented as she stood up with a bottle of orange juice in her hands.

"Well, given the fact that not all Misty's Pokemon are fish, she needs to keep a lot of drinks on hand. All those non water types need something to drink." Jeremy replied.

"He has a point." Brock stated as he poured two glasses of orange juice.

"Wouldn't water be the more logical choice." Jennifer asked. Sure, she would give her Pokemon a fruit drink at times, but that was more of a special then anything else.

"The Pokemon here all do their best. So Misty treats them well in return." Jeremy explained.

"I still don't get that though." Jennifer said.

"She just doesn't see Pokemon with the same eye as we do." Brock said.

A sudden frightened howl caught everyone's attention. Jeremy was quick to take off easily impressing Brock and Jennifer with his speed leaving them behind.

He came to a rough stop at the door the room Misty had given him and charged in. There on the bed was Melody, her face showing deep signs of fear. She rushed over to Jeremy and latched onto him tightly breathing hard. "What happened?" Jeremy asked.

'I had a...a dream. I was back in that lab again.' She cried out.

"Alright, calm down." Jeremy told her in a soft voice.

Brock and Jennifer showed up in time to see Jeremy comforting Melody. Misty and Ash were the next to show with Ruby on their tail and a number of Pokemon.

'I was scared that they caught me again.' Melody cried recalling the horror able images from her dream.

"What happened?" Ash demanded.

"Melody had a bad dream." Jeremy stated forgetting that Brock and Jennifer were there. "You remember what she told us when we found her." Jeremy stated.

"Hold on, you mean to tell me that you can understand her?" Brock asked.

Thinking quickly, Jeremy pointed to Ruby. "Ruby, my Latias is a Psychic type. She can translate." Jeremy shot Ruby a quick look telling her to go along with his quick story. Ruby just nodded in response as Brock looked over at here.

"First a wild Lucario, then a Latias. You really seem to know what you're doing Jeremy." Brock commented.

Jennifer just looked on with a confused look as everyone decided to trust Jeremy's claim that it was just a bad dream. Melody looked fine and there wasn't really wrong with her as she cried into Jeremy's chest.

"I don't get it." Jennifer said as she starting walking back to her room with Brock.

"What is it you don't get?" Brock asked.

"Why a person would be that close to their Pokemon, much less a wild one." Jennifer explained.

"From what I'm told about, he really cares for others. As for forming a bond like that, it comes from working with your Pokemon for so long in most cases. Take Ash and Pikachu for instance." Brock stated having told Jennifer a lot about them the two.

"I still don't get it though." Jennifer replied.

"You will if you spend enough time with me and my Pokemon." Brock stated.
Chapter End Notes:Once again, you can all thank Catsithx for helping be with this chapter. And no, I'm not dead yet
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