AGNPH Stories

Legend of the Crimson Lucario by the_shadow_master_of_wea


Meeting an Ally

Legend of the Crimson Lucario

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, never have, never will. Only the idea and OC's belong to me.

Author Notes:
-- This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.
xXx This will identify where each paragraph breaks.

Beta reader: Catsithx


Chapter 1: Meeting an Ally

A single dark figure walked along the forest path. The cloak it wore covered most of its short body. It couldn't have stood more then four and half feet tall as it walked. There was no wind and the cloak lightly dragged on the ground behind the figure. The only light came from the full moon. Its silver light lit up the area well as the forest canopy barely covered the path that went through it. The lone figure walked on showing no signs of stopping. The hood of its cloak concealed the wearer's face well. The person, whoever he or she was walked on almost like a ghost making no sounds as they walked. Up ahead was the first town for a long ways. The stone buildings were barely lit by the moon, but the city's wooden walls were clearly seen. The port is the city was quite calm and there were no ships visible for now. The figure walked along unaware of those that followed them.

In the trees along side the path, several bandits laid in wait for the right moment to strike. Each one wore light leather armor and carried a small weapon like a knife or a club. Thinking this would be an easy target, they waited until they got to a clearing before waking out of the trees. The figure stopped and looked around slowly, its hood turning with its head making it impossible for thieves to see who they were robbing.

"I'll make this easy. There are many of us and just one of you. Give up whatever valuables you got and we won't hurt you." The bandit leader stepped forward. The cloaked figure turned to face him. The bandit leader was still young, maybe in their early twenties. He had long dark hair and red eyes. A smile was firmly placed across his face. He wore simple armor meant for movement rather then real defense, not to say that the armor couldn't take a few hits. On his belt was a long skinny blade, very thin and flexible.

"You wouldn't hurt me would you?" the figure asked in a female voice.

"Would you listen to that. I think we might have a real prize here boys." The leader shouted at which the bandits all whistled. "So what is a young gal like yourself doing out at this hour?" He slowly approached the figure. Beneath the hood, the figure slowly picked up a grin on its snout, although the bandit couldn't see it.

"Nothing much, just walking to the next town." The figure replied in the same innocent female voice as before.

The bandit leader was now within reach of the figure and he slowly removed his rapier. He gently lifted up the hood to see something far from what he had thought he had found. The blue and black head of the jackal known as a Lucario was revealed in the bright moonlight as the hood was lifted. The jackal had a large grin on his face showing his front most set of long crimson fangs. A single circular crimson gemstone grew out of its head just above its large silver eyes.

"Now what is this?" the bandit leader asked. "What are you, some kind of witch?"

"No. I'm so much more." The Lucario replied with a slightly deep, male voice this time.

"Worthless beast. I'll teach you to mess with me." The bandit leader drew his blade back and thrust it forward. Before he had time to react, the Lucario had countered throwing his open palm into the chest of the bandit leader. The bandit leader was thrown back a few feet, but still remained standing. The Lucario's hand was back in the cloak before anyone could register what had happened; his now crimson eyes reflected the moonlight brightly adding a crimson glow to the light that they reflected.

"Boss." Many of the bandits looked at the Lucario before them. Other then the grin on his face, there were no signs to show what emotion if any he was feeling.

"Let me make this quick." The Lucario pulled out a small sack from under his cloak. "I'm almost out of gold. And looking at your belts, I see that you have plenty. Give me thirty gold coins and I'll let you live without as much as a scratch given to you." The Lucario looked around. "That's a fair price to ask in return for attacking me like that."

A few of the bandits just looked at the Pokemon like he was crazy. The Lucario just sighed.

"The first one of you to attack me as of now will lose their entire purse and possibly a hand." The Lucario threatened. "Any further attacks made against me will result in the loss of more gold and several broken limbs." One of the bandits stepped forward.

"Let me handle him boss." The bandit asked.

"If you're going to fight then let me show you what you'll be fighting against." The Lucario raised one open hand outward, the crimson spike on his wrist started glowing as a large red orb of energy gathered in front of his hand. The Lucario fired the attack, a small crimson aura sphere toward a tree, which nearly splintered the entire trunk of the tree on impact. "I'll not hold back if any of you attack me." The bandits looked at the tree. The leader smiled.

"Boys, take him alive. This beast will fetch a handsome price at any beast auction." The bandit leader shouted.

"Have it your way, just remember. I gave you a chance." The Lucario stood in the middle of the ring of fourteen bandits as they slowly closed in around him.

"Demon Art: Violent Cyclone." The Lucario said with a very calm relaxed voice. These words seemed like meaningless gibberish at first and bandits laughed making sarcastic comments about the fact that the Lucario thought it was a demon. That is until the wind picked up. The wind came in from all directions circling the Lucario, although his cloak was unmoved by the wind. The winds continued to collect around the Lucario as his blue skin slowly changed color. By the time in which the winds were finished collecting around the Lucario, his skin that had once been blue now matched his wrist spike and the gemstone a top his forehead.

"Release." This one word was all it took to set loose the wind that had gathered around him. It looked like a wave of dust because of all the dust and dirt that the winds had picked up off of the ground whilst gathering around the Lucario. The wave of wind flew outward and as it passed the bandits, it dealt savage, but non-lethal blows to them cutting them in several areas across their body as well as removing several moneybag from the belts of those who had tried to capture the Lucario. Just as fast as it had happened, the winds died down leaving a once again blue Lucario standing in the middle of a ring of bandits.

"Have you had enough or shall I show you more of my powers." The Lucario asked. "My name is Hellstorm for a reason. Your lucky I have developed some control over my own power... otherwise many of you could be dead right now."

"Let's get out of here." The bandit leader shouted. All at once, all of the bandits turned and high tailed it out of the clearing.

The Lucario returned his hood to its upright position that covered his face whispering a slient spell. He started walking as the moneybag suddenly flew toward him. The Lucario took a few coins from each bag until his own moneybag had a fair deal of gold, silver, and bronze in it. He tied up the rest of the bags and put them all on his belt. However, he only tied his own money to the right side of his belt and tied the rest to the left side. "The next city will be quite happy to receive such a generous gift for the hospital, church and orphanage." The Lucario walked on once again. He would make it to the city below by dawn if he kept up his current pace.


The rest of the night proved calm and relaxing even with the howls of the nocturnal pokemon. As he neared the town, he very quietly chanted a spell. Removing his hood, he looked down into the calm stream that the bridge he was on was crossing. He looked down and smiled. His spell had worked for now. Instead of a Lucario looking down into the water, there was the head of young man, maybe nineteen or possibly twenty. He had dark black hair, but his eyes remained the same silver color they were. He walked up to gate to the city.

The wooden walls weren't meant to keep out invading armies as this was large trade city most likely watched by whoever owned the large mansion on the nearby hill. These walls were meant to keep out wild Pokemon and other such things that could affect the dialy lives of those within. The mansion probably belonged to a knight or noble family, which could hire some muscle to keep watch over the city.

"May I help you sir?" A guard asked as the Lucario disguised as a human walked up. The guard wore light plate armor and held a long spear with a rounded hooked blade at the end.

"I'm just passing through." The Lucario said as he walked closer.

"Might I ask for some identification please? There have been rumors of bandits in the area." The guard asked.

"Those bandits you spoke of attacked me last night. While I fought them off, one of them must have made off with my moneybag that held my papers. I managed to snag a few of their moneybags though so I managed to keep a fair some of money and then some." The Lucario replied.

The guard thought it over for a seconds before replying. "Oh very well, go on. You don't look like the troublesome type."

"I do have one question. Are there any rules for casters in this city?" The Lucario asked.

"Just don't go causing mischief with what magic you know. We're a simple trade town and we don't want trouble." The guard replied.

The Lucario walked into the city and returned his hood to its resting spot above his head. As he walked several merchants had tried to get his attention and did their best to get him to come and look at their stalls in the market square. Finally, something caught his eye, or his nose to be more precise. The sweet aroma of meat roasting in a sweet sauce caught his attention as he looked around to find the source. Ever since Hellstorm had come to whatever time he was in, he was always surprised to see just how many different foods there and how many different ways there were to cook them.

In the world Hellstorm grew up in, Earth only had two major landmasses, both of which were harsh deserts. He lived under a forty-three hour day, which made the current twenty-four hour one he was currently living in real easy to live by. The cooler climate was also much better then the hot dry heat of the desert. Also notable was the fact that he was now never at a loss for food. However, just as there were benefits to what time he now lived in, there were also drawbacks. In his time, it was common for humans and Pokemon to work and live hand in hand under the command of a single alpha whose word was law. In this time, most humans of whatever kingdom he was in treated Pokemon as nothing more then slaves or beasts to command. There were exceptions, but not many. A Lucario of his intelligence was unheard of and he knew he had to be careful not to let too many learn of his blood. What made it even more crucial that he hide his identity was the fact that he could use both magic and demon arts, something that was thought impossible and forbidden for Pokemon to learn. Hellstorm was unsure if he had gone back in time or been pushed into the future. Either way, it was a time of knights and ninjas, magic and demons. Some thing one would read out of some fairy tale or adventure book.

Hellstorm looked around some more before he finally found the source of the smell that had attracted him. He drew back his hood once more to reveal the same human head as earlier. "I'd like a small order of that wondrous meat that I smell please." Hellstorm pointed to large rack of meat that was cooking over a large fire in the back of the restaurant that he had entered.

"Take a seat and I'll be right out with some of that steak. Would you like a drink to go with it?" The waitress asked, her simple serving clothing gave her some room to twist and turn, but closely hugged her body. She was still young and flat for the most, but Hellstorm swore he saw a girl from his time when looking at her.

"I'll take something light, nothing that may affect my thinking later on. I do have some work that needs to be done." Hellstorm said.

"I know just the thing. We just got a shipment of herbal teas in this morning. I'll make some up then." The waitress heading into the back and began to make the tea while Hellstorm found a small table close to the back in a corner.

The waitress came out a few seconds later with a large cup of tea and a small portion of the steak that had brought Hellstorm to the restaurant in the first place. Hellstorm looked at waitress for a second and realized that while she may have looked like his childhood friend, she was not.

"Thank you very much. How much for the meal?" Hellstorm asked.

"Thirty-eight bronze coins please." She responded.

"Here ya go." Hellstorm dug out some coins and handed them to the girl. Thanks to the spell he had cast earlier, his entire body looked human. Hellstorm ate slowly making sure to savor each and every bite. Never before had he tasted something so good. He drank his tea slowly before leaving.

On his way out, noticed someone following him. He made his twisting and turning through the crowds as he put his hood back up. Who ever was following him was not going to give up easily. Hellstorm made a quick turn down an empty ally way. He felt who ever was following him do the same. He made a quick turn down a dead end and jumped up high onto the roof of the buildings that had made up the walls of the alley. He looked down to see lone figure walk down the same dead end he had turned into. The figure was cloaked much like he was, but Hellstorm's cloak was much simpler. Whoever this mysterious person was, they had a fancy black and red cloak and stood at least a foot taller then Hellstorm. Hellstorm jumped down without making a sound. The figure turned to leave but found Hellstorm blocking them in.

"For what purpose did you follow me?" Hellstorm asked his hood rose over his head even though he had taken a human's appearance.

"You're a hard person to track down. I see why, caster." The figure replied. "I was told to personally follow you and give you an invite to the manor on the hill."

"And why should I answer anyone's summons?" Hellstorm asked.

"Because my master knows what you are and merely wishes to talk. Besides, I could just go tell the city guard that a wild Pokemon with magic has been let into the city." The figure threatened.

"Very well. If all they want to do is talk, then we shall talk. However, should you try to kill me, and then you'll learn just how much magic I have mastered." Hellstorm kept his voice calm even though the man had just threatened him.


It was a short walk up to the mansion. The cloaked man led Hellstorm around to the back door rather then the front. The mansion was huge, belonging to a very rich family. The halls were decorated with several paintings of the king and queen of the land. There was also many well built replica blades and axes on the walls.

"Who owns this estate?" Hellstorm asked.

"Her title is Princess Ruby. She never did like the whole life of a princess and convinced her parents to build her this estate and since then, she had watched over this town." The cloaked man replied. The cloaked man led Hellstorm to the inner courtyard. There was a single woman in the area, maybe twenty-five or twenty-six. She had dark brown hair and ruby eyes. She wore a simple suit made for training. Something that would durable and wasn't hard to replace or wash.

"So this is Hellstorm. You've made quite a reputation for yourself in this kingdom." The woman bowed her head in respect, her voice was kind and somewhat low, but Hellstorm's hearing more then made up for her low tone. "However, I don't think many would be so kind if they knew what you were. I am Ruby and I happen to see Pokemon as more then beasts, if only others shared my views."

"Why have you summoned me?" Hellstorm asked, never taking down his hood.

"Because I have something you may want." Ruby walked over to a small chest that lay on a simple wooden table. She opened the chest and pulled out a single small blue orb. It looked like there was whirlpool inside the blue orb, the water seemingly trying to break out, but never able to. "The element orb of water. I've done some research and every time one of your kind has showed up, the seventeen elemental orbs also seem to show up as well." Ruby held the orb up for Hellstorm to see.

"It appears you have the advantage here. You seem to know a lot about me and I know very little about you." Hellstorm said his voice calm.

"Now, I could keep this orb and have almost total control over water, but I want something else." Ruby said raising her voice bit making sure that Hellstorm would hear her. "There have been reports of a few wild Pokemon in the area that having been causing some major trouble for the near by villages that are under my protection. I have this feeling however that whatever is attacking the villages is not a Pokemon."

"Then what do you think it is?" Hellstorm asked.

"My money is on a golem or a demon. I've seen the damage myself. One whole town was almost completely destroyed." Ruby explained. "I've already hired a wizard, but no one has seen him for a few days. I fear he may never return."

"I'll need a blade. The first rule when dealing with demons is deception." Hellstorm stated. "Preferably some sort Viper's Wraith if you have one. I hear it's the preferred weapon of many ninjas of the east."

"The Viper's Wraith. At first glance nothing more then thick heavy blade, but it hides its true power. The blade is built in segments and houses a long cord like a whip. Quite the exotic weapon of choice." Ruby commented. "While I don't have the Viper's Wraith, I do have a similar blade. It's not quite as deadly as the segments are not hooked like the Viper's Wraith, but it is slightly longer and has an additional two segments. It was gift from the king of Lunastrain and is called the Whistling Blade."

"I've never heard of this Lunastrain." Hellstorm said.

"To many, it is known as the Southern Kingdom. Very few take the time to learn about it unless they plan on going there, but the land is nothing more then a giant desert. Very few ever go out that way though." Ruby was no doubt well informed about the neighboring kingdoms. According to the man who had brought him here, she was a princess after all.

"If I may, I will return to duties of watching over the town." The cloaked figure turned and walked off.

"Come inside. I'll fill you in on what I know of the attacks." Ruby motioned for Hellstorm to follow her.

Ruby led Hellstorm to a large living area. A single very large and well decorated Granite Fireplace stood on the wall. A few candles and the open windows provided light to the room. "Anna, where are you?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, Ruby?" A female voice rang out from down the hall. Hellstorm expecting human was slightly surprised to see a Kirlia walk in.

"Whoever cast the spell upon your Pokemon did a very good job. Her speech would appear flawless." Hellstorm commented.

"Thank you, but only part of her ability to talk is magic. Magic was used to grant her the ability to speak, but she had to learn it like any other human." Ruby explained.

"I see." Hellstorm remained standing even after Ruby took a seat on the large couch that sat in the center of the room.

"Please go fetch some tea for me and my guest." Ruby asked kindly.

"Of course." The little Kirlia bowed and walked off.

"I have a total of fourteen servants here. Five of them are human and the rest are Pokemon." Ruby explained. "Now then about the damage I was to tell you about. Many of the buildings were burned; even the stone buildings had obvious marks that they had come in contact with fire."

"Any number of fire Pokemon who trained themselves greatly could have done that." Hellstorm argued.

"But how many can also freeze bodies solid?" Ruby continued. "We found many of the dead frozen solid even though the areas that had been attacked were burned. We tried to thaw the ice, but the clear ice turned black as we melted it."

"That's not something any Pokemon could do. This does sound like a demon." Hellstorm said.

"I believe this creature is hiding in the woods outside the temple to the east. The temple was abandoned long ago when spirits started to haunt the temple." Ruby explained.

"Very well, give the sword you said I could use and I will dispose of this creature who haunts your land." Hellstorm said.

"You may wish to use this time to rest up. It only attacks at night." Ruby said.

"How far is it?" Hellstorm asked.

"A few hours as the Rapidash ride... or an hour by wings of a Pidgeot." Ruby answered kindly. "And as it just so happens, I do have a Pidgeot as a servant here. She'll gladly take you there if I ask her to."

"In that case, I shall use this time to relax." Hellstorm said he took a seat on one of the chairs across from Ruby. Anna walked back in a few second later carrying a tray with a finely crafted silver tea pot and two small tea cups, all three of which had a lovely rose pattern etched into them.

"So, since we are waiting for night to fall, tell me about yourself." Ruby inquired. "What I know to be fact is that you are a Riftwalker or are working to become one, thus you are not human. I do not however know what species you are."

"What does it matter Ruby? I won't be staying here for long." Hellstorm replied.

"I was hoping you would. I have some power as a princess and can pull some strings to help you if you need it." Ruby told Hellstorm before slowly sipping her tea.

"Why would you help me?" The cup Hellstorm had been given slowly lifted up off the table and floated to his hood.

"I've grown to like the reputation that you've made for yourself, but unlike others, I know all to well that if the people found out what you are, they would greet you with hostility claiming that you were posing as this Hellstorm." Ruby put her cup down. "You see, the people know that they are not to refer to my Pokemon servants as beasts. As for you, you serve no master and they would see you as a wild beast only bent on taking what is not yours."

"Am I to understand that you have developed feelings for me?" Hellstorm asked as an empty tea cup left the confines of his hood and was gently set back down on the table by some invisible hand.

"To put it simply, I have feeling for the one the people call Hellstorm. I now want to see if the Pokemon who has created the name is worthy of my love just as the one from the stories is so to speak." Ruby explained.

"You would be the first to make any mention of any such feeling towards me knowing what I am." Hellstorm replied. "Perhaps, I may stay a while. It would be nice to stay somewhere and relax rather then constantly stay on the move."

"Since you will be staying, there is no need to hide your true form here. Please, allow me to take your cloak and have it washed." Ruby got up and walked to Hellstorm.

"There is no need for that." Hellstorm stood up as a light wind blew in the room as Hellstorm took off his hood. The end of the cloak slowly rolled up into the rest of the cloak until there was barely anything left other then a triangular cloak that barely came down to his waist. It was a very simple cloak unlike the one Hellstorm had just been wearing. This new cloak looked like nothing more then a single piece of cloth that had been cut to shape and simple left to hung on his back.

Ruby looked on at her guest. The light blue and black jackal stood quietly, his eyes only coming up to her mouth.

"A Lucario. That's a rare sight around these parts." Ruby stated as she walked around her guest taking note of his crimson spikes as well as the two gemstones embedded in his skin. The first was just above his eyes whilst the second was just barely showing above the cloak on his back. The gemstone was positioned at the base of the back of his neck. Both of them looked much like the gemstones that all Espeon's had, small and round and not very big. The skin just barely grew over the stones on his body. "You really are a on your way to becoming a Crimson Warrior."

"That I am. So, since you seem to know a lot about me, why don't you tell me about yourself and your life here? It is only fair if I am to be staying here." Hellstorm commented.

"As you wish. As my servant has no doubt told you, I am princess Ruby of the Jetek Kingdom. I was never too happy with that life as seeing how I was not next in line, and my brother convinced my parents to build my this manor and let me watch over this city and the neighboring villages. The servant I sent out to get you was one of my tow bodyguards. You'll have to forgive Victor for his methods, but he only means well.' Ruby began. "It was Victor himself who over saw the construction of this manor and my passage to it. I started off with six servants on my way here. There was Becky, a Lapras who often watches over the harbor. Next up is Justin Myers, my second body guard, he is well skilled in the arts of magic, but not as open minded as myself still believing that Pokemon are mindless beasts. Then there was Anna, she was a Ralts and my childhood friend. As you saw before, she has now evolved into a Kirlia. It was her idea to help around the house and she can be a bit formal at times. Then there is my cook, a human by the name of Maria. She is quite kind and prepares all of the meals here at the manor. Then there is my mount a Rapidash called Joey. He is always willing to carry wherever my heart so desires. And of course there is Victor." Ruby explained.

"You must have picked up some more servants since then because I recall you saying that you had fourteen servants." Hellstorm refilled his cup of tea, but rather then use magic like he had earlier with his cup, he now used his paws.

"That I have. Since my arrival, I have picked up eight more servants. There are the maids Julie and June. They are sisters, both them being Roserade. The way to tell them a part is that fact that Julie has red eyes and June had blue eyes. The next person who I picked up was a wounded Mightyena by the name Ralph. He decided to serve as the night watchman to thank me for taking him in. Then I hired Austin for a few weeks as a Gardner. He performs his duties well and has a very green thumb. I've liked his work so much, that I got him a house down in the city since he didn't seem to like the idea of staying here for some reason. No more than a week after I had Austin moved into the village, I found Kelley, a Glaceon that had been left out in the woods to die, abandoned by her previous owner. She has taken over keeping our food supplies cold and preserved. About a year later, I found need of carpenter to fix the manor." Hellstorm just sat still as listened. "I found Eric, a young boy in his late teens to take the job. He combined magic with craftsmanship and quickly repaired the house. Now, he maintains the houses in the city and my manor as well as helps to repair the broken tools and weapons in the city. His sister, Amy helps him most of the time. Then there was Heather, a young Pidgey that had strayed to far from the pack she was with. She opted to help deliver messages and quickly grew into the Pidgeot she is today. Finally, about a year ago, I discovered an egg that hatched into a Vulpix. Fefnir now keeps the house well heated in the winter months. I was surprised how quickly he became a Ninetails however. On a side note, I have used magic to help all of my Pokemon here to speak English which allows for me to understand them and thus, work hand in hand peacefully."

Ruby gave the quick story about how she had gathered up her servants and arranged for them all to either live in the city or live at the manor. The full story would have taken much longer. Hellstorm looked out the window. Ruby looked as well. "It is almost time for you to leave for your hunt then." Ruby got up and walked over to a near by weapons rack that had been placed above the fireplace. She took the top most weapon, a light wide blade about two feet in length. "This is the Whistling Blade." Ruby gently handed the weapon to Hellstorm.

Hellstorm took the weapon and held it lightly examining the weapon. "This will do fine." Hellstorm said as took the grip and light squeezed the end of the handle. The blade seemed to fall apart some bending over toward the ground. The more pressure Hellstorm applied to the end of the handle, the more slack he had until there was at least eight feet of cord between the tip the tip and hilt of the blade. Hellstorm release the pressure he had applied to the handle of the blade and the blade returned to its normal shape. "I take that back. This will be almost perfect. You do understand that if there are demons out there, this blade may not find its way back here." Hellstorm explained.

"I understand that fact. I can always have another one built by Eric. He is quite good with his craftsmanship." Ruby said. "Come; let me take you to Heather. She will gladly take you to the temple before the sun has completely set."

"Very well. I'll dispose of this Demon and be back here by dawn." Hellstorm said as Ruby led him to the stable out back. There in a large nest made of stray and grass, was a large bird. Her brilliant silver tail feathers elegantly complemented the white feathers of her wings.

"Lady Ruby." Heather bowed her head.

"There is no need to be formal, we are all equals here." Ruby said her voice still low. "I would like to ask a favor of you. Hellstorm here has volunteered to check out the area near the temple and look for the beast that has attacked the villages under my protection. Please fly him there before the sun has set that way he may have the upper hand if he finds something."

"Of course I'll take him. Let us hope that you fair much better then the wizard who set out days ago." Heather said as she slowly walked out of the enclosed stable. She kneeled down so that Hellstorm could climb aboard her. "Hang on tight. This is going to be a fast ride." With one mighty flap of her wings, the large bird went up several feet off the ground. "Here we go." With another mighty flap, the two took off at high speeds into the darkening sky.


It was short one hour flight over to the ruined temple just as Ruby said it would be. The temple was an old stone structure, built of large blocks that had been carved to fit into each other. Many old runes were also carved into the building, but they were all but faded away. Only the deepest of the deepest runes that had been carved into the building remain and they were still hard to see because of the amount of vines and moss that now grew on the stone edifice. Heather set down on top of the large building and allowed Hellstorm to disembark. "Shall I wait here for your return?" Heather asked.

"I would not suggest staying on the ground. Quickly move to the sky if you hear anything. Also, don't come flying back down just because you see me. I'll tell you if it is ok to land or not when I return." Hellstorm explained as he landed. A light wind picked as a large number of threads flew out of Hellstorm's triangular cloak and wove its self back into the original cloak that Hellstorm had. Hellstorm kept the blade in his hand as the cloak once again covered him from head to toe. He walked over to edge of the roof and jumped down the ground without even making a sound. He then walked off into the forest just as the last rays of sunlight began to fade. Only the moon would light the sky tonight as long as skies were clear.

Hellstorm had only been for a few minutes and he could already feel the presence of some unknown force. He could the air around grow cold as he walked even through his heavy cloak. He walked into a clearing a few acres from the temple. The force Hellstorm was feeling was strongest here meaning that whatever was causing the trouble was near by. A voice rang out from all directions at once confirming Hellstorm's suspicions.

"An Etherian Cloak. Now that is quite the treasure." The voice was loud and vibrated somewhat showing just how deep it was.

"I've come to deal with whatever manner of monster that has been attacking the nearby villages. If you're not the creature I'm looking for, leave and I'll ignore ever coming in contact with you." Hellstorm shouted out.

"You must be joking. First they send a wizard and now a hunter." The voice rang out again as it laughed. "I'm a demon and will do as I please. Now then, tell me. Where did you get that cloak? Such an item would help me greatly with my next feeding."

"The cloak is mine and so is your life since you admit to being the monster that has attacked the villages." Hellstorm focused on the voice and soon found the source.

"Demon Art: Crater Blade." With one sudden movement, Hellstorm leapt into the air. The cloak fluttered around him only allowing his one hand, the one with which Hellstorm held his blade to fly outside of the confines of the cloak. Hellstorm brought the long blade slicing through branches and leaves before colliding with the ground. The ground caved under the force of the blow and a fair sized crater was formed. The dark shadowy figure that had been standing where Hellstorm had just landed looked on in awe. For something other then a Demon to use a Demon Art was quite impressive.

"I am quite impressed." The voice rang out again, but this time it was the gentle voice of young female.

"What are you? Show yourself." Hellstorm demanded. Slowly, the dark figure emerged from the shadows of the forest. At first, it had appeared to be young woman, her eyes gentle and caring. She had a warm slime on her face and her blue eyes showed no signs of harm. She wore a simple top, nothing too fancy. The top was made of a blue linen cloth and would be easy to mend or if need be replace. Hellstorm lowered his gaze slightly to identify a shiny object on the woman's belt and instantly was able to identify the demon. "I hate lamia." Hellstorm muttered to himself.

From the waist down, the woman had a very large scaled tail instead of legs. There was no doubt she was the half human half snake demon alright. Most of her tail was still hidden in the trees.

"I'm quite impressed. Few mortals can master the arts of demons." The demon used her human voice rather then her demon one like before.

"Stop the attacks on the villages and return to your world demon." Hellstorm once again return the blade to its resting place by his side beneath the cloak.

"I have a better idea. I'm still looking for a mate and one such as your self would surely make a great father to my children." The demon slowly slithered out of the forest into the clearing a bit more.

"I've no interest in mating you or any demon. I've no care for such things." Hellstorm said.

"Really? How could you deny a lady like me?" the Lamia asked seductively. She slowly inched toward Hellstorm. "Come on, show me your face. With powers like that, I bet you're handsome." Hellstorm's hood slowly lifted over his head by some unknown force, but Hellstorm didn't bother stopping it. "You really are cute especially for your species." The Lamia went to run a finger along his chin only to have Hellstorm jump back several feet.

"I told you. I care nothing for love or mating. I have a mission and I intend to complete that mission." Hellstorm's cloak slowly began to unweave itself into a long thin cloak that only covered his back much like the cloak of knight. The Lamia looked on and giggled.

"You strong. I can see the blood flowing through you. Everything about looks strong to me. Your soul, your mind, and most of all your spirit. I'm really going to enjoy you." The Lamia said as she slowly slithered toward Hellstorm.

"Let me make this simple. Run back to your world and live or die by my hand." Hellstorm lifted his hand pointed his blade toward the demon.

"Now we can't have that. If you won't give a child willingly, then I'll just have to change your mind." The Lamia said as she charged forward. An orb of black fire appeared in one hand and an orb of black ice appeared in her other hand. "Demon Art: Fire and Ice." She screamed. She flung her hands forward as the two orbs took flight. Hellstorm jumped over the two incoming orbs and squeezed the handle to his blade. The blade bent over and tightened his grip until he flung the whip like weapon out toward his foe. The weapon wrapped around the Lamia's hands as Hellstorm landed on his feet. "Aw, looks like you caught me." The Lamia was enjoying this battle.

"I'm sorry, but you don't leave me much choice. Leave this world and return to your own or I'll kill you here and now." Hellstorm had a calm look on his face. To him, this battle was his. However, the Lamia had other plans, her scalely tail was still out of Hellstorm's sight and unbeknownst to him was the fact that not all Lamia were created equal. Some had very, very long tails with an actual snake's head on them. There was slight rustling in the tree behind Hellstorm and before he could act a large cobra like green snake's head and grabbed him around the chest. The head lifted Hellstorm up and threw him hard into a near by try. The Lamia freed her hands and slightly over to the disoriented Hellstorm was just barely standing.

"Here, sleep." The Lamia placed a kiss on Hellstorm's lips and he instantly fell tired. He looked up one last time before falling unconscious. "We'll have some real fun later."

Heather was still resting at the temple. "I wonder if he's ok?"
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