AGNPH Stories

Kangaskhan and trouble by dairu123


Story Notes:

send requests to [email protected]. Warnings will be added as needed.

Fear of the Past

Disclaimer: If you are under 18 or you are offended by pokemon/human relationships then do not read further. I do not own pokemon in any way. I wish though.

Chapter 2: Fear in the past

Flash Back: My eleventh birthday

I awoke to Kangaskhan gently sitting on my bed. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at her smile. I got up and just wore what I did yesterday. I rushed downstairs and my dad yelled, "Surprise."

I looked around and asked, "Is it just you?"

My dad smiled and he asked, "Am I not enough?"

I laughed as I sat down. My dad looked at me and said, "You know that I gave you Kangaskhan and I didn't just give her to you just to keep you out of trouble."

I looked at him curiously, "What other reason did you have?"

My dad leaned forward and replied, "You and Kangaskhan have a rare relationship and I think you two belong together."

Dad leaned back as Kangaskhan interrupted us by sitting down and she said, "Kanga"

I looked at Kangaskhan as she sat down. Dad then turned to Kangaskhan and said, "Kangaskhan you take care of my son ok"

Kangaskhan nodded her head as she said, "Kangask"

I then left for my first badge. It was not far since the first gym was in Oreburgh and I lived their. I ran to the gym and Kangaskhan running beside me. We came to the building and I looked it over. Kangaskhan asked, "Kanga?"

I looked at her and replied, "Its just I have never been in their except to help out the gym leader clean or something for extra money."

I slowly pushed the doors opened and went in. Roark was playing with Geodude in the gym and I walked up to him. The gym looked like rock and the white arena painted on the floor showed the battlefield. I then started to say, "Umm Roark"

Roark returned Geodude and interrupted me, "Sanako, I bet you are here to get your first badge."

I smiled as I said, "Yes."

I ran to my spot and Kangaskhan put her hand on my shoulder, "Kangaskhan."

I looked at her and grabbed Turtwig's ball, "Kangaskhan I will use you last, go Turtwig."

Turtwig landed on the floor and Roark yelled, "Geodude go."

A referee stood on the sidelines and he yelled, "The challenger is the only one able to change pokemon during battle. Go."

I then yelled, "Turtwig use tackle."

Turtwig rushed Geodude and Roark yelled, "Dodge."

Geodude fell to the ground with a hard thud after the attack and it quickly flew back up. Roark yelled his attack, "Geodude use defense curl."

Geodude curled up and his rock body hardened. Then I yelled, "Turtwig use tackle one more time."

Turtwig threw her body at Geodude. Geodude fell back but recovered once again. Roark yelled, "Sanako this is your first battle isn't it?"

I blushed a little, "Is it that obvious?"

Roark laughed, "No but tackle wont do much against Geodude."

I growled out my next attack, "Turtwig use razor leaf."

Turtwig shot leaves but they landed on the ground a foot in front of Turtwig. Roark yelled, "Geodude use rock throw."

Geodude threw rocks and I yelled, "Dodge."

Turtwig dodged the rocks and panted as she waited for my command, "Turtwig use Razor leaf one more time."

Turtwig shot leaves at Geodude and it fell to the ground crying, "Geo"

Swirls formed in Geodude's eyes and the referee yelled, "Geodude is unable to battle."

Roark returned Geodude and yelled, "I choose you, Onyx."

A large snake like rock pokemon formed on the field and it roared. Roark yelled, "Onyx use Screech."

Turtwig covered her ears as the loud shrill of sound blasted through the echo of the gym. As the screech subsided I yelled, "Turtwig use razor leaf."

This time the leaves failed again and Roark countered, "Onyx finish with rock throw."

Onyx tossed rocks with its tail and Turtwig was pummeled, "Turtwig is unable to battle."

I returned Turtwig, "Kangaskhan your turn."

Current day: on route 212

It is pouring rain and Kangaskhan and I were running toward Pastoria City to get out of the rain. I have been in Pastoria before when I received my fourth badge. The road was damp but it wasn't mud. It was fairly easy to run. Kangaskhan kept up with my running and we were soaked. We saw Pastoria city in the distance. We entered the city and ran to the pokemon center. Nurse Joy greeted Kangaskhan and me. She healed my pokemon and Kangaskhan followed Nurse Joy. Therefore, I went to the public shower in the pokemon center to clean. I entered the male public shower and one other male was in their with his Flygon. He was washing him with soap. I turned on the water of the shower and warm water rushed down my body. I sighed in relief as the coldness that the rain left my body. The kid showering next to me said, "Hey, I'm Joi."

I shook his hand and greeted myself, "Hi, my name is Sanako."

Joi washed the soap out of his hair and he asked, "Are you a trainer?"

I replied, "Yea."

Joi smiled as he excitedly asked, "How about a battle after the rain stops?"

I laughed, "Sure why not."

I washed out all the soap off my body and dried myself off. I went to the lobby and Kangaskhan was sitting in the lobby. I walked up to her and she seemed to be staring off into space. I placed my hand on her and said, "Kangas."

Kangaskhan jumped knocking my down and she quickly helped me up saying, "Kangas Kanga."

I stood up and replied, "I'm ok Kangaskhan. What were you thinking about just now?"

Kangaskhan blushed and Nurse Joy came up behind me and asked, "Will you be staying the night?"

I turned around and answered, "Yea."

Nurse Joy pointed to the hallway next to the pokemon center counter and said, "You will have a room alone and it is the third door on the right."

I walked to the room and Kangaskhan followed. The doors had numbers on the doors. "1...2...3, Here we are."

I opened the door and saw two bunk beds and a small drawer in between them in front of a window with Blue curtains with little Butterfree and Beautiflys. I laid my rucksack down, sat on the bed, and stretched my arms over my head. Kangaskhan sat on the other bed and she started to stare. I then asked, "What is it Kangaskhan?"

She blushed again and I asked, "You are acting funny, are you sick?"

Kangaskhan still blushing shook her head. I stood up and placed my hand on her head, "You seem fine."

Kangaskhan lay down and I sat on my bed looking at her as I thought, (I wonder if Kangaskhan is ok?)

I laid on my back just staring off into space daydreaming.

Flash back: Kangaskhan's turn to battle

I returned Turtwig, "Kangaskhan your turn."

Kangaskhan ran onto the field and I thought, (Since my dad trained Kangaskhan this should be easy.)

I then yelled, "Kangaskhan use Aqua tail."

Water formed on her tail as she attacked Onyx. Onyx fell to the ground and Roark's face was shocked when the referee yelled, "Onyx is unable to battle."

I smiled as Roark called his last pokemon, "I choose you Cranidos."

Cranidos scratched the ground with his feet and Roark yelled, "Cranidos use Headbutt."

I yelled, "Dodge."

Kangaskhan just stood there as Cranidos bounced of her chest. I then yelled, "Use Fire punch."

Kangaskhan's fist flared in fire as she hit the Cranidos and sent it flying. Cranidos stumbled back to its feet and Roark yelled, "Use Slam."

Cranidos ran at Kangaskhan and I yelled, "Use Aqua tail again."

Kangaskhan twirled her body as her tail slammed into Cranidos sending him flying in a wall. The referee yelled, "Cranidos is unable to battle, Kangaskhan is the winner."

I walked up to Kangaskhan and hugged her saying, "You were awesome."

Kangaskhan smiled as she roared, "Kangaskhan."

Roark returned Cranidos, walked up to me, and said with his hand out, "Sanako this is yours."

I grabbed the badge and smiled, "I have my first badge."

Current day: the next day at the pokemon center in Pastoria city.

I awoke first as I looked around the room. The morning sun shining through the window. Kangaskhan was still asleep and I decided to let her rest. I stood up and left the room. The rain had stopped and Joi was in the lobby. I walked up to him and said, "Good morning."

Joi smiled, "Good morning."

Joi then asked, "Are you ready for a battle?"

I smiled as I answered, "Sure."

We headed outside and I yelled to him, "I only have five pokemon since Kangaskhan is still asleep."

Joi yelled, "Let's just have a one on one battle."

I agreed and I threw my pokeball, "I choose you Kricketune."

Kricketune formed and Joi chose his Flareon. I yelled out first, "Kricketune use Night slash."

Kricketune threw a purple blade from his claw and Joi yelled, "Flareon use Fire blast."

Flareon shot fire, which collided with Night slash and exploded. Dust covered the field and I yelled, "Kricketune use silver wind."

Kricketune form wind and it swooshed away the smoke. I then yelled, "Use x-scissor."

Kricketune flew at Flareon and Joi yelled, "Use Fire fang Flareon."

Flareon bit Kricketune's claw as it tried to cut Flareon. I growled as I yelled, "Kricketune use sing."

I covered my ears and so did Joi. Flareon slowly fell asleep as it let go of Kricketune's claw. Joi sighed as he returned Flareon and yelled, "That was a good battle."

I smiled and then Kangaskhan walked out of the center and said, "Kanga."

I looked at her rubbing her eyes and asked, "Have a good sleep?"

Kangaskhan shook her head, I waved good-bye to Joi, and we headed for route 213. I started to daydream as we walked.

Flash back: After the fourth badge in Pastoria city.

I had just beaten the Fourth gym in Pastoria city and I went to the pokemon center to heal. Since my first badge, I have caught Zangoose, Seviper, and Kricketune. I also had an egg with me. Kangaskhan kept the egg in her pouch, her face seemed to be red, and she seemed to be tired. We entered the pokemon center and I looked at Kangaskhan, "You seem sick."

I put my hand on her head and she was burning up. I took the egg from her pouch and said, "Go with Nurse Joy."

Nurse Joy and Chansey took my pokemon and Kangaskhan and I took a room. I rested on the bed waiting for Kangaskhan. I sighed as I thought, (I hope she is ok)

Nurse Joy knocked and I answered by opening the door. Nurse Joy then said, "Your Kangaskhan is sick."

My heart skipped a beat as I finally asked, "Is she ok?"

Nurse Joy frowned, "I don't know yet."

I frowned as sadness struck, "Can I see her?"

Nurse Joy answered, "Yea follow me."

I followed her into a pokemon room and Kangaskhan was lying on a bed. A blanket covered Kangaskhan and several other pokemon were in the big room. I placed my hand on Kangaskhan's face as she opened her eyes. She weakly smiled as I asked, "How are ya feeling?"

She did not answer as she fell asleep. Joy then put her hand on my shoulder, "You should stay at the center till she is better."

I agreed and sat next to Kangaskhan in a chair. I held onto Kangaskhan's hand and I must have fallen asleep. Nurse Joy shook my shoulder as I snapped awake. She then said, "I need to give Kangaskhan medicine and I need you to leave to get some air so you don't get too upset about her."

I stood up and left the room. I barely kept myself from crying as I left the Center. I walked around and sat down on a bench. Someone sat down next to me and she asked, "Are you ok Sanako?"

I looked up at her and said, "Hi Kuri"

Kuri put her hand on my back and I explained, "Kangaskhan is sick."

Kuri kissed me on the cheek as she pulled me into a hug and she whispered, "It will be ok."

I could not hold it anymore; I started to cry and held Kuri tight. Kuri seemed calmed as she rubbed my back as she held me. I pulled away and wiped the tears. Kuri sighed, "Trouble always seems to find you Sanako."

I frowned again. I then mumbled, "Then I guess I should just leave Kangaskhan with you or something."

Kuri hit me in the back of the head, as she yelled, "No, You can't give up."

I looked at her shocked and I asked, "Well I am trouble and Kangaskhan is paying for it."

Kuri frowned as she said, "Sanako Kangaskhan loves you but it isn't your fault that she is sick."

I just looked at the ground as I stood up, "I am going back to the center."

Kuri followed me as she followed me. I made it to the center and went to the room I stayed in and fell asleep. Kuri went to see Kangaskhan. Kangaskhan was sleeping and Kuri asked, "Nurse Joy how is Kangaskhan?"

Joy smiled as she said, "I think she will be better in the morning."

Kuri sighed in relief as she rushed to my room and shook me awake. I awoke and Kuri yelled, "Kangaskhan is going to be ok."

I hugged her again and sighed, "Really?"

Kuri answered, "Yea."

I stood up and headed to Kangaskhan's room. When I got their I saw Kangaskhan drinking some water. I hugged her and I seemed to have scared her a little. She licked my face as she hugged back. Kuri watched us, and she smiled.
Chapter End Notes:thats the second chapter. send requests to [email protected]
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    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Sep 13 2013 Chapter:Fear of the Past
    Just as many grammar mistakes, and once more the timing seemed rushed.