AGNPH Stories

Brotherhood by testa


Brotherhood Ch.14

Mecha: *smiles* Hey there everyone!
Xehta: Hey peeps!
Blue: Hi there. *appears between the two.*
Xehta: *nudges* hey...taking up my room. Lay on your puppy if you wanna get into personal space. *smiles* Better for my health too.
Mecha: Hey, don't shove my pretty vixen.
Xehta: I'm just playing. I didn't even do it hard.
Blue: Now boys play nice... besides I got ice cream coming for you both.
Xehta: *smiles* Yay! Thanks Blue. *smirks, snickering* Bet Mecha has his own kinda cream for you.
Blue: Very funny. That's for our time. *She blushed...looking way.*
Mecha: *nuzzles her, licking her cheek*
Xehta: *smiles* So it begins.
Mecha: *arm cannon pops out*
Xehta: *gulps* Well...let's start.

Inferno, Sky, Rika, Bane, Blaze, Tia, Death, Ferra, Azur, and Flint were traveling at a brisk pace. The group was feeling very happy, Rika and Ferra riding atop their mightyena lovers, the pups getting rides from their parents. There didn't seem to be much that the group had to worry about for now.


But watching them from a cliff was a heavily armored man was on the back of a salamence. "That's them? Bah! Why should I be bothered to putting an end to these scum!?" the dragon beneath him growled, and got a swift kick, "Silence!"

"Sir!" a soldier flying on a flygon landed. "He escaped during transport!"


Inferno smiled, watching Death play with the pups as they walked, his tentacles trying to ensnare them as they dodged and weaved. Flint wasn't having much trouble, he had inherited the grace of his parents, but Azur was obviously more of a head on girl, since she was nearly got several times.

Rika chuckled, leaning on Bane's head. "Think our pups will be as cute acting?"

Bane smiled, looking up at her as best he could, "I'm sure they'll be even cuter'd be their mom after all." Rika blushed, smiling at him, kissing his head.

Blaze watched the pups, sighing. Tia blinked, leaning down to whisper to him, "What's wrong?"

The typhlosion looked away, "Tia...I'd understand if you wanted to find a male who could give you young."

The tyranitar seemed insulted, "I'd never. I love you Blaze."

~For now.~ Blaze thought, but didn't speak it. He was sure she'd eventually want a child of her own, and he'd never give it to her. How could he, he was in a totally different egg group. He gave her a small smile to ease her tension.

Sky was giggling at her pups' antics, then looked off to the horizon, seeing something flying around before heading down to land. She wondered what it was, but dismissed it as nothing to worry about.

As the group walked, suddenly a torrent of wind whipped up around them. When the dust settled, they were surrounded by 8 humans clad in black armor and brandishing lances, riding atop various dragon types. The pups were quickly surrounded by the adults, all of them glaring at the humans who were obviously part of the Brotherhood.

The one facing Inferno began to speak in a grating low voice, "I can't believe that the Dragoon Platoon must deal with you fools. No matter." He raised his lance, pointing at Inferno, " Azezar, second in command of the platoon. Kneel, and your deaths shall be swift."

Inferno snarled in response, "Not happening!"

"So be it. Kill them!" The soldiers moved in, their dragons speeding forward. Inferno was faced with Azezar who was riding atop a salamence. Sky was against one on a dragonite, while Rika and Bane's foes both were on flygons. Death was faced with a salamance, and Ferra was going up against a soldier riding atop a charizard. Tia and Blaze had soldiers riding on a dragonite and charizard respectively. The group all rushed their aggressors, the pups getting ready should they be attacked.

Inferno leapt over a lance thrust, than ducked under a swing. "Not bad mutt, but I shall kill you!" The dragon unleashed a dragonbreath attack, forcing the houndoom to dodge again. "You can't dodge forever!" the lance pierced the ground from another thrust, and Inferno let loose a burning shadow ball, striking the rider hard in the chest. Azezar cursed, but remained mounted, slashing with his lance. Inferno dodged again, letting loose another burning shadow ball, followed by a dark fire blast. Both attacks struck the dragon, pushing it back, Azezar glaring from behind his helmet. The houndoom quickly charged, pushing the attack with several iron tails. Azezar tried to block all of them, but a number landed on either him or his dragon mount. "I won't be bested!"

Sky was smirking, as she dodged every attack her opponent sent at her. Dragon claws, lance thrusts, and dragonbreaths all failed to strike, and she countered with ice beams, making the dragon type cry out in pain. Sky didn't waste any time in keeping her assault up, mixing in some slashes to keep her foes on their toes. The human was cursing and trying to push the female back, his lance struggling to just make her withdraw. Sky wasn't being deterred though, and kept pressing her assault, pushing the dragon and rider back further. The absol didn't stop for a moment, treating the fight like a dance as she pressed her opponents back, the human cursing with every inch lost.

Rika was laughing, the soldier and flygon learning that a lance was a terrible weapon against an electric type, since it acted like a giant lightning rod. Even with his resistance to the attack, the flygon was still getting hurt by the slamming of armor and lance on his body. Rika sparked a bit, before rushing forward with a volt tackle. The flygon, seeing that his rider wasn't of any use, unleashed a flamethrower, but it was easily dodged, as Rika dismounted the soldier. The flygon turned, "Not bad...but I'm not hurt by your little electricity...and I'm gonna enjoy killing you."

Bane wasn't doing as good as Rika, but he wasn't losing. He was managing to keep the enemy back, a barrage of shadow balls striking the flygon and rider. Bane kept his assault up by adding iron tails whenever his opponents got close enough. The soldier wasn't fairing badly either, and was managing to use his lance to strike the shadow balls off course, and block the iron tails. Bane growled, barely able to avoid a flamethrower followed by an iron tail. The mightyena glared as the soldier moved in to skewer him, leaping over the lance and onto the other side of the Dragoon, turning to launch a shadow ball.

The winged mightyena was having fun with his opponent. The large dragon didn't find it fun to be out maneuvered by a pokemon that shouldn't have been able to fly in the first place. Using his tentacles as lances of his own, Death was slamming the dragon and rider. The rider glared, "Damn it! Fucking freak!" Death only cackled, flying left and right, enjoying their torment. With a swoop, he slammed them again, nearly dismounting the soldier. "Come on! Can't you keep up with a freak?" Death cackled.

Ferra was also having fun with her opponents. Using aqua jet, she was darting around her opponent, slamming into them again and again, occasionally stopping the attack to unleash a water gun, but she quickly went back to jetting around. The charizard growled, not liking his opponent in the least. Ferra couldn't suppress a giggle, as she flew circles around her opponents, the soldier unable to strike her. "DAMN IT! FUCKING BITCH, I'LL KILL YOU!"

Tia couldn't run circles around her opponents, but she did have strength to match the dragonite, and her hide didn't have to worry about the lance. The dragon was flying in the sky, dodging Tia's thunderbolts. Tia occasionally used a hyper beam, forcing her opponent to dive where an iron tail awaited. The dragonite let out a loud cry of pain, rocking back, nearly dismounting his rider. The soldier cursed, "Fuck...strong one."

Blaze wasn't having any more trouble than Tia. His psychic attacks were keeping the charizard on his toes, and prevented the rider from getting close enough to strike with his lance. Blaze only smirked, as the charizard tried to think of a way to strike. Fire attacks weren't an option for both of them, and up close combat would be met by psychic blasts. The altered typhlosion wasn't so hindered, his psybeam able to fire at the pair with impunity. One shot managed to strike the rider in the head, knocking him off the dragon. "Fuck...damn freak." The charizard glared.

Blaze glared right back, before unleashing another psybeam blasting the charizard square in the chest. The fire type glared, fed up with not attacking, and unleashed a fire blast, followed up with a rush. Blaze dodged the fire blast, but not the rush, as the charizard grabbed him and slammed him into a tree. The typhlosion smirked though, "Bad move!" he unleashed a psychic blast at point blank range. The dragon like pokemon was shot back, and into his recovering rider, both slamming into another tree, knocked out cold.

Tia was smirking, giggling as the dragonite tried to strike her with punches...punches she gave back. And the dragon found that her punches hurt a lot more, knocking the dragon back. His human rider lost his patience, and thrust as she punched. The tyranitar's first caused the lance to crumble and break, turning it useless. "Fuck!" Tia smirked, and soon the Dragoon team saw why, as a hyperbeam blasted them away, out cold when the dust settled. Tia smiled, giggling lightly, "I'm good."

Ferra was giggling, the charizard and rider on their last knees. She tilted her head, "Wanna give up?" The two glared at her, snarling in defiance. The floatzel sighed, shaking her head, before using another aqua jet to slam into them, knocking the charizard out cold, but the human was still up, his lance held high. "I won't be defeated!" he charged forward. Ferra chuckled, and unleashed a water gun, knocking the weapon out of his hand, than knocked him off his feet. The human slammed his fist to the ground, cursing, but remained down.

Death laughed, watching as the human struggled to his feet, lance barely held. By the battered mans side was a very exhausted salamence. He cackled as the two fought just to stay standing. "I'm two have desire." With a smirk, his tentacles flung two more shadow balls, knocking both in the head and out. "But it's nothing to my desire." He chuckled some, turning to see how the others were doing.

Bane leapt over a lance thrust, laughing at his opponents. They were exhausted from trying so hard to get him, and now they were just easy victims. The two were panting, the human struggling to keep on the flygon, and keep a hold on his lance. Bane smirked as another thrust was leapt over, but he landed on the dragon's head, unleashing a shadow ball at the soldier. The human was out cold, if not dead from the force of the hit, and the flygon followed suit when an iron tail struck.

Rika laughed, the human was out, one too many shocks to the head. The flygon was panting, unable to fly since an iron tail crippled his wing. Subsequent iron tails had badly beaten the pokemon, but it refused to submit when it had a type advantage. Rika smirked, "You really don't have much brain power." She let loose a thunder bolt, creating a large dust cloud. When it settled, she had vanished. The flygon looked around, but didn't notice that the ground cracked beneath him, before the raichu shot out, and slammed its face with an iron tail. The flygon fell to the ground, dead or out.

Sky hadn't once lost step, keeping the dance of a fight going strong in her favor. The human had fallen, a chunk of his armor shredded, and the dragonite wasn't doing much better. A slash had badly injured his arm, and left it useless. He was panting hard, whincing in pain. Sky smirked, as the dragon made another charge, using all his strength and speed to try and take her down. She stayed still, not seeming to care about the huge dragon barreling down on her. Then with a quick gesture, she unleashed an ice beam, hitting the dragon hard, freezing him solid. "Sorry...but you were out of your league."

Azezar snarled, slashing with his sword at the houndoom. The salamence was already down for the count, and it left only Inferno with the second in command of the Dragoon Platoon. The human was furious, and kept pressing at the canine, being battered by iron tails and shadow balls, but he refused to go down. Inferno was losing his patience, "I've had enough of this!" he unleashed a dark fire beam, striking Azezar hard in the chest and into a boulder. The human crumbled to the ground, "I won't...let this go unpunished." He collapsed dead.

The Dragoon Platoon was down, but before any cheer could be raised three shrieks echoed out, and three more Platoon soldiers amount dragons appeared, diving straight at the pups. Everyone turned, and prepared to stop the attack could, but they all knew that they'd never do it in time.

But just as quickly as the Dragoons appeared, something else shot from the trees, slamming into one rider, knocking the dragon off course and into another tree. The shadow quickly dispatched of another dragon and rider with a metal claw, and a slash finished off the last pair. The two killed Dragoons fell to the sides of the pups, as the figure landed, a katana in paw. It looked to the surviving Dragoon, "take a message to Nadox...tell him I'm going to tear his spine out." The lucario with a metal claw in place of a paw sheathed his blade.

Everyone in the group immediately glared at Albel. Inferno rushed between the Black Brigade leader and his children, "What are you doing here Albel!?"

The lucario turned, "Nadox had me arrested for treason...I'm going to make him see how stupid it was to make me a traitor." He glared at Inferno, "Helping you will accomplish just that. Besides...I have better things to do than linger in a damn fortress weeks at a time. For the time being I'm going to travel with you...just don't get in my way."

Everyone kept glaring at Albel, snarls appearing on their muzzles.

Green: A double cross... but I don't like the fact he's around...especially with the grudge he got with them.
Xehta: *nods* Yeah. He's a jerk. I don't trust him as far as I can throw a snorlax.
Green: I agree. And considering a good number is weak to him I'd be on guard.
Mecha: *nods* Yeah.
Green: will the events of the future unfold...?
Mecha: No spoilers love! *smirks* Or else I'll have to gag you.
Xehta: *snickers* Hey! Where's Blue with our ice cream?
Green: I won't spoil it. *A frost trail appears as bowls of ice cream in vanilla and Chocolate are served in ice bowls.*
Blue: Here they are.
Mecha & Xehta: Thank you.
Mecha: *smiles* You ladies wanna share my chocolate?
*Green nods.* Green: Surely.
Blue: Well ok. *chuckle*
Mecha: *smiles, winking* Well readers, see you next time. *starts to eat, tongues mingling before the camera cuts*
Chapter End Notes:Yeah. They aren't coming out fast. Things are coming up, plus the only thing driving me to finish this is my own love for it, since I get so few reviews/comments I don't thing many others care
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