AGNPH Stories

Brotherhood by testa


Brotherhood Ch.24

Mecha: Hey all you readers! It's finally here; the big and epic fight between the gang and The Brotherhood of Shadow.
Xehta: Epic fight is epic.
Black: Did you watch on of the battles I was seeing on youtube? *looks at Xehta.*
Xehta: I need to do something while you play with Mecha...though I use play loosely.
Black: Yea... and you haven't asked Pink to get you hooked up?
"Zpuxq...omeats!" a binding mute dag sends Black into Jewel as the time fem takes her place.
Mecha: ....back to the story at hand. The group has been forced to meet their inner darkness. Inferno faces Orochi, Sky faces her trainer Karen, Rika meets her abusive father, Bane squares off with HIS abusive father.
Xehta: Yeah. Blaze is against his family, Tia is up against Blaze's old girl, Death has his neglectful mom, and Ferra's up against Pseudo Death.
Mecha: Adding to that the pups have two giants to face and Albel settles his score with Nadox.
Green: Indeed. 10 battles and all watched by the jerk leading the mess. I'm surprised there isn't cramps to last for a week.
Mecha: Yeah. Well...shall we get started?
Green: Ladies and Gentlemen...the Brotherhood.

A large explosion erupted, a figure tossed out of the smoke from it. Inferno smashed into the wall, grunting out in pain from the impact. Orochi casually walked out of the settling dust, smirking, "Like I've grown weak." He charged forward, scythe aiming to decapitate the houndoom. Inferno was barely able to duck under the swipe, but Orochi followed up with a blast of energy, knocking the male into another wall. The assault didn't let up for an instant, Orochi's weapon coming down hard, splitting the ground that Inferno had been just a moment ago. The houndoom let loose a shadow ball, but Orochi backhanded the attack away, his evil smirk still plastered on his face. Inferno was in shock that he wasn't having such a difficult time with his opponent, but Orochi was just so skilled...had the houndoom really grown weaker?

A kick knocked the wind out of the houndoom, sending him skidding along the ground. A ball of energy quickly followed, sending him tumbling even further. Orochi rushed forward, a fist smashing into the ground, Inferno almost struck full force, but he escaped only taking the energy shock wave of the attack, which sent him into a wall yet again. Orochi unleashed a slash of energy from his scythe; Inferno wasn't able to fully escape the attack, a cut appearing on his right shoulder. Inferno struggle to keep on his feet, as Orochi came in yet again, a kick sending the canine into the air, before a round house slam sent him into the far wall head first. The wall cracked, dust and debris falling alongside the houndoom. Inferno groaned, barely able to stand anymore. "You are such a fool; nothing in your life meant anything! I planned it all! Not even your pups was your soul doing." Orochi held his scythe up, "I will ease you pain!" he unleashed another energy slash.


A yelp echoed in the room, Sky tumbling along the ground. The absol got to her feet, looking to the 5 pokemon that were against her. There was the magmar Vulcan, the hitmontop Tornado, the metang Tank, the quagsire Quira, and the carnivine named Ivy. Sky didn't think she could be all ten of them, not only because they were strong and outnumbered her...but they were her friends! How could she hurt them, even if they didn't share the same feeling about hurting her? A fire blast came toward her, and she was able to dodge, but Tornado quickly reached her and sent her into the wall with a spinning kick. The female let out a cry of pain, both from the strike and the impact into the wall. Tank didn't give her any chance to recover, using a tackle to smash her back into the wall. The absol let out another cry of pain, coughing from the assault.

Sky was barely to get back on her feet, when Quira came in with a brick break, smashing Sky across the room. Ivy quickly followed up the attack with a bullet seed, a yelp of pain coming from the battered absol. Karen stood back, smiling as she watched the events unfold, giving subtle motions that were orders for her pokmon. Sky struggled to stand, opening her eyes in time to see a flurry of projectile attacks coming right for her. A massive explosion rocked the room, the absol lying in the center of it, badly beaten from the assault. Karen grinned, "Does it hurt Sky? You deserve it for getting us all killed!" Another wave attacks was launched, no mercy was going to be granted, Sky could see that clearly enough. Her old trainer was out for blood, "You the reason we died Sky! And your friends will be better off, before you kill them too!"


Rika yelled out, struck by a mega punch from her father. The male raichu didn't even give her a chance to recover, quickly following up his attack with a mega kick. Rika was smashed against the wall, her tail grabbed by her father, who arched her over his head into the ground. Rika landed with a cry of pain, before yanked back into another mega kick. Her father was absolutely brutal, and he wasn't letting up in the slightest. He pinned her to the wall and proceeded to punch her over and over before tossing her into the wall on the far side o the room. Rika groaned and struggled to get up, before she was slammed into the wall by a quick attack turned into a body slam. The father smirked, "Stupid little should have stayed with your dumb ass mother." He smashed her face into the wall a few times, before mega kicking her across the room.

Rika coughed, grabbed by the tail again, and was soon spun around the room. Her father kept spinning her around for several seconds, before letting her fly face first into a wall, leaving her to plop weakly onto the ground, the beating taking its toll on the poor female. Rika groaned weakly, feeling her father kick her while she was done, and he repeated the act several times. "I'll beat that stupid attitude out of you, you stupid little cunt!" He picked her up and smacked her around some more, before tossing her into the middle of the room. "I am proud of one thing about you did learn to keep your worthless mate in check...though the roles should have been reversed." He kicked her hard in the gut, laughing evilly as he abused his daughter like old times.


Bane snarled, shaking his head as he stumbled back from the shadow ball attack. It might not have been effective, but it still hurt all the same, and Terror wasn't letting up on his assault. The aged mightyena rushed at his son, an iron tail sending Bane into a corner of the room. Terror quickly rushed forward to press the attack, Bane getting on his feet. The son than leapt over his charging father, landing and ready to strike the elder mightyena's back, but before he got a chance, Terror's teeth clamped onto Bane's tail. In the corner, Terror had a great position for dealing great damage. Bane was flung about by his tail, slammed into a wall, than yanked into the other wall, then back again to the first wall. Terror repeated the back and forth, slamming Bane into the walls several times before flinging his son away.

Bane landed with a yelp, than whimpered as he slowly got onto his feet. "Weakling!" Bane yelped, feeling his hind leg grabbed by his father, and he was tossed yet again. Bane smashed into the wall, than felt a shadow ball smash into his face, followed by several more. Terror laughed, going in and using an iron tail to send his son up into the air, and quickly followed by another iron tail to help Bane slam against the ceiling. The bruised and beaten mightyena landed with a thud and little else in terms of noise. Terror cackled even more, as he beat Bane around the room with more iron tails, the son unable to put up any sort of defense. "You're so'll never be worth anything Bane."


Blaze grunted, as he slid back along the ground, smoke rising from his body after taking several flamethrowers. The altered typhlosion eyed down his family, who returned the stare, before unleashing another barrage of flamethrowers. He held up his arms, and tried to endure the attack, pushed back against the wall from the combined might. Blaze panted, and unleashed a psychic blast to push his family back, but they were barely fazed by the attack. They all glared at the altered member of their family member, than five fire blasts were launched by the typhlosions. Blaze's eyes went wide, as the attacks hit and hard, the typhlosion crumbling to the ground, "Damn it." He got up, in time to receive a focus punch from his elder brother, which smashed him into the wall yet again. Blaze coughed out blood, falling back to the ground before a flamethrower sent him tumbling along the ground.

Groaning, he got up, looking at his opposition, his family. His mother's mouth was starting to burn with the fire of another attack, "You let your sister and brother die...we trusted you Blaze!" a fire blast was launched; Blaze barely able to stop it with a psychic blast. But several more fire blasts came, hitting him and launching him across the room, skidding to a stop, smoking and weak. The typhlosion groaned in pain, hearing his family nearing. He forced himself up, locking eyes with his younger sister. She used a focus punch, smashing him in the face, and sending him stumbling away, and quite open to another barrage of flamethrowers. Smashed into the wall from the attack, Blaze let out a howl of pain and desperation. He couldn't see how he'd win this fight; all five of them were just too much for him by himself. "You let us down let us die. You'll always let others die too...why Blaze?" His sister sounded so remorseful.


Tia let out a cry of pain, a magical leaf attack fading. Niska smirked, "Still the same fat ugly bitch. Did you really think that having a little darkness type in you would make you better than me?" the gardevoir snickered, "Not ugly hag." She focused, than unleashed a focus blast, the attack tearing into Tia, sending her into the wall hard, bellowing out in agony. The tyranitar fell to the ground, tears in her eyes from the sheer pain coursing through her body. Niska just laughed, "You're still a weak little thing...well...not so little anymore...course now that just makes your ugliness a lot more noticeable. And I think you actually got even fatter...I had thought that was impossible." The gardevoir unleashed another magical leaf, blasting Tia across the floor, the rock/dark type painfully bouncing along the ground. Tia struggled against the pain, attempting to get up, to fight back.

Her efforts meant nothing though, as Niska unleashed another magical leaf into Tia's back. The female let out another scream of pain, falling back to the ground, the ringing laughter of Niska in her ears. "I told you I'd kill you didn't I? This is what you get you fat ugly pile of shit!" Niska let lose another focus blast, smashing Tia in the face, sending her head into the wall. The tyranitar groaned, feeling battered and bruised from the merciless beating that Niska was giving her. The gardevoir smirked, holding off on pressing the attack, so she could have fun by screwing with Tia's mind. "Even if I dumped that still had no right to move in on him...he was my property." Niska's grin grew, "Blaze is still mine...he'll always be mine...and after I kill you...I think I'll go find him...and fuck him. I think he can make up for that freaky look with something more important."


Death growled, thudding on the ground loudly. The winged mightyena rose to his feet, and faced his mother, who only growled at him. She quickly closed the distance, teeth sinking into one of Death's tentacles and yanked him around the room. The male growled out in pain as he was smacked along the ground, before being released with a fling across the room. Before he could even attempt to get back on his feet though, his tail was grabbed by his mother's jaws, and he was slammed into the wall. His mother's low growling was constantly filling the room, "Monster." She had repeated the word several times throughout the fight. Not that it was much of a fight, since despite it all...she was still his mother...the one whose attention he had always wanted. How on earth could he force himself to hurt her, no matter how much she hurt him?

He let out a grunt of pain, as he felt a shadow ball push him back. He growled, he wouldn't strike back...but he wouldn't let this go on. He saw several more shadow balls coming, and he deflected them with his tentacles. "Mother...please...stop." She paid his words no heed, and pressed the attack, firing shadow balls in waves. Death's tentacles made sure not a single got to his body, but she was nearing him, and after one last attack, she leapt over him, coming down with an iron tail to his skull. Death's face was smashed into the ground, a yelp escaping his throat. Bliss glared down at her son, "I won't stop...because I didn't stop you when I had the many innocent mon suffered...I won't let my mistake continue." She prepared to deliver the coup de grace.


Ferra skidded to a halt, glaring at Pseudo Death, who flicked his tentacle, snarling at her. She unleashed a sonic boom, her foe unleashing an air slash to block the attack. Pseudo Death than let loose a shadow ball, rushing at Ferra from behind the attack. The floatzel let loose a water pulse, than used aqua jet, matching his strategy. The two collided hard, but Ferra gave and was pushed back, Pseudo Death slamming her into the wall. "I wonder which hole I should have my fun with? Any suggestions Ferra dear?" The floatzel snarled at him using a crunch attack on his snout. The male backed away, snarling in pain from it, before a water pulse knocked him back. Pseudo Death growled, flicking his tentacles out, "Little bitch...I think I'll just skip fucking you and tear your innards out."

He charged her, trying to grab her with either his teeth or tentacles, but she used an aqua get to get away. But she couldn't get far before a shadow ball sent her down into the ground. As she got up, he was on her, a tentacle knocking her into the wall. She soon felt a tentacle wrap around her neck, and dragged along as she was bounced against the wall. Pseudo Death cackled all the while, as he pounded her into the wall, the dragging of movement adding to her pain. He was greatly enjoying the suffering he was causing, her cries of pain ringing as a sweet melody in his ears. Eventually though, he tossed Ferra away, but before she could even try to get up, he got on her, tentacles around her neck. "And now die." He snickered, "But at least you can take solace in the fact that your precious and beloved Death will be your last sight."


A yelp escaped the mouth of Azur, as she thumped on the ground, but she quickly got back on her feet. Flint landed next to her, panting and wincing from his own injury. Their large opponents weren't pushovers, and Flint could see why they were sent to deal with him and his sister. The tyranitar cackled, "Come on you two...if you just stand'll end quickly." The aggron joined his comrade in laughing, both moving in to strike. Flint glared, rushing forward to meet them, the aggron moved to counter him. A metal claw attack was launched, but the little absol leapt over the steel/rock type, and came down with his blade at the rock/dark type. The attack was stopped cold by an iron tail from the tyranitar though, and was followed by a focus punch, sending the pup into the wall. Azur tried unleashing a flamethrower at the exposed aggron, but dodged it, and kicked her into the wall with her brother.

The pups groaned, getting up and preparing to keep up the fight. The two large mon both shook their heads, laughing at the display the pups put on. "Gluttons for punishment huh? Whatever floats your boat I guess." The aggron prepared another iron claw and went after Flint, the absol leapt away from the advancing aggron, who merely pressed the attack. The tyranitar did much the same with Azur, unleashing several focus punches in an attempt to squash the little houndour. Both pups were struggling to keep ahead of their foes, and not suffer the effects of the attacks, but the monstrous mon were quite quick despite their size. Both of the large males were laughing as the kept attempting to end the conflict with one swift blow. Flint growled lightly, as he tried to think of a way to escape the assault.


The clang of metal on metal rang out, Albel landing after another crossing of weapons with Nadox. The human eyed his opponent from atop his charizard, and the lucario just glared in response. Albel rushed forward again, his katana in one paw, his metal claw ready to aid in the strike. Nadox kicked, and the charizard flew forward to meet the charging ex-Black Brigade commander. The lance of Nadox crossed with Albel's blade, and with a swift swing Albel was pushed back, and was looking the tip of the lance head on. Albel leaned back, the lance passing over him as he did a back roll than while still low on the ground he went under the charizard. Nadox scoffed, "All you can do is run from my superiority. You'll regret facing me alone Albel." Nadox swung his lance to emphasize his point.

Albel snarled, "Big words coming from someone who can only fight with the help of a pokemon. You're not so superior're a filthy vermin, and I'm going to destroy you!" He unleashed an aura sphere, Nadox thrusting through it. The lucario than pressed his attack with an air slash from his blade, and Nadox parried it with ease, the same holding true for the metal claw. Albel snarled, undeterred by Nadox's defensive matter how strong a wall was...if you beat it enough it'd eventually break. Nadox wasn't so convinced by the lucario's determination though, he thought that Albel was simply a desperate beast, and he'd put him down with little effort. "Your efforts are wasted'll never best me." He pushed Albel back, "I am human...therefore...I'm the superior warrior, thinker...I am just your better in every way. Accept it."


Kage laughed, "How amusing...they can't even put up a defense against their darkness." He leaned back in his chair, 10 different images each show casing a different battle. "Such is the price to think darkness is anything but superior. The fools shall soon taste the eternal darkness of the grave. Maybe I'll give their corpses the ability to minds to think, just plenty of brawn." He cackled evilly, watching the fights unfold...and than his laughter stopped...and his smile vanished.


The energy slash seemed to inch closer to Inferno...than in a flash an explosion engulfed the houndoom. Orochi eyed the smoke, smirking at his victory...when he was smashed by a burning shadow ball. "You plans were useless! You died once! And you'll die again Orochi!" Inferno charged out of the smoke, quickly closing in on the recovering demon snake. Orochi glared, and slashed with his scythe, but Inferno simply leapt over the attack, connecting with a burning dark tail. Orochi was knocked back even more, and the houndoom didn't stop, unleashing a dark fire blast right into his face. "My pups came because I love Sky and she loves me. And our love was something you didn't plan for! The love of the others...of my family is something you didn't plan for! And you didn't plan for that again, I'll destroy you for them!" Inferno used another burning dark tail, slamming Orochi into the wall, and he followed with yet another burning dark tail, knocking his foe across the room.

Orochi groaned, as he got up to counter attack, but a burning shadow ball struck him hard in the face, and was quickly followed by a dark fire blast into the torso. Inferno let loose a vicious snarl, unleashing a barrage of dark fire blasts and burning shadow balls, pummeling Orochi into the stone of the wall. Than the houndoom prepared his ultimate attack, his dark fire beam. The attack hit with all the force of a typhoon and earthquake combined, a large cloud of dust erupting from the explosion. As it settled Orochi was standing, his scythe lost, his entire right arm limp and bleeding. Orochi smirked, "Phenomenal." He collapsed, before turning entirely black and burning away. Inferno spat out a puff of flame, "If that's all you got're in trouble." A door opened and Inferno took his leave of the room.


A cloud of dust and debris had puffed up over the area that Sky had been, Karen laughing. But the laugh was ended when Ivy let loose a scream of agony, an ice beam striking her from the dust, and partially freezing her. Before any of the pokemon could comprehend what had happened, Sky erupted from the cloud of dust, and with a slash shattered the ice, and Ivy along with it. "Ivy!" Karen watched in horror as the carnivine fell, limp upon the ground. The shock affected all of them, except for Sky who unleashed a razor wind, beheading Vulcan with the attack. "Vulcan! Damn it kill her!" Karen yelled out. Tornado came in to strike at her, but Sky used an iron tail to knock him off his head, and used a shadow ball to bring a part of the ceiling down, crushing the hitmontop.

Sky cast glares at the still living enemies, "I didn't do anything to kill you...Damien and Scar committed the act...their injuries were accidents...but they wanted to blame me AND you, Karen." Sky cast a cold stare on her trainer, "And I would never lead harm. Inferno, Flint, Azure...Death, Bane, Rika, Tia...all of them are my family...and for them I won't lie down and die!" Sky's next attack was a slash, or more a stab, into the eye of tank, following up with an ice beam. The combo was potent, killing the metang, and while leaping from his corpse, she came down with a slash, opening Quira's back up. Sky's gaze then fell back on Karen, who was backing away, terrified. "I'm sorry Karen...but I won't let you hurt my family!" With a razor wind, Sky's trainer was cut in two, falling back. Midway to the ground, Karen and her pokemon became as black as night, burning away into nothing. A door opened up, and Sky took her leave of the room.


Rika glared, catching the foot of her father, catching him off guard, "Let go!" Rika glared up at him, pushing him up and off his feet. As the raichu got back up, he felt an iron tail smash his face, sending him spinning across the ground. He growled, "Fucking little..." he coughed up blood, another iron tail sending him up, a mega kick smashing him hard into the wall. Rika didn't lighten her glare, or her assault, slamming a mega punch into her father's face. She grabbed his tail, and arced him over her head, smashing him into the ground, then spun him around, releasing him to fly face first into another wall. He growled, wobbly rising to his feet, Rika sparked, "I was nothing like you...and Bane would never dream of hurting me." She took a step forward, "And I didn't do anything to Bane...that you did to me and mom...I might not have been perfect...but at least I'm willing to admit I did some wrong! I have a family I love, and I won't let them down!" She sped forward, using the speed to add potency to her mega punch.

He coughed out blood, as Rika followed one punch with another, slamming her paws into him again and again. She eventually stopped the punch barrage to unleash another iron tail, smashing him to the corner of the room. He groaned, glaring at her, "I'll kill you!" He kicked off the wall and tried to land a mega punch, but she leapt back to avoid it. He kicked off the wall again, aiming for her, as she prepared an iron tail, launching it at him. Her father's attack floated inches from her face, blood was on her face...another cough put more. Her father's mouth was pouring the crimson liquid, his daughter's iron tail sticking through him. Rika just glared at him, before getting him off her tail with a flick, sending him to tumble lifeless on the ground. His body became black, and burned away, a door opening in his demise. Rika looked about, "For giving me that chance...I'll keep my blows above the belt Kage."


Terror was slammed hard against the wall, the lingering energy of a hyper beam fading, as Bane rose to his feet. The mightyena glared at his father, "I'm not...worthless..." he snarled, "I don't care how many times you say it..." he slowly advanced, as his father got on his feet. "I have a mate...and...future pups to fight for. I have a brother to show up. I have family to protect...and I won't let you touch any one of them." He rushed forward with a quick attack, connecting with an iron tail right into Terror's face, but before the elder mightyena could be sent flying, Bane latched onto his tail, and tossed his father in the opposite direction. Thudding along the ground, Terror was assailed by several shadow balls and a dark pulse. The father was pushed from the middle of the room into the far wall.

Terror groaned out, barely able to get back onto his feet, before yet another dark pulse smashed him back into the wall. Bane snarled, charging forward, and iron tail ready to strike Terror, who countered rushed. As they closed in, Bane let loose a shadow ball, Terror leaping over it...and opening himself to the iron tail. Terror was smashing into the ceiling, and while still in the air, he was smashed even harder into the ceiling by a hyper beam. It took several seconds before Terror finally fell through the smoke, landing lifelessly on the ground with a dull thud. His body soon became totally black, and burned away in dark fire. Bane spat, heading to the opened door with a low growl in his throat.


A bellow of smoke engulfed the room, screams coming from the family of typhlosions. Without any warning Blaze had unleashed a powerful psychic blast, knocking them all away. "I...didn't let anything happen...I couldn't do anything..." Blaze ground his teeth, the fire on his back intensifying, "I wish I could have...but I wasn't nearly strong enough than. But I'm strong enough to protect my family now." The dust settled, his glare directed at his parents and siblings, "And my Tia and the others...and if you're willing to serve the Brotherhood...than I'll destroy you...for them!" He unleashed another, even more powerful, psychic blast, smashing them into the walls. He unleashed a psybeam into the ceiling, dislodging some of the stone work and forcing it to fall. He glared at his family, using psychic to pick up the stones, and have the hover in the air, threateningly.

The stones were then launched at high velocity, tearing through the room and into the typhlosions unable to dodge the barrage, which was only his sister and elder brother. The two siblings glared at him, unleashing fire blasts at him. His eyes glowed brightly, as he unleashed a psychic charged purple fire blast which was a lot faster than their attacks...and a lot more powerful, as it tore through the combined fire attacks and struck them hard. The attack hit ample force, and the purple fire seemed to ignore their usual type advantage to flames. The whole of his family became as black as a cauldron, burning away in black flames, except for his siblings, who burned away in purple fire. Blaze glared, "Not a good I'm pissed off."


Niska let out a wail, as she was slammed into the wall, a thunderbolt striking her soon after. The gardevoir glared at Tia, who was glaring right back, "He's not a toy...and you don't deserve him." Tia spat, "You turned your back on said you loved him...but you turned your back on him when he needed you most." The tyranitar used an iron tail to deflect a magical leaf attack, much to Niska's horror. "I won't let you near Blaze...or anyone for that're an evil're a selfish whore...and..." Tia grinned, "As far as gardevoirs're a real fat and ugly hag." Niska glared, using a focus blast, but Tia just tilted her head to avoid the attack. Tia smiled, "I'm not the same little Tia...I've got something that I learned especially for you Niska!"

The tyranitar seethed dark energy, before unleashing it in a pulse. The dark pulse slammed into Niska, with mind numbing force, the gardevoir screaming out as she was blasted several inches into the wall. Tia unleashed another dark pulse, and then another, and another. The gardevoir kept screaming, unable to be forced further into the wall, but that meant that she was forced to take the full force of the attacks. Tia ended her barrage after dark pulse 23, which was the exact number of times that Niska had purposely slammed into her or done something similar while they were around Blaze. As the dust settled, the gardevoir's body came into view, her eyes were pure white, as blood seeped from her mouth. She than was engulfed in black, and burned away. Tia smiled, "That was hurting Blaze you one does that to my male and gets off scot free." She left through the open door.


Bliss's mouth was open, teeth bared and aimed at Death's throat, but she wasn't closing the distance. A tentacle was wrapped around her neck, "Mistake...I'm a mistake?" Death got up, lifting his mother up by the neck, her coughing sounding out. He tossed her hard into a wall, "I'm a monster? Am I really?" he glared at her, tears forming in his eyes, "Yeah...I've done horrible things...but I've done my best to make up for them...but...the only mistake...the only monster in this room...isn't me." He snarled, tentacles and wings waving menacingly, "I did nothing to deserve your scorn as a pup...I tried to be good...I tried to make you notice me...but you ignored me...because I was a monster? I was your pup!" he dashed in, and smashed her across the room with a tentacle smack. "You're the monster mother! You don't even deserve to be called that!" As Bliss tried to get up, she felt her muzzle and body wrapped by her son's tentacles, as his teeth sunk into her neck.

The female struggled, "Bastard! Monster! You'd kill your own mother!?" Before she could say anything more, he forced her head to twist, snapping her neck. He released her from his mouth, "...You aren't a mother...especially to me." He dropped her body, "I'll kill anyone...who would real family." He watched her body turn black, than burn away. He turned and headed out the door that had appeared with his moth...with Bliss's demise. "Anyone who endangers my family...especially you Kage."


Ferra let loose bloodthirsty snarl, her head breaking free of Pseudo Death's tentacles, her head smashing into his, "Stop using his name!" He recoiled from the strike, and felt a water pulse blast him away from the floatzel. Ferra stood up, glaring at him, "You aren't matter what you Death isn't anything like you!" she let loose a new attack, a whirlpool, the water attack smashing Death's doppelganger, and slamming him into the wall. "I know who my Death is...and I know he'd never harm aren't any way!" she used an aqua jet to smash him even harder into the wall of the room. He let out a cough of blood, feeling the floatzel brutally assault him, out for his blood. At point blank range, she blasted him with two water pulses, before grabbing his tentacle and flinging him into a different wall.

The mightyena groaned, getting up onto his feet, "Damn...fucking..." he felt a sonic boom smash the side of his face. Pseudo Death groaned, than let loose a snarl, getting up and charging for her. Ferra repeated his action, her tail starting to glow as she neared the fake Death, "This is for what you did to my Deathy Poo!" He lunged forward, and she, using the water created by her attacks, slid under him, her twin tails going to either side of his head. She had prepared an iron tail, and snapped her tails together. As she turned in her slide, she watched as the body, now missing a head, tumbled over itself. Ferra spat, watching the body melt away into blackness. The door opened, and she cracked a smile, "Now to find my real Deathy Poo." She giggled, heading out.


Flint grinned, hearing the tyranitar and aggron curse. Flint remembered a lesson from Albel, use your enemies own strength against them, a rudimentary rule of combat. The strength of the two mon that he and his sis were fighting was their size, strength and speed...but they weren't geniuses. The pups had used their ability to narrowly avoid getting hit to great advantage, as every dodge not had their foes attacking, smashing into, and/or tumbling over one another, and into walls. The giants were snarling as they tried to kill both pups, and they just repeated their actions, causing the males to fall onto her sides. Flint grinned, "Come on guys...we're just a couple of pups." The two glared daggers at the little absol, but he just gave a confident grin in response.

Azur snickered, "You guys really never had a chance against us. Heck, you'd be lucky to take down a rattata with how pathetic you are." The two snarled at the pups, getting up and rushing them. Azur smirked, as both she and her brother ran up their arms. Azur let loose a flamethrower into the aggron's face, and kept the attack going down his back. Flint used his blade to slice out the tyranitar's eye, then sliced a path down his back. The two giants bellowed out in pain, falling to the ground, allowing Flint to deliver the finishing blows. With their opponents dead, the pups saw the door open up, and they quickly took their leave of the room.


The ringing of steel meeting steel sang, as Albel pressed his attack on Nadox. The human was struggling to keep blocking the furious assault, while the lucario seemed to only group more determined with every strike. Nadox's mount tried to blast Albel with fire, but the Black Brigade commander always dodged it, and came from another angle to press his foe. Nadox was unable to repulse the canine like earlier in the conflict, his strength was waning as exhaustion took him. "Getting tired Nadox? Of course you are!" Albel cackled, "For all your talk about being superior, you still have a human's endurance." Albel unleashed a metal claw, causing Nadox to fall from his mount. Freed of Nadox, the charizard quickly took his leave. Nadox cursed at the fleeing dragon, but kept his attention on the lucario.

Albel chuckled, "You've always claimed humans are superior Nadox...but the fact of the matter is you're wrong." He held up his blade, "That's not saying pokemon are any greater than humans...the reality is that...only individuals are superior." He laughed, "And I am superior to Arceus...and most certainly to you Nadox!" The lucario pointed his blade at the human, "I always have been...and I always will are just to foolish to see it."

Nadox bellowed, and charged Albel, weapon ready to kill the pokemon and prove him wrong. Albel just laughed, meeting Nadox's rush, the two closing in quickly. A weapon went through a body, and the two had their backs to one another, skidding to a stop. Albel sheathed his blade, as Nadox coughed out blood, falling to his knees, "Im...impossible...I...I can't...I can't lose to a pokemon!" He coughed more blood, and collapsed, his life coming to an end. Albel quickly turned and entered the fortress, proceeding to the most likely location that Kage was at.


Inferno smiled, rushing to the center of the large room he had entered, the others doing the same. The houndoom chuckled, "Hey guys...I see you're are you right?"

Death thought about it, "Right...this could be another trap by Kage....hey Rika, Bane said you were fat." The unaltered mightyena glared at Death, before gulping as he heard the raichu spark. Death chuckled, "Those two are for real."

"Are they Deathy poo?" Ferra asked with a grin.

Death grumbled, glaring at her, "...I said stop calling me that. But you are Ferra." The floatzel giggled, satisfied he was really Death. "I think it's safe to say we're all who we are...Kage must have thought we'd never get past that trick."

Inferno nodded, "I'll say...fighting Orochi wasn't fun."

Azur scoffed, "We beat a tyranitar and aggron at once. We kicked their butts, didn't we Flint." The absol pup nodded. Blaze rolled his eyes, "I took down 5 foes myself so don't get cocky you two."

Sky nodded, "Sorry Azur...but I had more opponents myself...5 pokemon...and a human." She sighed, nuzzled by her mate who had guessed what she had to fight. "Kage's a sick person to actually do that though."

Rika shrugged, "I'm kinda glad for the chance he gave me." Ferra nodded in agreement with the sentiment, Tia's own nod signifying she also enjoyed her opponent. The raichu cleared her throat, "But...I'm still going to beat Kage to a pulp." Nods were all around.

"Confident words from a bunch of corpses." A voice rang out in the large room. A figure slowly walked down, feet stepping upon invisible stair, a very large blade in his hand. "You have dared to enter my dark realm, and attempted to cast away my shadows. But you efforts are in vain, as the darkness will always remain strong, and they shall suffocate your precious light." He reached the ground, and took a few steps toward them. " where you'll die. I am Kage...and I am the god of darkness!"

The group stood firm against him, Inferno snarling, "Not going to happen!" Kage scoffed, and rushed toward them with blinding speed, delivering a kick into Inferno, sending him up into the air. Kage thrust his blade into the ground, sending out a blast of energy knocking all of them away. Kage then looked at the falling Inferno, and prepared to slice him in two, but the slash that came didn't hit, Inferno thudding on the ground a ways away, a shadow ball knocking him away from Kage's attack. The human smirked, they were only putting off the inevitable, but he'd allow them too, he hadn't had some fun for a long time. He went at Tia next, his blade grazing her thanks to her abnormal quickness. The tyranitar launched a punch, but he quickly leapt away, unleashing a dark tendril of energy to strike her, the attack knocking her off her feet. Blaze glared, unleashing a psy beam at the air born Kage, but he deflected the attack with his blade, sending it right back into the typhlosion.

As the human landed, he groaned a shadow ball striking his back. Kage turned, glaring at Flint, who had his blade in maw and was charging. "Runt!" He unleashed another black tendril, but the absol easily dodged the attack, " agile runt." Flint closed in and slashed, his blade grinding against Kage's own. The human glared and pushed the pup back, but before he could press his attack he was forced to block a razor wind from Sky. Kage smirked, sidestepping a tentacle swipe from Death, grabbing the appendage and swinging the mightyena around, launching him against a pillar. Death righted himself in the toss though, landing on the pillar with his feet and launching off it. Death tried to strike Kage from below, but the human leapt onto his face, sending the altered canine rolling along the ground, as he unleashed another dark tendril at Ferra. The floatzel narrowly dodged it with an aqua jet, trying to strike at Kage from the side, but she had to alter her path as he attempted to slice her in two.

Two iron tails collided with Kage's back, the attackers backing away to avoid the counter attack. Bane and Rika smirked, unleashing a dark pulse and shock wave at Kage, which he countered with a slash, managing to stop the combined attack. Kage glared, "Fools! Behold this Dark Prelude!" he focused, creating a whirlpool of darkness around himself, Bane and Rika getting caught in it and spun around before being launched into walls. The others had managed to avoid the attack, and Inferno used the chance to launch a dark fire blast. Kage slashed the attack, stopping it, but he couldn't stop the flame thrower Azur launched at his back. Kage turned; unleashing a dark tendril at the shiny houndour, but Flint stepped in and stopped the attack. But the little absol was opened up to kick from the human, sending the pup hard into a pillar. Sky tried to keep Kage from pressing his attack on Flint, but the human kicked her aside, and rushed for Flint, intent on cutting him into at least two pieces.

"A little eager to kill him aren't you Kage?" Albel sneered, his metal claw of a paw holding Kage's blade off. Before Kage could respond, Albel unleashed a dragon pulse, knocking the human back. Kage glared at the traitor, but he couldn't make a move against him, Death pressing the attack with an air cutter, Albel aiding the mightyena with an air slash. Kage stopped both strikes with a slash, but Tia was behind him, and unleashed a dark pulse. Kage unleashed a dark tendril, stopping the attack, but not the psychic blast that Blaze had launched behind her attack. Kage was slammed back by the psychic force, snarling as he skid to a stop in time to stop a double iron tail from Inferno and Sky. The couple glared at Kage, unleashing an ice beam and burning shadow ball, blasting Kage further back. The human panted, unleashing another "dark prelude" the whirlpool of darkness getting Inferno, Sky, Albel, and Flint. The four were launched into several different walls, Albel smashing against a pillar.

Kage's attention then went to Bane and Rika, who were launching a thunderbolt and shadow ball, his blade carving through the combined attacks. Kage was smashed in the side by a different thunderbolt than, Tia smirking as her tail still crackled with electricity. Blaze's psybeam than struck Kage's opposite side, forcing the human to get a less surrounded position, launching several dark tendrils as he did so. The group dodged the attacks, Ferra and Blaze both struck in the barrage but able to stay on their feet. Kage glared at his opposition, as he deflected several ranged attack, unleashing more dark tendrils in retribution. Inferno came in along the side, unleashing several burning shadow balls and dark fire blasts, Kage managing to stop the attacks, including the burning dark tail Inferno used. But in stopping Inferno, Kage was open to Tia's iron tail. Flint eyed the battle, then smiled, going to Azur and whispering something into her ear, the little houndour nodding after awhile.

Kage groaned, but stayed up so he could deflect the attacks that were coming. Death came in, his tentacles unleashing dual air cutters, followed by a shadow ball. Ferra came up right after her mate, an iron tail striking quickly followed by a water pulse. Tia stomped up to the pushed back Kage, an iron tail making a loud ring as it hit his blade, a hyper beam following up. Blaze leapt from Tia's tail, using psybeam at point blank range, following it up with a fire blast. Kage gritted his teeth, trying to hold his blade up against the assault, Albel coming in with a metal claw and sword slash combo, following it up with an aura sphere. Rika charged in next using a volt tackle, then striking with an iron tail stab. Bane came up right under his mate, his own iron tail making the sword ring in agony, a hyper beam striking next. Sky charged in, an ice beam used to start off the attack, and upon leaping off the flat end off the blade she unleashed a razor wind. Inferno was already attacking the moment Sky's razor wind struck, a burning dark tail making the blade ring in even more pain, than a dark fire beam blasting Kage further back. Kage wasn't sure how much more his weapon could take, but he had to hope it could take one more blow.

Flint and Azur had run up opposite pillars, leaping at the peak toward one another. Meeting in midair, Azur grabbed her brother's paw in her mouth, and swung him toward Kage. The human looked up in time to see the pup coming like a comet, blade ready. Kage raised his blade to stop the attack. Flint's blade struck Kage's...

...than it struck the ground moments later, Flint hitting the floor hard, as if nothing had even resisted his attack. Kage's blade fell in two, blood gushing from the slash that went from his left shoulder, to his right hip. " can" Kage stumbled back, feeling his body grow weak, his eyes fixated on the group before him. " darkness...not enough?" His legs gave way, " the" he fell to the ground, the fire of life fading from his eyes. The Brotherhood of Shadow's leader had been defeated, and the Brotherhood itself was put into ruin.

Orange: HE JUST GOT PWNED FTW! NOW YOUR-*Cut off by Red as she had her own smile.*
Red: No....I'm not going to hear that.
Xehta: *blinks* What are you talking about?
Red: Orange saw something called "Final Fantasy Victory Lyrics." It'll tell you enough.
Xehta: Oh! I get it!
Mecha: *laughs* It was a great chapter.
Red: Yea. I agree there.
Orange: ! OH... Um... Mecha. Green asked something of you for the last run if you mind.
Mecha: *blinks* Oh? What's that?
Orange: She wanted to not only teleport the gang in for the last call, but also do the intro to the last chapter.
Mecha: I guess we can do that...I'll have to hammer out a detail or two with her though. *smiles, heading off to find Green*
Xehta: I kinda hope Mecha takes awhile to do the last chapter.
Red: You think. After that kind of writing he'll have to recover.
*Green appeared to as he entered her room.* Green: I see Orange delivered the message.
Xehta: Yeah...and he just went off to find you. Try not to get distracted during the hammering out of details.
Green: Indeed...farewell. *glows and disappears into energy to reach Mecha.*
Red: I hate it when she does that at times.
Xehta: I wonder how long before they start humping. Bets everyone?...and see all you readers the next...and final...chapter.
Red: Indeed.
Orange: Bye bye
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