AGNPH Stories

Brotherhood by testa


Brotherhood Ch.7

Mecha: *smiles* Hey everyone, sorry about last chapter. But Pink's quite happy...hell, all the girls are.
Xehta: It's nothing, I can handle it easy! *smiles big, puffed up chest*
Blue: *coming in* Oh, is that true? *chuckle*
Xehta: Yeah. The commentary isn't that hard to do.
Blue: *grin* Maybe, but it's hard to keep a straight face at times in a place like this...knowing what goes on.
Mecha: *looks to her with a smirk, then licks her face* You complaining?
Blue: So true...I ment for him. *point to Xehta*
Xehta: *shrugs* I've gotten used to it.
Blue: Maybe...but then again you might need some help sometime.
Xehta: *smiles, shaking head* Nah. It's enough work for you girls keeping Mecha's libido in check.
Mecha: Hey!
Blue: *giggles* Well, I do wonder if his family line was from the Pink civilization of the past.
Mecha: If that was true then I wouldn't be content to just cuddle with you girls.
Xehta: But...I think we...
Mecha: *blasts him* That was for the libido comment...but you are right. On the Brotherhood!

Inferno yawned, standing up and stretching out. He smiled, his two pups curled up next to their mother, all three looking beautiful in the morning light. He took a deep breath, enjoying crisp morning air. It had been a few days since their fight with the Black Brigade, and everyone seemed to have calmed down after the whole incident. Sky was always next to the pups, if not on top of them, but Inferno knew he was the same. The others had also taken to being very close, in order to protect the pups from future snatching. Flint was also overjoyed to see that his sword was returned to him, thanks to Death.

But now all that fuss was gone, much to the pups releif he was sure. He smiled, then heard something coming closer. His ears were perked, as he focused, and soon heard cursing. "God damn...freaking plants. Always have to have the one sharp part in my way. I hate plants!" A mightyena came upon the clearing the group was in. "Oh...umm...hello."

The others began to stir, looking up at the intruder. Inferno eyed the mightyena, a female, "Hello. Mind telling me who you are."

She smiled, "My name's Ginger, and sorry for waking you. I've been traveling around the area. I've just left my old home you see. I wanted to see the far I've only seen plants trying to cut me up."

"Ginger huh? Nice to meet you. I'm Inferno." The houndoom smiled, pointing to Sky, "This lovely absol is my mate Sky." The happy mother gave a nod, smiling, which got her a smile and nod back. "The pups are ours, their names are Azur and Flint."

"I'm Death. If you don't like how I look...fuck off." Death said, non-chalantly. Ferra sighed, shaking her head, "And this prize floatzel is my mate Ferra. You're in for a crash course in flying if you're rude to her." Ferra sighed again.

"Nice to meet you Ginger. My name's Tia, and this less then social typhlosion is my cuddly Blaze." Blaze blushed, grumbling.

Ginger nodded, "It's nice to meet all of you." she saw Bane, then smiled, going up to him, "And what's your name cutie?"

Rika sparked, "His is Bane, and he's MY mutt. And just so you know, I'm Rika."

Ginger nodded, smiling at Bane, "He's certainly a handsome one...I'm not surprised he's taken." She licked her lips, smiling big. Bane couldn't help but feel a little happy about the comments, Rika didn't really compliment his looks all that much. But his smiled quickly faded as Rika sparked, making the male gulp as he smiled at her. Inferno ahemed to get her attention, "So Ginger...where are you from?"

"Oh, it was this small little cave. Me and my family lived there, and we had some neighbors around. But it was so small and boring, with nothing to really do or see. I decided to take off and see the world, and maybe some interesting people too." she chuckled, "Looks like I've already done the latter though." She was refering to the three members of the group who were anything but normal looking. "But I'm having a little trouble with the seeing the world part." she sighed.

Sky smiled, "Well, we travel alot. How about you stick around with us for a bit?" Rika seemed ready to fry Sky for suggesting that.


Inferno sighed, "I don't know...don't forget Sky, we haven't seen the last of the Brotherhood."

Ginger tilted her head, "Brotherhood? Who are they?"

Death answered, "A group of humans and pokemon that have tried to kill us and kidnapped the pups."

Ginger gasped, "That's awful! Now I can't just turn down the offer. I couldn't sleep at night knowing jerks like them are walking around, causing trouble for good pokemon."

Tia smiled, "Well then...welcome to out little group."

Rika glared, "Well I don't think...."

Bane interuppted her, "It'd be nice having someone new to talk to, something we all can agree on I'm sure." everyone nodded, short of Rika, who was fuming. Ginger smiled, happy to find some friends to travel. "And you don't need to worry...I can more then handle myself in a fight. I once fought 3 humans in dorky black outfits with a red R on in, each having two pokemon on them. Of course I had my brother to help me, but still."

Bane smiled, "Good, you'll fit right in." Ginger giggled, thanking him, and getting a bit to close for Rika's liking. But before the raichu could do anything, the mightyena backed off, still giggling at Bane. "So, since we're up...guess we should get moving." Bane suggested. The others all agreed, smiling as they proceeded off, not sure where they were going, but set on getting to that unknown location. Rika was staying especially close to Bane, eyeing Ginger all the time. The female mightyena smiled walking along with the group, telling some of her experiances, but mainly listening to their adventures. She was amazed to hear everything they had done over their lives, feeling sorry for certain members when tales of their own sorrow came.

Inferno got a real laugh when he saw reaction to the fact that he had died. Death was surprised that she didn't glare at him, or even eye him suspiciously when she learned of what he had done. Bane was happy to tell her what he had done, since she seemed interested in hearing it. He found it nice to actually have someone who listened him, complimented him, and gave him some respect. Rika just simmered, barely able to keep herself from shocking everyone.


"We really have to get to them now don't we?"

Robbie nodded, "Yes! The Brotherhood already made contact, and they'll make contact again."

"Well, they aren't far now." Saria was gliding along her friend as they rushed ahead.


The gang had stopped to munch on some berries, Ginger smiling as she munched up while sitting down next to Bane. Rika's eyes never once left the female mightyena, though if Ginger noticed the constant surveilance wasn't know, if she did she either didn't know or care about the reason she was being eyed. The rest of the group chose to ignore Rika's obvious displeasure with Ginger. The pups finished eating first, and took to playing. Ginger giggled at their antics, remember her own puphood. Upon Bane's questioning, she told of all the hijinks that she, her siblings and/or friends got into. Some of her stories were actually funny, like when her brother fell from a rock, and tumbled into one of their friends. When the two had stopped tumbling around, they were in doggie style...which wasn't the best position to be in when parents came by.

The group burst into laughter, knowing what the adult must have thought, Ginger confirming it. "Of course...since we didn't know what the position ment, it left that parent in a bad spot...he had to send us to our own parents for the talk." She giggled out.

"Daddy...what's doggie style?" Azur asked, confused.

Inferno gulped, "Umm...I'll tell you when you're older."

"How old?" Azur said, feeling unhappy about being left out.

"When you're as old as your mom I'll tell you." Inferno said.

Flint scoffed, "Dummy doesn't know what doggie style is huh?"

"And you do?" Azur snapped. Inferno and Sky looked to Flint, wondering the same thing.

"Yeah. It's a grown up game. It's fun I guess. I never saw, since the two who were gonna play it managed to get away from me. But they talked about it, and the female said 'Doggie style is always fun.' So that's why I know it." He stuck his tongue out at her, "Nyeh!"

Azur looked to her parents, "Is he right?"

Sky nodded, "Yes dear. It's" she smiled, blushing lightly. Azur seemed disappointed that Flint was right, but was satisfied with the answer.

"Excuse me." Everyone turned to see a human dressed in a black shirt and pants with a blue coat, and a familiar latias.

Inferno blinked, "'re that latias...the one who warned us about Team Rocket."

She nodded, "Yes. We didn't get a proper introduction did we? I'm Saria." she bowed.

Death eyed them, "And who's your human friend?"

"My name is Robie. Though...I think human isn't really a good classification." His hair was white, and combed back. He also had green eyes.

Inferno tilted his head, "Then what are you?"

"That requires some explaining, but it's necassary. After all, we've come to see you for a reason."

Sky blinked, "What is it?"

Robie sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Well...we need your help." When asked what they needed help with, he faced them, stone faced, "We need to destroy the Brother of Shadow...if we don't then everything is going to die."

Purple: *looking around...writing and then showing her sign* "From friendly, to funny, to serious...the fun part of the coaster is Brotherhood. First, I had to wonder how Rika is going to keep her anger meter down with a gal noting her mon. Second, I got a good giggle from game moment. And finally, it's about time we met the two behind the scene chars fully."
Mecha: I couldn't agree more Purple. On all three counts.
Xehta: Here here!
Mecha: Looks like some light is going to be shown on the shadow.
Purple: *scribble and then write* "Probably we'll get some origins around here. Though I'm just as much worried about Bane. He got a short fuse of electric TriNitroTolium near him."
Mecha: *nods* Yeah. Of course...Rika's temper might not be her best tool right now.
Xehta: You two don't actually think he'd...
Mecha: *shrugs* That fat rat isn't exactly mate of the year my girls. *smiles*
"That is so true." *from the shadow Black appears right behind Mecha*
Xehta: I don't know. I'd like to see those two stay together. But...maybe...
Mecha: Well...its too early to make any guess. We'll have to wait till the next chapter. Till then readers.
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