AGNPH Stories

Rose's One Love and other Short Stories by majinonifox1


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The Christmas Present I Never Thought I'd Get


Doin it cause you love me so much.

Trying something new, here. Yuri. Contains scenes of it.

And now, on with the show!


I love Christmas.

Greatest holiday of the entire year. Halloween you get candy, Valentines day you get sweethearts, and a headache. But Christmas, you get presents that you ask for. It was like a second birthday, except for the whole surprise birthday party thing.

"Mara, honey, come down and open your presents!"

That was mom. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. The stunning beauty of a beautiful Furret.

I headed downstairs. I gaped in awe. The christmas tree had thousands upon thousands of presents.

I immediately sat down and waited for mother's instruction on opening presents this year.

"Ahh, I'm not feeling up to passing presents out this year. Have at them."

This surprised me. She was normally a tidy person, but nevertheless, as I heard those words, I jumped right into the pile and said "I call dibs on the first present!" And as I dived, my face met with someone elses, in an embaressing way.

One of my friends had tried to get to the presents before me, and in her hurry, didn't see me until it was too late. Her face pressed against mine. Our lips hit each other.

It was Suzie. The coolest Marowak I'd ever seen in my life.

I backed away, scared for my life. I never would have done something like that in my entire life. She probably would have killed me.

She just stood there, just with a dazed look in her eyes. She then said as tough as she could "Do that again, and I'll tear your fur off, one strand at a time!"

I was lucky for just a threat. I then redoubled my jump and hopped into the presents and threw out ones that weren't mine, calling out names.

"Dira!" I tossed the present to a Vulpix in the area, "Jikar!" I threw another one to a Weavile, male. "Dokar!" I threw again, and it went to Jikar's twin sister. They then switched the presents.

"Mirena!" I tossed again and a Glaceon caught it. "Kaia! Kaio!" I tossed one big present out and the other twins caught their present together. Both of them were Buizels.

"Chaos, Destiny!" I tossed another one. They weren't twins, but the way they acted, you'd swear they were brother and sister. An Umbreon, Chaos, and an Espeon, Destiny.

"Suzie!" I called, and tossed a present to the Marowak that I had accidentally kissed.

After a while of tossing presents, I gathered mine up, and everyone else did as well. And, at my count "One, two three!" we all opened our presents.

After 2 hours of opening, I had a new DS, MarioKart DS, Mario Party DS, Super Mario DS, The New Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario DS Yoshi's Island, yeah. I had a thing for Mario.

I gathered up my presents, and as did everyone else, and we all cleaned up the wrapping paper. It was only common courtesy, as we all lived in the same house.

Just then, a Dragonair came into the room. "Did you all like your presents?"

We all chimed in "Yes, we did. Thank you, Mom!"

Not all of us were blood related, but we all called her mother all the same. She had taken us in when there was nobody else to do it.

She smiled. "Good. Well, get those things to your rooms and get playing!"

I picked up my carrier for my DS and games, and brought it all up to my room. There, I got straight to work on Super Mario DS. It was just like Super Mari 64, only it was for the DS.

I was playing it for the entire day, and it was already 5:00 when I put doen the game, after getting halfway throught it already.

I went out into the living room and sat down in a chair. I looked at the spot that me and Suzie ahd kissed at and looked up. There, right there, was the mistletoe. 'Great. Now I know why we kissed like that.' I sat there remembering the kiss. Suzie sure didn't seem reluctant to the feeling. In fact, she seemed to rather enjoy it. And for some strange reason, so did I.

I sat back and closed my eyes, waiting for mom to be done with Christmas dinner. Just then, there was a tapping on my shoulder. "Can I talk you alone?"

I opened my eyes and saw Suzie. My first thought was 'Oh god she wants to kill me for what happened earlier.' Then my next thougth was 'Maybe not.' "Sure. Where do you wanna talk?"

"Well, could we go to your room? Only my roommate is sleeping already. Says she needs her rest. I don't want to cross her." She may have been big and bad, but there was only one person that could contain her: Mirena. With her, being an ice-type, and Suzie, being a ground-type, Suzie was at a disadvantage. And having her as a roommate only made it worse for everyone.

"Sure. we can go in my room." I started walking and was surprised by a hand grasping mine. "Can you lead me there?"

I was surprised by the gesture, and at first I thought I was gonna die. Then, I said "Okay." fearful of what she would do to me if I refused.

I led her to my room. As I walked in, I sat on my bed, and Suzie did as well. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

Suzie looked nervous, and sometimes it was good, but sometimes it was bad. I didn't know if this was a good time, but I didn't want to have an episode, so I minded myself. "Well, you remember the kiss we had earlier today?"

I was fearing the worst now. "Yeah." I said, completely scared.

"Well, when we did that, it felt kinda.. good."

I was surprised by the comment, as I thought that Suzie was after a really hot boy in our school. "Well, why do you need to talk to me about it?"

"Well," She twiddled her fingers. "it's because I know you're scared of me-"

'And with god reason.' I secretly thought.

"And I wanted to talk to you about it because... well, I think I love you."

I was taken aback by the sudden upfrontness of Suzie. I then did something that only felt right at the time. I kissed her again, but this time, I didn't shy away, and held it there as long as I could.

After a while, we broke apart and Suzie said "Well, now it's official. I do love you!" And she kissed me again. It felt incredible. It felt as if she had done this many times with many other people.

Our tongues met in each other's mouths and they danced the afternoon away. It felt as if hours passed by while we were tongue tangoing; her tongue darting back and forth, rubbing against mine, while mine did the same. I didn't know why I was doing this. Maybe it was I subconsciously wanted Suzie to be with me, or maybe it was just something in the back of my mind that told me tha tSuzie was the right one for me, and that guys could go bite one.

We broke the kiss, Suzie gasping for air as I was as well. "Wow. That was great." I said.

"Well, it could be better. We could do something even better." Suzie said.

"Wait. Do you mean...?" Oh, if she meant what I thought, then thank god for soundproof rooms.

"Yep. And I have a good tool we can both use." Suzie pulled out the bone that all Marowak are well known for and began rubbing herself. She let out a soft moan as she pleasured herself. I couldn't help but get completely arouused by this and began getting myself some release. I first took my finger, then thought better of it and grabbed my new DS and pulled out the styler that came with it and began to use that to play with myself. I brushed the larer end against my clit and felt it slide in a bit, which surprised me. I then took it a step further and slid it in a little. This was better than any mastrubation I'd ever done in my life, as I was also getting a show with my show.

Suzie kept up her own pleasure and was son gasping in ecstasy. She then tilted her head back and cried out in pleasure as her orgasm rocked her. At the same time, I also reached my climax and my DS styler was covered in my juices.

I pulled out my styler and gave it to Suzie and said "Trade?"

She gave me her bone and she took my styler. She saw how I was using it, and before she used it on herself, she sucked off the end of it, getting as much of my juices on her tongue as she could.

I did the same with her bone. I could taste the juices she left behind, as well as an earthy taste that I associated with the bone. I finished getting the juices off and began my treatement with it. It was way better than any toys I'd ever used in my life. Maybe it was because it was a bone that I could use to imitate a knot action, which after 3 minutes with it, I did. I shoved the larger part into my hole and felt the bone stick fast. I then rotated it around, getting it's feel all within my love hole.

I loked over at Suzie, who was having her fun with the styler, making more ue of it than I had thought. She actually used the smaller end to insert into her nipple. It looked painful, but she looked as if she were having the time of her life.

I felt my second orgasm wash over me, and it was even better the second time around. Suzie had her orgasm, but it didn't look as good as her first. I then pried the bone from my slit, and it came out with a loud pop. As it came out, I leaked a bit more of my juices.

As they came out, Suzie went right to my vagina and began eating. I couldn't contain myself, and began moaning like crazy. I bucked my hips into her eating, and I felt her skull actually enter my hole with her snout. It made me shuder to no end, but it was still incredible.

Suzie kept right on eating. As she did, she was playinhg with herself again.

I couldn't contain myself any more. I was gonna have my third orgasm of the night. "Ohh Suzie. It's coming!"

At this, however, Suzie quickened her pace and made sure that when I finally did unload for the third time that night, that she caught it all in her mouth. She cleaned up all that she could, and then went to my head and gave me another frenching. She gave me a taste of my own juices.

They were a bit salty, and also a bit earthy, which I thought was from the bone from before. I greedily took in all of Suzie's tongue to get a better taste of my juices. We then broke the kiss after we'd successfully shared al that we could.

Then, Suzie laid on her back, giving me a great view of her snatch. I brought my head down to it, and began my eating.

I knew Suzie was enjoying it when I heard her moaning incredibly loud. I quickened my pace, and was soon greeted with small amounts of her juices. It wasn't her orgasm, but it did taste pretty good, like Tamato Berries. In fact, that was pretty much all Suzie ever ate, was Tamato Berries. I wondered in my own head 'Does your taste depend on what you eat?'

At that point, I didn't care. Al I wanted was to bring Suzie to her rolling orgasm, which I had succeeded.

"Ohh, Mara, I'm gonna cum!"

I kept on eating. Faster, like Suzie did with me, and I was soon met with a bigger explosion of juices than I had felt from my own body. She let off so much, it was hard for me to get any in my mouth, it was coming out so fast.

I finally managed to get most of it down into my mouth and swallowed, but kept some in my mouth for Suzie. I slinked my body upwards to Suzie's head and gave her a french like she did me.

I pushed my tongue and all of her juices stil in my mouth to her mouth. Suzie recieved them well, and added her own tongue to the mix. We did our thing for another 5 minutes, it seemed like, and when we broke, I wasn't gasping for air like the first time. In fact, it was even better for having been longer.

I laid on the bed next to Suzie, her holding and massaging my breasts. I did the same, and we just laid there for quite some time, just enjoying the feel of each other's breast massage.

I don't know how long we were there, but soon, there was a knock at the door, and mom called to us "Girls, dinner's ready."

"Not hungry, mom." I called out.

"Okay, but if you change your mind, there'll be some leftovers in the fridge."

"Thank you."

"What about you, Suzie. Are you hungry?" mom asked.

"No, thanks mom. Can you leave some in the fridge for me as well? For later?"

we couldn't see it, but mom had a weird look on her face. "Okay. I can do that. I'll see you girls tomorrow."

Then, she left the door. I brought Suzie close to me, and felt her body heat against my own.

Boy, do I love Christmas.
Chapter End Notes:Let me know if you want some more Holiday Specials. Don't worry, I'll get a Valentines one in as well
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