AGNPH Stories

Rose's One Love and other Short Stories by majinonifox1


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

New Year's Revelation

Here's a new year's one for you. I got good reviews from my other stories, so I'm gonna treat you with a special.

Male Umbreon with a Female Delcatty.

Now, on with the Show!


"Oh, come on, Dana! It'll be fun!"

"No way, Taner! I told you already; I'm waiting for a friend!"

This is the third time today he's asked me to go with him to the Berry Grove to pick berries with him.

My name's Dana. I'm a Delcatty. My friend, Taner? Umbreon. He seems to like me a lot, too.

Anyway, I was waiting for a friend to come and pick me up so we could go and watch fireworks that the humans put on for this coming of a new year. I didn't even know where it was gonna be at.

Anyway, I'm not gonna bother you with my life story.

"Dana! I'm bored out of my mind, and I really want you to come with me to the Berry Grove! Please?"

"I told you! I'm waiting for a friend!"

Taner looked crestfallen, and his rings started dimming to dark blue; the color of his sadness. He walked away, feeling very lonely.

I sat there for what seemed like hours. By this time, the sun had long since set. Then, in the stillness of the night (Good thing I have night vision) was a silhouette of Kyle, not the friend I was waiting for, but he knew the friend I was waiting for. Maybe he knew what was taking so long.

"Kyle! Why's Ruby taking so long?" I asked.

Kyle turned in my direction. "Didn't you hear? Ruby caught a serious cold! She's stuck in bed!"

"Aww great! Now what am I supposed to do?"

I looked around. I couldn't remember which way my house was in the middle of the night, even if I did have Night Vision. I knew my way by color, but all I can see is those colors darkened and sometimes just gray or black! I can't discern where my house is from that!

I then sniffed the air. I knew one place I could go. The Berry Grove. It was a sheltered place, and it overlooked the Hearthome Park.

I caught the scent of the berries, and followed it.

Soon, I came upon a weird site: Taner jumping up into the trees trying to get a berry. He was just out of reach too.

I smiled as I said "Do you need some help?"

He stopped jumping and turned around to see me. "Well, what happened to your friend?"

"She's sick, and I can't navigate my way home in the nighttime. So, I found this place."

"Well, can't you have just sniffed out your own place?"

"Hey. I'm just here cause you wanted me here." I made a mental note to memorize the smell of my house when I got home in the morning.

"Whatever. Hey, I think they're starting!"

He turned to the park, and I did too. At that time, I saw many humans with a whole bunch of sticks. They were big ones too, and weird looking ones. I then recognized them from last year. They were the fireworks that my friend had shown me last year.


"See those? Those are Fireworks. When humans press their buttons, they light off, and they go kaboom. But first, they shoot high into the sky, and when the do go kaboom, they make a whole bunch of pretty lights."

"Okay, Ruby! You've told me this 6 times now!"

Ruby, the know-it-all Vulpix, drooped her head. "Sorry."

I laughed. "It's okay. I just got tired of hearing the same thing over and over again."

"Again, sorry."

We stood there for a while, until, that is, a Nidoking started charging through and yelled out "Back away! Humans are coming through and they'll capture you if you're not careful!"

I bolted as fast as I could. I ran all the way home, and never looked back. The next day, I went to see Ruby and she said "You should have been there! It was beautiful!"

(End of Flashback)

'I'm not running this time! I'm gonna see those fireworks if it kills me.'

Then, the humans backed away from the sticks, and there was shouting of numbers. "20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14."

"What are they doing?"

"Counting down to the new year."

"9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1." At one, the fireworks shot off. Then, there was a shout of "Happy New Year!"

I stared at those things for a long while. Ruby wasn't kidding. They were beautiful. The mixture of lights, colors, sounds, it was incredible. And bright.

"It's beautiful!" I said.

"And so are you." Taner said in a whisper.

It wasn't too much of a whisper, and I heard his words. "What did you say?"

"Uhh... did I say something? I don't think I did!"

I smiled. It was fact. He had said that I was beautiful. He thought I was beautiful. And after all this time, I thought he just wanted a friend. He wanted more than that. He wanted a partner. A life-partner. "I do think you did." and I jumped at him and knocked him on his back.

He was in complete shock as to what I just did. He looked fearful for his life.

I just smiled, then licked his gaping mouth.

If he was shocked at what I did before, he was about to have a heart attack right in front of me. He was trembling from head to toe. "Are you gonna kill me now?"

I smiled. "You're too cute to kill." and licked his mouth again. This time, when I did so, I dragged it slowly inwards. He got brave, however, and brought his tongue out as well.

It was my turn to be shocked. I wasn't expecting him to get bold on me like that. As I moved my head backwards, he smiled. I did as well, and our lips locked together.

At that immediate moment, the fireworks above us exploded in a fury of fire. It was the finale. As we enjoyed that kiss, the fireworks just blazoned above us, adding to the romantics of the moment.

As the fireworks were firing off, there were images. One, a Pikachu and a Piplup. Another, Blaziken and Charizard. The last one, a Delcatty and an Umbreon.

I broke the kiss, and looked up at our own faces staring at us from the sky.

He shifted his body around a bit and said "Do you believe in fate?"

I turned my head to him. "Well, I don't really know what fate is."

He laughed. "Fate is a driving force that dictates what is done in the immediate. Like, it's fate that sent you to knock me on the ground. Like, it's fate that you and I kissed underneath the fireworks."

"Wait. Isn't that destiny?" I asked.

He laughed even harder at this. "No. Destiny and Fate are two completely different mistresses. Fate dictates the now, while Destiny tells what is to be. What was meant to be. And the immediate difference is, that even if Fate decides that something should happen, in the end, Destiny wins out. Like, fate could decide someday that you were to fall for another Delcatty like yourself. However, I also believe in Destiny. And I believe destiny dictates that we were meant to be together forever."

I listened to his little explanation, all the while admiring his eyes. They seemed to give off a radiance that told me that what he was saying was true: Fate may have a grasp on us now, but in the end, Destiny will glue us together.

Feeling that effect, I brought my lips to his again, only to hear a group of Chimeco and Chingling ringing their bells. It sounded so romantic.

After we broke our kiss again, I said to him "Well, I believe fate has something in store for both of us." I had said this, because I had felt a slight pressure from my lower region, which was poking at it. He had a hard-on.

He went weird eyed when he realized it, but soon said "Well, Fate has us now. Destiny will guide us."

And we kissed again. This time, while he was busy with his tongue, I was busy with my paw, dragging his dick to my hole. As soon as it touched the entrance, I gasped a bit.

We broke the kiss, and he said "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Fate and Destiny may be two different mistresses, but they're sharing a common cause to bring us together. Who's to deny that guiding force?"

He smiled at me. Then, he grabbed me and turned over, so we were both on the ground, on our sides. He grasped my midsection, and pulled me in.

As he pulled in, his dick went into me. It was small at the tip, but got wider the longer it went down.

We went slowly, and just as he had gotten halfway in, I yelped in slight pain: he had hit my unbroken hymen.

He gasped when he realized what was to happen. "Tell me when."

"Do it." I said hurriedly. I braced myself for the pain to come.

He nodded, and pulled back a bit, then bucked upwards as much as he could, ripping my virginity from me.

I cried out in pain slightly, but held it back, in case any of the humans actually heard us. Although, they had started singing in the background. I doubt they would have heard us even if we were as loud as we could be.

He hilted as soon as he could, and said "Tell me when you're ready."

I took a deep breath, feeling the pain subside. Once it had subsided, I said "I'm ready. Go for it."

He pulled back, then forward. He did this slowly, so as to ease my own pain. But every time he moved, it felt like my heart was giving lift. Every movement, a blissful moment in one still second. He moved out, then back in. Out, in. Out, in.

Then, I wasn't contempt with him being so slow, so, I bucked up faster than he was going.

He got the hint, but instead of going faster, he pulled out all the way. "If you want me to go faster, we need to be in a different position."

I then got the hint, and got up slowly, as my legs were a bit wobbly. I then presented myself to Taner, and he came up to my backside, and mounted me. "Here we go!"

He bumped my backside a few times, before his dick finally found my hole. When it did, he hilted quickly and then proceeded to pound like there was no tomorrow.

I could feel even better from this than from when we were on the ground. I took this opportunity to say "Why do we cats hate you dogs so much when you fuck so much better than us?"

He grunted once. "Maybe it's because you fight so we can fuck you."

I moaned. "Maybe."

We kept up this pace for a good long half hour. Afterwards, I felt very warm. Also like I was about to explode, like a firework. "Taner, I'm gonna explode!"

"Ohh, Dana! I'm there too!" and with one last buck forwards, and me bucking backwards, he hilted, and knotted me. At that moment, his seed gushed forth in a blast of power, which sent me off the deep end into my own orgasm. As we both reached our orgasm, a few more fireworks fired off, just as our peaks hit us.

I slowly lowered to the ground, and so did Taner. As I hit the ground, he rested himself on me. "Well, I think I know my New Year's resolution."

"Oh? And what's a New Year's resolution?"

"It's basically a promise that you'll do something that you didn't do last year, this year."

"Oh. So, what's your New Year's Resolution?"

"My New Year's Resolution is to always be by your side and protect you and our kids if we have them."

I chuckled a bit. "Well, if that's the case, then my New Year's Resolution is to always be by your side and help you to have our kids."

He smiled, and I smiled back. We stayed like that for a few more minutes, until his knot had shrunk to a manageable size. He pulled out of me with a pop, and laid on the ground next to me. "Well, I'd call that the best ending of a year that I've ever had."

"One of my best as well." I licked his mouth again, and he returned it, before falling asleep.

I fell asleep too, with one thing on my mind: 'I'm glad I chose the Berry Grove today.'
Chapter End Notes:Rate and review. I need those
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