AGNPH Stories

After Armageddon by Eckon


Story Notes:

As this is a meteor impact Armageddon there is going to be blood and gore.

The Day the Earth Died


It's been one week now. One week since the meteor hit the planet and doomed all life on Earth to death. One week since Armageddon. The day had passed and the damage was done and over with, yet I could still see the faces of those who were lucky to die when the meteor struck. Those who weren't so lucky were forced to die the slow and agonizing pain of death from starvation. I was hungry. Hungry enough that the thought came across my mind of killing a human for food. The thought disgusted me for my mate, Amanda, was a human. The thought alone violated the peace treaty signed less than half a year ago to end the fighting between pokemon and humans. If I did kill a human I would be exiled from possibly the only sane survivor colony left on Earth and would be forced to go and join the marauding bandits. This was the last thing I wanted to happen.

My thoughts were interrupted by a female voice. I looked in the direction from where the voice came and I saw Amanda running towards me. Her long brown hair flying behind her. She yelled at me again "Come here you softy and give me a hug!" I stood up just as she was close enough to me to give her a hug. Her eyes were closed and she had a smile on her face. I closed my eyes also. I then heard a soft sob. I opened my eyes and saw that she was crying. I ask, "What's wrong sweetie?" She says between sobs "I hate what's happened, you can't get away from the dead, their everywhere I look. I can't stop seeing their faces with that look of pain as they said their final words to their lovers and died. I just want to stop seeing the faces!" After she says this she puts her head down into my furry tan chest and breaks down in tears. I hug her again. Her words cause me to have a flashback of that dreadful moment, and the happy moment afterwards. It was the moment when the Earth was doomed.

*****One Week Earlier*****

I walk down a street in the human city of Cleveland, Ohio. People were scared of me only because I was a typhlosion. I had no intentions of harming anybody though. It was wintertime and the lake was causing it to snow. Suddenly it gets extremely dark and hot. I hear something overhead of me and look up and I saw it. It was so huge. It had flown by in about half a minute. I was amazed that something that large could move that fast. Two minutes later the Earth began to shake violently. I wondered why Cleveland was having an earthquake when it was so far away from any faults. I then put two and two together. Seeing the meteor so low and then the earthquake a few moments later. I knew then that the day that the humans call Armageddon or "Doomsday" had come. It was the end of the world.

All I remember after that was when the ground started to shake I dove under something and blacked out.

When I woke up the city was in ruins. Cars and trucks were flipped, buildings had collapsed, and bodies were lying in the street. I looked over to where the gas station used to be and saw a man who was smoking a cigarette before the earthquake while he was filling his truck up. During the earthquake he drops his cigarette in a pool of gasoline. He falls during the earthquake and hits his head on his truck. He moans in pain and I start to run over to where he is. A ball of fire erupts from his truck before I can get to him. Something hits me in my chest and knocks me down. As I get up see what hit me in the chest. It's a human's arm. I look back to where the man was all that remains is a charred body missing an arm. I drop the arm and look at my chest. There is a spot of red on it where the arm had been connected to the man's shoulder.

I knew he was dead so I continued to walk down the street now lined in rubble and ruins. I hear more cries for help. My ears prick up and I follow the sound. I come to an apartment building. I start to dig through the rubble. I eventually uncover a cavity caused by refrigerator. I jump down inside of it and I find a family of a mother and a father each in their mid thirties, they also have a daughter. She has shoulder length brown hair, but it's her eyes that capture me. They are a deep sapphire blue. I think for a moment "She's cute." They are frightened of me but they are thankful for me saving them. I speak to them "Come on lets get you out of this mess." They act surprised at my ability to speak English The daughter runs up to me and hugs me. I stand there surprised for a moment. I finally hug her back. She whispers to me "Thank you." I reply, "You're welcome."

I walk back to the hole that I had made and I climb out. I get on my belly and reach my hands into the hole. I pull the daughter up first, then the mother, then and then the father. The daughter then asks me "I'm Amanda. What's your name?" I reply, "My name is Hector. It looks like you all need a new home. If you want you can come and live with my parents and me. It probably won't be as comfortable as your beds in your old home, but it's better than nothing." The father then speaks to me "I'm Will, and thank you for your kindness. Where is your parents house anyways?" I respond, "It's about two miles away." He replies to this "We should get going incase any aftershocks occur." I reply "Then lets go I don't want to be around here when the aftershocks occur."

We leave to go back to my parent's house. On the way there we look in amazement and fear of nature and what had happened. Amanda after walking about a mile asks, "Can we stop for a few minutes? My feet hurt." I stop to rest and let the humans rest. Once I sat down Amanda walks over to me and sits on my lap. I act a little surprised but she just smiles. I put my arms around her in a hug so she won't get cold.

After a short rest I say "We need to get going before nightfall comes." Amanda and her family agree with me and we start to walk along the path again. I look over to the right and I see a male zangoose lying on the ground. His leg is twisted at a weird angle and is bleeding. Something is familiar about him but I can't remember who he is. Then I realize who he is. He's Landis, one of my dad's friends. He was a soldier in the Human-Pokemon War. His nickname was Lando the Commando due to how highly aggressive he was. I walk over to him and realize that he is still alive but unconscious. I pick him up in my arms. I then say to Amanda and her family "We need to get to my parents house fast." Seeing the injured zangoose in my hands they know why we needed to get him help soon or he would bleed out and die. Amanda's mother asks me "Why are you carrying that body? Oh, my name is Cynthia." I respond "He is one of my dad's friends during the war." As I respond I shift Lando's body over my shoulder so that I can carry him easier and not get worn out.

Despite my efforts the last rays of that dreadful day are shining out over what once was Lake Erie when we arrive at my parents house. They are standing outside worried about me. When my dad sees me come home carrying a zangoose and followed by a human family he asks, "What happened?" I tell him "When the meteor struck I was in the city. The shockwave from the impact destroyed most of the city. I rescued Amanda, Will, and Cynthia from the wreckage of their apartment. Since they had no home anymore I brought them back here to stay with us. On the way back home I found Lando on the side of the path with a broken leg." My dad looks at the zangoose closer. Lando wakes up then and surprised to see his old friend asks, "Hey Stoneface, what's been going on?" My dad replies "Life. Life has been killing us all." Lando then looks at me and says, "Have you grown Hector. When I last saw you, you were just a little cyndiquill." With that he slips back into unconsciousness again.

My dad then tells us all "Get some rest tonight were going to go look for survivors tomorrow. By the way my name is James and my mate's name is Lily." Amanda asks my dad and her parents "Can I sleep with Hector?" Her parents reply, "Ask Hector, it's his bed." Before she can ask me I say, "I don't mind a bit."

We go off to my room she then says to me "Hector I...I need to tell you something." I look at her with interest. I say, "What is it?" She comes over to me and hugs me and starts to stutter I tell her "I think I know what your trying to say we can both say it at the same time ok? One...Two...Three." We both say at the same time "I love you."

We then kiss and my tongue dances with her tongue. Her kissing me makes me aroused. She breaks the kiss and looks down at what is poking her. She sees my ten-inch cock fully erect and becomes aroused also. She takes her shirt off and reveals that she isn't wearing a bra. We begin to kiss again. I start to unbutton and unzip her zipper on her jeans. I pull her jeans and panties down. She breaks our kiss and pushes me backwards onto my bed she turns herself around so that her slit is in my face and begins to licks my cock making me moan with pleasure. I return the favor by beginning to lick her slit and she moans back. She takes my cock in her mouth and begins to suck while I begin to lick her pussy both of us moaning in pleasure. I feel my climax coming and I start to hump into her mouth. She begins to push back against my tongue. I force my snout into her pussy and begin to lick in around her pussy. She moans even louder. She climaxes and her warm fluids gush into my mouth. I climax a few seconds later sending a fountain of cum into her mouth. I feel her swallow as much of it as she can. I swallow her fluids and lick the rest of the juices from her pussy. Our climaxes last for a minute and then die down. Once they stop she licks my dick clean and once again my cock grows hard.

She then turns around and puts her opening on the tip of my cock and says "Take me, make me your mate." I thrust into her with all of my strength and break her hymen. She gasps out in pain. I ask, "Are you ok?" She says to me "Yes, please continue." I thrust into her soft and slowly. She pushes back against me and I thrust into her faster both of us moaning in pleasure. I feel myself coming on my climax again and I say "I'm gonna blow!" She climaxes and her juices run down my cock and make small puddles. I climax and shoot my hot cum inside her inner walls. She collapses against me and whispers, "You were wonderful." I whisper back "You were too." She falls asleep against my chest.

*****Present Day*****

I look down and Amanda is asleep against my chest. I pick her up in my arms and carry her to my bed and lay her down on it. I lay down next to her so that my body heat would keep her warm. A few moments later I fall asleep also.
Chapter End Notes:Hope you liked it...I'm still working on it. Seeing as we have alot of ice over in Oklahoma right now I probably will upload chapter 2 tomarrow. Feel free to comment and rate tbe story. There most likely will be grammatical errors in the story. Do not comment about them my beta readers have not read them yet I just decided to put chapter 1 up so you all could comment on the plot of the story.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.
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