AGNPH Stories

After Armageddon by Eckon


Story Notes:

As this is a meteor impact Armageddon there is going to be blood and gore.

The Day the Earth Died Lando's POV


It was a slow day today, well slow by my standards but that is coming from an action loving ex-pokemon marine. But I enjoyed the slow day due to the chaos in the previous week. The fact that we were all doomed to die anyways didn't help. You see ever since a week ago my life had been normal. But then it happened. Armageddon, the day of reckoning, Doomsday, or whatever you want to call it. It's happened and I can't do anything about it. I think back to that dreadful and joyous day when the world died but I was reunited with an old friend.

*****One Week Ago*****

It was a cold today but my warm fur kept me warm. I lived on the outskirts of the human city called Cleveland. I generally avoided the humans but I would go into the city from time to time to get some food. I sense something large and hot pass over my head and day suddenly becomes night. I look up and I see a large meteor flying very low. The meteor goes by. I few moments later I feel a large earthquake. The fact we had an earthquake was a mystery to me because Ohio wasn't near any fault lines. Then it hits me and I realize that the meteor had hit the Earth and what the humans called Armageddon was finally happening. We were all going to die along with this planet. The survivors would die from starvation during the nuclear winter. I kneel down and I do something I have not done in a long time. I ask the creator to kill me with a fast and painless death rather than let me starve and die one of the most painful deaths. While I am praying something above me snaps. A moment later something hits me on the head causing me to black out.

*****While He's Knocked Out*****

I feel something underneath me lift me up. I hear talking but I can't make out the words for some reason. My ears must be going bad from the war.

*****Back Awake*****

I open my eyes. I look but I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. I see my old friend Stoneface from the war. I ask him "Hey Stoneface, what's been going on?" He replies to me in his voice that got him his nickname "Life. Life's been killing us all lately." We chuckle for a while. I look over and I see an unfamiliar face. I realize that he is my friend's son fully evolved into a typhlosion. Realizing this I say to him "You've grown Hector. When I last saw you, you were just a little cyndiquill." The talking tires me and I fall back into the abyss of unconsciousness.

When I wake up again I hear a female human ask her parent "Can I sleep with Hector?" Her parent responds, "That is not our decision. It's Hector's bed ask him. It is fine by us however but you must check with Hector." She turns to Hector but before she can ask Hector says, "Its fine by me." I hear footsteps as Hector and the human female walk back to Hector's room. I get comfortable and try to fall asleep.

I'm about to fall asleep when I hear moans coming from Hector's room. I smile as I say to myself "Hector, you're going to be a fine father." A few moments later I fall asleep.


I hear a voice. I hear it say to me in a commanding yet compassionate voice "My creation soon you will come to join me and you shall be my messenger to the living who remain. Prepare for your journey and do not fear death as death no longer fears you. I can not tell you when the day will be but I can tell you this. On that day the blind will see and the deaf will hear. Those loved and lost will be found and loved again. That day will be the beginning of the end and the end will have no beginning."

*****The Next Day*****

I think for a bit before I get up about the voice in my dreams. I remember the voice but I do not have a name for the one who has spoken to me before. I think of what the voice told me. It had said that I should not fear death because death does not fear me. What did it mean by that? I had had dreams similar to it with the same voice. The voice had said different words each time though and the dreams seemed to be real while at the same time just dreams.
Chapter End Notes:I know the dream is confusing and that you don't understand what it means. You will learn what it means later on in the story. Please do not put on the comment board that you do not understand the dream. Remember patience is a virtue
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