AGNPH Stories

After Armageddon by Eckon


Story Notes:

As this is a meteor impact Armageddon there is going to be blood and gore.

The Hunters


I woke up in my bed. Wait, what, I'm in my bed again? The last thing I remember was being in the city looking for supplies when they came. Then I remember with a flashback

*****Three Days Ago*****

We were all gathering supplies and looking for survivors from the ruins of Cleveland. I was digging through some rubble. My sensitive ears pick up what sounds like a cry for help. I begin to dig and I find a cavity in the rubble. The sound gets louder. I yell to the others "I think I got a live one!" I jump into the cavity to see if anybody alive is in it. All of them rush over to where I was digging and help me dig hoping to find a survivor. I found a person. But he was not alive, his right arm had been smashed and a piece of steel had decapitated him. I dropped the body and looked at what was making the noise. I follow the sound with my ears. I eventually come to a charmander that is pinned down by some rubble. I start to help it. She says to me after I am done pulling her out of the rubble "Thank you, if you would have come later I would have died." I reply, "Your welcome, but we need to look around for some more supplies and survivors."

As I pull her out a shot rings out from a human gun in the distance. Half a second later her head explodes and her brain goes everywhere. A small piece of her brain is sticking to my chest and I quickly brush it off. I hear from the direction of the sound "Boss is gonna eat good tonight, eh?" I see a truck moving towards us with two men in it, one is holding a rifle. Thinking quickly I take her body back into the cavity and I wait for them to spring my trap.

I hear the truck come to a stop nearby. I hear their voices "I swear the body was just." The other one replies, "Quit lying." The first voice replies "No, really. I saw something big with flames on the back of it take that charmander and bring it down that hole." The other man replies, "Quit lying, flames coming from the back of a pokemon? Not likely." I hear footsteps coming towards where I was hiding. I think to myself "That's it, just a bit closer."

The man with the rifle appears holding the rifle ready to shoot. I don't take time to think I just pounce. I hit him with all of my weight and I hear something in his chest break. A second shot rings out and pain rips through my body. I fall to the ground with a gunshot wound to my leg. I scream in agonizing pain. The man who I pounced on begins to leak blood from his mouth. I realize that when I slammed into him I broke one of his ribs and it went through his heart and killed him. His blood dyes my tan fur on my belly a bright red. The world begins to fade away to blackness as I pass into unconsciousness from loss of blood. As I fade out I hear a third gunshot and the other man falls down to the ground with half of his head missing. I hear Amanda cry out my name. The last thing I feel is her arms around my neck and the agonizing pain of my wound to my leg.


I saw it happen. I watched my only son get shot. As he fell I grab the handgun that I keep with me at all times and shoot the other man who was with him. Pieces of his brain fly out the back of his head. He falls with a hole in his head and half of his brain missing.

The human girl named Amanda runs out to my son and puts her arms around his neck. She is crying. She fears that she has lost her new mate. I run to him next. Using my training and experience from the war I make a tourniquet out of Will's shirt. The bleeding slows down. I yell at Will "Help me get him into the truck we can drive him back to our house!" He runs over and careful not to harm Hector any more, helps me lift him onto the bed of the truck. Lilly, Cynthia, and Amanda stay in the back with him. I climb into the driver's seat will climbs into the passenger's seat.

I slam the accelerator to the floor and the truck fishtails struggling to gain traction. A moment later we're flying down the road accelerating quickly. I take a turn to the right too fast and turn sideways. I turn the wheels the opposite way and we drift around the corner. I look at the speedometer it reads a speed of seventy miles per hour. I push the petal to the floor. The speedometer reads eighty, eighty-five, ninety, ninety-five, one hundred. Seeing my house coming up fast I slow down and stop outside of the house.

Will and I get Hector out of the back of the truck and carry him inside. We put him on his bed and begin to cleanse the wound. After we finished bandaging him up we let him rest. Amanda told us "I want to stay with him while he is recovering. Do you mind if I stay in here?" Her face was the face of a mother kangashkhan when one of her babies gets hurt. I respond, "You may if you wish." I head back to the truck that I took from the men to see what else they had with them that we could use.

I look throughout the cab. I find some ammo for the rifle, a net, a knife, and some matches. A booklet catches my eye. I pick it up its titled The Hunter's. I bring what I found inside. When I show Will the booklet a look of terror appears on his face. I ask him "Is there something wrong?" He replies, "Yes, yes there is. The Hunter's are an anarchist group whom started to stockpile resources and weapons years before Armageddon. They were planning to take the post-Armageddon world over and turn it into a giant playground for them to practice their killing with the surviving humans and pokemon. When they first started gathering the resources we thought they had gone insane. But now that Armageddon has happened, they are going to be a nightmare to us. They have no respect for anybody or anything; they just care about fulfilling their sick desires. If we are to start a new Earth, where pokemon and humans work side by side without problems, the hunter's are going to have to be wiped out entirely. If they are not removed, peace will never exist again."

I look at him with the look that got me the nickname Stoneface and say, "I have a feeling it's going to be while till we have peace again." He nods his head and replies, "I think your right. We have a long and harsh trip ahead of us. We will need each other to make it through and make a new world."

*****Present Day*****


I was snapped out of the flashback by somebody hugging me. I look at who it is and I see Amanda hugging me. She was crying tears of joy. I hug her back. She whispers to me "I was so scared. When you got shot I thought he had killed you." I whisper back "What happened in the past does not matter for we can not change the past. What matters are the present and the future. By changing the present you change the future. We need to change our present so that we have a peaceful future. Not a future of death and destruction. Until that day arrives I will not give up." She stops hugging me and replies "I know and that's why I fear for you and your safety." She kisses me and our tongues dance with each other. When we break the kiss she hugs me and falls asleep in my arms. I lay her down next to me and go back to sleep.
Chapter End Notes:Hope you liked chapter 2. I have already started work on chapter 3. Remember to comment. The more you comment the better this story is going to get
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