AGNPH Stories

After Armageddon by Eckon


Story Notes:

As this is a meteor impact Armageddon there is going to be blood and gore.

Into the Afterlife


*****One Month Later*****

It started out a normal day, but quickly became clear that the day was going to be anything but normal. It started when I noticed a large building, still in reasonably good condition, guarded by many humans holding strange guns. I go back to the others and tell them what I saw. Will knew what it was immediately. He tells us "It's probably a warehouse for The Hunters. If we can take control of it we will have a better chance of survival due to the large amount of resources they have in them." Lando nods in approval and then asks me "Where did you see this building at?" I reply, "Follow me."

As we near the building something catches the guards attention. We get to where I was and watch them. The two humans on the ground holding the weird guns walk to what they saw. We see a male human rush out and I find out what those weird guns are. They are sub machine guns. The human rushes out. As soon as the guards see him full automatic fire sounds from both of the guards. The runner doesn't make it ten feet. He's filled with bullet holes and varies pieces of his organs lay on the ground around him. His intestines shredded lay a few feet to his right with part of his brain mixed in to the pile. He has a large hole in his chest and a lung is missing. Half of the lung is behind him the other half is stuck to one of the guard's foot. He kicks it off and it lands on the dead man's groin. The guard fires off a few rounds into the dead man's groin out of boredom and returns to his post. My dad says us all in a low voice, "This is going to be tough to do but I think I have a plan. Hector you cover us with a rifle from afar since you aim best with them. Remember to look for snipers; there is probably one or two around here. Will, Lando, and I will take out the two men with the guns. When we take them out everybody else move up. We need to stay together. The second truck that Hector, Rebecca, and Amanda captured had some radios in it. We can stay in touch with each other with them."

I took up a position where I had a good view of the area in front of the building. I begin to search for the snipers. I see one on the second floor of a building to the right of the warehouse; I don't take him out yet though so I don't alert everybody else. I radio to the others "I see one sniper so far. He's on the second floor of the brick building to the right of the warehouse, third window from right of building. Looking for another sniper wait for my signal to go. Go when I stop firing." My dad radios back "Roger, holding position."

I search for more snipers. I see a man behind a large window mounted gun that has a belt of bullets feeding into it on the first floor of an office building to the left of the warehouse. I radio in to Will, James, and "I see another man but he doesn't have a sniper. Gun is mounted and has a belt of bullets feeding to it. Office building first floor, window immediately to the right of the front door. Will radios back "I see him." I look around and seeing no more snipers or mounted guns I radio to them "No more mounted guns or snipers. Wait for two shots and then go for the door. I take aim at the sniper and switch to the machine gunner. I practice the switch several times. I aim at the sniper and whisper, "No turning back now." A shot rings out and the sniper falls out of the window missing half of his head. His sniper rifle hits the ground with a thud and fires. My second shot rings out and the mounted machine gun's barrel points skyward. Will, James, and Lando emerge from a rubble pile, Lando is in front followed by James and Will close behind.

Lando doesn't even draw his gun; he goes after them with his claws and I learn why he got the nickname Lando the Commando. The guards are too distracted with finding me to notice the three intruders approaching them from their right side. Lando emits a war cry and gets the attention of both guards. They open fire on Lando but they miss. Lando pounces and his claws decapitate the guard closest to him. It's a clean cut and Lando continues through he pounces onto the second guard. He squeezes off some rounds all of them miss. Lando's claws hit the guard in the upper ribs and pierce the guard's lungs. The second guard falls to the ground gasping for air. Lando strikes out with his claws again and puts a hole in the guard's jugular. Blood sprays out and drenches Lando's claws. He wipes the blood off of his claws but his fur still has a red tinge to it from the blood. Lando bellows forth another war cry this time as a challenge to the guards inside. Lando picks up the machine guns that the guards were carrying. He also notices the undamaged bulletproof vest on the first guard. He takes it off of the guard and dawns the armor. He puts the slings attached to them over his shoulders. They motion me down and the others out of hiding.

When we arrive to the spot where they are Will says to Lando "Now I see why they call you Lando the Commando." Lando stops his looting of the two guard's bodies and responds, "That was nothing compared to what I'm going to do next." My dad says to us "Grab what you can we are going to need it later on." I reach down to the first guard and grab his combat vest, combat shotgun, and his pistol. I look what is in the combat vest and find I have two fragmentation grenades, two flash bang grenades, two smoke grenades, twenty extra shotgun shells, two extra pistol magazines, and two extra machine gun magazines. I throw the machine gun ammo to Lando and say "These might help you in a bit." He nods at me and picks up the second guard's combat vest.

I run off to the location where the mounted machine gunner was and take his equipment. I think for a moment and sling my shotgun to my back. I take the machine gun that was mounted and the assault rifle that he had with him. I throw the assault rifle to my dad who catches it and gives his rifle to Cynthia. Amanda walks over from where the sniper fell. She has his combat vest on and holding his sniper. She hands me the bulletproof vest from him and I put it on.

After we loot the bodies my dad says to all of us "We have gotten to the entrance of this hell hole. Judging by the amount of protection out here there is going to be a lot of guards inside. They may be armed even heavier than the ones we killed out here so keep your eyes and ears open. And remember they are the enemy so they are going to give us hell." Once my dad stops talking Lando adds, "Just like the old days eh Stoneface?" My dad replies "Just like the old days. We are going to have to kick this door down since they probably know we are here already. That means expect heavy fire inside the warehouse." Lando says then "I'll go first, everybody else wait on either side of the door. Wait till the gunfire stops and count to ten slowly. If you hear me yell that it's clear come in. If I don't yell wait another five seconds then throw another flash bang and a frag in." My dad says to him "Give 'em hell commander." Lando nods and replies "Don't worry I will. Expect fireworks." A grin comes to all of our faces as we move off to either side of the door. Lando walks up to the door and yells at the door "I'll see you in hell!"

Lando steps back, grabs a machine gun in each hand, and runs towards the door. He jumps and kicks the door in. Shots ring out, and we hear Lando yell, "Get some!" More shots ring out. I hear a few cries of pain. The shots stop and we count to ten. When we get to ten we hear from Lando "Clear!" I run in my machine gun raised. The rest of us go inside. Lando looks at me carrying the heavy machine gun and smiles "You're a beast, you know that?" My dad noticing my heavy armament says to me and Lando "Hey Lando, he's just like you!" This gets laughs out of all of us.

We loot the bodies of the guards inside. We manage to get enough bulletproof vests and combat vests for all of us plus a few extra. I look to the left and see a tube of some sort with a bulge at one end. I walk over to it and smile. I realize one of the enemies was carrying it with the intent of using it against us. I pick the launcher and two shells up and walk back to the others. I get there and say, "Hey guys, look what I found!" Lando, Will, and my dad look at me in disbelief at what I had just found. My dad has the biggest smile on his face. He breaks the silence and says "Son with that launcher this invasion just got a lot easier."

We walk towards a door that is in front of us, Lando first closely followed by me. He slowly turns the knob on the door and gunfire erupts. He says "Crap they got this door covered but I got an idea. Will, you still got that duck tape from the trucks?" Will responds "Yeah, why?" Lando replies, "Let me see it." My dad says "You're not doing what you did back in New York again are you?" Lando looks at him and gives him an evil smile and says "No, this one is gonna be bigger than the one I did in New York." Lando pulls out four C4 plastic explosive charges and tells me "Give me an RPG shell." I give it to him and ask my dad, "What's he going to do?" Lando then shows me what he did. He had duck taped the C4 charges to the RPG shell and he says, "Hey, I promised fireworks and I never go back on my promises." He tells us "Get away from the door. Hopefully with any luck we can get rid of most of the guards in there." He ties the plastic explosive detonator wires together. He looks around to make sure we're away from the door, opens the door, and throws the makeshift bomb in as far as he can throw it. He quickly closes the door afterwards and tells us "Get out of the building its not safe until after the charge has gone off."

We all get a safe distance away from the building and Lando pulls out the remote detonator for the C4. He pushes the button and an explosion rips through the warehouse. The warehouse collapses from the explosion. After the explosion we hear some clapping behind us. We turn around and see about fifty men all with guns pointed at us. A man in his late forties standing on a truck then asks us, "So, did you have fun blowing up my meat processing plant? By the way my name is Steven, I'm Hank's right hand man." Lando retorts "Actually I found it to be quite fun." Steven says to his men "Shoot the zangoose."

While the men are distracted I reach behind me with one hand and grab the RPG. I aim at the truck that Steven is standing on with the RPG and I aim in the direction of where most of the people are. My dad gets the idea pulls out a frag in his left hand while still holding his assault rifle in his right. Will pulls out a frag and holds his rifle in his right hand at a group of people. The enemy fires at Lando. I hear Lando yell out "I'll see you all in hell!" I fire the RPG and the machine gun at the same time. My dad pulls the pin out of the frag and throws it in a group of people and starts to shoot with his assault rifle at the same group I was firing at. Will throws his grenade in a different group and opens fire. The RPG hits the truck and the explosion kills ten people including Steven. My machine gun kills five people of the ten that I was aiming at. My dad's frag grenade explodes and kills another ten. His assault rifle kills the other five people I missed with my machine gun. Will's frag kills five and his rifle causes another five to fall. Still firing the machine gun I pan the entire convoy and spray it with bullets.

When I finally run out of bullets almost all of the ambush is dead. Those who survived at wounded badly. I look over at Lando, but he isn't standing. His fur isn't even white anymore, it's stained red with blood. He had been slain. He's laying in the street with hundreds of bullet holes in him. His intestines lay shredded behind him. His head has at least twenty bullet holes in it. He has a gaping hole in his chest where his heart used to be. He is almost unrecognizable except for one thing; his right hand is flipping the bird to what remained of the enemy ambush. When I see his hand I smile. He had made the ultimate sacrifice so that one day Earth would be a living planet once more and so that the rest of us could live. I start to cry.

My dad sees me crying. He walks over to me, looks me in the eye, and then says, "Even the greatest of warriors and kings die. No one individual is immortal. But Lando will live on in your heart so long as you remember him. As long as he is remembered he shall never truly die because he will still remain alive in your heart." Upon hearing these words I stop crying. His words make me realize that what he speaks is the truth and that as long as I remember him and tell of what he did to my children, and they tell their children, and so on, he will live through the ages and will not be forgotten.

We had won a major victory against The Hunters that day, but the victory was bittersweet. As with all wars we suffered loss too. A good friend to all of us had fallen that day but he still lived on in our hearts.

Amanda walks over to me and hugs me. I hug her back. She starts to cry. Her crying causes me to cry. We stand there, hugging and crying into each other's shoulder.

After a few minutes I wipe the tears from her eyes and tell her the words of wisdom that my father had told me a few moments ago. She smiles and kisses me. When we break the kiss she points to the sky and says, "Look." I look and a ray of sunshine is shining through the ash and dust that made an eternal night on Earth. I follow the ray of sunlight to the ground. In the ray of sunlight I see a dandelion. I whisper to her "Follow the beam sunlight to the ground." She looks where the ray is shining and sees the dandelion. Her smile grows larger. In that moment of bliss she whispers to me "Honey, I'm carrying our baby." I look at her and smile. I give her another hug knowing that soon I was going to be a father.
Chapter End Notes:The dandalion does mean something. To find out what it means google "Flower Meanings" and look for the dandalion. I also have decided to have more than 4 chapters so remember to check this story periodically
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