AGNPH Stories

After Armageddon by Eckon


Story Notes:

As this is a meteor impact Armageddon there is going to be blood and gore.

The Savior


I look before me and what I see makes me feel something that I have not felt in a while. It makes me feel scared. I see about fifty humans all armed with assault rifles. I hear one of the humans ask nobody in particular "Did you enjoy destroying my meat processing plant? By the way my name is Steven, I'm Hank's right hand man." Before I can answer a voice speaks in my head. The voice says to me "It is time my son. It is time for you to join me. Do not fear your death. Instead welcome it with open arms. I recognize the voice as the same one from my dreams. I think for a moment and I retort back to the human "Actually it was quite fun blowing it up." After my response I lift my right arm and stick up my middle finger at the humans. The human that asked the question says to the humans behind him "Kill the zangoose." The humans aim at me. They fire at the same time.

I only feel a single bullet hit me. It hits me in my chest. I begin to remember the last decade of my life.

*****March 9, 2000*****

I'm walking down a dirt path and I hear a yell for help. I follow the screams and I find a clearing. In the middle of it is a female zangoose surrounded by three humans. The humans are hitting her with sticks. One of them kicks her. I jump on the human who kicked her. I feel him start to fall and I jump off of him and onto the one to his right. I feel my claws penetrate the skin on his chest and slip through his ribs. I jump off of him and onto the third human. My claws go into his throat. I pull my claws out of his throat. I turn to the first human and say, "Leave now or you will die also." He looks at me for a second and then runs off screaming something about revenge.

I walk to the zangoose who I was saving. She looks at me and says "Thank you for saving me from those humans. By the way my name is Stacy." I reply "I'm Landis."

*****December 25, 2000*****

I'm at home with my mate Stacy. Both of us have smiles on our faces. She is carrying our first child and is due soon. A knock sounds at the door. She says to me "I'll get the door."

She opens the door and I hear a rough voice behind her say "Merry Christmas." A second later a shot rings out and what remains of my mate's head is lying on the floor next to her.

I jump out of sight as I hear footsteps in our house. I crouch and prepare to get revenge on whoever had just killed my mate. Footsteps near where I am hiding. I realize that if there is more than one person with him I won't survive. I plan on dying though. I want to die so that I can join my mate in the afterlife. The footsteps stop close to where I am hiding. I decide to take a chance and pounce now.

I leap out of where I am hiding. A war cry emits from my throat. He turns around to look where the sound is coming from. He faces me just in time to watch as my claws dig into his throat. He falls to the ground with blood gushing from his throat. He hits the ground with a soft thud. I look up and see a second human. He has his gun aimed at my head. I close my eyes in anticipation of my reunion with my mate. The shot never comes.

I hear a second body hit the floor. I open my eyes. The second human is lying on the ground with his throat ripped out. I look above his body and before me stands a male typhlosion, flames surging out of the burners on his back. In his mouth is the missing piece to the second human's throat. He spits out the throat and says to nobody in particular "And a Happy New Year."

He looks at me and says, "My name is James."

I reply with sadness in my voice "I'm Landis."

Noticing the sadness in my voice he says, "I'm sorry about your mate."

I walk over to her and being to cry. Between sobs I say to him "She was carrying my first child. I hate the humans for what they do to us. I hate how we have to hide from them. I'm sick and tired of it. I don't want to hide. I want to be able to openly say that I love somebody. I want to kill all of the humans because of what they do to us pokemon."

James walks over to me and puts an arm over my shoulders and says "There is a way to be able to end it, but I'm not sure your going to like what it is. A few days ago the pokemon declared war on the humans. If you join the pokemon military then you can help pokemon become equal with humans. You will probably have to kill many humans but seeing you kill the one that killed your mate, this is probably not going to be a problem for you. I was on my way there myself. If you want you can go with me to sign up to join the military."

*****June 10, 2007*****

I'm in the human city of Chicago. Gunfire erupts. I leap forward into the cover created by a car. James is on my right. A quilava is on my left. A machine gun sounds and bullets zip by overhead. I peek out from cover and see the gunner's position. I shoot and the gun is silenced. I duck back into cover as more bullets fly by. I look at the quilava's assault rifle and I smile. I say to him "Give me your gun. I'm going to take out some of the humans who have us pinned."

He looks at me with a worried look on his face but he hands me his gun anyways. I hold his gun in my left hand and my gun in my right. I count to three slowly and I emerge from cover. A war cry tears out of my throat challenging anybody to face me. Several humans answer the call. They emerge from cover and open fire. I return the favor and the two guns in my hand form fireballs at the end of their barrels as my tools of death go to work. Two humans fall immediately. A third manages to hit me in my right arm. Blood runs down my arm. Pain races through my body. The pain enrages me and I give the humans a true living hell. A second war cry emits from my throat louder than the first. I charge towards where the third human was hiding. He looks out just as I reach where he was hiding. I don't stop. His body is turned into a rag doll. I take a grenade from him and throw it where the machine gun position is. It flies through the window and explodes just as a second human grabs the gun. The gun and gunner are blown out of the window. I throw the borrowed gun back to the quilava. I run to the machine gun and lift it up. Its heavy but I can still hold it and aim with it reasonably. I motion for James and the quilava to move up to my position underneath the window that once contained the machine gun that I was now

I wait till they arrive and I tell them my plan. "We need to take a building so we have a chance of taking the city. We can make a temporary outpost here but we need to take this building. Its going to be a hard to take it though because the rest of our squad is still about 300 yards back and the enemy has opened fire again on them."

James doesn't say anything to me he just stares at the blood coming from my arm. I say to him "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." He just nods and says, "Lets go."

I throw a flash bang grenade through the window. I wait for the loud bang before jumping through the window. I see a human holding his head. A shotgun lies on the ground next to him. My rifle barks and he falls to the ground with a hole in his head. James picks up the human's shotgun.

I look around for the door. Upon seeing it I walk over to it and kick it in. My assault rifle scans the room for prey. Two very surprised humans look at the origin of the sound. They see before them a very pissed zangoose holding an assault rifle in one hand and a machine gun in the other. Both of the guns fire at the same time. The assault rifle makes neat holes in the chest of the human on the left. The one on the right is not so lucky however. Machine gun rounds tear through his arms and legs creating gaping holes. He cries in agony as a bullet passes through one of his testicles. The scream is cut short by another bullet passing through his head causing the human's brain to explode from the back of his head.

I lower my weapons and look at the carnage around me. Blood and pieces of brain stain the walls around me. What remains of a human arm is scattered around the room. There are three doors in the room. The one I just came from and two that lead to other rooms. I take the door to my left as James and the quilava take the one on the right.

An assault rifle fires three short bursts and a door falls. I look onward and much to my delight I see a weapons room full of ammo, guns, grenades, and armor. I see a second door and I kick it in. What I see brings a smile to my face. I had walked into a garage that was holding a medium sized tank and beside it sits about 100 high explosive rounds for the tank's main gun.

I hear shouts and I run to where they come from eager to get in on the action. To my horror I see the quilava lying on the ground dead. James is beside him taking fire from about ten humans. I raise my tools of destruction and the wall behind the humans is painted red with blood. James turns to me and smiles. I say to him "This is nothing to smile about compared with what I found." He looks at me and says "You really should become a commando for the military, that would be a great nickname for you, Lando the Commando. I think about it and reply, "Nah, I like being on the front line and taking fire. Now come on, you're going to love what I found. But first we need to get the rest of our squad in here."

I walk to the window and motion for the rest of our twelve-man squad to move up to the building we had just taken. I hear a click from behind me and a human's voice says, "Drop your weapons. Don't make any sudden moves or your dead." I comply by dropping the weapons I was carrying. A moment later a gunshot rings out. I hear the gun the human was carrying hit the ground. I turn around and James is standing behind and slightly to the left of the human with his revolver pointed at the air where the human's head was. He asks me "Enjoying the view a little to much?" I smile and reply "Not as much as you apparently." We both laugh as I pick my weapons back up.

The squad climbs in from the window. I count to see how many remain. The quilava was our only fatality. Almost a perfect result. I then say to everybody "Follow me, I found a fun toy you all are going to like."

I lead them to the weapons room. James looks at me and sees the smile on my face. He knows that look. It's the look that I get when I have a secret and I'm going to share it with everybody. He asks me "There's more isn't there?" I reply, "Follow me and see the best part."

They follow me into the garage. Upon seeing the tank James just smiles and asks me "Does it run?" I reply, "Only one way to find out." He jumps into the tank with me following him close behind. I hit my head on the hatch and I black out.

*****Present Day*****

I look at the humans as they continue to fire their guns but no gunshots are to be heard. It is as if I am in the eye of a hurricane. All has gone quiet. I look around me and I see Arceus standing before me. On his left is my mother; on his right is my mate. Both of them are smiling at me lovingly. In the street are many pokemon and humans. All of them have smiles on their faces as they welcome another member into their tribe. Arceus says to me "Follow me, it is time. All will be explained later on."

I get up and look behind me. What I see both shocks me and comforts me. I see my body surrounded by my friends. What remains of my body is covered in my own sweat and blood. I'm missing half of my head and my left arm is on the ground beside me. Arceus speaks to me "You did well my son. You fought to the end and because of your actions Earth will live." With these words the scene around me disappears and I plunge into blackness.
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