AGNPH Stories

After Armageddon by Eckon


Story Notes:

As this is a meteor impact Armageddon there is going to be blood and gore.

The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend


*****December 25, 2013; 12:21 a.m.*****

I hear a voice. It sounds familiar yet also foreign at the same time. I listen and my ears do not deceive me. I hear the sound of that rough yet gentle voice that was silenced half a year ago. I hear the voice of a dead man. Before me stands a zangoose.

He says to me "Hector listen to me and remember my warning. Later in the morning you will hear gunfire. After the gunfire starts arm yourself as you armed yourself when we destroyed the hunter's meat processing plant. Will and James are to arm themselves also. Do not go outside until you hear a large explosion. After the explosion run out and towards your left while firing towards your right. Have Will and James follow you out. If you plan your actions and speak your words right you will gain a new ally against the hunters. Remember what I have said for I shall not be able to speak to you again for a short while."

I think about it and unconsciously I whisper "Lando."

The zangoose smiles and says, "I see you have followed your father's words and yes it is I but I must leave now."

I ask him "Wait Lando, how are you able to speak with me? Your dead aren't you?"

He answers, "Do not underestimate the power of the sub-conscious." With these words he disappears.

*****December 25, 2013; 2:27 a.m.*****

Was that a dream or was Lando actually talking to me from the grave? I could have sworn that I saw and heard Lando talking to me in person but he had died six months ago. When he was talking to me it sounded like a dream but at the same time it didn't. What did he mean when he said for me to not underestimate the power of the sub-conscious?

*****December 25, 2013; 7:17 a.m.*****

Gunshots shatter the silence. They are answered by more gunfire. I remember the words that Lando had told me as I run to the recently added armory in our house. Will and James are already there. Will is holding an assault rifle and James has a shotgun. I tell them what had happened to me a few hours ago. They stare at me with a look of disbelief on their faces. I walk over to where my small portion of the armory was. I pick up my bulletproof vest and combat vest. I move over to where I was keeping my weapons. I think for a moment about which weapons I would use.

I eventually decide on an assault rifle, a RPG, a sniper, and a machine gun. I pick up three magazines for my assault rifle and another two for my sniper. I clip a box of ammo to my machine gun and clip a second box to my vest. I stuff two RPG shells into my jacket. Finally loaded up for the battle ahead I chamber the first round in my assault rifle and my machine gun. I strap the RPG and the sniper onto my back.

I look at James and Will. Both have an assault rifle and a shotgun. Each of the pockets on their vests is bulging with ammo or grenades. My dad looks at my heavy arsenal and smiles. I walk out of the armory and turn back to my room. He asks me "Where are you going?"

I reply, "I need to talk with Amanda."

He is silent as he nods his head in approval. I walk back to my room with a grim look on my face.

I reach my room and walk in. Amanda is already awake. She is far into her pregnancy and is due in a few weeks. She looks at me with a smile on her face. The smile quickly leaves when she sees my grim look. Everything is silent with the exception of the gunfire outside. She walks over to me and hugs me as she asks, "What's wrong?"

I reply, "I need to talk with you about what is going to happen today." I push away from her so that she can look me in the eyes before continuing. "This is going to be a large fight and I may die today. This may be the last time we ever speak to each other. If I do die today I want you, Rebecca, Cynthia, and Lily to run away and find someplace safe to stay. I also want you to remember what the message of my father's words were when Lando die. Did you understand what he meant?"

She nods and answers, "Heroes are remembered, but legends never die."

I reply "Good, I want you to remember those words and live by them if I die today. Also just because I am dead doesn't mean that a part of me isn't still alive."

She looks at me inquisitively and asks, "What do you mean?"

I answer with a smile on my face "Our baby."

She begins to cry. I pull her back into a hug as I cry also. We stand in each other's embrace crying on each other with no regard to time.

*****December 25, 2013; 7:31 a.m.*****

James, Will, and I are waiting for the explosion. My heart races in anticipation of the upcoming battle. Lando's words echo through my head. Will says to us "This is crazy. First Hector starts hearing voices from dead people. Second we're waiting on a large explosion to occur so we can run out into crossfire and if we manage to survive we still have to save what remains of this planet. After that then what do we do?"

His question is left unanswered as a large explosion sounds outside. I run out carrying my machine gun in my right hand and my wrath begins. A war cry bellows from my throat challenging anybody to try to fight me. A few challenge me and those few fall in a pile of gore. James and Will follow me close behind both are emptying a magazine of assault rifle ammo into the enemy. We reach a hastily dug trench on the left side of the field. James, Will, and I jump into the trench. We push our backs against the wall facing away from the enemy and we catch our breaths after our run across the battlefield. I look at the inhabitants of the trench. The inhabitants are mostly human but there are a few pokemon. All of them are wearing a red armband with a black swastika on it. I look at my dad and then at Will. On Will's face is a look of dread. I ask him "What's wrong?"

He replies, "The people who are wearing those armbands are Nazis. The Nazis did something very bad sixty years ago. They killed millions of innocent people because of their religion. Those they didn't kill they put in forced labor camps where the prisoners would die from starvation anyways."

I say to nobody "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Will sighs and says "Yes that is true. I guess we'll have to trust them for now."

A large human walks over to where Will, James, and I are hiding. He looks at us inquisitively and asks "Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" (Do you speak German?)

Will replies "Ich spreche ein kleines Deutsch aber sie sprechen Deutsch überhaupt nicht. Sie kennen Englisch aber." (I speak a little German but they don't speak German at all. They do know English however.)

The human looks at Will with a disappointed look on his face and says "Ich kenne sehr viel Englisch nicht. Ach und mein Name ist Frank." (I do not know very much English. Oh and my name is Frank.)

Will thinks for a moment before saying "Nicht sorgt sich, dass ich für Sie und für sie übersetzen kann. Und mein Name ist Wille." (Don't worry I can translate for you and for them. And my name is Will.)

A smile spreads across Frank's face and he says "Vielen Dank mein Freund (Thank you my friend.)

His smile disappears when he hears a clanking sound. I don't know what is making the sound but Will, Frank, and my father know that dreaded sound. It's the sound of tank treads. Frank says to Will "Verdammen Sie es, den der letzte Klang ich hoffte, während dieser Schlacht zu hören." (Damn it, that's the last sound I was hoping to hear during this battle.)

Will only nods his head in agreement. He looks over at me and asks, "Can you take out that tank? If we let that tank get into a good firing position a lot of people are going to die." I nod my head as I grab the launcher. I load a shell into the launcher and aim at the tank. The tank stops and the large turret swings to take aim at a random spot in the trench. I fire the shell and it flies towards the tank. An explosion sounds out as the shell finds its mark. The tank is turned to a burnt out hull.

I put the launcher on the ground as I grab my sniper. I take aim and my rifle fires. Across the field a head explodes and a human falls. I take a quick look at where the enemy is. They were caught off guard from the looks of their placement. They have almost no cover. They are only about fifty yards away. I sling my sniper and my machine gun is in my hands once more. I unfold the bipod and place it on the top of the wall. I aim at the start of the enemy convoy and I open fire. The enemy having no cover falls quickly. I slowly pan the entire enemy convoy with my machine gun never lifting my claws from the trigger. I thin the number of hostile humans out significantly. A second tank crawls out into the open.

I duck back into cover and get the attention of Will, Frank, and my dad. I have a smile on my face. Will and my dad ask me at the same time "What is it?"

I reply, "That tank over there isn't exactly pulling one of the smartest maneuvers. Its in the open and is poorly defended by the enemy. I have an idea of how to teach the hunters a little lesson."

My dad is smiling now "So you're suggesting that we run out across the battlefield, hijack a poorly defended tank, and then use it against the enemy?"

I reply "Exactly."

He laughs and says, "You really are like Lando. Lets do it."

Will translates the plan to Frank. Frank smiles and nods.

Will asks me "So when do you plan on hijacking the tank?"

I pull a smoke grenade out of my pocket, pull the pin, and throw it to provide cover. After I throw the smoke grenade I say "Now."

I run with my assault rifle in my left hand and my machine gun in my right. I jump over the wall of the trench and begin running towards the tank. Will, Frank, and James are close behind. As I get ever closer to the tank I pull out my second smoke grenade. I pull the pin and throw it. The grenade lands close to the tank. We reach the tank. Will pulls out what looks to be a small loop with a cylinder holding the two ends of the loop together. He takes one end of the loop out and threads it underneath the hinges of the hatch covering the entrance to the tank. He locks the latch and tells us to get back. The cylinder explodes blowing the hatch off of its hinges. My dad pulls out a flash bang grenade, primes it, and throws it inside of the tank. We duck and the grenade goes off. I sling my machine gun and hold my assault rifle in one hand. I jump inside and head towards the front of the tank. Will jumps in after me and heads towards the back of the tank.

I raise my rifle as I see the driver of the tank. I point the barrel to the back of his head. I say to the driver "Merry Christmas" as I pull the trigger. His head explodes leaving bits of his brain lying about in the cab of the tank. Three gunshots echo from the back of the tank. I grab the driver's body and throw it outside of the tank. I jump into the drivers seat. The controls look simple enough. Will, Frank, and James say that their ready. I reply by pushing both tread controllers forward. I see a truck on the right side of the road a couple of yards away. A human is in the back of the truck firing a machine gun similar to the one I was carrying. I turn the tank to face the truck. I move the tank forwards towards the truck. The humans inside the truck are too busy firing across the field to notice the large tank crawling towards them.

The tank reaches the truck but I don't stop. The tank's nose goes skyward as I run the truck over, crushing the humans inside. I continue to plow over the truck. The tank finally crawls over the truck and grabs the ground again. I hear Will from the back ask, "Did you just hit something?"

I reply, "Yeah I did but it's just a truck, nothing to worry about."

He laughs and says "Oh ok, just wondering."

I push the tank to go faster and suddenly the battle changes from a deadly gunfight to a fun version of vehicular manslaughter. The enemy knows that they have lost the battle. They run and I chase them down running them down with my tank. Eventually they have either fled or are dead. I stop the tank and get out. Will, Frank, and James emerge from the tank shortly after me. We emerge to cheers. Some of them are in German and I can't understand them but most of them are in English. I look back at where my house was and I see Amanda running towards me with a smile on her face. I run towards her. We come together in a hug. We hug for several minutes. She lets go of me and says "Don't you ever scare me like that again."

I whisper to her "I promise I won't. I'll try to stay out of trouble for a while." After making my promise I kiss her. When we finally break the kiss the sun reveals the battle that had taken place a few minutes before.

Blood is in pools across the field. Pieces of flesh are lying about. Along the path of my tank lay the mutilated bodies of those who I had run over with the tank. The truck I had crushed is about two feet high now. The ground is saturated with blood. Nobody can keep their feet out of the blood. The ground makes squishing noises as men walk across the battlefield securing weapons and ammunition.

About 10 feet away stands Lando. He has a large smile across his face. I whisper to Amanda "Look."

She looks and gasps. Lando speaks to me "Congratulations Hector not only did you win the battle without losing any friends or family, you also are also going to become a father."

I look at him confused until I hear Amanda yell, "Hector, its time."

I pick Amanda up and run towards the house. Will and James are close behind me. We run into the house and I lay her on my bed. Will and James tell Cynthia, Rebecca, and Lily about what is happening. They all run into my room. I hold Amanda's hand and whisper to her "It's going to be all right. I'll be right here the entire time." She looks at me and nods as she begins to deliver our child.

*****December 25, 2013; 9:12 p.m.*****

I look down at my newborn son with a smile on my face. He is mostly human but has hints of pokemon in him. I whisper to Amanda "We still need to name him."

She nods and suggests "Why don't we name him Landis in honor of Lando's sacrifice to keep us alive?"

I smile and say, "I was about to suggest the same thing."

She replies, "Then its settled our son's name is going to be Landis."

I look up and standing on the other side of Amanda is Lando. He has a smile on his face. He speaks to us "I'm honored to have your firstborn named after me. May he keep your bloodline strong and healthy."

Amanda and I say at the same time "Thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for us."

He smiles as he replies, "It was nothing. I was only doing my part to help ensure the survival and future of this Earth." With these words he disappears.

Will, Cynthia, and Frank walk in a few minutes later.

Frank says to us "Glückwünsche auf Ihrem Erstgeborenen."

Will translates for him "Frank says congratulations on your firstborn."

Cynthia walks over and asks, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

Amanda answers, "It's a boy and his name is Landis."

Will says "Congratulations on your first child. I'm proud of you. It seems that my daughter is finally a women."

Will and Cynthia hug Amanda. Cynthia walks over to me after hugging Amanda and says to me "I'm sure you will make a great father." The three of them leave and Amanda falls asleep in my arms. I fall asleep a moment later.
Chapter End Notes:I am not Nazi. The Nazis will become evil as the story progresses on
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