AGNPH Stories

After Armageddon by Eckon


Story Notes:

As this is a meteor impact Armageddon there is going to be blood and gore.

The Execution


*****May 4, 2014; 2:11 a.m.*****

I woke up thinking I had heard somebody. I hear Lando's voice from behind me "Hector listen to me."

I look over at him and ask "You really have to stop waking me up early in the morning. Can't you tell me this stuff when I'm already awake?"

He looks at me annoyed before saying, "I will try but Arceus is the one who tells me when to tell you. I will talk to him about it. But that is not important. You need to remember what I am about to say. Later on today some people from the Hunters will try to capture you and your family. The leader will not fight you but the rest of them will. Do not kill the leader because he has valuable information about the Hunters and is willing to freely tell you everything he knows. Remember this as for he may have the information needed to take out the Hunters." When he finishes he disappears again.

I think about his words for a few moments before lying down and going back to sleep.

*****May 4, 2014; 4:03 a.m.*****

I wake up for the second time this morning to the sound of gunshots outside. I hear a human yelling at us "Everybody inside come outside now. Do not arm yourself. We have orders to bring you to the leader of the Hunters alive. He wants to watch you die since you have caused him so many problems. If you do not come out within the next five minutes we are going to come in and take you by force."

I sigh and get up. I walk over to our armory. I grab my bulletproof vest, my combat vest, an assault rifle, and a shotgun. I put three assault rifle magazines and twenty shotgun shells in my combat vest. I fill the rest of the pockets up with smoke grenades and flash bang grenades. I turn around and walk into a box. I open the box to find attachments for my assault rifle. I grab a laser sight, a scope, and a silencer. I attach them to my assault rifle. I grab a second laser sight and hold it in my paws. I begin to walk out of the armory as Will and my dad walk into the armory. Both of them have an annoyed look on their faces.

I walk to the entrance into our house to go outside. As I'm walking to the door I look at the clock. I realize it's four in the morning. I mutter to nobody "Its to early for this."

I reach the door. I open the door and yell out to the Hunters "Hey morons, its four in the morning. Can't you come back later? I've already been woken up once this morning and I'm tired."

One of the humans outside retorts "No we can't because Zack's birthday is today and he's throwing a party."

I begin to hear random chatter from the humans outside.

First human: "I thought Zack's birthday was two weeks from now."

Second human: "No that's Sam's birthday, Zack's party is today."

Third human: "Crap I forgot to get a present for Zack."

Fourth human: "We're here to take some prisoners not talk about birthdays."

First, second, and third humans: "Yes sir."

I yell at them "Go away, I'm tired and I want to sleep."

One of the humans asks, "If we get you an invitation to Zach's party will you come out?"

I reply "No! I don't want to go to his party. All I want is for you all to go away so I can go back to sleep."

It's quiet for a minute before one of the humans asks, "If we come back later will you come out?"

I answer by sticking my middle finger up at them and then slamming the door shut.

I hear knocking at the door a moment later followed by a human's voice "Can we still talk?"

I yell at him "No!"

He persists "Please?"

I answer him "If you and your retarded friends don't go away and let me sleep I am going to come out there and start shooting at you all."

I hear a second voice at the door "Please come back and talk with us. We're bored."

I sigh and walk towards the door. I open the door and two male humans are standing there. I reach out and throw them inside. I slam the door shut again.

An evil smile appears on my face as I say, "You got my attention now talk. Why won't you leave me alone?"

The human on the right says "We were sent here to capture you and bring you to the leader of the Hunters so that he can kill you."

I sigh and say, "Thank you Captain Obvious."

The humans are quiet for a moment before the one on the left says, "So you're not going to go to Zach's party."

I glare at him and say "And you must be his side-kick, No Shit Boy."

I think for a moment before saying "Why were you going to invite me to this person named Zach's party?"

They both say at the same time "We don't know."

I say to them "I'm tired and I don't want to listen to a bunch of morons right now. Guess what happens to you now."

I give them a hint by reaching backwards and grabbing my shotgun. They think for a moment before the human on the left says, "You're going to accept your invitation to Zach's party?"

I laugh and say "Wrong answer."

Two gunshots ring out as I begin to unleash my anger at the Hunters for waking me up. I rip the right arm off of the human on the left. I open the front door as I walk out still holding the human's arms in my hands. Once outside I walk over to the nearest human.

He looks at me and says "So are you going to come with us to Zach's party?"

I smile and say "Nope."

I swing the arm in my hand at him. The arm breaks and I throw it to the ground a couple of yards away as I grab my assault rifle. I aim for the human's legs. My assault rifle fires and two humans fall to the ground bleeding from their legs. The rest of the humans quickly follow their example as I continue my wrath. Five minutes later the humans are on the ground with gunshot wounds in their legs.

I sling my rifle and grab the two humans closest to me. I drag the humans back into the house. When I get to the house James and Will come out of the house to an awkward scene before them. They both look at me with a confused look on their faces.

Before they can ask me what is going on I tell them "Most of them seem to be lacking in terms of brainpower. I've taken care of them for the most part but you can help me by dragging the ones who are still alive to the house. Don't kill them there is still a small chance that they know something."

One of the humans at my feet noticed Will and my dad and asks, "Are either of you two going to go to Zach's party?"

Before Will or James can answer him I say, "Don't answer him. I already tried answering that question and they just asked more stupid questions."

The same human asks again "Well are you going to the party or not?"

I kick him and say "Shut up. We don't need your stupidity right now."

I walk back to where the rest of the humans were. I pick up another two and drag them back to the house. Will and James follow close behind. Will can only carry one human at a time but my dad carries another two humans.

A half hour later we have all of the humans inside our house and tied up. Amanda, Lilly, and Cynthia are talking in the kitchen when we bring the humans in. Amanda is holding my son in her arms.

Amanda looks at me and says "What have you been doing this morning, you're covered in blood."

I look down at myself and true to her word my tan fur is dyed red from the bloodshed earlier that morning. I look back at her and laugh as I say "Your not exactly clean yourself."

She looks at herself and her cheeks turn red. She says "Well I guess we better get clean then. You should at least look presentable when you begin torturing the prisoners."

I mutter "Knowing how they have been acting so far this morning I wouldn't be surprised if they just told us the information."

Amanda asks, "What did you say?"

I reply, "I said we should go and get clean."

Amanda looks at Rebecca and asks "Rebecca do you mind watching Landis while Hector and I go and get clean?"

Rebecca replies, "I don't mind at all."

Amanda thanks her and we walk outside holding hands.

We walk for a few minutes before we reach a small river. Amanda takes her clothes off. I stare at her and her beauty as she steps into the river. I follow her and get into the river seconds after she does. She shudders from the coldness of the river and swims over to me. When she is close to me I hug her and use my burners on my back to warm up the water around us.

We stay in the river for about twenty minutes before I say, "We need to get back to the others."

Amanda looks at me disappointed but nods and gets off of me anyways. After I get out of the river I shake myself dry.

Amanda and I begin our quick walk back to the house holding each other's hand. A few minutes later we reach the house. When we walk inside the only person up is Rebecca. She is holding Landis in her arms. Amanda takes Landis from Rebecca as I walk back to my room. I lie down on my bed as Amanda puts Landis in his crib. She lays down next to me a few seconds later. A couple of minutes later I hear her lightly snoring. I fall asleep moments later.

*****May 4, 2014; 10:30 a.m.*****

I wake up and remember the humans who had decided to wake me up at four in the morning. I smile an evil grin and say to myself "I am going to have fun torturing those morons today."

I get up and walk to the storage room in our house to look for items that I can use to torture the prisoners. When I reach the storage room I find a few items that I can use. I find a shovel, some rope, a box of nails, two large boards of wood, a couple of thick beams of wood, a hammer, and a metal bar. I smile to myself as I begin to think of the various ways I was going to torture the prisoners. I grab the materials and drag them into the room where the prisoners are being kept. I drop them on the floor in front of the prisoners. Will is in the room with the prisoners. He looks at the materials I had just brought in and asks me "What are those for?"

I reply, "Torturing the prisoners and execution."

Will thinks for a second before saying "Mind if I help?"

An evil smile crosses my face as I say, "I would love your company."

I ask Will "What should we start with first? Crucifixion, iron maiden (An iron maiden is a coffin that has doors that swing outward, on the inside of the doors are spikes positioned so that when the doors are closed the spikes puncture the non-vital organs causing the victim to bleed to death over a period of a few hours.), mock execution, or something else?"

Will thinks for a moment before saying "Lets start simple with a crucifixion."

I turn to the prisoners and count how many there are. We have a total of fifteen prisoners all male humans. I ask the prisoners, "Who is your leader?"

The prisoner on the far left says, "I am, I'm their leader and the only intelligent person in this squad."

I smile and say "Good you're going to be the last to die."

I walk back to the armory and get my combat vest and a shotgun. I fill the pockets of the combat vest with shotgun shells. I leave one pocket empty and I fill it with blanks for my shotgun. I walk back to where the prisoners were being held and I ask them, "Now then, who wants to be the first to die for waking us up at four in the morning?"

Nobody answers so I take the two humans in the center. As I grab him I say, "You have been chosen to be the first to die."

I untie the human and drag him outside. As I am dragging him out the door I ask Will "Hey Will, can you grab those nails and the hammer for me?"

Will replies, "I got them. Now lets go."

I drag the prisoner to a tree that has a thick trunk and tell Will "Hold him up so that I can crucify him."

Will lifts him up slightly so that he would hang once I had nailed him to the tree. I grab the first nail and place it on the palm of the prisoner's right hand. I lift his and so that the arm is full extended above him and I swing the hammer so that the nail goes through his palm causing him to scream in pain. A second blow from the hammer forces the nail into the tree. The prisoner now hangs by his right arm. I grab a second nail and his left hand in my hands. Two blows from the hammer place the nail through his hand and into the tree next to his right hand. Will steps away and admires my work. Blood runs down the prisoner's body in streams. The prisoner had fainted from the pain caused when the first nail went through his hand.

The second prisoner begins to run. I chase after him. I catch up quickly and I tackle him to the ground. When he falls he breaks his left leg. I pick him up and drag him to a tree next to the other human I had crucified. The second human is quickly crucified in the tree next to the first human. The second human doesn't faint and screams out of pain. He screams until exhaustion takes over him and causes him to submit to his death.

Will and I walk back to the house. When we get back I look over the prisoners to see who would be next to feel pain. I select the human on the far right end of the line of prisoners. I say to him "I have a special treatment for you."

I grab him and the metal bar. As I drag him behind me I say to Will "Get the rope, I think we should have a piñata party today."
Will picks up the rope and follows behind me. We walk back to where I had crucified the two humans. I spot a tree and I say to Will "Hang the rope so I can hang the human from it and we can use him as a piñata."

He replies "I was wondering what you had in mind for him."

Will climbs a tree with the rope and a couple of seconds later the end of the rope falls down from the tree. I hear Will yell, "The rope is fastened up here so it should be ready."

Will jumps down from the tree. I say to him "Hold the metal bar for me while I tie the piñata up."

I tie the human to the tree by placing the rope through his legs and under his armpits. I step back and say to Will "You get the first swing."

Will steps up to the human and swings the bar. The bar hits the human in his left leg and I hear the human's bone snap and his cries of pain. Will hands me the bar and says "Your turn."

I swing at the human and the bar makes contact with his groin. The human screams in agony as he becomes sterile. A small patch of red begins to grow on his pants around his groin. I hand the bar back to Will. He hits the human in his ribs. The sound of bones snapping fills the air again. The human passes out from the pain. Will hands me the bar and says, "Make him give us his candy."

I nod and I put all of my strength into my swing. The bar hits the human's head and decapitates the human. His brain lies in small piles scattered across the ground behind the human.

Will and I walk back to the house. I walk along the line of prisoners. Before I can chose a prisoner to kill my dad walks in. He looks at Will and I covered in blood and says "You didn't wake me up to help with the fun."

I laugh and say, "Dad we are just getting started there is still all of these humans to kill. Why don't you help?"

My dad smiles and says, "I would be glad to help. I got an idea for the next execution. Will help me get these boards outside. Hector after you have picked the human get the hammer and some nails. We are going to make an old torture device called the iron maiden."

Will and James leave and I pick out a human. I grab the hammer and nails in one hand and I drag the human with my other hand. Once outside I see my dad and Will hammering nails into a wooden board. I ask my dad "Where should I put the prisoner?"

He says to me "Put him on that wooden board over there. Will and I will be there in a second."

I put the human down and the human asks me "What are you guys going to do to me?"

I reply, "Kill you."

The human looks at me with dread. My dad and Will come over carrying the board they had put nails in. The place the board on top of the human with the nails pointing towards his skin. My dad says to me "Come over here with us. When I say go we all are going to jump on the board and force the nails into the human."

I walk over to where they are and I hear my dad say "Now."

I jump onto the board with my dad and Will. A human scream of pain erupts from underneath us. My dad says, "We need to kill the rest of them. Do you know who the leader is?"

I nod and he says to me "Go get the rest of the prisoners including the leader and also get the shovel."

I run back to the house and get the shovel. I untie the prisoners and tell them to move forward and through the door. They do as they are told and walk outside. My dad says to me "Give the shovel to the leader."

He turns to the prisoners and says, "When you get the shovel you are to dig a six foot long, four feet wide, four feet deep hole. When you have finished digging give your shovel to the person next in line."

I give the shovel to the leader and he starts to dig. It takes him about twenty minutes to dig his own grave. He gives it to the next person in line. This pattern continues for about four hours. Eventually all of the graves are dug and my dad walks up to me and says, "Shoot everybody but the leader with live ammunition. Shoot the leader with a blank."

I nod at his instructions. When he finishes I turn to the prisoners and yell, "All of you kneel before the grave you have dug."

The prisoners know what is coming and they do as they are told without questioning my actions.

I walk to the person on the end and I grab my shotgun. I load my shotgun and point the barrel at the back of the human's head. I pull the trigger and an explosion shatters the silence. The human falls into his grave without his head. The rest of the humans quickly fall as I shoot them.

When I get to the leader I load a blank shell in my shotgun and I say to him "Good riddance."

I pull the trigger and the human faints at the sound of the explosion. I pick him up and drag him back to the house for questioning.

*****May 4, 2014; 9:36 p.m.*****

The human finally wakes up. I ask him "What's your name?"

The human answers, "M-my name is H-Hans Von Schelimann."

After he answers he faints again. I walk back to my room. As soon as I lay down I fall asleep.
Chapter End Notes:Please remember to review. Reviews help me not get writer's block
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