AGNPH Stories

After Armageddon by Eckon


Story Notes:

As this is a meteor impact Armageddon there is going to be blood and gore.

A New Beginning


*****May 11, 2014, 8:24a.m. *****

I wake up wondering what was going to happen to me today. If I died what would happen to my family? How would my son grow up without a father?

We had received the location of the Hunter's headquarters from Hans and had spent the last week planning our final attack. With any luck this attack would deal a blow large enough to cripple the Hunters or even eliminate the entire organization itself. The thought of the Hunters finally being gone was very appealing to me. If they were gone my mate and I could find ourselves a suitable home and raise our family properly. A home where we didn't have to worry about our children being killed for food. A home where Landis could play with Rebecca's children in peace without have to worry about being shot at.

I get up and begin to walk out of the room when I hear a feminine voice behind me ask "Going somewhere?"

I turn around and find Amanda wide awake as I sleepily respond. "Only to prepare for today. You sleep well?"

"I couldn't sleep, I've been anxious about today." She replies.

At that moment Landis stirs and begins to cry out of hunger. He is cute like most babies and at first glance he looked like a normal human with red eyes. On closer examination however the differences began to show. He had burners on his back like a cyndiquil did, arranged into two vertical stripes running the length of his back. Like me he also had a sheath. His hair had just begun to grow out from his head and was a dark blue like my fur. I give him a quick kiss on his forehead before giving Amanda a kiss on the lips. I whisper to her "Hopefully today will be the last of the fighting, and then we can finally get a home of our own."

She silently nods as she begins to feed Landis. I walk out of the room and into the armory to prepare myself for today's assault. My bulletproof vest is the first piece of my equipment that I don and my combat vest soon follows it. I knew that I would be dealing with close range fighting so I also grabbed a belt that would hold shotgun shells. I move to the weapons section and think about what I should arm myself with.

I eventually decide on a semi-automatic combat shotgun for close encounters and a semi-automatic rifle that could be switched to full automatic. I mount a laser sight on the top of my rifle and a grenade launcher on the bottom. I fill the shotgun's magazine with shells and then proceed to fill the belt around my waist with spare ammo. I fill the bottom front pockets of my vest with full magazines for my rifle.

As I move onto the explosives section of the armory I grab a few bricks of C4 plastic explosive, which get stuffed into the two pockets above those holding the rifle magazines. I put two smoke grenades in my top vest pockets and a ten foot rope into the large lower pocket on my back before walking out of the armory.

Now that I had armed myself I went back into my room to spend some time with my mate and son before the battle today. I sit next to my mate and put an arm around her shoulders. She smiles at the feeling of my fur on her neck and leans against me. Landis, who had finished feeding, had his attention focused on grabbing Amanda's long hair. The sight of him trying to grab her hair makes me smile because despite him looking like a human I knew that I was still his father. A thought occurs to me then. What if I died today? Would Amanda tell him who his real father was? I had to make sure.

"Amanda, if I die today, I want you to make sure Landis learns who his real father was."

"Hopefully you will still be alive to tell him that you are his father. Besides it isn't just our small team of survivors facing the Hunters. This time the Nazis are going to help us." She replies.

I kiss her and say "I just wanted to make sure you would tell him."

She kisses me back and says "You aren't dead yet and unless your on your death bed don't ask me to do things like that."

I breathe a sigh of relief because now I knew that should I die Landis would at least know who his real father was.

*****May 11, 2014, 11:07a.m. *****

I'm hiding with my infantry team in a ruined three story building across the street from the Hunter's headquarters. The headquarters was a large, five-story building that had a small parking garage on the east side of the building. The northern portion of the building was where supplies were stored and had a loading dock that had room for three tractor-trailer rigs to be unloading at any given time. The western side contained the offices of the leaders and the armory. This was also the most heavily guarded portion of the building and it was also the portion of the building that my team and I would be attacking. On the southern side was the main entrance and housing facilities for members of the Hunters.

During the assault today we were going to minimize damage to the building itself so that we could use it to house survivors and store supplies that we would need to keep life going on Earth. In the assault there was going to be five teams of ten infantrymen each. The first four teams were going to attack one side of the building, and the fifth team was made up of six snipers and four men operating the tank we stole from the Hunters five months ago. The snipers were arranged into three teams of two with each team consisting of a spotter and a shooter. The teams were arranged so that the entire building was surrounded by snipers and all of the other teams would have sniper cover.

The first team was going to be led by my father and was going to attack the northern portion of the building. In his team he was the only pokemon. They were going to secure the storage facility and then join up with my team for a combined assault on the offices.

The second team was going to be led by Will. His team had seven humans including him and three zangeese. They were going to attack the eastern side and secure the parking garage so that the leaders couldn't escape after our attack began.

The third team was being led by Hans. His team consisted entirely of humans and they were going to attack the southern portion of the building and take control of the security system so that the Hunters would have a harder time responding to the attack that was going to take place.

My team was the fourth and contained six humans and four pokemon including me. The other three pokemon were a rhydon, a nidoking, and a lucario. We were going to attack the western side and capture or kill the leaders. We were probably going to have the most trouble seeing as we were attacking the most heavily guarded portion of the building. Our entry was also the signal to attack, the tank was going to blow a hole in the western side of the building close to the ground and we were going to enter the building through the hole. The tank firing was also the signal for the other teams to attack.

A minute before the tank fires everything is peaceful and quiet as if the world knew what was about to happen. The only thing that I could hear was the heartbeats of the other members of my team and me. Suddenly the sound of the tank firing followed by the explosion on the building shatters the silence and forty men rush forward into confusion. As I am running to the building I hear the sharp crack of a sniper behind me and as I reach the hole a man holding a sniper rifle falls down dead in front of me with a hole through his chest. The rhydon picks up his sniper rifle and the ammo in the man's vest and slings the sniper on his back.

I throw a smoke grenade inside of the building to give us some cover as we entered but it also cut down our visibility. I charge into the building shotgun ready and run into a man and knock him to the ground. I scan the room and find out that my team had entered the building through a men's restroom. I pull out the rope and quickly tie him to a stall so he can't move. After I check to make sure he won't move I ready my shotgun again and walk over to the door. I keep the shotgun pointed at head level so if somebody was behind the door I could easily dispatch him. I tell the team member to the left of me "Open the door."

He opens it and quickly readies his rifle as I tackle a human that was unlucky enough to be caught off guard by the door opening suddenly and he falls to the ground. A quick punch knocks him out and I throw him outside of the building and into a large dumpster that was to the right of the hole the tank had made. I walk back to the door we had opened and look outside the door. Outside of the restroom was a hallway that went to the left and to the right of the door. The hallway was empty as far as I could see both ways and I run to the women's restroom next. I have another team member open the door and standing at the sink to the left of the door was a very skinny female human with blonde hair that went down to the middle of her back. I walk up behind her and point my shotgun at her head and say "Put your hands up."

She complies with me and puts her hands above her head and says "P-please don't shoot me. I have a son who I need to take care of and his father was killed by the meteor."

Realizing that she was truly afraid of me I ask her "Where is the leader of the Hunters?"

She asks me "A-Are you g-going to kill him?"

I reply "Yes, we are. You have a problem with that?"

She starts to cry and I ask her "What's wrong?"

She simply replies "There is nothing wrong. These are tears of happiness. The leader of our organization is a bad man. Just tell the people working here that is what you are doing and they will most likely be more than willing to help you capture and kill him. That evil man who calls himself a leader uses us like his toys. He sits up in his office all day, doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and humping his prisoners. The people who he got to join his organization thought that they were going to be fed and be able to survive the meteor. But Bryon, who is the leader of the Hunters, lied to us. He makes us do all of the work while he relaxes in his office all day. Look at me; do I look like I am well fed? Before the meteor struck I weighed about two hundred and fifty pounds. Now I weigh 100. Once Bryon dies we can finally live like proper human beings. Let me radio to the others that you all are helping. They will gladly pick up weapons to help your cause."

With that she grabs her radio and tells everybody else in the building "Don't attack the humans and pokemon that have weapons. They are here to save us."

She puts her radio back in its holder and says "Follow me I will show you to Bryon's office."

As she steps out into the hallway I see a rifle barrel aimed at her and I yell "No! Don't shoot her! Most of the Hunters actually hate the leader. She's taking us to his office so we can kill him right now."

The nidoking who was holding the rifle lowers his weapon and apologizes to the female "Sorry about that ma'am."

"Its alright, you didn't know that I was helping you." She replies.

We follow her to a stairway which we take up to the third floor. She continues on walking until she stops at some large oak double doors. "This is his office." She says.

I thank her then motion for the nidoking to stand by my side. "On the count of three we kick the door in." I tell him. "One...two...three!"

We kick the doors in and stare at the scene in front of us. A large male human is humping a male raichu. The man stood at six feet two inches and had short black hair. I would have shot the man right then and there but the raichu was in my line of fire and I didn't want to risk hitting him. The man hadn't noticed us yet but the raichu obviously had and tried to make himself as small of a target as possible. I stand behind the leader and say "Fun time is over."

I then shoot him in the head and pieces of his brain explode from his head and stick to his desk. I drop the shotgun and say "Its over...It's finally over. No more fighting and no more killing."

I pick up the body of Bryon and throw it out of the large window behind his desk. After the body hits the ground I hear cheers from the snipers. The raichu looks up at me with a look of happiness in his eyes and says "Thank you. I was beginning to think that you all would never be able to take Bryon out but here you are now after you just killed him."

I smile and nod as I say "I thought the same thing up until a week ago. You have a name? Mine is Hector."

The raichu responds "My name is Raikov."

I pick up the body of Bryon and throw it out of the large window behind his desk. After the body hits the ground I hear cheers from the snipers as they see what has just occurred. My dad walks in and asks "Where is the leader?"

I smile and reply "You could say he had a rough fall from power but he isn't alive any more. The Hunters are no more."

Everybody laughs at my joke as we head back down the stairs to the first floor and walk out of the building. Amanda runs out from some rubble and hugs me. I kiss her and ask "What do you think of moving into this building for our home?"

She kisses me back and answers "That sounds wonderful. But let's move after I give you your reward, and don't worry about Landis; Rebecca is watching him so we have the entire afternoon to ourselves."

She kisses me then runs off into the building and I run after her. I eventually catch up with her in the housing portion of the building next to a door. When I catch up she kisses me passionately for a few seconds. When she breaks the kiss I open the door then kiss her back with equal passion and I beg her for entrance into her mouth. She happily lets my tongue slip into her mouth and our tongues dance the fiery dance of love with one another. As we kiss we move inside of the room then shut and lock the door. I break the kiss and remove her top and begin to kiss her again with my paws already working to undo the latch on her bra. I feel one of her hands slide down from my back to my sheath where she began to rub it gently as to coax my cock out of its home. While she rubs my sheath I undo the button on her jeans and remove them along with her panties which were already slightly damp.

Now that she was fully nude she begins to push me towards the king sized bed in the room. A moment later we are on the bed and she breaks the kiss and moves down so that her head is close to my sheath. She begins to give long licks from the bottom of my sack to the tip of my cock which had emerged from my sheath. Not wanting to be outdone I turn around so that her pussy was near my face. I give it a testing lick and I am rewarded by a small moan from Amanda. I lick her again but apply more pressure this time and once again I am rewarded by a pleasured moan from Amanda.

I continue licking her pussy as she takes my now fully erect cock into her mouth and begins to suck while bobbing her head along my length. We continue in this fashion for the next ten minutes or so before I begin to feel myself approaching my first orgasm and began to lightly hump into her mouth. "Amanda...I'm getting...close."

She mumbles something between her moans that wasn't very clear but I understand what she said when I feel her walls clamp down on my tongue as her tangy fluids flooded my mouth. A few seconds later I push an inch of my cock down her throat and spray a few ropes of my hot and gooey cum down her throat.

Our orgasms slow down and eventually stop after a minute as we lay there panting from the pleasure we had just experienced. After I catch my breath I turn around and kiss Amanda again with our tongues dancing their loving dance. I can taste my seed in her mouth and the combination of her fluids and mine tasted better than anything I had ever tasted. She eventually breaks the kiss and begins to rub her lower body along my cock, which quickly brings it back to life.

I grab her in an embrace and roll over so that she is on her back with me on top of her. I move the tip of my cock to her entrance and push in to the hilt, moaning the entire time. After I hilt her I wait a moment before pulling out to the head and thrusting back in, eliciting moans from both of us. I speed up my thrusts much to the pleasure of both of us, our hips meeting with a wet slapping sound. As I thrust in a little of my pre would leak out, lubricating her love tunnel even more which allowed me to thrust faster into her warm depths.

We were in heaven as I felt my second orgasm building along with hers. I knew I wouldn't be able to last long in her tight pussy and thirty seconds later I hilt her and cum, coating her inner walls with my seed as her walls clamp down on my length and milk me for all I had.

After our orgasms settle down I lay down by her side and we enjoy the afterglow together in each other's loving embrace. We eventually drift off to sleep with my softening cock still in her pussy.

*****May 12, 2014, 3:24 p.m.*****

I had gone back to where Lando had died and made a cross to signify that he would always be remembered. I had gathered up his personal belongings and placed them around his grave. As I was placing a picture of him at the base of his cross I hear his voice from behind me say "What are you doing Hector?"

I turn to the sound of his voice and see not one, but three zangeese, two adults and a baby. One was Lando but the other two were new to me. "Lando who are your friends?"

He smiles and says "This is my mate, Stacy. We asked Arceus if we could come back to Earth together as parents since my mate was killed before she could give birth. Since he had no more use for me he happily granted our request and so here we are now, with our son Gunther."

I go over to tickle Gunther but as I am about to reach him a gunshot rings out and a plume of dust rises from a foot away from us. We run into cover and wait to see who our attacker was.
Chapter End Notes:I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. There will be a second story to the series
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