AGNPH Stories

A Different World by hamos


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon and all publicly recognized characters are the property of their owners. I am in now way associated with Nintendo or GameFreak, ect. No copyright infringement is intended. I do not own some of the characters used in my story. All the credit goes to their owners for letting me use them in my story. Furthermore, any other material in this story that I use, all credit for their creation goes to them and I only use it to the extent that the legal system will allow. I do take full ownership of this story and Hamos!

"Returning To A New Life"

"Returning To A New Life"
The sun rises over, as it has done every time before this morning. This morning I
will be leaving along with someone totally unique. At least in my eyes she is something
more then beautiful. She sleeps next to me, curled up into a ball. Her fur sparkles even
in the moon's presence. The Purple is something new to me and it is almost entrancing.
The low, soft breathing of this striped feline was almost alien in this world I know. I
donʼt know what kind of pokemon she is or even where she came from. I know we all
make our own destiny. But somehow, here in the full moon light, I feel that she, being
here is something more. The events that transpired yesterday were not illusions. They
were circumstances where something was meant to change. So if the past of my life
was as horrible as it was. If it was as soul stealing mad as my captive. Then maybe my
future is bright and this soul that set me free is here to guild me. If so, than can this not
be something as realistic as coincidence. Could it be that reality has taken forth an
action of itʼs own to help me. Then could it be that this is not so much as decisions and
simple expectations and more then ones own will could control. So not even in my
power could I stop this from happening, us being brought together was fate.

I get up slow and swift. I walk over to the waterʼs edge. Silent as wind in space.
Itʼs easy to do so now, as if I was floating just barely over the ground. I know this not to
be true because I can feel the sand between my toes and if I wanted to float, I could do
so at my will. Itʼs funny, the strange things that can happen in such a short time.
However, if I were to be anywhere. Iʼd want to be here watching the sun rise. Here watching my life being given a second chance. I have a chance now to be who I want to be. There's a chance now to control my life and my destiny. It's odd because this place feels so familiar. It feels like I envisioned it in a long lost dream or something relative of that nature. The ripples in the water are shining light at me. It feels like a ray of sunshine and truth is aimed directly at me. My black and red fur sets me apart from any other creature of my kind. Also my my deep ocean blue eyes are further fervent then any other Ninetale in existence. They are pure, and honest. Staring into my eyes would be nothing short of staring into my soul. They portray my honesty, my strength, my hope, my knowledge, my loyalty, my pureness, my loneliness, my uniqueness, my innocence and my power. I blink, feeling everything surrounding me reappear in a completely new feeling. I can sense it all, the lake, the sun, and the purple furred soul behind me about to wake. I feel attached to her somehow. For if she were to leave my presence in anyway, shape or form. My soul would be torn to pieces trying to follow her, to keep her. My tails floating in the wind and now with the sun rising, she wakes.

Twitch: How did you sleep?

Jewel, now just lifting her head, yawning and stretching, has a difficult time answering this in her head. Not fully awake, it's hard to understand the things around you, to understand your senses and just plainly trying to think.

Jewel: Mmm...hmm...huh....what?

I give a small chuckle.

Twitch: How did you sleep?

Jewel, now realizing what I had said, gave a small smile.

Jewel: Quite well actually! The best I've had in years.

A small non-visible blush fills a small portion of my cheeks.

Twitch: I'm glad, I haven't slept like that either since I was a pup.

Jewel trots over to my side and stands at my side, watching the beautiful ripples of light glimmer off the water.

Jewel: This place is very nice...calming.

Twitch: feels, vaguely familiar.

Jewel: How so?

Twitch: I know I haven't been here before...yet, it's similar to the greenery I remember from my past, when I was a pup.

Jewel: Do you think you have been here before?

Twitch: No...but I think...

Suddenly his head was flooded with memories of his family dying. Their screams ringing in his ears, causing him to shiver and close his eyes. He clenches his teeth as he quickly reopens them and pushes those horrible thoughts out of his head. He pulls himself back into reality.

Jewel: Twitch?....Are you alright?

Twitch: Yeah...just...bad memories.

Jewel: Bout what?

Twitch: This area...reminds me of my family. My last memory of this place.....was seeing them die.

Jewel lowered her ears. A small frown forming, hating to see Twitch in such pain and anguish. She looked up at him, the sorrow running through him. A depressed look on his face. It could be enough to break your heart. Someone so big and strong, so pure and innocent, go through the pain he was feeling, the pain he had to feel. It makes you want to sacrifice your life just to relieve some of his pain, to see him smile. Jewel rubbed her head into the nook of his neck. She purred into his soft fur, hoping to diminish his discomfort.

Jewel: I hate the fact that you had to go through all that.

Twitch taking in a deep breath thought of something that lifted his spirits and pulled one side of his lips into a half smile.

Twitch: Well as much pain as I went through...I feel gratified to know that if I had not been there...then I would not have been able to save you from it as well.

Jewel starred up into his deep blue eyes with such a surprised expression. She looked or any sign that he was lying, any sign of regret. But there was none. He truly meant it when he said that he would go through all that, just to save her from the same fate. His eyes were so honest, so full of self relinquishment, so ready to give his life for another. He did so, for her. Unfathomable amounts of emotions flooded her heart. All of them for him, this one soul, this one Ninetale that rescued her from a life of torture. Without even thinking she brought her head up and licked his snout. This uncontrollable feeling overwhelming her. Realizing only after she had done it, did she she turn away and blush crimson. Her front right paw casually swaying against the sand below her. Twitch, now in a odd situation started to flush. Redness filling his furry cheeks. He loved this feeling, the feeling of being needed, being wanted more so or not. The flame that burned for her burst out of control inside him. Tears rolled down his flushed cheeks. He held his breath, trying to stop the flood of tears. His body convulsed like it needed something. The sight looked like he could not breath and was trying to force air into his lungs. Jewel saw the movement and starred at him frightened.

Jewel: Twitch! What's wrong?


Jewel: Twitch...

Twitch: You...don't long.....I've been waiting...f...f...for you.

Jewel instantly knew that his feelings toward her were stronger then she thought they were, and yet, he saved her. She smiled lightly and licked the tears from his cheeks. Getting low soft murr's out of him. All this time being locked away took a toll on his soft heart, and she could see that. He had been alone and hurt for so long that she felt amazed that he was even able to survive. She could hear his breathing soften. It brought comfort to her. Jewel leaned up against the big softy and hummed a sweet lullaby.

Jewel: Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm.....hemmmmm hemmmmm...hmm hmm hmm hmm...hemmm hemmm hemmmmm...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm...hmm hmm hmmmmm...hemmmmm...hemmmmm...hmm hmm hmm hmm...hmmmmm.....hmmmmm...mmm mmmmm.

Twitch, with his eyes closed and tearless face laid his head on her neck. Holding her close to him for comfort. He knew what it now was, what bound him to her. It was love, now he knew what that feeling was when she first set foot in his presence. It was what woke him up. The only thing that could wake him up. It healed him, gave him back life. She gave him back his life. From that moment on his heart and soul would always be hers.

Jewel: all better now?

Twitch: Yes...I have been ever since you came into my life.

Jewel: So you're ok then?

Twitch: Yeah...

Jewel: now that we are stuck together, what next?

Twitch couldn't help but give a soft chuckle. He knew she was referring to the simple fact that she didn't have anywhere to go. Also the fact that he could protect her weighted in there greatly. It was quite apparent that she didn't have any intentions in leaving him. He glanced at her for a moment and thought. Being free felt completely new to him. He could choose where he wanted to go, how he wanted to live. The purple feline stares straight up at him, waiting for an answer. Her eyes, they always had this curiously mischievous look to them. You would think they would be intimidating. However, Twitch thought they were beyond adorable. He turned his sights onto the lake water, watching it stay calm and motionless. He found himself fixating on only one idea that kept crossing his mind.

Twitch: I want to show you something.

He brushed his neck along the length of Jewel's head. Smiling, he walks toward the water. Upon reaching the shoreline of the lake a flurry of wind fell down from the sky and ran along the waters surface until it made an impact. Brushing through the fur on the foxes body. It rushed right past him and up into the sky once more. Twitch enjoyed the moment and lifted his snout up, letting the air blow by him. Slowly the air diminished and his fur fell against his skin were it once was. He lowered his head back to the water and glanced over at Jewel.

Twitch: Come take a walk with me, will you.

Jewel: Oh...sure!

Jewel had been fixating on his body in the wind. She felt almost hypnotized. She knew it was true, he was beautiful, attractive and sexy. However, seeing him in such a pose, such an elegant form just now was a little to heart pounding. She could the moisture in her mouth now and it was running down the side of her lip. She had been drooling over him in all his majesty. She could now feel the connection to him grow stronger. Not so much a wanting sensation, but more of a life threatening need for him.
Twitch stepped out onto the water, one paw after the other. He felt weightless to the water. Casually walking over it like he was supposed to. Each step sent tiny circle shaped ripples flow over the water. He appeared to be walking on glass or an invisible substance. He looked back over his shoulder toward Jewel whom was now awe-stuck. He admitted a small chuckle and motioned for her to join him.

Twitch: Come on, I can give you the power.

Jewel: I...I'm not a fan of water.

Twitch: Please trust me, nothing will ever happen to you again.

Jewel: But...

Twitch: Please trust me, I won't let anything happen to you.

Jewel took a big gulp, still not completely sure what to do. She had never liked the water, and now watching him walk on top of it like it was nothing was quite confusing. She didn't want to, everything told her not to. Except when she looked into deeply loving eyes and angelic like body, she couldn't say no to him. So she nodded and slowly stepped forward a step. One after the other, step by step she got closer to the water. The water seeming more dangerous to go near now, then it ever had before. Jewel was used to walking along side the water and setting her maw close enough for her to lap at it. However, it now felt like it wanted to jump out and take her away into the shadowy depths. Now it was just one step away. Jewel looked up into his reassuring eyes. Twitch smiled and motioned with his head for her to continue. Jewel took a deep breath and took the step forward. She felt her foot touch the cold surface of the water, but her paw did not fall through. She looked down and saw what she could not believe. She was standing on water. She took another step and just like the last one before this, it stood on top of the water. Very carefully she thought about this. She took a deep breath and quickly tippy-toed out onto the calm flat lake. She looked around down at her feet. Watching the water move beneath her toes. Bringing her head back up she looked at Twitch with confused eyes.

Jewel: How are you doing this?

Twitch: I have the power

Jewel: But how, it doesn't make sense.

Twitch: You're not from around here are you?

Twitch knew he could read other's thoughts. However, he found it rude to do so without permission, so he waited to receive his answer. He completely trusted her and he knew she would tell him the truth.

Jewel: Well...I don't really know actually. I...I can't remember anything from my kitten years.

Twitch: Hmm...sometimes the past is better...forgotten.

Jewel: I suppose...

Twitch knew she was indecisive and this idea was now troubling her quite too much. He needed to get her to focus on happier feelings, more enjoyable things.

Twitch: Come on...walk with me.

Jewel: I'm still a little scared!

Twitch: Then walk next to me, that is...if it makes you feel better.

Jewel smiled, she liked this idea. Being closer to him, just felt right. She stood still while Twitch walked up next to her, brushing their cheeks together. Both cooed at the sensation. The Ninetale turned his body around and stood at equal side to Jewel. They were very close now, his fur could almost graze hers in a light and comforting manner. Neither of them minded being so close. If truth be told, both of them wished to be just a little closer. Twitch, slightly towering over Jewel, gazed into her eyes. His head directed in her direction. He smiled, his expression so, happy. You could see it easily in his eyes. He was enjoying every second of this to the fullest. Jewel could not help but blush from his starring. She slowly turned her head a little downward. She escaped his gaze and looked downward a little ways in front of her.

Jewel: I'm ready to walk.

Twitch: Mmm...I bet you are.

Jewel: Twitch stop's embarrassing.

Twitch: Really, I thought you were blushing because it flattered you.

Jewel: Shut up! You're making me redder!

Twitch: That's the Idea!

Twitch let out a soft childish chuckle. It made Jewel blush more. She couldn't even look in his direction anymore. Her face was burning up from both flattery and now embarrassment. She was also giddy now. She hadn't ever been stared at, so lovingly, before. Her heart thumped like it did when she had licked his snout. She was his hero in more ways then one. He made her happy just by being around her. The same was true for Twitch, he never wanted her to leave his sight. He could sense the Jewel was about to start walking, so as soon as she lifted her paw, so did he. They walked a little ways, Jewel still looking the other way and Twitch still completely fixated on her figure. Every movement and every strand of fur. She was so beautiful! Her purple form, perfect. Twitch could sense he excitement, so he quickly to the opportunity of being free from her entrancement to look forward.
The whole time his eyes were focused on Jewel, she could feel it. She grew hotter because of it, she also found it extremely difficult to control her breathing. Now with the being stared at feeling gone, she could calm down. Once she returned to her normal state she looked up at Twitch. She quickly turned away soon after. Now just the sight of him was enough to get her wound up. Her body temperature had already started to rise. Jewel had to do something to distract herself. Her mind raced as fast as it could through different ideas. Soon enough she remembered where she was. She was walking on water and she was not afraid. Instantly she thought that all of his recent actions were just to get her to forget the fear. However, she now also remembered that his eyes were as always, completely sincere. Quickly after that thought she noticed that she had been walking unconsciously. Luckily switching the action over to a conscious state did not make her fall or even waver of course. It felt like she had been in control the entire time. Now she looked out ahead of her, completely aware of her surroundings. She also knew that she still felt unusually hot. The first thing that crossed her mind at this point was the thought of just stopping and laying down on the cool water beneath her. However, her instincts and mind told her to do something else. She glanced at Twitch whom was still looking forward and did not seem to notice her movements. Excitement ran through her now. She had yet to understand that Twitch could sense every move she was taking or about to take. However, this didn't make him act upon them all. He liked to let things just play out. Now Jewel had her mind set, she was ready to sprint forward at full speed. Twitch gave a light smile less then a second before took off running. She sprinted across the water. Twitch smiled widely and took off after her. Small trends of water flinging into the air behind both of them. The movements were smooth and noticeably flawless. Neither of them slipping or skidding, both completely aware of the surface beneath them.
Jewel thought she was uncatchable at this point. In her mind she figured she was faster then the fox chasing after her. Twitch was on the contrary, completely aware of his limits and abilities and he wasn't pushing either of them. He was being gracious, letting her win. So he followed close behind, neither gaining or losing distance between him and her. Jewel glanced behind her, finding him at a presumptuous distance away. Whipping her back forward, feeling way too over confident, she sped up. Believing that if she pushed herself to the limit then she could lose him. Her stride widened and her claws stretched forth, grabbing the stable water below her. Hoping in doing so, to gain speed to further advance herself forward. The air blowing by her, soft, yet forceful. She takes in quick short breaths, trying to keep the oxygen flowing into her lungs. Twitch smiled and thought that in letting her pull away was in short, lying to her about his strengths and powers. So instead of letting this go on any longer and have Jewel tire herself out. He would capture her attention, in turn hopefully making her slow down or even stop.
Then just like that, he stared forward, focused. Next thing you knew, he was gone, one moment clearly noticeable and then he was moving too fast for your eyes to follow him. In less then a second after his disappearance he reappeared less then a hundred strides directly in front of Jewel. Had her eyes not been open she would have collided with the nine-tailed fox. There were no signs of him passing. Nothing that her senses could pick up. Now, clear as day, there he was, sitting on the water floor before her. Jewel instantly realized that she needed to stop. She pushed her front paws out ahead of her. In hope that she wouldn't just slide across the water right into him. Strangely enough, she slowed down. The water splattered in front of her similar to what dirt would be doing in that same situation, it helped to stop her. Before she knew it, she was still, not moving. She had closed her eyes as a reflex from her successful attempt at stopping. However, even with her eyes closed she could sense the fox, standing before her, waiting for her recover from her position. She stood up with her eyes still closed and let out a breath. Her head hung slightly below it's normal orientation. She opened her eyes and slowly brought her gaze upward. She rested it upon his gentle face. He was smiling lightly, compassionately.

Jewel: You're.....faster then me too.

Twitch: Don't think of it that way, I just felt that in not sprinting, like you, I was giving you a false understanding of my physical limitations, lying to you.

Jewel: Heh...I understand. Is there anything that you're not good at?

Twitch: Making you happy I can see.

Jewel: Now stop that, I'm happy! I just feel like I have no sense in pride anymore. I may not want to impress everyone.....but when I want to impress just one other....I can't.

Twitch knew she was talking about him. He saw her head hung, it hurt him to see her like that. He had just started something he was hoping to prevent. He flattened his ears. He knew he had to make her feel better, and he knew she was not worthless. Jewel might not have said it, but it was very apparent that she was feeling that way. He walked up and sat down beside her. Twitch nuzzled underneath her chin affectionately.

Twitch: Can I tell you something?

Jewel: Sure...why not?

Twitch: I take pride in you!

Jewel: Why, does it matter?

Twitch: I thought you'd feel better if I told you you're beautiful...

Twitch instantly blushed all over as he said those words. Jewel snapped her head up and just stared at him with a surprised look. The more she stared at him, the more Twitch blushed. Soon enough the water around the nine-tailed fox started to boil. Steam began to rise around him. Jewel noticed this as soon as it happened. She stared at him again and blushed. She looked away with her paw covering her face. Then she spoke in a childish and embarrassed voice.

Jewel: Stop it!

Twitch smiled and giggled. The water cooled down to a simmer. However, the blush on Twitch's face and neck were still very apparent through his fur. He had flipped the situation around with the inevitable truth. He knew she had to be an angel, and even if she wasn't a white winged goddess by definition. She could make the sun rise with a smile and renew a life with a kiss. In Twitch's eyes, she was an angel, a beauty and more then anything else. The only one who his heart belonged to. Things had happened so fast. Just a few days ago he had been trapped in a cage with no hope and no way of escaping. Today he stands here next to her perfect form. Her sweet soothing voice had brought light into his dark life. As much as she might deny it, she was his hero. Jewel was with out a doubt his soul mate. The truth ached inside his heart, he wanted so much to tell her now. However, he also knew that he should take his time to tell her this. Because even though he knew she felt the same way about him, something told her to be careful, to wait and see what happens. Even though that part of her was scared to love, another part screamed to be let out and jump into his paws. For now it was best for the both of them if they just stayed friends. However, both of them knew that wouldn't last to much longer.

Twitch: Why you like it!?

Jewel: NO!

Twitch: Don't lie, and yes I know you are.

Jewel: SO!

Twitch: I'm not gonna deny the truth, you...are...beautiful!

Jewel: Please no more, I can't take it!

Twitch: Ok, sure. Anyway...what do you want to do now?

Jewel: Well the sun is still high, want to go exploring?

Twitch: I have nothing against that, I would rather enjoy it!

Jewel: Good, because I'm sick of having wet paws!

Twitch: It don't bother me as much as it should. However, I would not mind it at all to get some nice warm grass between my toes.

Jewel: too!

Twitch: Shores only a few feet away...after you?

Both of them had traveled across the entire lake, neither of them that exhausted. Twitch hadn't even broken a sweat. Both of them were ready to press further on now though. Ready to see what adventures awaited them on the shores of the forrest.
The fox stood there waiting for his feline friend to lead him into new sights and experiences. She was so angelic, even as she stood, her body gave away her spiritual posture. Her green eyes so divine by themselves. Twitch knew it, from the very beginning, when she came through the door frame. She was his love, his only one true love. Now he was going to do everything in his power to make her happy. His heart belonged to her, only her. He wanted to be with her, forever.
Jewel started to gracefully walk toward land, brushing her body along his when she past by him, blushing as she did so. Twitch made an audible gulp, trying to contain himself. A slow tingly shiver ran down his back, igniting a fire between his hind legs. He tried his hardest to push the feeling into the back of his mind. He took a deep breath and followed the feline.

Jewel: Soo...enjoying the sight?

Instantly Jewel lifted her tail, revealing her area to the pokemon behind her. Twitch stopped dead in his tracks, pupils wide and eyes fixated on that one area of flesh. Perfectly oval shaped, plum and pink. Just it's sight called out to Twitch, erasing his train of thought. His mouth watered and his sheath expanded a little. The inner lining of her opening was shiny and moist. It was easy to see how soft and untouched it was. Twitch felt a whine escape him, needy and libidinous. Drool started to pool the more he stared at it. He started leaning forward, it seemed as though her jewel was pulling him closer. Drool seeped from in between his lips. It dripped down from his chin, hitting the water below him. Jewel blushed and covered herself back up, deciding that she had teased him enough. Twitch was still in a bit of a daze and his instincts kept building on the sight of her lower regions.

Jewel: Twitch?...Twitch?...Twitch!?

Twitch: Hmm, what?

Jewel: I just thought I'd bring you back into reality!

Twitch blushed because he knew what she meant. He had let his instincts take over, her treasure had found his weak spot. The one other area besides his heart, that was vulnerable. Now he knew both his strengths and weaknesses. He couldn't deny any of it, and he didn't want to. The truth is the truth, no escaping it. He knew his sheath was twice it's size now. He shallowed the drool that still filled his maw. So the truth was that she had easily turned him on. He tried not to think about it though. Because he knew what it would do to him. Now he understood that he would need to train himself to deal with it. He needed to learn to control his urges, his sexual instincts. They were the only thing that he didn't have a grip on, that he was able to fully control. She was just so, irresistible. She was beautiful, alluring, gorgeous, attractive and desirable. There was very little that she wasn't.
Twitch was trying so hard not to act upon his mating drive. So hard was it not to concentrate on what she had just revealed to him. Fortunately for him, Jewel's eyes had captured his attention. Suddenly it felt rather easy to forget his desire to mate. A warm feeling illuminated within him. It was such a delightful feeling, and seemingly impossible to ignore. She glanced at the ground then back at him to see if his love struck smile had been replaced with another expression. Time and time again she looked up at him, seeing that same warm loving smile. Her cheeks became redder each time she looked up at him. Twitch dropped his jaw slightly, keeping that same smile.

Twitch: You really are you really are beautiful!

That, Jewel could not take. She hid her face in her tail, hoping he couldn't see her face. She spoke with an embarrassed squeak.

Jewel: Th...thank you!

Twitch: Your most welcome!

Jewel: Are you still....looking at me?

Twitch spoke with the soft happy voice he had been speaking with throughout this entire conversation. He was such a gentle soul, driven by love and a desire to give back. He was so unselfish, he didn't care about what happened to him. Only others happiness mattered to him. Jewel's happiness mattered most of all to him. He wanted her to have hope and have a happy life. One where she would fight to keep. A life where she woke up every morning with a smile and a sense of self pleasure. A life that he could possible be apart of.

Twitch: Of course, why on this earth wouldn't I be?

Jewel: It's embarrassing! Please stop?

Twitch: If that is what you wish, then I will give you time to recover.

Twitch turned around precisely as he said he would. However, he still kept that smile. His long red tipped tails flapped gently behind him. All of his fur, gold, black and red had a glossy sheen to it. They would gently reflect the light in all directions. Anyone observing him for the first time would insist that he was glowing. His size would also stand out to anyone meeting him initially would honestly believe that he was some type of god.
Now, as Jewel looked at him she found herself thinking. He had saved her from a horrible life, showed her amazing things, defied reality and made her happy. She could feel it deep down, like it was radiating from him. That he would do anything for her, even if that meant he had to die. For some odd reason, he didn't have to tell her, but she knew. That he had given his heart and soul to her. They were hers now, never to be taken back. He was hers forever, even if she didn't accept him. He would never belong to anyone else but her. His heart would never ache and scream for anyone else to hold it. He was in so many ways, perfect. She didn't understand why this had happened, she only knew that she desired this. She didn't want it to have happened any other way, this is how is was suppose to happen.
She raised her head and examined his perfect body. Her fur stood on end and she could feel herself shiver on the inside. She couldn't contain her smile, he was with out a doubt was she had been searching for, her entire life. She took in a deep breath tasting his scent, smelling his sweet fragrance. Her body quivered at the exact point in time that his body quivered. She wondered if he had sensed her smelling him, and maybe the though had made him quiver similar to his actual smell that forced her to quiver. She stood up slowly, strongly. She blinked for a long moment and then opened them slowly. Revealing in front of her, her hero. The one soul that completely loved her. She knew it now more then ever, beyond all reason. Beyond all sanity, she was deeply, even madly in love with him.

Jewel: Twitch???

Twitch flinched in such a way that it was easy to understand what had made him do so. Her voice, sweet symphony to his ears. He wanted this so badly. Trying as hard as he might to stay out of her mind, those five words "madly in love with him" had caught his attention. He had heard them so clearly in his head. Now as he turned to face her, he found that he was losing himself. Now staring into her eyes, he couldn't contain the happiness. She could see it in his eyes, he knew what she was going to tell him. Yet, somehow, that made it that much easier.

Twitch: Ye...yes?

Jewel: I...I love you!

It was such a short time and yet, she could feel this was true. Something deep down inside her knew this was true. Now that she had said it to him, she could feel the truth flow through the words as she spoke them.
Twitch had stopped breathing, these words hit hard with an unforgettable feeling. His whole body was stiff, no more moving than a rock or tree. Even his heart had stopped, but his body temperature kept rising. Everything had stopped for him, such an intense moment, an incredible sensation. The fur on his body did not rise, though he could feel his whole figure go up in goosebumps. Twitch slowly closed his eyes, taking in every enjoyment this brought him. Lifting his head a little toward the sky, he took in a deep meaningful breath. Her aroma filled his nostrils, burning them with flavor. The pleasantly sweet scent was so gratifying that it felt like his aura grew so big that it burst outward from his body. The fragrance coxed him in every delightful way. Twitch flapped his tails once and got the sensation of moving the Earth forward. He brought his back down swiftly, aimed right at Jewel. Opening his eyes slightly slower then normal, he gazed perfectly into Jewel's eyes. They displayed complete openness to her, willing to give his entire existence to her. Visible tears flowed down the sides of his face. Jewel clearly saw this and felt herself like crying. Twitch shallowed and made a hiccup like jerk of his body. This was without a doubt, the happiest moment of his life. Nothing could ruin it, nothing. He spoke delighted and shaky voice.

Twitch: Jewel...I..I...I know that it's been such a short of time............I knew, from the instant I saw beautiful you are...I knew that you were my soul mate. I knew that I would forever be yours, for all time and beyond that. You make my night end and my day begin. Jewel I love you truly, honestly, and completely. Jewel I will always love you forever. My heart, my soul will belong to you, to you my love. My heart sings while my soul dances around.....because of you.....for you! Jewel I love you!

Jewel was caught off guard by his words. She knew he was probably that only soul in this world that was completely honest, completely innocent and completely pure. To hear him say those heart filled words, about her was a little nerve wrecking. His devotion unmatched, his loyalty unbroken and his love was eternal. Now, for the first time in her life, she knew what it felt like to be truly loved, truly needed and undoubtably wanted.
Twitch looked at her for the first time with a loving expression toward her. It was the happiest he had looked yet. Jewel could not believe that he did not have a halo over his head. Was it possible for him to exist Jewel thought. His soft face and smooth fur gave him along with every one around him, an uplifted feeling. He was the Earth, Moon and Sun. He was the sky, air and wind. He was everything beautiful about this world. Nothing could stop him from believing, nor could they stop him from loving. No one could tear apart his dreams and no one could take his soul away. For him life had just begun. For Jewel, happiness had finally found her.

Twitch: Are you hungry?

Jewel almost didn't hear his words. She was too fixated on his slender form, so muscular and strong. Yet so smooth looking, perfect for cuddling. Hamos had not one once of body fat on him. However, you couldn't see his bones and he didn't have the freakishly ripped look. He was appealing and his appearance delightful. His claws perfectly curved and black coated. His polished coat illuminating with a light scent of musk and a powerful aroma of clean air on a hot day. His smell was so different from any other, easy distinguishable. His crystal clear blue eyes were deep, bright, soft and light. His jaw line perfect along with his smile. There was not one imperfection about him. Jewel found it hard to speak again. However, she managed to answer his question. Little did she know, he already knew the answer.

Jewel: Y..yes...I kinda am...are...are you?

Twitch: I have an empty belly so I'm particular hungry.

Jewel: Oh...of course! Sss...So what is there to eat?

Twitch: What would you like to eat?

Jewel: Fruit!?

Twitch: Is a bush full of berries and a tree full of pears to your liking?

Jewel: Oooh...Yes Yes Yes!

Twitch couldn't help but giggle at her childish behavior. She was always so hyper and full of life. He couldn't ask for a more perfect mate, he wouldn't trade anything or anyone for her just the same. Her feline smile could be scary at this point, her teeth showing. However, the vibe she let off was to relaxing and exciting to scare you away.

Jewel: Hungry Hungry Hungry!

Twitch brought his head back in, chuckling softly. He looked back up at her with his eyes. He smiled widely and exhaled softly. She couldn't be anymore lovable then she was. Hamos walked by her, rubbing his length along hers and headed toward shore.

Twitch: Follow me my love.

As hard as they tried they both couldn't stop themselves from blushing. They wouldn't never forget this moment, they would never forget the first time they met. Nor would they forget the love they share for each other.
The wind blew a mild gust of wind, causing the green leaves on the fifty foot trees to rustle. The smell flowers and new grass was in the air. However, even though the vegetation was lively and flourishing, there were no other pokemon in sight. This wasn't bothersome, it made things more peaceful and privet. Still it was speculative for there not to be a least one other soul in this vicinity.
Jewel turned reactively and followed Twitch. Walking right behind him wasn't the best place for her. However, still couldn't steer herself away or move herself to any other position around him. Her eyes were focused on one thing in particular. Her gaze was set on Twitch's orbs inside of his sack. They were plump and flawlessly oval shaped. They were so big that it seemed almost impossible for Twitch to walk or even move as effortlessly as he does. They didn't seem to bother him at all, it even seemed more comfortable for him to have them that way. They were saggy, but untarnished. They weren't wrinkled at all and the skin didn't seem to be stretched. His balls were healthy, firm and soft. In other words, they were perfect like the rest of him.
Maybe this was the reason why Jewel could just not stop staring at them. She wanted to touch them desperately. It was nagging at her in the back of her mind.
Twitch could feel her gawking at his lower area. The longer she did so, the brighter he blush became. After about two minutes, when they had made it off of the lakes water and into the outskirts of the forest Twitch could no longer take it. His body started twitching and his breath was hot. His snout was now rosy red and his cheeks were crimson. Luckily for him they had made it to the part of the forrest where the fruit grew. There were aipom's in the empty fruit trees scattered around them. Twitch stopped walking and shuttered, his musk now more apparent then normal. Jewel noticed immediately both him stopping and shuttering. She walked up around to his side, trying to forget what she had just been doing.

Jewel: Is something wrong Twitch?

Twitch starred at her with an embarrassed and exhausted look. He swallowed noticeably. His cheeks still fully flushed, his breath still burning hot. He felt so bare and invaded by her. He was very sensitive when it came to that subject.

Twitch:'s were me...back was more or less a little much for me to handle.

Jewel had noticed his blush and now knew why it was there. He knew that she had been practically drooling over his sphere's. Now it was her turn to blush. She couldn't understand why her instincts were so powerful and taking over. Her thoughts were all focused on one thing when she was like that. She had to turn away at this point because she couldn't look at him anymore. It was just too embarrassing for her to do so.

Twitch: Are you still hungry?

Twitch had calmed down some once the feeling of being observed and drooled over had stopped. At this point though, Jewel could only nod to his question. She, herself was now too embarrassed to even speak. This on the other hand didn't mind Twitch at all. Although her soft musical voice was lovely to hear, he knew that at this point he didn't need it to understand her. Right now she needed to gather herself. So Twitch was going to gather the food. He looked up at a full pear tree. All of the fruit in it was plump and juicy. He looked back over at Jewel whom was still trying not to cross eyesight with him. He smiled and stepped under the tree. There were no low branches on any of the pear tree's. This wasn't a problem, Twitch could easily jump up to the thirty foot high branches. Jewel turned around when she felt him move away from her. She watched him intently. Hamos knew this of course and smirked, knowing that this would impress her a little. Without even getting into a crouching position he leaped up onto one of the middle limbs of the tree effortlessly. He examined a piece of the fruit and opened his mouth. He maued down on it whole. Fitting every bit of the huge pear into his muzzle. He swallowed and let out a small sigh of delight. It was a truly delicious fruit. Twitch looked back down at Jewel. They both instantly blushed and averted both their eyes off to the side. Hamos looked back at the piles of pears hanging in the tree.

Twitch: How many do you want?

Jewel: Oh...a few I suppose. Three would be plenty for me.

Twitch: Three it is, be right down!

Jewel: Kk...

Twitch picked out the five best looking pears to bring down for them to eat. Two were on his left, two were on his right and the last one was two feet in front of him. He looked at each one for a moment and thought. He then picked each one using telekinesis. Then he leaped down off the branch and landed gracefully next to Jewel. The pears were orbiting around him the entire time like he had his own gravitational force. The three biggest and tastiest he laid down in front of her paws in a neat straight line with the best pear in the middle right below her maw. Then without asking how many berries she wanted, Twitch teleported all the finest sitrus berries around the three pears. They created a nest for each of the pears. Jewel flinched back a little, she was not expecting something to magically appear before her. It had made her let out a small yip. Twitch just smiled wider and thought to himself how cute she was. Jewel slowly examined the food like it might be poison.

Twitch: It's ok. Take a bite, it's good!

Jewel: Did you do that?

Twitch: Yes, I have physic powers.

Jewel: Physic powers?

Twitch: I'm magical, just like every other pokemon in the world. I just have more powers then most.

Jewel: You're a pokemon?

Twitch: Of course.....but you don't know if you are one, do you?

Jewel: Nope, no clue!

Twitch: Try the food. It will fill you right up, trust me!

Jewel: I trust you!

Jewel enclosed her maw around the top of the middle pear and bite off the part in her mouth. She chewed with a smile and swallowed with a gratified ah. Twitch on his end, had already finished the first pear and was working on the last. By the time Jewel had finished the first pear, Twitch had already eaten his meal. So he sat there and watched her feed off the flavorful fruit. When she had finished she meeped at Twitch in a wonderful feeling. She laid down exactly like Twitch was laying, aside from the fact that she was opposite of him. She stared straight forward into his deeply compassionate eyes. His smile did not leave his face and his happiness did not leave his heart.
Suddenly something caught Twitch's attention. He stuck his head up and looked off to the west with his ears facing the same direction. His right ear twitched when he heard the noise again. Twitch stood up and looked over at Jewel who had a worried expression on her face at this point.

Twitch: Someone's calling for help!

Jewel: Out there?

Twitch: Yes! Quick, hop up onto my back!

Jewel: Wait, are you sure?

Twitch: We need to go now!

Jewel: Can you carry me?

Twitch: Yes, do it fast though, we are losing vital time.

Jewel did as he had told her to do. She hoped up onto his back carefully, presuming her weight might be hard for him to carry.

Twitch: Hang on, close your eyes and hold your breath!

Once Twitch knew that Jewel was safely fastened on to his back, he took off at light speed. Slowly he sped up, going faster and faster until be was running at twice the speed of light. Twitch avoided all the trees, maneuvering around the forrest with ease. Nothing was blurry, he could see everything as he drew closer to the individual in danger. Everything was happening so fast, flying by at an incredible rate. Before Jewel knew it, they had stopped. A dead stop in the middle of a clearing near the edge of a cliff. Before she could even register where she was, Jewel felt herself suddenly on the ground with Twitch no where in sight. Jewel quickly stood up, frightened by her love's sudden disappearance. She didn't notice anything about her surroundings aside from the fact that Twitch was not there. Before she even had a chance to move her nine-tailed love appeared out of nowhere directly in front of her with a young pokemon hanging from his maw. The Pichu was obviously alive and healthy. Just very frightened and in shock over the resent event that had taken place. Twitch set the little pokemon gently down on it's rump below him. The pichu was shivering, trauma was slowly setting in. Jewel held the poor thing sympathetically, curling around it for comfort. The pichu was scared at first and cried out. Jewel shushed the little mouse pokemon. She tried to show the pichu that it was not in danger. Gradually the mouse pokemon relaxed and silently began to drift off to sleep. Twitch laid down next to Jewel just before the young one fell asleep.

Twitch: Your safe now little pichu...sleep.

The pichu easily did what the big fox pokemon had told his to do without any want or need for retaliation. It was now breathing softly with it's eyes closed, asleep. Jewel looked up at Twitch in confusion while he just stared back at her tenderly and knowing.

Jewel: What happened Twitch?

Twitch: This little tike here must have fallen off the cliff. I caught it before it hit the rocky shore below.

Jewel: But, it's so young...where are it's parents?

Before twitch could say anything, they both heard someone calling out from the woods. They were clearly searching for someone. They kept calling out a name that both Twitch and Jewel could understand very clearly. The pichu visibly heard them calling as well. Each time the name was called, it's little pichu ears would twitch.Twitch turned his sights away from the forest and looked back at Jewel.

Twitch: I think that would be them. This little adorable pokemon must have ran off while they weren't looking.

Twitch smoothly stood back up on all four legs and headed for the direction of the voices at no more then a trot. Jewel looked at him with a concerned feeling.

Jewel: You're going to get them right and coming right back...right?

Twitch: Of course, why would I otherwise!?

Jewel: Ok...hurry back!

Twitch: Always, keep him warm.

Jewel: I will.

Twitch disappeared once again, but this time it was from the cover of the forest. Not from his especial powers which seemed to grow stronger as time passed. Although Jewel did not know it, Twitch had powers that he had yet to unlock and his power would keep increasing until the day he would inevitably die.
Twitch moved through the brush of the woods lightly. The voices were less then fifty paw steps away and they were moving toward him. Twitch still held that same warming smile that would convince anyone that he was kind and not dangerous. In no time at all Twitch had come face to face with the two adult pokemon. They jumped out of a thicket while Twitch had just walked straight through a tree without so much a scratching the bark. The sight was quite incredible even for a pokemon to see. It looked like he had magically stepped out of a portal within the tree. Both the raichu's stopped dead in there tracks and stood up on their tippy-toes with their tails also erect. Their expressions were obviously alarmed. It was clear to see that they had never seen any other pokemon do this before and so it startled them greatly. However, soon enough after viewing the expression on his face they relaxed, they lowered themselves back onto their feet and let their tails curl back into their natural, comfortable position. They both let out a loud sigh together, lowering their heads and held their chests. They stood back up straight. They then looked at him with a concerned and grave expression. The female raichu was the first to speak, she had been undeniably crying.

Raichu: My names Lisa and my mate here is Static. Please have you seen our son Zap? He is a pichu, electric yellow and pitch black fur?

Twitch: Calm yourselves, yes I have seen him.

Both the electric mice felt a rush of relief and anxiousness go through them. They were on edge now, hanging on his every word. Ready to spring at the right or wrong impression that Twitch might give them.

Static: WHERE IS HE???

Twitch: I said to calm yourselves! He is safe and unharmed and in the care of my love. She is keeping him warm while he sleeps. He had a frightening experience I must warn you. He was a bit edgy after I saved him.

After the happiness had hit them, they were completely unguarded for the last words he spoke. They were going insane on the insane now. The knowledge they now had of their baby being in great parole was a little much for them at this point in time. However, Twitch could easily see that once they had zap back in their paws that all their worry would go away. That was why Twitch had told them in the first place because he could already tell that to them, all that mattered was their child and as long as he was safe, they would be able to take it all in.

Twitch: Again, calm yourselves. He no more then a short walk back to where I came from, near the ocean cliffs.


Twitch: He fell off the cliff, and I caught him. He's a little shook up, but otherwise unharmed. Are you ready to see him again?

Lisa: YES YES!!! Take us to him as fast as you can!

Twitch smiled enthusiastically to himself, he knew they would not be ready for his speed. So he decided to teleport them all back to the cliffs instead. It would be easier on them considering they have already had a long day with a intense loop of emotions.

Twitch: I'll teleport us there, it's the fastest way. I hope your ready!

Lisa & Static: YES!

With no more being said, all of them disappeared into thin air. They all had been teleported from where they stood, to the cliffs. Twitch learned that he could teleport others away from him safely. He already had the knowledge of being able to do so. However, now that he has done it for the first time, he was a lot more comfortable executing it again when the time arrived once more.
All of about six minutes had gone by. Jewel was still in the same spot holding little Zap between her paws when out of nowhere Twitch and two large mouse pokemon reappeared a few feet away. She brought her head up and smiled softly at Twitch and smiled friendly toward the two electric pokemon. Both of them scurried at full speed at their recognizable son. They picked him up and twirled him before cuddling him to near death. The pichu squealed with delight from being reunited with his parents. Both Lisa and Static cried in happiness from the sight of their little boy. They were all so happy, and grateful. Twitch strolled over to Jewel and nuzzled her cheek. He laid down next to her, his body warming hers. She cuddled up to him, happy to see him and the family in front of her, practically dancing joyously.

Jewel: You're a hero, you know that right?

Twitch: I think that's putting it a little strongly my love.

Jewel: No it isn't, you saved him and you saved me.

Twitch: No, you saved me!

Jewel: Either way, we saved each other. That's besides the point though, you still saved that ones life and their happiness.

Twitch: I suppose, but you're still my hero.

Jewel: Twitch, you truly are an angel...

Twitch licked behind Jewel's left ear. He wrapped his neck around hers and nuzzled into the right part of her neck. Taking in her scent was soothing and delightful. He was happy to be able to share this time with her. Feeling her warmth and her heart beat felt overwhelmingly comfortable. He could stay like this for hours, cuddling close to her.

Static: Eh-um! Sorry for intruding...

Twitch and Jewel opened their eyes and looked up at the family of electric mice standing in front of them. They were obviously waiting to thank him for his heroic actions in saving Zap. It had been a long day and the sun was just passing the half way point high in the sky.

Jewel: No, it's quite alright.

Lisa: It's just...we wanted to thank you for saving our son. Also I don't believe we caught your name?

Twitch: How rude of me, I forgot in the spur of the moment. I'm Hamos, thought I'm also referred to as Twitch by those close to me.

Static: Well Hamos, thank you...for everything you have done for us and my little Zap!

Twitch: It was no trouble for us. We are just glad we could help, and to save Zap.

Lisa: You truly are hero, in both my eyes and my families.

Jewel: So what happened?

Static: It's my fault really, I got a side tracked picking berries. I thought he was right behind me, I must have been talking to the trees behind me. Because when I turned around, he was gone.

Lisa: You need to pay more attention next time that's all. Zap's safe, the only thing that happened is that we passed time and the whole situation almost gave us heart attacks.

Static: Yes, at least it didn't cost us Zap's life. I'll pay more attention next time.

Lisa: Anyway, is there anyway we can repay you Hamos?

Twitch: No, there is no need for that. My satisfaction is knowing I was able to help, and did. Love, family...and of course friends are very important to me. Having only one can give an individual a reason to live. To have all three and hold them dear to you can give you a reason to strive to live and live happily. There is no object, no possession that is worth more then a life.

Static: I agree, there is no reason to take a life that has not threatened or already taken another's life.

Lisa: And even then it should not always be the punishment. Accidents happen and lessons are learned. It's when someone isn't effected by that action, when they don't deserve to live themselves.

Twitch: While I may not fully agree with your beliefs, I will say this. Life is precious and ending it should be a last resort.

Jewel: I agree with that statement! Many don't fully understand of fragile life is, or what it means to them until they face death in any situation.

The clearing they all sat in now was covered in bright green grass. The trees were covered with the same colored leaves. The ocean to the west was bright and clear. You could look on over the water for miles without a single piece of land in sight. The light breeze stirred the tree's to the east. The sun was shining down upon the Earth with a pleasant warmth as it began to sink lower in the sky.

Static: Now that we have properly and said our greetings I have gathered the understanding that you two don't live around here do you?

Twitch: No, we as of now, do not live here.

Lisa: Where do you live then? Are you on a journey?

Jewel: No...we...don't have a home...

Static: Do you have a place to go?

Jewel: No, we don't know anyone as well.

Static: Were you abandoned?

Twitch: No, we just regained our freedom a few days ago from a terrible evil.

Lisa: Oh you poor things...are you two alright?

Twitch and Jewel turned to each other and smiled. Knowing they had one another was enough to make both of them smile. Happiness filled their hearts every time they were reminded of one another.

Jewel: Couldn't be happier at this point.

Lisa: I see...giggle...

Static: I have an idea! Why don't you come back with us to the Elemental Forest where peace, happiness and love are renown. They are what the territory stands for!

Lisa: Great Idea! What do you two think?

Twitch and Jewel looked at each other once again. They apparently were thinking the same thing, and smiled once more.

Twitch & Jewel: It's perfect!

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