AGNPH Stories

Marine Flowers of Passion by cameronjc


Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Dreams

A week has gone by since Marina had her first battle against Team Rocket. And in that week, Ash had gotten himself a new Pokemon. The Pokemon was an Absol and seemed to not want to battle him. In fact, the Absol seemed to want to join his team willing.

Ash and his friends were staying at a Pokemon Center for the night. Ash was relaxing in a chair with Absol next to him as he watched Marina swimming in the public pool. He could not explain it, but he had fallen in love with Marina. But was too shy to confess his feelings as it is very unusual for humans to develop such feelings for Pokemon. He watched as Marina swam around with her tails spinning around, propelling her. Ash then looked down at his Absol. Absol, who was a male, stayed out of his Poke Ball all the time like Pikachu. But sometimes at night he had seen Absol looking up at the stars as if waiting for something to happen. Ash then heard a splash and felt his hat being snatched off his head. Turning around Ash saw that Marina had taken his hat and dived back into the pool. Marina's head poked out of the water as the flotation sac around her neck inflated to keep her head above the water. Ash's hat was on her head.

"Hey Marina, give me back my hat!" Ash demanded. "If you want it, come and get it!" Marina shouted as she began to swim again. "Grrrr...fine! Just give me a minute!" Ash ran into the Pokemon Center. A few minutes later he ran back out in swim trunks. "Okay Marina. I'm going to get my hat back, one way or another!" Ash shouted. Marina giggled and said "But you forget I am a Buizel. And we Buizel, along with other Water type Pokemon, are good swimmers." Ash dived into the pool anyway and began to swim after Marina. Both of them laughed as they played. Absol smiled as he watched them. He knew of a legend that predicted something like this. But he knew that something unpleasant was going to happen soon. He didn't know precisely when, but he knew a great disaster was coming to the Earth soon. "Gotcha Marina!" Ash said as he raised the Buziel out of the pool and took his hat back.

Later that night. Ash was asleep, but was having a particularly weird dream. In this dream, he saw himself and two other versions of himself, although one looked twelve years old while he looked older then he was now. They were running for their lives from something. Ash looked at the twelve year old version of him and saw that he was not alone. Running next to him was Mewtwo, a Latias, a Latios, a Sneasel, a Bayleef, a green Latios, a yellow Latias, a Tyranitar, and what looked like a humanoid Salamence that was obviously female. On his shoulder was a small Sneasel with white feathers instead of pink, and next to him was a 13 year old looking boy with red hair and blue eyes and wearing green clothes. The other version of Ash was running with four Lucario. One seemed male while the other three seemed female. One of the females looked slightly deformed while one seemed to have human like features, such as long flowing hair instead of dreadlocks. Ash turned to look next to him and saw a Floatzel running next to him. He then became aware that there was the sound of loud stomping. Looking to both sides Ash saw large robots running next to them. Some of them stopped and fired their weapons at something behind them. Turning around Ash saw several silver orbs that were slightly larger then a human head following them while firing what appeared to be lasers at them.

Ash woke up and saw it was still night. He didn't know what that dream meant, but he knew it might have something to do with the future. Absol turned and looked at him with a look that seemed to ask 'Are you Okay?' Ash just nodded and went back to sleep.

In the morning when Ash, Brock and Dawn left the Pokemon Center, Ash told them his dream. "Ash, I've been having some strange dreams too." Brock said. "Really? Like what?" Ash asked. "Well, I was dressed in army clothes while fighting along side humans, Pokemon and strange looking aliens against these weird orb things." Brock said. "I too had dreams like that." Dawn said. "My dreams are different from those, but still similar." Marina added. "Really? How's that?" Ash asked. "Well, in one I was cornered by men in suits that were all pointing guns at me. In another, you and I are on a boat which is hit by another and we fall into the ocean. In yet another, I am in a city when these army vehicles came in and change into robots and begin destroying everything in their path. And the last one is I am fighting against those orbs as well." Marina said. All of them began to think on what the dreams could mean. Absol was thinking to himself as well. 'It seems that part of the legend is coming true.'
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