AGNPH Stories

Marine Flowers of Passion by cameronjc


Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5 The Threat takes Action

Ash and his friends had made it to a seemingly uneventful city where they were spending the night in a Pokémon Center. But as for now, Ash walked down the streets while doing little more than sightseeing. He had told Pikachu that he wanted to go by himself. But Absol had followed him as the two of them walked. Ash was still trying to figure out why the Dark type Pokémon wanted to go with him. But he didn't mind; he actually enjoyed Absol's company. As they walked down the street, Absol's head moved back and forth as if looking for any danger. Ash and Absol walked by an alleyway where a black car was parked. One of the two men inside it pulled out a radio and said "Ash Ketchum is in the city." A voice came back and said "Move carefully and take him out." "But sir, he is not alone. He has an Absol with him." the man said. "An Absol? This complicates things." the voice replied. "So what should we do, sir?" the man asked. "You will have to take both of them out then." the voice said. "But sir, Absol's are known to be dangerous." the man said. "Yes, but they are no match for firearms." the voice said. "True. We will take them out after we've taken out the Buizel." the man said. "Very well. Take her out tonight." the voice finished. The men waited in the car while making plans with other colleagues around the city by radio. Both of them were unaware that Absol had already sensed them.

Marina had been waiting for Ash to return. She was too shy to confess her feelings towards him. She sometimes wondered if Ash loved her as well. Dawn's Buizel watched her from a distance. He was making plans on how to make her fall in love with him.

It was late at night when Marina walked out of the Center to get some fresh air. She walked down one of the streets, unaware as black cars followed her. After a while she turned and saw the cars following her. She picked up her speed and saw the cars picked up speed as well. She ran as the cars followed her. She ran down an alleyway. The cars followed until they trapped her in abandoned part of the city. Men in suits hopped out while holding guns. "Don't move." one of the men said.

Ash and Absol walked down the street as Ash was bored and couldn't sleep. He had for some unknown reason taken one of Brocks heavy knives with him. He was about to head back when he heard a scream that sounded like Marina. Ash knew he had to get to her fast. Both he and Absol ran as fast as they could.

Marina was backed up against a wall as the men surrounded her with their guns pointed at her. She was scared as this is what had happened in one of her dreams. She covered her head with her arms and began to shake out of fear. "Hey, what are you trying to do to Marina?!" a voice shouted. Marina looked up and saw Ash. "We plan on killing her, of course." one of the men said. "Yeah, I know someone who would like to have the fur of a Buizel." Another man said. "I also know someone who would pay big money for the floatation sac around her neck!" another said. "If you hurt her, I will kill each and every one of you!" Ash yelled. "Yeah right." another man said. The men laughed before raising their guns and pointed them again at Marina. Ash pulled out the knife he had with him. "I warned you." Ash said, a hint of rage in his tone.

Absol's curved horn glowed as he sent an attack at one of the cars, slicing it in two. The men turned around and faced Ash. But he already had gotten towards the first man and plunged the knife into his neck. They raised their guns and pointed towards him. Absol sent another attack at another one of the men, hitting him and bringing him down. Ash grabbed another man and used him as a shield as the other men fired. Ash shoved the dead body onto the ground as Absol sent three more attacks at the men. Marina had covered her eyes when Ash began to attack the men. She could hear screams, gunfire and bodies fall to the ground. After several minutes, no more sounds were heard. Uncovering her eyes, she saw that the men lay on the ground, blood oozing from the bodies. Marina saw Ash standing there with Absol next to him. Ash ran over to Marina and held her as she was still shaking. "Marina, are you okay?" Ash asked. "You killed them..." Marina said. "That's because they tried to hurt you." Ash said. Marina looked up at Ash. (Maybe he does have feelings for me.) Marina said to herself as she looked up at the face of Ash.

A click was heard and they turned and saw a man standing up while holding a hand gun. "Big mistake, kid." The man fired the gun. Ash jumped in the way of the bullet, protecting Marina from it. He fell down as the surviving man escaped. Marina looked at Ash as he blacked out. Absol turned and ran for the Pokemon Center. Marina tried her best to drag Ash's body away from the rest of the others, but her small size couldn't do much alone without aid.

Ash woke up and saw he was in a bed. "Am I dead?" He asked. "No, you're not." a voice said. Ash turned and saw Nurse Joy standing there. "Your Absol came and got me just in time. And Marina was dragging you toward the Pokemon Center." The Nurse said. After explaining that he would stay there for a few days, she left. Ash thought to himself, but he knew that he had not seen the end of the group that sent those assassins. He fell asleep again. This time in his dream he was in a room with a gun firing on more of those silver orbs. All of the orbs seemed to be saying in child-like voices "Protect the Paradox! Protect the Paradox!" And a human shouting "We've got six billion of them heading right for us!" Ash woke up again and turned and saw it was still very late and went back to sleep. Dreaming of a much happier dream.
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