AGNPH Stories

War from the Stars by cameronjc


Chapter 12

Chapter 12

The infinite void and silence of space was shattered as two ships raced towards the planet Earth. One ship had six transformers, while the other ship was a transformer. The one with six transformers had the Decepticon symbol on it while the transformer chasing them had the Autobot symbol. On the Decepticon ship. The crew of six was struggling with the controls of the ship.
"He is gaining on us" one of them shouted.
"Hook shut the slag up and get weapons online. We might blow him out of the sky" the lead one said.
"Of course Scrapper" Hook said.
"I hate it when he finds us" another said.
"You hate everything Boncrusher. You even hate Megatron" another said.
"Shut up Scavenger!" Bonecrusher shouted over the noise of the ship. The ship started shaking.
"Great he is firing at us" another said.
"We got to do something Scrapper" the last one said.
"I agree. Long Haul try to contact Lord Megatron. Mixmaster help Hook get weapons back online" Scrapper said.
"Scrapper. Omega Supreme is contacting us!" Mixmaster shouted.
"Good. Omega Supreme if you don't give up your chase we will blow you out of the sky" Scrapper said.
What sounded like a booming voice replied "Give up? Ha, never! Constructicons must die!"
"Weapons are online" Hook said.
"Open fire" Scrapper said. Their weapons opened fire on the large ship.
"We are going to crash land" Hook shouted. The crew looked to see the planet Earth fast approaching them.
"Brace for impact" Scrapper said as the ship entered the atmosphere.
Omega Supreme crossed landed in Sinnoh while the Decepticon ship crashed landed in Kanto.
A few weeks later. Ash, Marina and Nina walked along side a beach.
"It is so peaceful here" Ash said.
"Yeah and it is not far from the Autobot base" Nina said her pregnancy coming along.
"But that new Autobot Omega Supreme. He seems like the silent type" Marina said.
"Yeah I agree with you there" Ash said. All three of them stopped when the ground began to shake. All of them watched as Groudon, the Ground Legendary, rose from the ground. Crashing waves could be heard as Kyogre, the Water Legendary, rose out of the ocean.
"These guys want a fight?" Ash said backing away.
"No. We did not come here to fight" Groudon said in a very deep voice, the ground seemed to groan as he took a step towards Ash and Marina.
"No far from it. We need your help" Kyogre said, the water seemed to become calmer in his presence.
"Why do you need our help?" Marina asked, a small glint of fear appeared in her eyes before disappearing.
"The Decepticons are a danger to the two of us, and all the legendaries" Groudon said.
"If the Decepticons somehow gained control over us we will be a danger to our creation which you should know by now, is the Earth" Kyogre said.
"So the Legendaries have decided that we should give our powers to you Ash and Marina" Groudon said.
"But why us? Why out of all humans and Pokemon on the planet have you chosen us?" Ash asked taking a step towards the two legendaries.
"You are the Chosen One. You have saved the Earth a number of times. Plus you and your mate helped destroy and disband Sektor Seiben. So you two are the perfect choice for our powers until the war is over" Kyogre said.
"What about me?" Nina said. Groudon and Kyogre turned and looked at Nina.
"I'm Ash's mate too" the humanoid Arcanine said as she walked over to Ash and hugged his arm causing him to blush.
"Hmm well maybe there is a way to give you some power" Groudon said.
"I always liked Lugia. But Shadow Lugia has a very good look to it" Nina said.
All the legendaries appeared. Including a smaller one that was a Shadow Lugia.
"We will help all of you" Lugia said as he landed, his large wings caused a billowing wind that buffeted the nearby trees, causing them to bend to almost impossible angles before straightening up.
"You just want to look like a Shadow Lugia, but not have the Shadow Energy?" the Shadow Lugia said to Nina. Nina nodded.
"Lets get started" Mew said as she appeared before them. With that a barrier of glowing energy surround Groudon, Kyogre, the Shadow Lugia, Nina, Ash and Marina.
"We got to tell the Autobots that the Decepticons are likely to come here" Darkrai said.
"I agree" Mew said as she floated around.
"I will tell them" Lugia said as he flew up then dove under water.
At the Autobot base. Ironhide, Bakuha and Omega Supreme were on guard duty. Lugia burst from the water and hovered in the air, the water flying off his sleek body and seemed to hover in the air before disappearing.
"Halt. Identify yourself" Omega Supreme said, taking a step towards Lugia, his hand on his weapon.
"I am Lugia. Legendary of the Sea and Air. I need to tell your leader that Ash, Marina and Nina along with three other Legendaries are in a easy to attack situation" Lugia said.
"Okay. Bakuha contact Optimus Prime" Ironhide said. Bakuha nodded before grabbing a comm-link. Soon Optimus was there and he was told about the situation.
"Okay. Ironhide get soldiers together. Mirage get all Autobots ready for battle. It's time to Transform and Roll out!" Optimus said.
With that humans and Pokemon began carrying tents and other supplies as the Autobots transformed into their car or Pokemon modes and headed for the main land.
A few days later. "Lord Megatron. Buzzsaw and Laserbeak return" Soundwave said.
"What have they found" Megatron asked.
"Large amounts of energy located on a beach near the Autobot base" Soundwave said.
"Get a strike force ready. We must claim that energy for the glory of the Decepticon Empire" Megatron said as Team Rocket soldiers and Decepticons got ready for battle.
Where the barrier was set up by the Legendaries, humans and Pokemon alike had set up a sort of base of operation. Night had fallen and various camp fires had been set up and soldiers gathered around them. Scorch looked at the barrier that was on land and went out a bit to the sea.
"What do you think is going on in there" he asked.
"I am not to sure" Hector said.
"Me either" Jasmine said. Brock came over to them with food. Raichu, Flora, Luna, Absol and Charizard were also there.
"Well I sure hope that Ash will be alright" Raichu said with concern about the safety of his best friend.
"This was also mentioned in the legend as well" Absol said. The friends stopped to think. Tabitha saw the large forms of Ironhide and Jazz walking around.
"Optimus sir. No sign of the Decepticons" Jazz said as he walked up to his leader.
"That is what is troubling me Jazz. The Decepticons and Team Rocket should of picked up it up by now" Optimus said. The leader of the Autobots looked around the various camps, as if he was trying to spot something that stood out from the rest.
"Like at the Pokemon Center this reminds me of that one planet" Ironhide said.
";Please stop bringing up that massacre" Jazz said as he ran to another part of the camp.
"What the slag is his problem. That massacre happened over one million years ago." Ironhide said as he looked at Jazz's shadow fade into the darkness.
"Yes, but remember Ironhide, he lost some one very close to him during that massacre" Optimus said.
"True, sorry sir" Ironhide said. Optimus turned and looked at the woods near the beach.
It was midnight now and several soldiers walked around the edge of the Barrier. Absol and Raichu sat looking at the barrier that their friend and trainer was in.
"Why is he in there?" Raichu said.
"The Legend also speaks of something like this. But I can't tell just yet" Absol said. Raichu sighed when a loud explsion was heard.
"Decepticons attack!" Megatron shouted as soldiers and Pokemon ran to engage the TRDA forces in battle.
"Protect the dome. We can not let the Decepticons get what is in there" Optimus shouted. And the battle began. Starscream appeared in jet mode and fired several missiles at several vechiles before he transformed into robot mode.
"Feel the wrath of the Decepticons!" he shouted as he fired on the humans and Pokemon. Something invisible slammed into him. Turning around Starscream saw Mirage appear from no where in Latios mode. Just as he finished transforming into robot mode, Mirage had no time to react as Starscream brought up his foot and slammed it into Mirage. The Latios Autobot was sent flying into a row of tents. Getting up Mirage ran forward and did a drop kick on Starscream. In another part of the battlefield, a Zangoose with the Autobot symbol ran forward bringing down Team Rocket soldiers. A Seviper jumped out of the ground and transformed into robot mode. The Zangoose transformed into robot mode as well. Viper and Quickclaw glared at each other before the Decepticon Seviper made the first move. He lashed out with a sword that formed the tail of his Seviper mode. Quickclaw slammed Viper's hands up and away before the sword hit him. Before Viper could react Quickclaw gave him a uppercut. Viper lashed out with his legs and tried to knock Quickclaw off his feet. The Zangoose Autobot jumped up and landed on Viper and began to give him a beating.
Megatron's brought his arms forward forming his Fusion Cannon. He aimed the cannon on the dome of energy. But before he could fire Optimus had slammed it upwards. The blast of the Fusion Cannon went straight up. Megatron and Optimus locked optics before Megatron made the first move. He delivered a right hook to Optimus. But the Autobot leader ducked and gave an uppercut to the Decepticon leader.
Inside the dome. Ash, Nina, Marina, Groudon, Kyogre and the Shadow Lugia had their eyes closed as the transfer was still going.
"What is that?" Ash said.
"The Decepticons are attacking" Kyogre said.
"How much longer is this going to take?" Ash asked.
"We have transfer most of our powers to you. Your bodies will now be given the ablity to choose between your normal forms and the forms we are giving you" the Shadow Luiga said.
"We still have until morning to go" Groudon said.
Optimus threw Megatron into the woods and charged at him. The Decepticon leader brought his mace around slamming it into Opimus's face. The Constructicons had merged into their combined form into Devastator. The large Decepticon was about to attack when Omega Supreme slammed into him. Omega looked at the Decepticon before he brought up an arm and drove it down into the Decepticon. The fighting contiuned as the Autobot and Humans battled the TRDA forces.
The next morning. Hector fought hand-to-hand as he brought soldier after soldier after soldier down. Jasmine fired her gun at a rocket grunt at point blank range. Scorch and Blaze launched Flamethrowers burning Rocket grunts into nothing but piles of ash. Bakuha fired her blaster hitting several Team Rocket vehicles as the battle raged. However when the sunlight touched the barrier the Pokemon stopped. Turning around and almost unaware of what they were doing all Pokemon began to sing. The battling forces stopped and watched.
"Soundwave! Translate it now!" Megatron shouted.
"Unable to. Unknown to what it is" Soundwave said.
"Shockwave. What is going on?" Megatron asked.
"Unknown Lord Megatron. But it appears that Pokemon from all over the planet appear to be singing" Shockwave said.
Then a noise was heard from the ocean. "That is Lugia's song" Raichu said. Three figures were seen going away from the barrier. The barrier was starting to disappear. As it lowered a Aeroblast, Hyper Beam and Solar Beam flew out hitting Megatron square in the chest. Seeing this the Autobots and Humans fired on the TRDA.
"Retreat" Megatron shouted. With that order TRDA forces fell back. Three figures the size of a full grown human walked out. One was a humanoid female Kyogre, another was a female humanoid Shadow Lugia and the last was a male humanoid Groudon. The Kyogre girl had the general shape and look of the Legendary Water Pokemon Kyogre, but she was definitely different with it in humanoid form. She stood upright and her head was shaped like Kyogre but her neck curved down to support a humanoid head position. Her front fins were her arms though they kept the shape of Kyogre's fins from the forearm down. Her abdomen and chest area were shapely to that of a human woman and she had well developed and plump breast. She had a short blue tail and a pair of shapely reverse joint legs that were white from the knee area. All of the runes that Kyogre would have in proportion to her body were there and her red eyes were shining brightly. The male Groudon had the general shape and look of the Legendary Ground Pokemon Groudon, but he too was definitely different with it in humanoid form. He stood more upright than Groudon and his neck was shaped to reflect the more upright posture. His head was shaped the same as Groudon but with a smaller mouth. He had a well developed torso area and his arms were shaped like human arms from the shoulder to the forearm but the rest was shaped like Groudon's claws but his right arm was robotic. He had a long tail that was shaped like Groudon's and his legs were in the same shape as Groundon's. All of Groudon's runes, claws, and spikes were present and proportional to his body and his red eyes were intent. And the other one had the general shape and look of the Legendary Air and Sea Pokemon Lugia but not just any Lugia, she had the look of a Shadow Lugia however she was definitely different looking with it in humanoid form. She stood upright and her head was shaped like a Shadow Lugia but her neck curved down to support a humanoid head position. Her wings were her arms though they kept the shape of Shadow Lugia's wings from the forearm down. Her abdomen and chest area were shapely and muscular to that of a human woman and she had well developed and plump breast. She had a long tail like Shadow Lugia and a pair of shapely reverse joint legs that were like a Shadow Lugia. But the Shadow Lugia was pregnant by the looks of it.
"Thank you for helping us. But who are you?" Optimus asked.
"Optimus you know our names" the humanoid Groudon said.
"Ash you are an idoit sometimes, you know that?" the humanoid Kyogre girl said.
"Yes you keep on telling me that every now and then Marina" the Groudon guy said.
"Well we just got these forms. So the Autobots won't recognize us" the Shadow Lugia said. Blaze walked up to the Shadow Lugia and said "I know that is you Nina. And I know that is Ash and Marina as well."
"How are you Ash?" Bakuha said looking down at the Groudon.
"I will show you" the Groudon said. All of a sudden the three of them glowed as they seemed to shrink abit. When the light was gone Ash, Marina and Nina stood there. "Believe me now" Ash said. Bakuha nodded.
"Looks like the three of you are organic transformers" Jasmine said as she Hector and Scorch walked to them.
"If there is such a thing" Hector said. "There is on other planets though. But several systems are under the control as rumor has it a race that think of themselves as gods. From those rumors this race call themselves the Goa'uld" Ironhide said.
"Yeah but you three are not the first Organic transformers. Take the Pokemon Ditto or Doexys a Pokemon race from Cybertron" Optimus said.
"Wait, Doexys are from Cybertron?" Ash said in surprise.
"Yes. But we have not seen them for 6 million years. They were driven away by the Decepticons. To this day not only are we trying to reclaim Cybertron from the Decepticons we are also trying to find the Doexys species and bring them back to Cybertron" Optimus said.
"But the real reason we are on Earth because that high ranking Decepticons are coming here to drain energy from the planet as we've said before. But we got reason to believe that the Decepticons plan on destroying Cybertron and turn Earth into a new Cybertron" Jazz said.
"We need to get all that are native to Earth to rise up against the Decepticons" Optimus said. Ash looked at his friends as the Autobots walked around helping with the injured.
"Glad you are back with us Ash, Nina and Marina" Hector said while Ash's Pokemon nodded.
"Let's just back to the base. I haven't eaten for a few days" Ash said as they packed up and went to the base.
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