AGNPH Stories

The Payapa Berries of Wrath by landofthelust


Story Notes:

I came up with the story one morning, and I've been frantically trying to construct it. This is my first story on AGNPH. I hope you enjoy it. I'll try to update as often as I can

The Second Coming

The water was alive with the movement of different pokemon. Several water pokemon had gathered in a tightly-knit circle and had been circling around a huge mass near the floor of the water. Several wooper were tilting their heads to the side, staring at the ground.

"Wooooooooooop?", one of the wooper called out, curious.

"Woop", said another wooper, nodding his head.

"WOOOP!! WOOOP!!", the first wooper started to cry, making the second wooper sweatdrop.

The second wooper put his fin on top of the other wooper's head, comforting him. The first wooper sniffled, before walking up to the mass on the bottom of the lake. Suddenly, he recoiled back and ran to the second wooper, shouting. "WOOP! WOOP!! WOOP!!!"

The second wooper turned around and looked at the first wooper strangely, before noticing the startling change in the background.

Two bright, honey-colored eyes were glowing brightly nearby.


I opened my eyes to the world... a world I was convinced didn't exist. My role on this Earth had been completed... my life had ended. Yet, here I was, very much alive. But... why did I feel so alive?

I looked around at my surroundings, and I was surprised to see that I was underwater. Why was I able to breathe down here? Why was I even down here?

"You're going to die."

I snapped to attention and looked around me, trying to locate that voice. However, there was no source for the voice. It was from within my own head. I relaxed slightly as I pondered over the things that had happened. I should be dead... I must be dead.

I looked over at my stomach, and was surprised to see my smooth stomach where I was looking. "No...", I spoke. "I was stabbed right here! Where's the wound!?"

My head started to spin and I collapsed on the ground. I didn't know who I was, where I was, or if I was. I just lied there, trying to make sense of everything.

"What is that thing, brother?", A voice called out with a mix of curiosity and fear. I was surprised to hear another voice from here.

"I don't know", another voice said. "I've never seen a pokemon like this one before."

We're they talking about me? No... that wouldn't make any sense. That would be impossible.

"Hey, mister...?", the first voice spoke right near my ear. "What pokemon are you?"

Was that person crazy? I was a human being!

"I'm not a pokemon!", I snapped back harshly before turning to the source of the voice. I was surprised to see a wooper staring back at me, afraid. The wooper looked at me, then another wooper, and then at me again. Then, the wooper started to cry.

"WOOOP! This mister is being mean to me!", the wooper wailed. I was shocked out of my skull.

"You... you can talk!?", I said, flabbergasted.

"Yes he can!", the other wooper stated harshly. "He's only a few months old, you big bully!"

I fell back down and clutched my head in agony. Nothing made sense.

"You say you're not a pokemon?", the older wooper said to me. "Then what are you?"

I couldn't believe this conversation was even taking place. I turned to the older wooper and answered him.

"I'm a human..."
"A HUMAN!?", both wooper cried out at the same time.
"Yes", I repeated bitterly. "A human".
"But humans can't breathe underwater", the other wooper pointed out.
"Or talk to pokemon!", the younger wooper piped in.

"Don't you think I'm already aware of that!?", I snapped back.

The older wooper scowled at me. "You're a jerk, you know that? You probably couldn't even make friends with a wobuffet!"

I stared back at him, my expression softening.

"Humans are supposed to live on the land, not in the water", the older wooper repeated. "But there must be a reason why you're living down here."

I looked at him with curiosity. "What would the reason be?"

The older wooper looked at me disapprovingly. "That you're too much of an ass to live on the surface with the others!"

My mouth hung open in shock. I really was acting like a jerk. I watched as the older wooper went over to the younger wooper and rubbed his head. The younger wooper smiled. The older wooper spoke to him. "Come on, bro. Let's get going."

I watched them walk away. I was going to be left alone. I calmed myself down and called out to them.


Both of the wooper stopped. The older wooper turned around and looked at me, irritated. "What do you want?"

I didn't even know what I wanted to say when I stopped them. I blurted out the first thought that came to my mind. "I need you!"

The older wooper looked at me strangely. "You need me?"
I fell down to my knees and felt myself slipping into a depression. "I need... somebody."

The older wooper looked at me, concerned. Eventually, he sighed and spoke. "Get up"

I nodded and obeyed. I went over to the wooper and made an effort to be friendly. I stuck out my hand.

"My name is Yeshua", I said politely. "What are your names?"
"My name is Wally!", the smaller wooper replied proudly.
"And my name is Kappa", the older wooper replied.
"Nice to meet both of you", I replied.
"So what brings you down here?", Kappa asked.

I remembered the reason I was down here, and I slowly began to remember what else was down here.

"I'm not really sure about how I got here", I lied. "But have either of you seen a strange-looking pokeball around here? It's very important to me."

Wally's eyes lit up. "Oooh! Oooh! I have! I have!!"

I looked at Wally in shock and delight. "You have!? Can you please take me to it?"

Wally nodded. I was relieved. I could finally be reunited with mew!


After some time, they managed to lead me to mew's pokeball. They brought me to the surface of the lake, and I thanked them as they swam away. I looked at the pokeball and smiled. I then threw the pokeball, releasing the captive mew.

The mew looked surprised to be freed. She looked up at me and gasped. "Yeshua! You're alive!"

I was shocked to hear mew's voice, but then I remembered that I seemed to be able to communicate with many different pokemon now. I smiled. "I know... I can hardly believe it myself."

Mew's eyes widened in realization that I was communicating with her. She smiled the biggest smile that I had ever seen. "I knew it!", she said. "I just knew that you were the one!"

"Wha-", I started to say before mew interrupted me with a very deep kiss, taking me pleasantly by surprise. She broke the kiss and looked at me happily before speaking again.

"You are the one that I have been trying to find for years. The person who will bridge the gap between pokemon and humans."

I stared blankly at the mew. "Me?", I questioned. "I'm going to bridge that gap?"

The mew nodded. "Yeshua... just look at yourself."

I was confused by her request. I went over to the lake and looked at my reflection. I was shocked.

My once green eyes had been turned completely amber in color. They glowed brightly, illuminating the surface of the water. The white hair that used to lie flat on my head was now spiked in many different directions. I stared at my glowing eyes. "Pokerus", I replied.

"Yes", she responded. "And you survived it. Instead of killing you, it fused with you. You now have the ability to communicate with them, as well as the abilities of certain pokemon."

I stood in awe. I had the ability to do those things?

Mew smiled at me. "And I have the DNA of all pokemon species within me. Our bond marks the birth of a marriage of humanity with pokemon. Our harmonious future."

I smiled. This must have been the truth that I was destined to uncover. My role was a great one, one I would be happy to take on. I smiled at the mew. "Yes. We can do it together."

Just then, the door to the lab opened. I turned around quickly and saw Nick looking at me. His eyes widened and he began to yell. "Hey, professor! I found him! I..."

He stopped yelling as he saw me frantically waving my arms back and forth, trying to tell him to shut up. Thankfully, he did. However, he did walk towards me, with a rather stern expression on his face.

"Where the hell have you been?!", he shouted. "It's been over a week since I've last seen you! The professor told me that you had stolen the mew and had bolted from the lab!"

I winced at the casual lie that the professor had fed Nick. But there wasn't anything I could rightfully do about that. Given the circumstances, it was better that Nick fed on lies than on the truth. I decided to keep him on this diet. "Are you angry that I did?"

He looked a little angry, but he shook his head at me. "I'm just glad that you're safe... but damn... you sure do look different. You seem much more... Yeshua than usual."

I looked at Nick... I needed to get him out of here. Things between the professor and I were far from over. After all, I still was alive.

"Nick...", I started speaking. He looked at me, concerned, waiting for me to continue. "I need you to go home early today."

Nick looked at me strangely. "Yeshua... what are you saying?"

"I'm going to be talking with the professor about my actions. Things are very likely to get ugly. I need you to go home."

Nick wanted to protest, but he looked at my bright, yellow eyes. Slowly, he nodded. "Okay... just don't beg too much for your job back. Have some dignity."

I smiled. Nick waved to me as he walked out the door, leaving me in the garden. I knew this fight had to stop... I had to stop the professor, no matter what.
Chapter End Notes:One more post left. The final truth will reveal itself.

FINAL chapter: Marty
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