AGNPH Stories

Three Years Onward by majinonifox1


Story Notes:

This story is a continuation of Story of a Boy and His Mate. I tried to get more people to write for the filler stories between breaks, but only one person rose to the call. So now, that one person will have their Pokemon added to this story. Seikiru, Ember will be a valuable asset to the team. Sorry if she seems out of character, but I just use the excuse that 3 years with Dustin has changed her quite a bit.

Revealing Bad Guys

Hey, everyone. Sorry for not updating in a while. Real life problems have been keeping my spirits down. But, now that I have someone that I care for, my life's been a lot better. Plus, she was the reason I started writing this whole story.Well, I won't get into that right now. For now, let's get on with this story. Last chapter, we had a bit of a sneaky character spying on the gang. Maybe a Cipher goon? Who knows? Just be sure to keep reading. The ending of this chapter will either make you hate me, or love me. Depends on your preference.Now, on with the show!PS. This is the bad guy's POV now. I needed a change, and also, this is right after last chapter. Just a heads up.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I paced back and forth, waiting for confirmation from the idiotic Peon that was supposed to be keeping an eye on the brats. She had been out for nearly 4 days with no radio contact. "Ugh... this is beginning to bug me!"Finally, there was a static-y sort of sound, then a "Brown-Down calling base. Brown-Down calling base."I picked up the receiver and said, "This is base. Brown-Down, you are overdue for your report. What kept you?""Terribly sorry, sir, but the examination took longer than I thought. Some punk kid and his Glaceon were keeping me bogged down. I only just finally got away."I made a mental note to get a sketch of the punk's face, so that I could dispose of him myself. "So, what of the group?"Brown-Down cleared her throat a bit. "You were right. The group is the right group. As you said, there was at least 3 Lucario in the group.""I am always right. You should know that. How long have we been working together?" I asked her, with a hint of playfulness."About... 15 years... God, it's been that long? How time flies." She said."Keep me posted at least once every 24 hours." I replied."Yes sir." She responded, and the mic cut out.I sighed, and planted myself in the bright silver swivel chair, scooting it up to the control panel for the entire base. The Cipher Base. What used to be Team Snagem's hideout has now become our underground laboratory for developing the ultimate Shadow Pokemon. A machine that could detect Shadow Pokemon and capture them, even though they belonged to a trainer, failed the last try, according to records. It was only a prototype with Team Snagem, but since then, it had been reversed engineered and recreated. That's how Shadow Pokemon XD1 was a failure. However, we have found evidence of a Pokemon that had a weaker heart than a Pokemon: a Pokemon that was born of Part-Human heritage. Through my research, I found that Pokemon have stronger hearts than humans, and that human's hearts can grow with their Pokemon.I sighed, thinking this info would be un-testable unless I had a subject to test it on. According to anything I'd ever encountered, I have not yet met any sort of thing. So, when I found out about this Pokemon that had partly a human heart, I found myself giddy with excitement. I took it upon myself to try and get as much information out of them as I could. One interesting thing I found out was that the father of the Pokemon in question was, in fact, part-Lucario himself. Due to a disease, he could transform to and from a Lucario. I witnessed the transformation myself once. It was a jaw-dropping site, to be sure.I sighed again, looking around the base. I had only just recently become leader of this base about 4 years ago. Since then, I had taken up to going around the world, and finding good candidates for projects, such as XDi. The base was fairly new, as well. It only had the most recent electronic equipment, being funded by bribes and blackmail, and everything had a metallic sheen to it. Nothing was outdated at all. Well, almost nothing. There was no way to make a new Shadow Pokemon machine, so we had to take the old one from the old base, and use that. It was outdated, and it looked atrocious along with the metallic sheen of the machines around it.I stood up from my chair, deciding that it was about time I made my presence known to the individual that was part-Lucario once again. I had not seen him for 3 years, and it was getting a bit boring anyway. I picked up the receiver again, and put it to my ear. "Base to Brown-Down. Do you read, Brown-Down?" I said it quietly, in case she was in some sort of bind again.There was a short pause, then an answer of "Brown-Down to base. I read you."I smiled. "I am joining you in the field. Make sure the subjects don't see you until I arrive. Once I do, we can reveal ourselves to them.""Do you think that's wise, sir? I mean, revealing who you are to them might just make them suspicious of us. I know that they don't know who Cipher is, but...""Trust me. I know what I am doing. And, for when I arrive, you are to assume your original name, as well as call me by my original name. That is how we shall fool them." I said with a wide grin on my face.There was a sigh. "I trust you, sir. Brown-Down, out and waiting." The line clicked closed, and I placed the mic down again. I then picked up a different mic, and my voice boomed all throughout the base. "All Admins report to the Control Room immediately. I repeat. All Admins report to the Control Room immediately."It took a few minutes, but all 4 Admins finally appeared before me. They were all dressed in black. They all stood at attention, and said, "We obey!"I nodded. "I need one Admin I can trust to keep an eye on the place while I am away. Then, I need a stealthy Admin to take with me. The time has come when we take what we need for project XDi. Who will come, and who will lead?" I said, not wanting an answer.However, an individual that had a big black Mo-Fro (That's a Mohawk afro.) said "Well, I can lead, sir."I looked at the individual and said "Get out of my sight, you peon!" I gave him a glare, and the now demoted peon sighed and walked off. I then looked at the remaining 3. "Syrian." I said finally.A female with bright blue hair in a tight bun walked forward. She sported glasses, and had earrings with old Pokeballs dangling from them. "Yes, sir." She said. She was wearing a black full dress, like a formal dress."You are to lead this place while I am gone." I said with finality.She bowed deeply. "Thank you, sir, for granting me this opportunity. I shall not fail in my efforts to keep this place, as well as all the Peons, in line."I looked at her. "Fail me, and it shall mean demotion, or worse."She nodded in the bow. "Understood, sir." She backed up back into the line.I then took to pacing again. "Melchior." I said finally.A slim, short-haired individual stepped forward. His nose looked too straight for its own good, and his eyes looked as if they belonged to a snake. His words, however, betrayed his looks, speaking like he was a surfer dude. "Yo, sir. You want me to be sneaky?"I sighed. "Yes, Melchior. I want you to be sneaky.""Yo, leave it to me! Whatever plan you have, I'll execute it perfectly, sir." He bowed just as low as Syrian had done. He got back up, and stood back in line. His outfit was slack, and the same as everyone else's: all black."Very well. You two may leave." I motioned for Syrian and Melchior to leave. They left, and I addressed the last one. "Kor."There was silence from the individual."I need you to prep the machine. We need it ready if we're going to execute this plan. Can you have it done before our return?"The individual known as Kor bowed deeply in response and then stood up."Make it so." I said with finality. As I said it, he left.I then took my leave as well, heading to the garage and hopping into my red 1979 Thunderbird. Classic, and I had done some modifications so that it would be virtually silent. I started the engine, and there was a small sputter, followed by a roar of the engine. This noise woke up the ball of yellow next to me in the passenger seat. It glared at me with evil intent."Sorry about that. Had to start the car. We're going for a ride."The small yellow thing grabbed the seatbelt and fastened himself in. I did myself as well, and flipped a switch, turning the car silent instantly. I put the car into Drive, and drove it out of the garage. There were a few other modifications I had to perform with this car, cause the tires on it weren't meant for the Desert terrain. As we reached the exit of the garage, and the entrance to the desert, I flipped another switch, and the tires folded up sideways and began to hover. The car floated out of the garage, and onto the desert sands. Then, I punched it hard. I wanted to get to Dustin as fast as I could. Not a moment later.Contrary to my wants, I made it to Brown-Down's location at just before sunrise. I parked the car a ways off, and shut it down. The wheels flipped back to normal, and I unbuckled myself. The yellow bundle had fallen asleep again, so I decided to let him sleep. He looked like he could use it. He was getting pretty old. I hopped out of the car, and I met face to face with Melchior. The sight of him startled me to no end. "Did I scare ya, sir?"I started breathing heavily. "Yeah! Geez! Where'd you- nevermind. Just hide off somewhere, and wait for your opportunity to take the Pokemon.""Yeah, yeah sir. I won't disappoint you." He then ran off, faster than anything I could ever see. I then ran off myself, only to find myself right outside of the group's camping area. It looked silent, except for one of the tents, which there were some sounds of moaning going on in there. I smiled, thinking that was Dustin and Sylvia going at it. I looked around for Brown-Down, when a pair of hands covered my eyes."Guess who!" She said.I then tapped her hands and said "Now a touch like that could only be you, Brown-Dow- I mean, May." I stopped myself, remembering my orders.May giggled a bit, and responded with "Well, good to know you remembered my name, Si- I mean, Ash."I smiled. I then looked at the camp. Everyone had already woken up, except for Dustin, who was still passed out completely. I then took May's hand and walked her up to the group.The warm sun started shining brightly on the camp as Dustin's eyes were forced to adjust to the change. Around him, other sounds were already reaching his ears. He casually opened one eye, and saw me with a girl that he had never seen before."Ash, who's there?" he asked.I turned my head and smiled. "Morning, sleeping beauty. Sylvia went out for some water. She said she'd be right back.""Okay, but that doesn't answer my question. Who is that with you?"I just smiled and kissed the girl so serenely, it was as if Sylvia and him were kissing. IHe then got who it was. "So, you're May. The Contest Battler."May and I broke the kiss and she said "That's me. Nice to meet you, Dustin Lomax."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Okay, flame me if you want. I don't care. I just felt like adding some unexpected twist to the story. If you hate me, oh well. If you love me, that's good. Either way, this is the end of the chapter. Shortest of the story so far. However, I doubt it'll get shorter, as I just popped this out in 2 hours. Coffee and Cake can do wonders. :P Well, enjoy, rate, and comment. I thrive off those, as you know.This is Majinonifox1, signing out.Chapter End Notes:Read, rate, and review
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