AGNPH Stories

Pokemon : Advanced Adventure - New Adventures in Kanto by kojiro


Max and May in the Viridian Forest?!

The group was up early in the morning and Mrs Ketchum was busy in the kitchen with Mr. Mime making Breakfast for everyone.

Brock: Hey Ash, we should give Misty a call. Cerulean City isnt too far away. Perhaps she would come over here for a visit?
Ash: Hey thats a great idea Brock. I'll give her a call right now!

Misty: Hello. Cerulean city, Gym Leader Misty speaking.
Ash: Hey Misty, it's me Ash. Whats going on?
Misty: Hey Ash, everything is going pretty good. My sisters finally came home from their trip around the world and I can finally do something besides running the gym.
Ash: That's great, May, Max, Brock and I are currently at my house in Pallet Town and we wondering if you wanted to come for a visit?
Misty: Wow. That sounds great. Now that I have my bike back it shouldn't take me too long to get there. I'll see you guys later today!
Ash: Alright Misty. Will see you later then!
Misty: Bye!

Ash: Hey guys, Misty said she'd love to come visit us. Now we gotta think of some things to do!
Delia: Well right now, you all can come eat this delicious breakfast we've prepared for you.
Max: No problem!
May: Yummy!
Brock: No complains here!
Mr. Mime: Mr. Mime!!
Pikachu: Pika!

Narrator: After eating the wonderful breakfast Mrs. Ketchum and Mr. Mime had made, Ash and gang await the arrival of Misty.

Ash: Misty should be almost at the Viridian Forest by now.
Brock: Yeah, she should be here soon unless she took a different route to get away from all the bug pokemon.
Max: Viridian Forest? Bug pokemon?
Brock: Yeah, the Viridian Forest is well know here for having lots of bug pokemon.
Max: WOW! I love bug pokemon. I want to go see them!
Max: May, Can I go?
May: Well I guess so.. But you'll need someone to go with you.
Max: Does anyone want to come with me?
Ash: Erm.. Well I'm waiting for Misty.
Brock: Yeah, So am I. We haven't seen here since we were in the Mirage Kingdom.
May: Yeah thats right. Well Max, I'll go with you. I'm sure Misty will still be here when we get back so will have some time with her.
Max: Great lets pack up and head off!

Narrator: May and Max having spent their first two days in the Kanto region in Pallet town have decided to venture out on a hike.

Max: I really need the rest, Sis!
May: OK, we can stop for a while, I suppose.
May: Are there snake Pokemon in this area?
Max: Nah, May, I think there are only bug Pokemon here. Don't worry about it.
Max: Lets get something to eat, I'm starving!
May: Ok, lets spread out this blanket and will have a picknick over by that waterfalls.
Max: Sounds like fun! But lets hurry up because I'm starving!
May: OK, OK.

Max and May head over to the waterfalls and layout the blanket from Max's backpack. Little did they realize that May and taken the wrong napsack earlier in the morning and had taken their bathing suits instead of their lunch.

Max: Ok May, lets eat. Open the backpack and give me some food.
May: Alright, Alright.
May: Oh oh.. Max... I think I took the wrong napsack.
Max: NO! You could have.. What inside that one?
May: Our bathing suits. We were all going to go swimming this afternoon at the Cerulean city gym.
Max: Awe! Now I have nothing to eat till we get back to Ash's house! Now what are we going to do?
Max: I'm not going to have the energy to make through the Viridian Forest.
May: Well there's a nice little pond by the waterfalls perhaps we should go for a swim then go back?
Max: But I'm Hungry!!
May: Fine if you don't want to swim, I'll swim. I'm going to go get changed over there and you can sit here on the blanket till I'm done swimming!
Max: Hruff..

May gets up in a hurry obviously mad at her brother for being mean to her for taking the wrong napsack. She picked up the napsack and headed over to the bushes to change into her bathing suit.

Max: I'm not sitting here!! I'm going to continue on our hike!!
Max: I'll be back later!
May: Fine I'll be here swimming till you get back!!!

Max got up and started heading on the path. May looked over at her brother to make sure her brother had finally left and started to change into her bathing suit. While Max was heading off on the rest of his hike, he saw the reflection of his sister stripping in the back of his glasses. Max somewhat curiously decides that he would secretly go watch his sister strip as he missed everything that happened the other day at the Ketchum's house. Max quickly makes a U-Turn and quietly hides in the bushes close to where May was changing. May first took of the Bandana and dropped it on the ground. Her hair which was neatly tucked in the bandana flew free and she combed it with her hand a bit. May had her usually clothes on with the Red zip top and navy blue spandex shorts. She quickly began to unzip the front of her shirt and then dropped it beside the bandana. She was just wearing her shorts and her bra now and Max was surprised to see how full her breasts filled the bra. Max had never seen any breasts before, but they looked quite large to him, more then a handful for his small hands. May, who was quickly getting ready to go swimming quickly took off her shorts leaving her just in her underwear. Both her panties and bra were a shear black and by the looks of it her panties didnt look to cover much skin. Max didn't know too much about girls underwear but it looked to him that she was wearing a slim thong. She bent over to take off her shorts that were at her ankles and Max got a great view of her ass and the outline of her pussy. Max was starting to feel funny and his dick was starting to feel itchy. He instinctingly put his hand in his pants. May put her hands on her panties and quickly pulled them down and they dropped to the ground. Max stood there stunned as he saw his sister standing there half naked and bending over, her naked pussy and ass in full view. This was the first girl Max had ever see naked in real life. May stood up straight and moved her hands to her back where her bra's clasp was and she undid it and let her bra fall to the ground. May was now completely naked and Max just stared in amazement. His sister was beautiful. Her breasts were quite well developed, he wasn't sure exactly what size they were, but they rivaled most full grown women. Max still had is hand in his pants holding on to his dick as May strode over to where she had put the napsack down with her swimsuit. May's breasts bounced up and down, giggling as she walked over. Max was overwelled with the amazing sight and suddenly lost his balance and fell onto the ground. Since he still had one hand in his pants, he couldn't help himself from completely falling on the ground, and the bushes made a large rustling noise as he fell. May hear the noise and quickly put her yellow two piece bathing suit on and went over to the bush to see what the noise was. May was shocked to see her brother on the ground with one hand in his pants and his other arm looked cut and bruised from the fall.

May: MAX!! What are you doing?!
May: I thought you were going to finish your hike and meet me back later, not spy on me!
Max: Uh.. Hi May.. I got a little sidetracked on the way. Hehe.
May: A little? You havent even gone a hundred feet!
May: And why were you spying on me? That very rude! I'm going to have to tell mom and dad next time we see them!
Max: Wait no.. I'm sorry May.. I didn't mean too. I really was going on my hike and I was really mad that you didn't bring our lunch.
May: That's no excuse for watching me change! You little pervert!
May: People can get in serious troble for being peeping toms you know?
Max: They can? I didn't mean too.. I was heading further into the Viridian Forest when I saw you start to change in the reflection on my glasses.
Max: I was curious after what transpired the other day at Ash's house, since I didn't get to see what was going on.
Max: Then Professor Oak started talking about sex to us. I said that it was gross, but in fact I found it quite interesting and exciting.
Max: I thought I could get a peak at a real girl naked when I saw you changing, but I didn't expect to get caught.
Max: I'm sorry Sis. It won't happen again. I promise, just don't tell mom and dad. Please!!
May: Hmmmmfff..
May: What you did was wrong and I'm going to make sure that you pay the consequences for your actions!
Max: Oh please May, I'll do anything, Please!
Max: I promise never to spy on you again! I'll do anything.
Max: If you want, you can see me naked and will call it even?
Max: Come on May, Please don't tell!

May didn't know what to do. She knew they wouldn't be seeing their parents for quite awhile and her brother still had to travel with her. She was responcible for him and his actions while they were away from home. Max's suggestion of him getting naked, surprised May but it also excited and intrigued her to the point were she started to feel a little funny all over just like the time she saw Ash's mom and Professor Oak having sex. May didn't know what to do and her mind was racing. She had to make a decision soon as her brother was still on the ground begging not to be disciplined. She saw a little buldge down near her brother's crotch, and that facinated May. She had only seen a real dick one or twice and it was always from a distance. Instinctively, her mind was made up, she wanted to see her brother's naked dick close up.

May: You'll do anything if I don't tell?
Max: Yes. I'll do ANYTHING! Please May. I'm sorry!
May: Fine. I'll take you up on your offer. I want to see you naked, just like you saw me naked.
May: It's only fair!
Max: But Sis, I...
May: No buts, You saw me naked and now its my turn!
Max: Oh, alright...

Max slowly begins to take off his shirt and finally takes it off and drops it on the ground.

May: Come on, lets go. I want to see the rest.
May: Fair, is fair!
Max: Alright, Alright!!
Max: Sheesh!

Max then slowly begins to take off his shorts try to hide his enlarged dick so his sister cannot see that he was horny, but it wouldn't be long till he couldn't hide it. Finally Max was just in his boxers as his sister eagerly stood by and waited. Max grabbed his boxers and then dropped to the ground. His dick sprang free and May stood there and looked at his nakedness. His cock wasn't to big which was to be expected as he wasn't that old. It was fully erect and May thought it looked about 2-3 inches long.

Max: There are you happy now Sis?!
May: Sort of.. Can I touch it?
Max: Can you WHAT?!
May: Can I touch it, I won't tell if you don't.
Max: Well.. umm.. you promise? You also have to promise not to tell mom and dad I was spying on you!
May: Ok, I promise!
Max: Alright, just for a minute or so.

May moved over against Max and put her hand on his dick. It was quivering and erect. May had never touched an genitles besides her own, let alone a guys dick. May'ss hand on Max's dick brought him unbelievable pleasure. This was the first time that a hand other than his own had touched it. Maybe it was just mental, but Mays's touch felt entirely different from Max's own. Just knowing that it was a girl's hand raised his excitement to levels. Suddenly they heard a pop and the whole head of Max's penis was now wet. May then cupped her hand around the shaft and began a slow up-and-down movement, gently squeezing and unsqueezing her hand. With each squeeze, more love juice leaked out and provided even greater lubrication.

May: Like that?
Max: Oh, yes! Don't stop, keep it up!
May: A kiss will make it even better.

May moved her mouth to Max's. Her tongue probed into his mouth, and she moved it in and out in sequence to the motion of her hand on his dick. Max was near to coming, and his hips started jerking upward in more violent motions. May slowed her movements down and only continued the little squeezes she had been using. Max backed down from the peak and his up-and-down hip motions abated. She then started the stroking of his penis again, and Max spiraled back up the orgasm heights. Once again she slowed down. Max was about to die from the pleasure of it all, the peaking, the backing off, and the repeaking. His balls felt like they were swelled to balloon size. Soon he was completely beyond any means of deferring the explosion. Max's hips were bouncing up and down and he was gasping for breath and continuously moaning in pleasure. May put her other hand under his balls and stroked them gently in time with the action of her stroking of pounding penis.

Max: Oh, my, May! Something is going to happen!

She took the hand that had been stroking hia balls and put its palm on top of my penis and gently swirled it around the slick wetness of the head. The hand cupped over it and now both her hands were stroking his small rigid dick, one below and one on top. Its full length was grasped and squeezed by her hands and the pleasure was simply too much to endure. May's hand on his throbbing staff was moving around the head, pushing his pre-come juices down over the shaft. As she touched the sensitive part just below the head, his prick was jerking in May's hand and sperm was forcing its way up the shaft.

Max: I feel like I'm going to pee, but it doesn't feel exactly the same.
Max: It feels so much better!
May: I think it called cumming.
May: I cannot wait to see it.
Max: This has gone too far! We shouldn't be doing this.
May: That's okay, baby, just let it come.
May: You look like your having a good time.
Max: Yeah, but it feels good, especially when you rub against it.
May: Do you might if I suck you?
Max: Uh huh..

May knelt down and grasped Max's throbbing shaft in her hand and stroked it up and down, wiping the pre-cum that covered the head over its entire length. May eased up on her motions and stuck out her tongue and just barely rubbed its tip across the oozing slit of Max's prick head. May then easily put all 3 inches of Max's dick in her mouth and continued sucking. The warm suctioning carrying Max to even greater heights of pleasure. Max groaned and pushed his groin even closer against her face. The head of his prick swelled and a huge shot of sperm flowed up the shaft and jetted into the warm, wet cavity of May's mouth. She pulled her mouth up so that only the head was still between her lips and swirled her tongue all around my prick, stroking the sensitive glans area. The liquid, slurping sounds of her actions filled his senses and he started jerking and thrashing his hips against her mouth. Max's vision shimmering as he experienced the most ecstatic moment of his life.

Max: Oh, God, May! Oh, oh, ohhhhhhhhhh.
Max: Oh, God, that was good.
May: I'm glad you like it. I want to feel the same way too.
May: Max, I want us to be naked and I don't want us to have a stitch of clothes on. Help me get this bathing suit off.
Max: Erm.. Ok.. How do i do that?
May: There's a strap at the back, just unclasp it and then just pull my shorts down.

Max slowly got up and quickly went behind his sister to find the clasp. I unlatched it and gently took off the top of her bathing suit. All he could see was her back as she was still standing, so he put his hand on the sides of her bottoms and slowly lowered it to her ankles. He could now see her ass and a bit of her pussy, but not too much. May stepped out of her swimsuit bottoms and lay down on the blanket.

May: Come over here and join me Max.
Max: Alright.
May: I want you to suck my breasts and pussy just like I sucked your dick.
May: I want to feel the same way you felt.

Max looked down at her pussy. His dick jerked at the sight. He reached toward her and ran his fingers through the little bit of pubic hair. Probing, he found her pussy lips and spread her legs farther apart. Max moved his other hand to her cunt, pulling the pussy lips wider apart with his fingers. Max leaned forward and put his mouth on one of her ripe, bright red nipples, taking it between his lips, pressing it with his tongue. Max went to her other tit, eliciting a moan from her. Max licked first one of her nipples, then the other, and then back again, all the while fingering her luscious, little cunt. Max pulled his mouth away from her tits, and licked her all the way down to her tummy with his tongue. He raised up and got a good look at her cunt. Max gently pulled her swollen lips apart. She was very wet, terribly excited. She moaned as he moved them together and then apart again. Max bent down and kissed her inner thigh. Max heard her moan softly again as he ran his tongue up to her pussy hairs. Gently, he licked her pussy lips, tasting her body juices. She pulled her legs even farther apart, and reached down with both hands and spread her pussy lips apart to give me better access. With his tongue, he saw a little white pea and licked it gently with his tongue. Max ran his tongue around her inner lips, then touched her clitoris again gently. She began breathing heavily, and her stomach muscles tightened.

May: Now slide your finger inside a little Max. Yeah. Yeah... OOOHHH.
May: Careful, Max. I'm still a virgin!
May: OOOHHH faster Max. Can you slide another finger with it?
May: Yeah. Just like that!"

May's hips startefd to hump up and down as Max's fingers slid into her. He could see her whole wide open pussy now. It was warm, and soft.

May: Keep playing with my pussy now Max... OOOHHH yes... like that... faster... yes. OOOHHHH.

Her hips were up and down against Max's hands. One with his fingers in her and the other with his fingers playing with her clit. Her tits were flopping all over now, with her writhing. Her face was much redder also. Up and down she went. Moaning louder now. Her eyes closed and she stiffened.


Her pussy clamping tight around Max's hand between her legs and he felt her shiver.

May: OOOOOHHHH Max... I'm cumming!

Her hips bucked again rapidly at Max's fingers inside her pussy. He could feel her wetness becoming more and more juicy on his hands. Her tits were heaving as she breathed.

May: OOOOHHHH OOOHHHH OOOHHH uuummmm Max... don't stop... Please. Please don't stop!

Both of May's hands were grasping and pinching her tits and nipples as she held her eyes tightly closed. Max's hand fucked into her pussy slit faster until she finally stoppped moving and bucking.

May: Oh Max, that was really nice. I came, Max. Really.
May: You learn quick.

Max's hands were still massaging her pussy up and down. She was soaked with juice. Her breathing was quick. Her tits rising and falling with her heavy breathing. Max laid down next to her now, and reached to caress her right tit.

Max: How did I do sis?
May: Great Max. I mean it. I really came nice.

Max leaned up and kissed her on the cheek. Max hand sliding down to her wet pussy and massaging it. Her legs still widespread.

May: Oh Max. I love you.
Max: I love you too May.
May: We could get in so much trouble Max.
Max: I needed it May. It felt nice to have you jerk me off.
May: Now, here we are both naked.
May: Wow, you're so hard again!
Max: May?
May: Yeah, Max?
Max: Would you let me slide it between your legs? I won't go inside. Just slide up and down?
May: Will you pull away when you start to cum?
Max: Yeah. I promise.
May: Yeah, I would like to feel this hard thing slide against me.
May: OK. slide it up and down the outside of my Pussy.

May closed her legs and waited for Max to get on top of her. May reached and guided Max's cock between her pussy lips.

May: OOOOHHH Max. That feels so nice against my pussy.
May: OOOHH. Keep that up... OOOOHHH a REAL cock sliding there!
Max: Your pussy feels so wet and warm.
May: OOOOHHH May. This is so close to actually having sex.
May: I really like this May. It feels nice against my clit and pussy too.

They pumped and pumped like this for about five more minutes. Max felt May go through another orgasm and it made him start to cum. Max pulled out of her pussy valley and started to shoot on her belly as her hands quickly came down to wrap around his cock and stroke it again. This time it forced Max's cum to shoot up near her tits as he knelt over her. Her wide eyes watching intently with each spurt.

Max: That feels so nice!

Max pumped like crazy in and out of her grasping hands. Her eyes looking down at Max's spurting cock. Excitedly, Her hands working softly but quickly to match his thrusts in them. Finally, Max's cock was empty. Max moved up so that his cock laid between her breasts now. Max could feel his wet cum sliding on and around his balls and groin. May's hands still softly caressed his cock as she looked down at it between her breasts.

May: OOOHHH Max, I came and you came again.
May: It was nice.
May: Your cock really felt nice sliding up and down inside my slit like that!
May: You were scraping against my pussy and it made me go wild.

May's hands slowed with their stroking on Max's cock still between her breasts now, and Max rolled over and laid next to her.

May: Oh Max... what are we doing? This is so wrong for both of us.
May: It feels so nice max. I feel something when you touch me. Its so different.
Max: I feel something different too, sis.

Max moved so that his cock was aimed at her pussy once again and slid between her pussy lips. Max pushed up and down several times and he felt some of her juices lubing his cock. Soon, without a word, Max felt her pushing back.

May: Feels nice Max. I can feel my pussy getting wetter.
May: I want you to make me a woman right here Max. Right here in these nice quiet woods.
May: I want it to be you, my brother that makes me a woman.
Max: Oh May, Are you sure about this?
May: Yes. I made my mind up.
May: I've decided that I want to fuck you today and I want to give my virgin pussy to you.
May: Oh Max. Today will be the most important day in my life. YOU will make me a woman!
Max: Are you really sure May?
May: Yes Max. I really want this. I want to feel your cock inside me.
Max: Oh, May. This will be the first for each of us. We both lose our virginity right here in these woods.
May: OOOHHH Max. Your cock, this cock, is going to make me a woman.
May: I'm ready Max.
May: I can't take it anymore. Put your dick inside me.

May opened her legs more and Max got over her and positioned himself with his cockhead against her pussy. He had never done this before and his actions were tentative. Max's cock was right at her pussy lips and it stayed that way for a long time. Slowly, an inch at a time his dick moved forward until his cockhead was just inside. Max moved deeper and slowly deeper. It was tight but it felt so good. Suddenly Max ran into a wall.

Max: It won't go in anymore.
May: Yes, it will. You just have to try harder.

This was a challenge for Max so he thrust with some force now and May cried out in pain.

Max: What happened?
May: I don't know, but don't take it out.
Max: Does that hurt you?
Max: If I start hurting you let me know.
May: Aaagggghhh.
May: It feels soooo gooood. You're stretching me so wide. I feel like you're gonna split me wide open. But it feel really nice.

They remained in that position for a long time until they couldn't take it anymore and started stroking. Max was in deep now and noticed that whenever he thrust all the way in she seemed to like it. Max got in the rhythm of going deep. They stayed locked together for a long time and then Max got soft and withdrew. As he did so, Max noticed blood - a lot of blood - all over her pussy and his cock. They thought they had hurt her. May went over to the waterfall and washed her pussy.

Max: May, look!
Max: Does it hurt?
May: A little. but I still liked it. I think thats suppost to happen.
May: Lets get back to having sex. It felt so good!

Max cock raged as it moved between her spreading legs and she guided it right to the door of her womanhood. Manipulating herself under them as she then put the head of Max's cock right in her hole. Max slid further and further into her warmness. Her wonderful world of womanhood. Her soft moans as she felt Max's cock spreading her open and invadinge her body.

May: OOOOHHH Max. Its so good, I know your not as big as a real man, bu push all the way honey. Push it in all the way now.

Her knees raised up to his sides, and her pussy seemed to open even more for him. It took him only few fearful moments to finally get all the way inside her. Now her hips seemed to roll and encourge him to roll with her. Her pussy snugly wrapped around his whole cock buried in her now. They felt to nice and we were kissing and pumping each other softly.

May: Can you reach my nipples Max?
May: Can you suck them for me?
Max: I'll do my best!

Max leaned his head further down and managed to reach her nipples. Her hands held her tits up to offer them to his lips. Max licked and sucked them gently as they fucked each other.

May: OOOOHH Please Max. Stay in me a while longer. Please, try not to cum just yet.
May: Don't pull out yet. Please.

After Max stayed inside May for a few minutes, she rose off him and asked him to move a little to the side. He made room and she laid on her stomach now, and raised her ass.

May: Get behind me Max and put it in me that way honey.

Max knew what she meant. He moved and got between her legs and guided his dick into his sisters pussy. He leaned forward and slid deeply into May's warm and wet pussy. Her pussy tenderly grasping and caressing Max cock deep inside her. Her wetness all around making it feel that much nicer. Max fell forward onto her now. His hands desperately reaching under her to cup those beautiful tits he had yearned to just see, earlier. They felt so nice in his hands and he now had the complete pleasure of fucking her. Feeling those beautiful tits filling his hands as her hard nipples pressed against his hands mixing with the pure softness of her tits. The excitement had now reached its max deep in Max's groin and he felt his balls ready to burst.

Max: I'm going to cum... OOOOHHH This feels so nice May... I'm...
May: Cum on me, not inside me.

Moaning as Max exploded in a massive burst on her. It almost hurt his balls by its suddeness and amount. He had never had any orgasms before and was just trying to comprehend it all. Max was feeling pain and pleasure at the very same time as his cock was exploding. His balls aching at the same time his cock was experiencing so much pleasure. May quickly rolled over on the blanket and Max cummed all over her face and breasts. Max's breathing was coming in gasps, as he rolled off her and onto his back next to her. Max reached over and kissed her, As lovers now. Almost forgetting being sister and brother. Just two naked teenagers making love for their very first time.

May: We head back to Pallet Town soon, so the others don't get worried.
Max: Yeah your right, lets just stay like this for awhile before we go though.
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