AGNPH Stories

Pokemon: Legends by angelonight


Story Notes:

This is my first attempt at a Pokemon Fan fic, so please bare with me.

Ch 7(a) Abby Pt.3 Out of the Void

Terror, that's what Mocha was feeling, absolute terror. She had never been one for fighting when she had been wild. Truth be told she had no talent for it unless Devin was calling the shots.

Yet here she was with her sisters, scared out of her mind, her heart pounding in her throat. She wished she had Rios courage as she watched Rio charge three Pokémon twice her size. Her gaze shifted to Zhen, she watched as Zhen in her anger picked up a Houndoom and tossed it at its trainer and then finish both of them off with a powerful "Crush Claw". She wished she had Zhen's strength.

Hell she would have settled for Star's speed and agility. She watched as Star and her twin brother ran between various enemies using Spark and Bite. All at once there was a Mightyena bearing down on her. She could see the madness in its eyes, the drool running from its fangs. Mocha tucked her head and covered it.

"Mocha use Pound now!"

Rose's words prompted Mocha to react. Like a gunshot Mocha's curled up ear unfurled and caught the Mightyena under the chin.

"Mocha now use Quick Attack, and then follow it up with Jump Kick!"

Mocha rushed in with Quick Attack sending the Mightyena flying back. Leaping forward Mocha delivered a devastating jump kick. Mocha watched as the Mightyena went soaring back into its trainer. The Grunt got up and ran away, the Mightyena did not.

Mocha stood there looking at her downed opponent, and then down at her feet. She wish she had her sisters abilities, but no all she had was her abilities and compared to her sisters she was more suited to cuddling, sitting in laps and helping with camp chores. She was no fighter, not without Devin.

So she stayed behind her sisters and the two teenagers that were doing all the battling. Carefully they continued to creep along the ever-growing number of halls. Mocha had lost track of how many floors up they were now. All she knew was that they were following Lu, and Lu seemed to be doing a fine job of getting them lost at the moment.

"You know, a security station would be really nice. Maybe then we could tell where in the hell we were." Amaya said very bluntly as she recalled Bolt.

"Settle down hotness. Lu knows where we are going." Blaze said nonchalantly gesturing towards the Lucario mother ahead of them.

Lu at the moment was anything but sure of where they were going. For the umpteenth time since they left the Pokémon center yesterday her stomach cramped and her sex got hot and sweaty. She knew when they had left the ranch that her cycle would be starting soon, and sure enough it had hit as soon as they had gotten to the Pokémon center. She knew she should have had Rose help her take care of the problem while there, but she had been so distracted with reuniting with Rio and getting the search for Devin under way.

Lu's womb cramped again at the thought of her beloved boy. She had always felt affection for him ever since he had been a boy admiring her. But her heat was making her think lewd things about the human boy she loved like a son. To make it worst she started to get itchy as well. She was almost openly shocked that none of the other team members have smelled her yet. Lu stopped to catch her breath, and damn near jumped out of her fur when Rose laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Lu, are you alright?" Rose asked, her concern written all over her face.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Just tired is all."

Rose gave Lu a knowing look that basically told her that her lover wasn't believing a word she had just said.

"Lu, how long have we known each other? You should have said something back in Oreburgh City. We could have done something to take the edge off till we could have dealt with it properly."

"I was distracted. Finding Devin was at the fore front of my mind. Not my impending heat."

"Are you going to be okay?"

"As long as we keep moving and fighting I should be."

Rose nodded her head excepting her lovers answer. Of course what Lu didn't say out loud was "And also if I can keep the thoughts of raping him as soon as we find him out of my mind I'll be fine too." Silently they moved on.

A Few Floors Up

Quietly Devin snuck along the partially dark corridor. He had found a decent sized janitors closet where he had deposited Abby. In it he had also found a janitors jumpsuit and a breaker box for the floor he was on. The jump suit didn't fit him completely, but enough that his lower half was covered, the rest he tied around his waist. He had then proceeded to destroy the breaker sending the entire floor in to sudden darkness. It didn't take long for the emergency flood lights to kick in casting long eerie shadows down the length of the hall.

"Abby you stay here, I'm going to go and see if I can't find something to make you feel better."

Abby just nodded her head from where she was laying on the floor. Devin had crept out of the closet and sticking to the shadows he made his way down the hall.

It didn't take him long to find a lone grunt with his back turned towards him. Devin remembered fondly how Lu and Aunt Rose had given him funny questioning looks when he asked Lu to teach him how to fight. He almost laughed at the memory of his few human friends thinking he was crazy for wanting to learn how to fight too. That is what Pokémon were for. But even back then he thought it was irresponsible to not be willing to do your self what you would ask your friends to do.

Silently Devin crept up on the grunt. Jumping up on to the man's back Devin quickly wrapped one of his arms around his neck and used his other to apply extra pressure so that the mans wind pipe was instantly crushed, and he was unable to yell.

Wrapping his legs around the grunts body he quickly and quietly put an end to all resistance and brought the bigger man to the ground. Devin didn't let go either until he was curtain that the man was unconscious. As quietly as he could he dragged the grunt back to the closet, the entire time thinking about how foolish it had been indeed to learn how to defend ones self.

Once inside the closet Devin found some duct tape and bound the grunt so incase if he woke up he wouldn't cause them any problems. When that was done Devin went about his business of relieving the man of any thing he thought might be useful.

They were in luck the grunt had carried on him four super potions. Devin wondered why so many, was he really that bad of a trainer? Curiosity got the better of him and he checked the guys Pokédex. Devin almost felt bad for knocking the guy out as he looked at the unconscious mans registered Pokémon. There were three listed, and three balls on his belt. A Pidgey, a Caterpie, and a Magicarp.

"Man sucks to be you." Devin said stepping over the poor bastard and kneeling next to Abby.

Taking one of the Super Potions Devin sprayed it all over Abby's body. The effects were almost instantaneous, Abby shot to her feet and stretched as if she had just woken up from a great nap.

"This feels good." Abby said luxuriously.

Devin got back to his feet and tenderly scratched Abby behind the horn. Gently Abby leaned into Devin's hand.

"We really need to get going Abby, my girls are here looking for us."

Abby's heart sank a little. He had said his girls, a statement she knew she wasn't a part of. She also knew that his girls were not going to view her very well. Devin's voice brought her back to focus.

"What do you know Abby, I have a feeling we have a long fight ahead of us."

Abby nodded her head once enthusiastically. "Right!Lets see I know Scratch, Razor Wind, Bite, and Attract."

"So you can fight, that's good to know."

"I'm not just a lover, I'm also a fighter."

"That is great to hear Abby. Now we really need to get a move on. My girls are close."

Silently Abby followed Devin out of the closet, and together they made their way down the hall.

A Few Floors Down

Star's lungs heaved as she tried to catch her breath. Battling went against her timid nature, but she wanted Devin back just as much as any of her sisters did. He had confidence in her, weak little timid her. He saw something in her that she herself could not, and she wanted to understand what.

So she had to keep fighting to get him back. But she had been fighting for so long now and was really starting to feel tired. Her legs hurt from running, her electric glands hurt from over exertion, he mouth hurt from repeatedly biting people and Pokémon. The simple truth was that she was pushing her self too hard. She just didn't have the strength or stamina to attack head on.

Star watched as Bolt charged into another group of opposing Pokémon. She watched as electricity flowed from his electric glands and covered his body as he used Spark on the group. Quickly he turned around and sunk his teeth into the leg of another Pokémon. Star wasn't too sure about how good of an idea it was of Amaya to let Bolt do as he pleased, he seemed to be enjoying the fighting a bit too much.

Star watched as a Poochyena and a Houndour snuck up behind Bolt. She was about to warn her brother when as one they attacked, sending bolt sprawling. Groggy and disoriented Bolt tried to get back to his feet. Only to be hit in the head by the Poochyena and in the hind quarters by the Houndour once again sending him sprawling.

"Bolt!" Amaya shouted.

Quickly Amaya pulled Bolts ball and tried to recall him. But every time she tried the two would hit him again, knocking him out-of-the-way of the beam.

Star couldn't believe this was happening. It was like a bad dream. Bolt wasn't supposed to fall, he was strong and brave. Star could feel herself getting angry, an emotion she was unfamiliar with. She felt her electric glands once again start to produce electricity. Stars vision narrowed on to the two dog like Pokémon attacking her brother, and faded to red.

Star exploded forward, electricity covering her body and leaving a sparkling trail in her wake. Violently she slammed into the side of the Poochyena sending it flying into the Houndour. It didn't take long for them to both get back to their feet. Star placed her considerably smaller self between them and Bolt, not so much as backing down an inch.

Star set herself into a wide stance and growled as fiercely as she could. The two dark type dogs laughed at her attempt. All it did was make Star madder. She was determined to protect her brother and find her master. It was her time to be strong, her time to shine.

A white light crawled over Stars body. Every one stopped what they were in the middle of doing to watch. Star however was letting her anger and her desires to protect her loved ones consume her and thus did not notice as her bones started to grow. Her body throbbed as it elongated and her muscles bulked up. Her body was a blaze with an abundance of energy as an extra set of electric glands formed on her front legs. Her body tingled as her fur changed colors. When she felt that she was about to burst she tilted her head back and very dramatically released a much more fearsome roar.

Star still saw red as her gaze focused once again on the Dark dogs in front of her. Her new, stronger muscles reacted like new springs being released for the first time as she exploded forward closing the distance between her and the Houndour. It didn't even have a chance to blink as one second Star was ten feet away the next she was slamming in to him with Spark. The power of her electricity paralyzed him, and the force of the tackle slammed his limp body in to the wall behind him with a sickening thud. A trail of red was left on the wall as the Houndours body slid to the ground.

The Poochyena lost its nerve and made to run. Electricity danced between Stars fangs as she turned and sank them deep in to the back of the Poochyena's neck. As with the Houndour the electricity in her Thunder Fang paralyzed him, and with a vicious shake the Poochyena joined its buddy in the eternal garden.

The rest of the grunts and their Pokémon fled for the time being. Star made her way over to her brother and slumped down next to him, she was tired now that her anger had passed.

"Devin is not going to be happy." Blaze said as he approached the two cubs.

"Why is that, I would think he would be thrilled to see that little Star has become a big girl." Amaya said as she was finally able to recall Bolt.

"Because one of the first rules of being a breeder is to never evolve another trainers Pokémon with out their expressed permission." Rose said fishing Stars ball out of Devin's bag and recalling Star.

She than took one of her super potions and screwed it into the activation diode on the ball. She watched as the potion was consumed by the ball, and knew that it would be properly distributed as Star needed it.

"Come on this is Devin we're talking about. I'm sure he'll be overjoyed."

"You're right hotness, he will be. He'll just never let us hear the end of it is all."

Together they continued down the hall.

A Few Floors Up

A strong wind blew down the hall and was shortly followed up by razor-sharp blades of energy. The walls, floors and anything else that was in the path of the attack was torn to shreds. A few of the weaker Pokémon fell to the onslaught, all the grunts ran, that left Devin and Abby facing down three Pokémon that were either very loyal to the grunts that ran, or were too stupid to run.

Abby didn't much care she had a point to prove. That point was that she would be of use to Devin and not just some one to be pitied as a former temptress and sex toy. She had a strong will of her own, a will that had never been broken, only suppressed.

Abby charged forward to attack. Her claws glowed as she lashed out catching a Makuhita across the face leaving deep bloody groves. Spinning about she sank her teeth into a Golbat. While those two were causing a disturbance Abby leapt back near Devin and unleashed another Razor Wind killing the three Pokémon.

Abby was quite proud of herself, it had been awhile since she had actually fought. Turning about sharply, chest puffed out, head held high, Abby actually strutted back to Devin.

"Well some one sure is full of her self."

"Did you see how I just handled those three? I was awesome!"

Devin just gave Abby a funny look.

"Its been a while since you last battled, hasn't it?"

"That obvious?" Abby asked a little sheepishly.

"Just a little."

Abby hung her head a little. Devin placed a reassuring hand on her head, to which she immediately leaned into so that he was cupping the side of her face. Abby couldn't help but look up in to face, and get lost in his eyes.

"Don't worry though Dear, it's something we can work on." Devin said with a warm smile.

Abby couldn't help but swoon at this. He was touching her affectionately, he was smiling warmly at her, and he had just said "we" like she was already a part of his team. Involuntarily Abby's tail started to slowly wag.

"Some one's happy."

"You have no idea."

Devin stroked her cheek a few more times.

"Come on, we have to get going."

Abby could only nod her head. It took her a second to realize that Devin was walking away from her. Physically and mentally Abby shook her self, and then quickly caught up with Devin. Together they continued to move through the halls.

Devin was really starting to get an uneasy feeling. After Abby's initial attack they had run into no further resistance on this floor. Abby was starting to get anxious too for the same reason.

"I think Void is up to something."

"I think you're right. Any idea of what?"

Abby looked around real quick.

"I have no idea. I honestly don't think I have ever been on this floor."

Devin was about to say something more but they had finally reached the end of the hall they were in, and it had an elevator.

"If that doesn't just scream trap."

"I'd say. However this seems to be the only way out."

Cautiously they entered the lone elevator at the end of the hall. Their suspicions weren't lessened in the lease by the sight of only two buttons. One marked up the other marked down. Stepping into the elevator the doors slammed shut and started to move down with out either of them pressing a button.

"Oh yeah, that just makes me feel so much better."

"Doesn't it just."

It didn't take long for the elevator to come to a stop and the doors to slowly open. Before them was a stretching darkness that the light cast by the elevator. Devin and Abby looked at each other and just shrugged. Together they stepped out into the darkness. They both thought it was kind of eerie the way that they could hear their foot steps echoing.

With a series of loud slams the lights flared to life revealing several things at once. They were in an arena the size of at least two-thirds of the entire floor, and easily went up at least three floors. They were also surrounded by Pokémon and Grunts. Finally there was a clear exit to the arena, it was a double wide blast door that was had closed with a very loud thud.

"Well there is an upside to this."

"Oh I can't wait to hear this one, please do tell."

Abby set herself into a wide ready stance, then gave Devin a wide sly grin.

"They are not going to be fighting by League sanctioned rules, so neither do we."

Devin doubted that would make a difference at all, but it would help for a bit. At the same time Devin and Abby went in opposite directions attacking whatever got with in swinging range. It didn't take long for Devin to find himself a set of night sticks and start implementing them.

Abby on the other hand was throwing her self, quite literally, at who ever got in her way. She had discovered the joys of tackling and shoulder ramming and was wondering why Absol's didn't learn these moves. Abby threw her self at another opponent and supplemented this with a Scratch attack to the face.

She turned to see how Devin was doing and was shocked to see him surrounded by two grunts and two Pokémon. Abby rushed to be at Devin's side. Skidding to a halt Abby placed herself between Devin and his would be attackers. Stance set wide, head lowered, Abby growled showing teeth in the process. Reaching deep within herself Abby unleashed a vicious Razor wind taking out all four at once.

"Abby, take it easy. You're going to burn your self out if you push too hard."

"I saw you in trouble, I had to help."

What Abby didn't say was "As long as there is a breath in my body I will do every thing in my power to keep you safe. We will never be victims again."

Devin and Abby charged the group of grunts and Pokémon again.

Same Floor, Hall Side of the Blast Door

With a scream of fury Zhen scooped up Machop that had attacked her, and drove it head first into the ground. Not even waiting to see if it stayed down Zhen leapt over its body and continued her one Zangoose rampage down the hall.

As soon as they had entered this hall she had been able to smell Devin. Not just the traces of his scent, but his real scent. It had started out faint, but the further they had moved down this hall the stronger it was getting.

Zhen's agitation was growing rapidly. She knew that Rio's mother was in season and it was messing with her abilities. Rio was no help either. Her ability to use her aura was nowhere near as good as her mothers, and she was becoming more reckless by the moment. Zhen was getting tired of following behind her and finishing her opponents.

She just wanted her Devin back. She knew they all did, but she owed Devin her life. She wanted to save him if only for that reason. Like all the other girls in his team Zhen loved Devin very deeply. And the never-ending supply of grunts and Pokémon they were having to go through was frustrating at best. Zhen was seeing red, she wanted the fighting to be done, she just wanted to be hugged and held by her master.

Zhen none too gently shoved Rio out of the way and strode past her. Her pink eye darkening to red, the full force of her Zangoose rage pumped through her blood, causing her muscles to spasm slightly and her claws to twitch.

"Hey, what's the big deal Zhen!?"

Zhen didn't even look at the hyper active Rio, she just kept on storming up the hall.

"See to your mother Rio, Devin is close. I can smell him."

As if to prove her point Zhen inhaled deeply tossing her head back. She could smell him, and the Absol whore that was with him. Her anger had sharpened her senses, they were so very close. Zhen tore off down the hall.

"What crawled up her ass?" Rio said out loud as she approached her mother.

"Language Rio. She is just frustrated I think. She is used to constantly having Devin's and the rest of you girls support to fall back on and hold her up."

"She still has us." Rio replied confused.

"When was the last time you hugged her and told her she was doing a good job? That and I think her long dormant Zangoose anger is showing it self."

Rio thought about this. She didn't know anything about Zangoose anger, so she guessed it could be true.

"She seems to think we are close to him, and that we should check."

Rio watched as her mother gave a slight wince of pain before starting to concentrate.

"Mom are you alright?"

"Not now Rio, help me concentrate."

Together mother and daughter focused their aura and sent it outward. The joint auras soared out in all directions. They saw Zhen still storming down the hall. There was a Machamp at the end that was about to have a really bad day. Beyond him was a large, thick metal door.

Rio's heart stopped. Beyond the door was Devin and that bitch Absol, and they were in trouble. Rio was furious, that Absol had done it again, she had lead Devin into yet another trap. She was personally going to kill her. Rio broke concentration and tore off up the hall after Zhen.

"Rio! It's not what you think!" Lu shouted making to run after her daughter. Of course her worst cramp yet chose that moment to hit her.

Rose was instantly by her side.

"Rose we need to stop them, they are going to kill her."


"The Absol that is now once again saving Devin's life."

Zhen quickly rolled to the side to avoid being hit by two of the Machamp's four fists. Just as quickly she rushed back in to attack. Her razor-sharp claws cut deep in to his wrist. Before the fighting type had time to react Zhen drug her claws upwards cutting through muscle and tendons, rendering the arm useless.

It shot to its feet howling in pain, while clutching its damaged arm. This gave Zhen a perfect opening and she rushed behind the mammoth fighting type and severed the tendons on the back of it calves. With its legs no longer able to support it the Machamp came crashing to the ground.

Hastily it rolled over so it could cover as much of its vital spots as it could with its remaining arms. It mattered little to Zhen as she slashed away savagely at each arm till they were all useless. Zhen was standing on its massive chest, claws at the ready to tear it throat out. The look of horror on the Machamp's face would have amused were Zhen in the mood to laugh.

Out of nowhere Rio appeared over them. In mid-flight one of her little feet caught fire, and Rio flipped over bring her flaming heel crashing down directly on the Machamp's nose rendering it unconscious. Zhen didn't have a chance to be upset as Rio grabbed her by the paw a dragged her to the large blast doors.

"Devin is in there now. And the bitch is in the process of betraying him again."

Zhen didn't say anything. Instead with a primal scream she delivered a powerful Crush Claw to the blast door. Six very neat looking claw marks were left in the door. Not very deep, but they were there. Rio leapt over Zhen and delivered a mighty Blaze kick to the door, pushing off of the door she spun around in mid-flight and delivered another. As soon as Rio was out-of-the-way, Zhen unleashed two more very vicious Crush Claws. Deeper groves were left this time.

Rose, Blaze, and Amaya came up on the two of them beating on the door. No one really knew what to make of it at first till Lu started to bark and whine at Rose's side.

"Devin and his new friend is on the other side of the blast door, and they are in trouble."

Almost as one every fire type was released from their balls. Commands were given equally at once.

"Zippo, Nugget, and Flara use Ember! Spike, Nate, and Cinda use Flame Wheel!" Blaze ordered his entire team in to action.

"Oy, Vul, Flamethrower, let's go!" Amaya shouted over the roar of Blazes fire team doing what they did best.

Blaze gave Amaya an approving nod and grin. To which Rose and Amaya just rolled their eyes. Rose pulled a ball off her belt and released her ancient Arcanine.

"Rose wait a second." Amaya said tossing another ball of her own.

With a flash her Skitty was standing right beside Em. Skittles looked up, and then up some more, and then up one last time almost falling over in the process to look at the full grandeur of Em. Em smiled down at the diminutive Skitty. Rose got what Amaya was doing right away.

"Em I want you to use Flamethrower to hit Skittles. Miss though and hit the blast door instead."

Em leapt back a little ways, reared her head back and unleashed a very powerful Flamethrower that narrowly missed Skittles.

"Skittles, now use Copycat and hit the blast door as well." Amaya ordered.

The terrified little Skitty briefly glowed, and then quickly turned around and unleashed an equally powerful Flamethrower. The three humans watched as the fire types continued to assault the blast door turning it from a dull grey to a dull red. Than a bright red, finally an extremely bright white.

"That's enough, all fire types return!" Rose yelled from where she had been crouched gently holding back Zhen.

She had been hoping that the soothing touches and comments would settle the enraged Zangoose down. She didn't think it had though. Re calling Em she put her ball back on her belt and pulled another. With a flash a very lovely Vaporeon was at Roses feet curling around them and rolling over on to her back playfully.

"Oh is it my turn. Can I make Devin wet this time?" The Vaporeon asked while stretching luxuriously.

"WHAT!" Rio and Zhen asked at the same time in the exact same angry surprised voice.

"That is enough you three." Rose tried interrupting what she knew was coming, but the Vaporeon beat her to it.

"You think that this Absol you two are so hot and bothered about was his first 'Mon?" The Vaporeon asked rolling to her feet with a wide sly grin.

"She wasn't." She continued slinking closer till she was right next to Rio.

"Driz!" Rose said sternly.

The Vaporeon leaned in so only Rio could hear her.

"It was me." She purred right into Rio's ear.

"DRIZZLE! That is quite enough. Use Ice Beam on the Door now! I swear between Devin, Blaze, and you I am going to die a very young death!"

The Vaporeon named Drizzle gave a cute smile and a shrug before walking past Rio, making sure to rub up against her in the process. Zhen was in shock, she hadn't even been aware that she cared who Devin had been with. Rio on the other hand ran to her mother.

"Is it true?" Rio asked with tears in her eyes.

Lu could only smile weekly and shrug. She had always suspected what Driz had just said though. It was Mocha that spoke up though.

"It is."

Lu, Zhen and Rio all looked at Mocha. Rose just hit her face with the palm of her hand.

"When!?" Rio demanded.

Mocha looked from Rio, to Zhen, and finally to Lu. Mocha was suddenly very intimidated by the three sets of eyes. Quickly Mocha ducked behind Roses legs.

Rose looked down at the two expectant young girls and her very horny lover. Heaving a deep sigh rose answered them.

"A little less than two years ago is when it happened. Rio you and your mother had gone out on a special training session and I had gone out partying with a few breeder friends of mine. Apparently Devin had gotten bored and got in to my alcohol stash. Drizzle has always been curious, bold, and playful and she had gone in to season. So you put a drunk horny teen age male together with a horny, delirious female Pokemon and you get a ton of awkward questions the next morning when your Aunt catches you with one of her Pokémon."

The three of them were kind of stunned so didn't get a chance to respond before Drizzle stopped to catch her breath.

"And it has been two LONG years since Rose let me have a mate. And it's getting about that time." Drizzle practically sang that last part before she went back to using Ice Beam.

Rio made to punch the bitch silly, but was stopped by her mother.

"We'll see about finding you some one this time Driz, but I can't afford to have you pregnant right now. So it won't be some one compatible." Rose said trying to diffuse the on coming fight.

Drizzle stopped to respond but the door took that moment to buckle inwards. Drizzle gave a happy squeal and started to prance about. Breathing deeply she let loose another Ice Beam.

In the Arena

With a loud thud that reverberated throughout the entire arena the last Pokémon fell. Both Devin and Abby were pretty beaten up and their body language showed it. Devin took a shaky step towards the blast doors control panel and fell to a knee. He had taken hits from several special attacks during the fight, and was pretty sure that there was a good amount of poison running through his body right now.

Abby gently nudged her way under one of his arms to support him. They just gave each other significant looks as they tried to rest and gather their energy.

It was then that they heard the blast door take several hits. Subconsciously Abby moved closer to Devin, and he held on tighter to her. They watched as the door turned red, then molten red, and finally white-hot.

They didn't really know what to make of it at first. All at once the door started to rapidly turn blue and develop frost. Suddenly the door buckled, tearing half of itself from the frame. A short minute latter it buckled again and completely tore itself free of it frame. The door blew into little chunks as Rio and Zhen came crashing through it, Rio's foot on fire, Zhen's claws glowing red. Devin heart soared at the site of two of his girls.

"Rio, Zhen, girls!" Devin yelled overjoyed.

They only took a second to cross the distance separating them. Zhen flew into Devin's waiting arms. Rio flew right at Abby. Devin was so shocked from the sudden reunion and Rio's even more sudden attack that it didn't totally register that Rio was attacking.

Rio rage was unleashed, she was seeing red as she charged the harlot Absol in front of her. Abby was almost caught unprepared, she knew that this was coming, she had just hopped that Devin would have been able to stop it. Abby knew she deserved what was coming so she just sat back on her haunches, held her head high, and took the ass kicking that Rio was more than happy to deliver.

Rio lashed out with several quick attacks, striking her several times in the face and chest. It infuriated her that the Absol wasn't even trying to defend herself. Winding up she delivered a Blaze Kick up alongside her head. With a yelp the Absol went sailing a few feet, and slowly got back to her feet and sat down once again.

Huffing a few deep breaths she charged again laying waste to her face and sides. With another good Blaze Kick the Absol went down. Gritting her teeth Rio placed her paw on the Absol's exposed chest and started to gather her energy.

"Rio, that is enough!" Devin yelled coming up behind her and grabbing her paw away.

"But! But! She's betrayed you! Twice! She got you captured and has aided in the attempts to kill you." Rio was screaming with tears in her eyes.

"Oh honey." Devin said pulling Rio in.

Rio resisted at first, she wanted to make Devin see that the bitch had betrayed him. She wanted to argue, she wanted to resist. But she couldn't, she leapt into Devin's arms and broke down.

While this was going on Devin wasn't surprised at all to see that Aunt Rose was there and that she and Lu were over by Abby questioning her. Devin could plainly see that Lu was agitated by something, but every time she looked his way she quickly turn her head away and get rosy in cheeks. Devin turned his head and with a wave brought Zhen in to the fold as well.

Rose looked over her shoulder at her nephew as he was reunited with his girls. She was getting the Absol named Abby's side of the story and thus far had no reason to disbelieve her. Taking a moment Rose fished out Stars ball and rolled it across the ground. When it came to a stop Star emerged with her new mightier roar.



Star rushed in to the massive group hug licking away happily at Devin's face.

"Star you've gotten bigger."

Star was going to say something but Mocha got every ones attention first."...Devin..." Mocha forced out.

Everyone's attention was on her as she slowly walked her way to them. Something was off though. Her smile said she was very happy, her eyes said she was in a lot of pain.

"Mocha what's wrong?"

"Devin,... I'm so happy... to see you..."

Mocha doubled over and fell on her face. Every one rushed to her side as she started to brightly glow white, and let loose an anguished cry of pain. Devin knew he shouldn't but he couldn't help himself as his hands shot out to comfort one of his oldest friends.

"Devin! Don't!" Rose said a little too late.

Devin had touched her and if possible she doubled over more. Rose on the other hand walked right up behind her nephew and punched him in the back of the head.

"Ow! What did you do that for!?"

"What is the first rule of being a Breeder!?"

"Never evolve another trainers Pokémon. Something you and Blaze failed to foll..."

Rose punched Devin again.

"First rule of evolving than!"

"Never touch a Pokémon while they are evolving, unless you intend to stop the evolution."

"Did you intend to stop her evolution?"


"Than why did you touch her?"

"She is in pain. I wanted to comfort her."

Rose hauled off and decked her nephew again. She was going to continue to lecture her nephew but Mocha's evolution decided to kick it in to high gear. All of her bones elongated at the same time growing her from less than two feet to almost four feet, the pain causing her to arch her back in pain. The fluffy pink cream around her waist shrunk and disappeared exposing her sec to the world. Her arms lengthened and her paws grew three fingers each. Her feet elongated as well. Pink fluff formed on her wrists and calves. Her ears lengthened down to her waist and became covered in pink fluff as well. Her hips swelled to the standard Lopunny size of massive and a bulbous tail sprung from just above her butt.

Devin thought that the evolution was done and made to grab Mocha in to his arms to finally comfort her, but Rose smacked his hands away.

"She isn't done yet."

Devin looked down at her again, and she was indeed still writhing in pain. Devin watched as suddenly her hips shrank a little and the amount they shrunk developed in to two small breasts. Finally she stopped growing and writhing and just laid there shuddering and sobbing. Devin finally scooped her up into his arms to comfort her.

"There, there you're okay now." Devin said to her in calm reassuring tones.

Mocha snuggled in a little closer to Devin.

"Mocha, I'm really happy you evolved for me, and you look really pretty."

Her big red watery eyes looked up in to his and she smiled. Rose took that moment to grab Devin's attention. Kissing the top of Mocha's head Devin set her down and stood up. He had been taller than Aunt Rose for a few years now but he still looked on her with admiration and respect. Quickly he embraced his Aunt, and bumped fists with Blaze.

"Some one else could really use your attention Devin, and then you need to tell your girls what's going on here before they kill her."

"Yes Aunt Rose, and thank you. Blaze can I borrow your knife?"

Blaze flipped out his pocket knife to Devin and gave him a questioning look. Devin just gave him a look of "wait and see". Knife in hand Devin walked slowly towards Abby. Abby eyes looked sad, but not defeated. Slowly she rolled over exposing her underbelly to him in a blatant act of submission.

"If my fate is to die, I am glad it is you that is going to be doing it. I let Rio take her anger out on me, I hope she is feeling better, and the Lopunny and Luxio look beautiful. You have quite the team."

Devin smirked at her so that only she could see his smile.

"Do you want to be apart of my team Abby, be one of my girls?"

"I want to be your only girl, but I suppose I can share."

"Glad to hear it. I am going to remove that transmitter from your leg, so sorry ahead of time for the pain, but lets mess with them while we do it."

"While we do it. I like the sound of that." Abby said licking her lips and rolling back to her feet.

Devin kneeled right behind her and grabbed her by the waist pulling her back. Abby for her part let out a yelp of surprise and then a coo of pleasure as she ground her back side right in to Devin's crotch. The look on Rio, Lu, and Zhen's faces were priceless. As were those on Rose, Amaya, and Blazes. Devin could have laughed out loud and told every one that it was just s joke, but he was actually back here for a reason.

Gently Devin ran his hands down both of her rear flanks just so he could get a feel for them. Than he ran them down again this time with a little more pressure. He found it almost right away in her left thigh muscle at about mid-point.

A pat on the head and a gentle yet firm grasp of her shoulder was all the warning Abby got before Devin drove the knife a half-inch into her leg. Abby couldn't help but scream, though she did do her damnedest to stay still. But the pain didn't end there, Devin reached in with one of his fingers and dug out the transmitter. When he was all done Devin gave her a reassuring scratch behind the horn and a tender kiss on top of her head. Gently Devin helped her settle back to the ground.

Devin got back up and walked over to where his Aunt and friends were. Devin handed Rose the transmitter and Blaze his knife, in return he was given back his Back pack.

Saying a silent thank you to Arceus, Devin quickly tore off the jumpsuit he had worn and his very filthy boxers, all notions of modesty were gone. He couldn't help but notice how hungrily Lu was eyeing him. Noticing how filthy he was he gave his Aunt a pleading look. Rolling her eyes Rose pulled Drizzle's ball back off her waist.

"Drizzle, gently use hydro pump on my filthy nephew."

Drizzle instantly eye-balled Abby just like every one else. But that quickly passed as her large blue eyes settled on the very nude Devin. Drizzle could not keep the lust out of her eyes and voice or keep her tail from slowly waging from side to side.

"Oooh Devin, I see you're ready for me."

"Hm, maybe next time Driz, could you please just hose me off."

"Only if you swear to keep that promise."

Devin crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Drizzle sat back on her haunches and just gave Devin that sly look of "I'm waiting".

"Fine I swear, I'll let you have your way with me when this is all over."

Drizzle gave a happy squeak and pranced around in a circle. Facing Devin she tilted her head back and blasted Devin with a light Hydro Pump. It wasn't an actual shower but it would do. Fishing out a fresh pair of shorts and his pants out of his bag, Devin also pulled an empty Pokéball.

Devin pushed the activation node and tossed the ball right at Abby. There were several protests about Devin's decision as he was getting dressed. Still half-naked Devin picked up his pack and rummaged through his HM and TM pocket. Finally finding the one he wanted Devin connected the TM to one end of his Pokédex and Abby's ball to the other and loaded it up. Devin quickly selected Attract as the move to be replaced by the TM. Once that was done Devin disconnected the ball and screwed in a Full Heal.

While that was doing what it needed to do Devin turned around to face his girls. Sitting once again on the ground Devin waved them all in. Every one but Rio moved in right away. Rio hung back for a bit and joined her sisters. Devin grabbed Rio by the arm and pulled her in to his lap and wrapped his arms around her.

"Girls I want you to know that every thing you have heard or figured out is absolutely true, except for one thing. Abby did not betray me, ever, not once."

All of them instantly bombarded him with questions. He waited for them to settle down before he started talking again.

"The one she was betraying was her employer who has some eerie fascination with us for some reason, Abby was just trying to keep me safe."

"Are you sure that's what really happened Devin? We all saw the tape, we've all been to the cave. All the evidence is pointing at her betraying you. Are you sure that you aren't still under the effects of Attract?" Mocha asked.

"I am curtain of it Dear. I just made her forget the move."

All of them made leery protesting comments about how they thought it was a bad idea to have Abby on the team. Rio however got out of Devin's lap and faced the group.

"I will NEVER forgive her for what she has done to you! And further more I will NEVER except that whore as one of my sisters."

Devin made to pull her back in to his lap, but Rio snatched her paw away very quickly.

"No! I am very mad at you right now. You hurt me, ME! I don't want you touching me again."

With that Rio went over by her mother who had watched the entire display in shocked silence. Lu had been with Rose when she had questioned the then dying Absol. She had no reason to disbelieve her, and though she agreed with her daughter at the moment she was also concerned about Devin.

Her true feelings for the boy temporarily burning through her heat driven lust. She could feel Devin's sorrow and hurt as clearly as if he were crying on her shoulder right now. Rio stepped up beside her mother and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"You didn't mean that did you Dear?"

"Yes!... No... I don't know momma. She took him away from us. But you, Aunt Rose, him and her are all saying that what she did was to save his life, and three of you have never lied to me before."

Lu gave her daughter a knowing look. She knew what the real issue was, and found herself thankful that she was mad at Devin at the moment. If she had been as happy as Mocha had been and evolved to a Lucario she doubted any one of them could have stopped her from killing Abby. Also her cycle wouldn't start till she evolved, and had she been a Lucario and in heat Abby would have been a greasy stain on the wall.

"You hurt him pretty bad just now Rio." Lu said wrapping an arm around her daughter's shoulder.

"He doesn't look hurt mom, he looks fine."

"Look closer Dear, use your Aura."

Closing her eyes Rio dove into her Aura. Right in front of her, still comforting and playing with "His" girls was Devin. Oh he looked happy on the outside. But his Aura, once an electric blue, was now a very faded, dark, and drab blue. Like he was crying his heart out on the inside. Rio cried too. Her Devin was hurt, and hurting, and it was primarily her fault. Rio was going to go back to him and beg for forgiveness, but Rose interrupted her.

"Come on we should get going before we attract any more attention."

Every one agreed and made to move. Devin finished tying his shoes and made a waving motion at Zhen. Zhen happily bound back to him and handed him his bandana from around her neck.

"It looked really good on you Dear. You are being so brave, thank you."

"Zhen no mind. Zhen happy to help Devin. Zhen strong because of Devin so Zhen be strong for Devin."

Together every one made to leave the arena. It was at that point that thirty men, all buff, all dressed in black swarmed into the arena. Not a one summoned a Pokémon. All of them instead drew machine guns and leveled them at the group.

"So! Who all here wants to see who is really to blame?" Devin said holding up his hands.
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