AGNPH Stories

Biohazard by tehzombiewaster


Story Notes:

WARNING- All chapters from 2 onwards contain explicit violence and graphic gore... And lots of zombie killing. If you're offended by any of this stuff, DO NOT READ!Like comics? Check out the Biohazard manga, scripted and illustrated by Rio!

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Biohazard Series 1 Finale: Struggle's End- Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Struggle's End- Part 1 of 3

Everyone had nearly finished their meals, save for Rose who still gnawed on a buttered roll; it was her fourth piece. Silently, Flara drained the remaining contents in her soup bowl and looked over to Bobby, who seemed to still be troubled. His bowl remained full as a nearly invisible cloud of steam slowly rose from the contents. Shifting her eyes, she saw that Captain Rocher had fallen asleep in his chair with a PRO baseball cap drawn over his eyes, giving him a slightly comical appearance.

Turning her attention back to Bob, Flara asked, "Are you sure that you're ok? You've hardly touched your food."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired, that's all," he lied. Bobby faked a yawn and stretched his limbs, trying his best to look exhausted. In truth, he was wide-awake, still thinking about the dream.

Rose shoved the last bits of the roll into her mouth and said, "You don't sound fine."

"Well, I am."

Rolling her eyes, Rose gave up the argument. "Ok, but you're not fooling anyone. And what time is it, by the way?

Lifting the dark blue sleeve of his PRO shirt, the faint glow of the watch's LED became visible in the darkness of Bobby's sleeve. "Three fifteen," he replied. Bob sounded slightly irked at Rose's earlier comment.

Sensing his displeasure, Rose said, "Sorry. It's just hard for me to keep it together with all this crazy stuff going on, you know? ....Friends?"

"Friends," Bobby accepted, rubbing his eyes.

Across the table, Rocher began to shift positions in his fitful sleep, and slowly began to wake up. His PRO hat fell to the ground, revealing his short and balding blonde hair; the hat uttered a faint clapping noise as it hit the ground. Without the baseball cap shielding his face, the captain's sky-blue eyes gradually cracked open. "Bloody hell..." he muttered.

"Welcome back, Cap," Rose laughed as she poked him in the shoulder.

"Yeah... sure, Rose," he said, pushing her arm away. "Oof, what time is it? We should move out to home base soon so we can gear up to fight these bastards on our way out."

Bobby once again checked his watch. "Three eighteen."

"Good. We'll move out at four," Rocher said, now almost fully awake.

"Uh, sorry to rain on the parade, but how the hell are we going to make it to HQ without being whacked by our carnivorous buddies?" Rose asked in a flat tone.

Rocher unholstered his gun and said, "We fight our way through. If you see any other options, you tell me."

"Me and Bobby can search around the house for anything else that we can fight them with in case we run out of ammo," Flara offered. She nodded across the table at Bobby. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright, then. Thanks guys," the Captain said as he retrieved his hat from the floor. "Rose and I will wait here."


Peering around the dark basement, Bob searched for anything that might be useful as a fighting weapon. Peering through the blackness that enveloped the room, a faint light of a metallic object caught his eye. Stumbling across the dark basement, Bobby reached what he remembered to be the tool shelf. The faint reflection he had seen earlier was the freshly sharpened edge of a hatchet that Flara used to chop wood in their backyard. Grabbing the polished wooden handle, Bobby carefully returned to the stairs with his discovery and made his way up, careful not to trip with the sharp-bladed tool in his hand.

At the same time, Flara was exploring the upstairs rooms, but she couldn't find anything that could be potentially usable.

The upstairs floor consisted of a single hallway that had two doors at the end of the hall, one on the left and one on the right. The left door lead to the bedroom where the two slept in separate beds inside the sparsely decorated room; a blue sofa sat in the right corner and a furnished wooden desk and chair were placed next to it. When she was just about to give up, she opened the bedroom closet door and noticed a three-foot long steel pipe amongst the various clothes and camping gear. Picking it up, the muscular Blaziken hefted it; it was decently weighted, coming in at about seven or eight pounds.

Closing the closet door, Flara approached her small bedside table, as there was one last thing she wanted to get before she returned to the group. Lifting a small picture frame from the table, Flara slowly removed a photo of Bobby and herself. They were photographed on a rocky mountain trail, with Mount Coronet set as the backdrop; both wore large hiking backpacks, and Flara had her right arm wrapped around her friend's shoulders. The two figures seemed to stare right at her present self, smiling happily.

Sighing, Flara slipped the photo into her tan-colored khaki pants and exited the bedroom, quietly walking down the stairs


Soon after Bobby and Flara left to explore the house, Rose looked at Captain Rocher. He looked awfully tired, and even a bit ill. He had dark bags around his eyes, but those had been there for the past few months; his weariness seemed to descend to his soul.

"Hey, Cap. You ok?" Rose asked. There was concern in her voice.

Once again opening his eyes, he replied, "Yeah, I'm alright I suppose. It's just that these past few months have been a bit busy, and now something like this comes along and it fucks up the whole system you're used to be living in. It's a bit of a shock. I mean, when was the last time you heard of psychotic zombies prowling along the streets?"

"Yup. There's some seriously freaky shit going on around here. To think that I used to watch movies about stuff like this... I used to laugh when somebody got their head lopped off, or when somebody died in a funny way; but being thrown into the same situation as those movie characters makes me realize how horrible this stuff really is." Rose's eyes began to tear up. "...And how horrible it is when somebody dies." Matt and Jack's faces made their way into her memory.

Reaching over, Rocher touched Rose's shoulder. "C'mon Rose, hang in there."

"Thanks, Cap," She said, brushing away the tears that had formed in her eyes.

Soon after she finished speaking, Bobby emerged from the basement, carrying a hatchet in his right hand. Handing it to Rocher, he said, "Found something, Captain. You might as well take it; the hatchet's really sharp, and I bet you could split a few of those creeps' skulls with it."

"Alright, thanks Bob," Rocher said, accepting the deadly woodcutting tool.

Just then, Flara made her way down the stairs from the second floor wielding a long steel pipe. "I guess I wasn't the only one who found something" the Blaziken chuckled, eying the hatchet.

Hopping in front of Bobby, she offered it to him saying, "Here ya go. I found it upstairs in the closet, so you might as well take it."

"Nah, you should take it. I'd probably barely be able to lift it!" He laughed.

Lifting it as if she were on a bench press, Flara replied, "Alright Bobby, if you say so."

Checking his watch again, Bobby noted that it would be four in the morning in about ten minutes. "Hey, Captain, we should probably get moving soon; it's almost four."

Puffing his chest out and standing up straight, Rocher barked, "Alright, you heard the man, troops. We leave in five minutes sharp." He saluted them with a goofy grin on his face.

Bursting out laughing, Rose cried out, "Hah! Great impersonation, Cap! Hehehe, that was pretty funny!"

Before long, the entire group was hollering with laughter; Flara laughed so hard that tears ran down her face as she slapped Bobby on the shoulder in good humor. The PRO Bravo Team savored the moment, and each other's company in the warmly lit house that seemed to repel the threatening darkness outside.


The team had been walking on a main trail that led to the outskirts of Eterna City for twenty minutes in complete silence. Strangely enough, they hadn't encountered any creatures yet, though all in the group were poised to take action at the slightest movement in the open pasture that they walked through.

Flara peered around the landscape; no trees were visible, and the hill that they were walking on continued upwards at a gentle incline. Behind them, the dark Eterna Forest was visible stretching for miles up to the border of Floaroma Town; faint lights from the small town sparkled like diminutive, shining diamonds in an ocean of black tar. Her observations were interrupted by Bobby's voice.

"Umm, where are the city's lights?"

What he said proved true, as the normally bright city lights were not visible. Instead, the dark shapes of skyscrapers loomed out of the land underneath, giving an ominous appearance.

"The city's power plant must have been shut down somehow," Rocher said. "I wouldn't be surprised if one of those rotting creeps screwed the power grid."

"Yeah," Rose mumbled in response.

"One thing's for sure," Rocher began, "The city's got to be filled to the brim with those... monsters by now."

Everyone nodded in agreement.


Over the course of the past few hours, Doctor Nethaniel Jackson stayed huddled in his office, for he feared the newly dubbed "Necroformes" would find him. A heavy oak chair sat propped against the entrance to the room of work cubicles, for one of the monsters had tried to tear its way into the room earlier in the evening. Now it had disappeared.

The power had shut off a while ago, when exactly, he didn't know. All he knew that the creatures had started to appear right after the city's power grid had gone offline. Opening his laptop, he checked the time: the laptop read 4:10 in the bottom right corner. Unexpectedly, the loud opening of a door from the streets below startled him into almost dropping his expensive machine. Scared at first, and then curious, Nate peered outside his office window.

What he saw both surprised and horrified him. From what he say in the streets, a boy whom looked to be about sixteen ran from an alleyway, blond hair flying behind him. Up in the air, a Flygon spit flames at a large group of glistening pink monsters that had begun to pursue them; there were a total of about fifty of the Necroformes sprinting towards the boy as the Flygon continued to spew fire.

At his view from the window, Nate could make out that the boy had made it about two-thirds down the main road and was heading towards a clear destination: the PRO Eterna City Building. The kid had begun to lose running speed as his companion began spraying out blue flames at an increasing rate; many monsters fell to the ground, blackened by the flames that had scorched their body. The Flygon paused to shout something, and the boy shouted back immediately, except his shout was of horror.

Jackson tried to see what had transpired, except the two survivors had gone just beyond the view from the window; there was no way to see what had happened. A few seconds later, loud semi-auto gunfire rang across the city. The shooting came to a halt about half a minute later as Nate finished counting the number of shots fired. Twenty-nine rounds had been shot before the oppressive silence returned to the office building. Giving up on the prospect that the pair in the streets would return to view, Nate slumped back down into his leather chair.

It hadn't been five minutes before somebody began rapping at the door. "Doctor Jackson, this is Human Unit 163 from the Sinnoh Government Special Tactics Squad. We've been reported that you're the one who created the EvolutionX drug, and our squad's been sent in to extract you from the city. Your survival is crucial."

From back in his office, Nate yelled, "No! I can't leave! All of this is my fault, don't you see? All of it! I refuse to leave!"

"I'm sorry, Doctor Jackson, but you don't have a choice," the man replied coldly.

Immediately after he finished, the blockaded door caved in as soldiers flooded the unlit room. Each and every one of the masked men looked as if they were ready to shoot at anything that moved. Walking across the work cubicle room, two of the soldiers entered Nate's office, and dragged him out kicking and screaming.

"No! No! No!" Jackson screamed, viciously flailing in the grasp of the two well-muscled men.

Not hesitating, the leader of the small platoon walked behind the writhing doctor and delivered a harsh blow the back of his skull with the butt of his pistol. Nethaniel slumped over in the two soldiers' grasps, unconscious.

"Take him to the designated pick up sight. There's been a change of plan; the Government's re-scheduled the pick-up time for all the troops here to seven AM instead of twelve. And make sure he doesn't give you the slip or get himself killed. His survival is top priority," H.U. 163 ordered.

The two soldiers nodded. They promptly dragged him out of the large workroom and into the hallway, where four other human units assisted them in getting the doctor to a secure location.

Human Unit 163 stood in the center of the room, surrounded by five other troops when his radio began beeping. Answering it, he sharply said, "Report."

On the other end of the line, an emotionless spoke. "This is Human Unit 134 reporting. I've got a small group of what looks to be one of those private police forces entering from the west city entrance. Assuming that they don't get killed by the Necroformes, I'm requesting backup for taking them out."

"Copy that 134, we're on our way," H.U. 163 replied. Turning to the rest of his group he said, "Gear up, soldiers. We're moving out."


After a long walk, the PRO Bravo Team had finally made it to Eterna City's west entrance. It was marked by two tall stone pillars, one with a blue orb placed on top, and the other with a pink orb placed at the top; they had been built recently. A large black circle was placed in-between the two pillars. The pillars were built to cite the near release of Dialga and Palkia, the two legendary beings of time and space during the year 2007. The black circle was painted for nearly the same reason: Giratina, the legendary being of dimensions had almost wreaked havoc upon the world when Team Galactic leader Cyrus had attempted to harness its power in the year 2009.

"I remember the news reports about Giratina; I was only five back then, but I still remember," Bobby said, walking into the center of the circle.

Placing a hand on his back, Flara replied, "Yeah, I remember... you were so scared." Her voice was soft.

Turning to the two friends, Rocher said, "Don't get all mushy, you two. The city's probably crawling with those creatures; I'd reckon that they're just hiding at the moment, waiting for someone to walk out into the open." Just as he finished, Rose pointed at something in the distance.

"Shit! Look out, the welcoming party's here!" Rose screamed, unsheathing one of her serrated combat swords.

In the dim light of the early morning, the team saw about five shapes hopping from building to building while another ten ran towards them on the ground. All of them looked identical. Fortunately, though, they were still a rather long distance away.

Bobby unholstered his gun and aimed, but Rocher pushed his arms down.

"Save your ammo. We'll take out these bastards without ammunition," the team captain ordered.

Nodding his head, Bobby turned on the gun's safety and flipped it over so that he was holding the weapon by the slide.

"You sure you don't want the pipe?" Flara asked in a concerned voice. "You'll hardly be able to protect yourse-"

A hollow snapping noise emanated throughout the city. At that instant, Bobby watched as Flara's lower left arm seemed to explode in a mist of crimson as she dropped the steel pipe she had been holding; the event was so shocking that Bobby couldn't process what had just happened. A deep-rooted fear for his friend suddenly took hold that seeped into his stomach, feeling like a two-ton rock.

"Sniper!!!" Rocher screamed.

"NO!" Bobby wailed simultaneously.

Flara was completely dazed, with no idea what had just happened. She looked to her left and attempted to touch her left arm with her right. Nothing was there. On the ground, the bottom half of her left arm lay in a puddle of blood that still bled from the severed appendage. Now horrified, Flara looked at her wound; the only part that remained was about halfway up from the elbow. The wound was truly gruesome. Shredded ribbons of flesh bled scarlet blood profusely; the shattered end of her humerus bone extended three inches from the ghastly injury. The Blaziken's legs began to buckle as she fell to her knees, and fell backwards onto the ground soon after. She was going into shock.

"God dammit! Get her to safety!" Rocher cried. "The creatures are almost here!"

Bobby ran to his best friend, tears streaming down his face while he dragged Flara by her right arm. Propping her against one of the pillars, Bobby babbled, "Hold on, Flara. Oh, God, just hold on. You can make it, I know you can. Just hold on!"

A thin but steady stream of blood began to flow from Flara's mouth. After taking a few deep breaths, she said, "Go."

"Hold on, Flara. We'll get you out of this," Rose called over to her. She had taken cover behind a car to avoid getting shot. "Bobby, get the pipe!"

Doing as he was told, Bobby ran to retrieve the steel pipe; he was still crying violently.

Rocher had taken cover behind the pillar opposite from Flara. "Hang in there, Flara. We'll have this finished right-quick."

Flara nodded weakly.

"Alright, Bobby and Rose. We can't worry about getting shot now, or else our friends here'll rip us to shreds, and we can't have that. Now let's get out there and show these bastards what we're made of!" Rocher shouted.

"Yes, sir!" Rose hollered.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Bobby saluted him.

The first monster had almost reached the Bravo Team's position. Leaving the cover of the pillar, Rocher unlatched the hatchet from his belt and swung it with all his might as the creature pounced for his throat...
Chapter End Notes:What fate awaits the Bravo Team members in Eterna City? Chapter 7 will hopefully be released next week, so stick around ;
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