AGNPH Stories

Young Pokenstein by sky_render


Part III: A New Test

The Official AGNPH Archive
Title: Young Pokenstein Part III: A New Test
File Name: young_pokenstein_03.txt
Author: Sky Render
Rating: PG
Size: 10KB
Type: fanfic
Action: none
Added: 10-17-99
Read by: Racso
Description: Doctor Abra and Raichu dig up the body of a Rhydon to use
for the doctors test.

All right, I've written the next part. I've got a few guest stars in this one
(read: throw-ins) who weren't in the original movie. Er, enjoy?

PART III: A New Test

SCENE: Dining Hall (A pleasant day shines through the windows as Abra
and Jigglypuff eat their breakfast. Raichu is drawing a picture with
his tail at the other end of the room.)

ABRA: I guess I'll just HAVE to prove them wrong. Magikarp?

JIGGLYPUFF: Why, thank you, Abra. (Takes a Magikarp filet)

RAICHU: So what are we gonna make this fella out of?

ABRA: Well, he'll have to be big. Really big! I'm thinking as big as
a Rhydon, at least. But we want him intelligent, too, like a Kadabra.

JIGGLYPUFF: What a combonation! Then won't he have a huge...

ABRA: Er...

JIGGLYPUFF: ...horn on his head?

ABRA: Um, no. (shakes his head) We're going to have to remove that,
for safety.

RAICHU: Hmm, I've got an idea for this fellow. Check out what I came
up with. (shows a picture of a Kadabra, but with a huge body like a

ABRA: Hmmm, I think you've got something there, Raichu... Yes,
indeed... Now all we have to do is find the bodies...

SCENE: Graveyard (The day has come to pass, and it's now about
midnight. Two gravediggers finish burying the town thief, who just
happens to be a Rhydon, and leave. Abra and Raichu enter, and
approach the new grave)

ABRA: Perfect! Here, grab me that shovel, will you? (indicates a
shovel one of the gravediggers left. Raichu grabs it and gives it to
him) Now, we just have to dig.

SCENE: Elsewhere in Town (Rhydabra is STILL running around, but the
local police have cornered him. The local constable, an old Mr. Mime,
holds a sword to its head.)

MR. MIME: We have you now. Don't even TRY to resist us!

RHYDABRA: Screw this! I'm outta here. (Teleports to Tahiti)

MR. MIME: Blast it! That's the fifth one that's done that since those
creepy Pokensteins moved in here. I just hope the latest doctor's a
bit more intelligent, and doesn't make one of those things himself...

SCENE: Back in the graveyard (The two have successfully dug up the
grave of the Rhydon. They climb out of the grave)

ABRA: What a pain! I had no idea this would be so hard!

RAICHU: Could be worse.

ABRA: How?

RAICHU: Could be raining. (Rain starts pouring down)

ABRA: And I thought there was a curse on Jynx... (Their wagon turns
over, dumping out the coffin) Argh!

RAICHU: Still could be worse.


RAICHU: The constable could be coming this way. (They hear footsteps)


(They hurry over to their wagon, return the coffin, and take off. A
few seconds later, the constable walks by, angry.)

MR. MIME: Well, the graveyard's clear. I guess he's NOT a lunatic,
like his uncle was. And his grandfather. And his grandfather's father.
And... (notices dug-up grave) Oh, shit!

SCENE: The Lab (Abra is standing over the covered body of the Rhydon,
examining it for damage. Raichu is near by, waiting for further

ABRA: Tonight we will make history! We will make an truly fantastic and
intelligent pokemon, one to be envied. A Rhydon's body, a Kadabra's
brain! How ingenious! I don't think anybody's ever thought of
something that brilliant.

(Suddenly, Rhydabra appears in the lab)

RHYDABRA: This ain't Tahiti! Argh! (Teleports again)

ABRA: Riiiight... Um... Ahem! Raichu!

RAICHU: Yes, master?

ABRA: Do you remember what brain I want you to get?

RAICHU: Yes, master. I've got it written down. (looks at his paw)
Doctor Kadabra Mewstein.

ABRA: Excellent! I assume you know what to do.

RAICHU: I've got a pretty good idea. I'll head out and get it, then.
(Leaves lab. Jigglypuff enters)

JIGGLYPUFF: Oh, Abra! Are you really going to do this? I'm so scared!

ABRA: It will be alright, my dear. Soon, the world will be with a truly
amazing pokemon. I will be the first to ever make a pokemon who is both
incredibly strong AND intelligent!

(Mewtwo teleports in)

MEWTWO: And what do you call me?

ABRA: Eek! It's Count Mewtwo! Er... You're human-made, though!

MEWTWO: Oh, I forgot. Nevermind, then... (teleports away)

JIGGLYPUFF: My, we're having a lot of visitors lately!

SCENE: Brain Depository (Odd as it sounds... Raichu walks up and opens
the door through the drop slot [which is labeled "After 5:00 PM slip
brains through slot in door"] and looks around)

RAICHU: Now where's that brain...? (looks up at the latest brains,
then at his paw. Suddenly, he spots the one he's looking for) Ah,
here we go...

(Raichu grabs the brain, and starts for the door, when he notices someone
else is in the room. He turns on the other person and, having nothing
else at paw, hurls the brain at them. Unfortunately, the container
shatters on the mirror, and the brain is ruined.)

RAICHU: Oh, shit! Now what? (Grabs a random brain, which is labeled
"Gyarados brain: WARNING! Abnormal!") It'll have to do! (Hurries out
of depository)

SCENE: The Lab (Abra has finished sealing off the head, and looks at his
proud monster)

JIGGLYPUFF: It's hideous!

ABRA: It's beautiful! Raichu!

(Raichu looks down from the roof, holding a kite string in hand)

RAICHU: Are you sure this is how they did it?

ABRA: Positive! Now, tie off the kite and come down! I suggest you
hurry! There's a possibility of electrocution if you stay up there!

(Raichu just stands there, shaking his head)

ABRA: I said, if you stay up there, there's a possibility of

RAICHU (at his side): Yeah, I hear you, why're you shouting so loud?

ABRA: But... you were just... Did you tie off the kite?

RAICHU: Yeah, yeah. Why're ya so afraid, I'm an electric rodent,

ABRA: Ah, yes, I forgot... Well, check the gagues, then!

(Raichu goes over to the instrument panel, and fiddles with the gagues,
obviously not having any clue what they do)

ABRA: Raichu! Get ready to raise the platform.

RAICHU: Yes, master! (Hurries over to the elevator wheel)

ABRA: Well, my dear, this is the moment!

JIGGLYPUFF: Oh, it's so exciting!

ABRA: Are you ready, dear?


ABRA: Then, elevate me!

JIGGLYPUFF (confused): Here? Right now? (looks around)

ABRA: Yes! Help Raichu raise the platform!

JIGGLYPUFF (relieved): Ah, yes! Very well! (Hurries over to the elevator

(Abra stands over the lifeless body of the Rhydon, a strange look on his
face. He signals to Raichu and Jigglypuff to get ready, and begins to
talk to himself.)

ABRA: For years, we've been afraid, afraid of our own mortality! We've
feared the day when we reach level 101 and die, and always tried to
avoid it! But on this night, we shall defy all limits! With this, no
level will again limit our progress! We will laugh at the limiters! We
will scorn those who would kill us! We will be... IMMORTAL! (Signals
for them to raise the platform)

(The platform slowly wheels up to the roof, where a fantastic storm
rages. Abra looks around him, a smile on his face)

ABRA: When I give you the signal, flip the first switch!

(Raichu hurries over to a panel of three switches)

ABRA: (puts on goggles) Throw the first switch!

(Raichu throws a small switch, and electricity begins to flow from the

ABRA: Throw the second switch!

(Raichu throws a larger switch, and more electricity flows from the
equipment and up to the roof)


RAICHU: Not the third switch!


(Raichu throws a rediculously large switch, and electricity begins to
arc across the room. The electrical devices show signs of overload as
the mass ammounts of electricity start to build)


(Lightning strikes nearby, and the monster begins to glow faintly.
After five minutes, Abra is satisfied)


(Raichu shuts off all of the switches, then hurries over to help
Jigglypuff in lowering the platform. Abra stands, excited, over the
body, checking for a heartbeat.)

RAICHU: Well...?

(Abra keeps checking, then hits the chest of the monster. He checks
again, and hits the monster again.)

ABRA: Nothing... (Drapes his head miserably over the monster)

JIGGLYPUFF: Oh, I'm so sorry...

ABRA: No! If science has taught me anything, it is to accept my
failures and my successes with quiet grace and dignity.

(All turn away from the monster. Suddenly, Abra turns on it, fury
in his eyes.)

ABRA: LIVE, DAMN YOU! (Hits the monster's chest) LIVE!!! LOOK
WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!!! (Jigglypuff and Raichu force him away
from the monster) NO!!! AUGH! I DON'T WANT TO LIVE!

RAICHU: (To self) Quiet grace and dignity, eh?

(The two lead the depressed and angry Abra upstairs, and he cries
the whole way)

Well, there you have it. I'm trying not to deviate TOO much from the original
plot, but it's so hard not to! I'm also thinking of writing Part 0 (ie. what
happened before part I), so it makes a bit more sense.

Sky Render

Writer of Lemons, Semi-Lemons, Strange MST's, and Fanfics
Hater of that little electric rodent (we all know who!)
Owner of 1 Demented Brain

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||/ Collaborated position
-AGNPH Psychotic Boat Driver-
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