AGNPH Stories

Young Pokenstein by sky_render


VI: The Monster Goes Public

The Official AGNPH Archive
Title: Young Pokenstein Part VI: The Monster Goes Public
File Name: young_pokenstein_06.txt
Author: Sky Render
Rating: R
Size: 9KB
Type: lime
Action: Abra-Jigglypuff, C; Monster-Persian, NC/C;
Added: 10-17-99
Read by: Racso
Description: After trying to civlize the monster, Abra tries to show him
off to the public, but things go south after a stage light
blows up and spooks him.

Here's the next part of the ever-so-odd Young Pokenstein. I hope you'll enjoy
it and read it with good intentions... Well, not really, but I DO hope you
enjoy it, at least. Now, on with the show!

PART VI: The Monster Goes Public

SCENE: Pokelvania Conference Hall (The scientists of the world are
gathered in the audience, tensely awaiting to see what Dr. Abra has to
show them. Meanwhile, Abra is behind the curtain, making last minute
preperations, and being generally nervous.)

ABRA: Well... This is it...

JIGGLYPUFF: Good luck, Abra!

(Abra walks out onto the stage, and addresses the crowd.)

ABRA: Fellow scientists! I come before you tonight to show you a
breakthrough in medical technology! I have discovered a method... to
revive the dead!

(At this cue, the monster walks out onto the stage. The audience begins
to panic at the sight of it, and several of them prepare to atack.)

ABRA: Pokemon! Please! Calm down! This being will not harm you. Now,
I ask that you observe what follows. (Turns to the monster) I want you
to walk, toe to toe.

(The monster begins to walk as instructed, and the audience, amazed,
begins to clap.)

ABRA: Stop. (The monster stops.) Now, what I have displayed is simply
motor reflexes. Now I'd like to show you how he is... (Flips up a top
hat onto his head, and the monster does the same.) a pokemon of style!

(Grabbing onto a cane near the edge of the stage, he begins to dance,
and the monster, also grabbing a cane, begins to dance as well. They
do a bit of a Broadway number, until one of the stage lights suddenly
explodes. The monster freaks out at this.)

ABRA: What's wrong? It's not going to hurt you! Now, come on! (Starts
dancing again) You're making me look like an idiot! (The audience
begins throwing things at them.) Please! Do not provoke him! (They
throw even faster.)

(The monster, confused and angry, roars out. Several of the audience
faint, and it begins to run for the door. The Golem police squad are
able to stop him this time, and they take him to prison.)

ABRA: No! Why?! WHY?!?!

SCENE: Prison (The monster is chained up, and several guards are
keeping watch on him. The commander, a harsh old Machoke, walks up to
the chained beast.)

MACHOKE: So, you're the monster, eh? (He takes out a match, and starts
to light his pipe. The monster begins to growl in fear.) What's the
matter, are you afraid of this? This little thing?! (He taunts the
monster, waving the match in his face. The monster, being none too
happy about this, breaks his chains apart, and attacks.) Vwoaugh!

(The monster runs off, angry and afraid, through a wall, and into the

SCENE: The Lab (Abra is hanging his head low in shame, and Jigglypuff
is trying to cheer him up.)

JIGGLYPUFF: Abra! It could not be avoided! Let it go!

ABRA: I'm a failure! I'm worthless!

JIGGLYPUFF: No you're not! Please, Abra, don't act like this. If there
is any way I can make you feel better, please, tell me how that is!

ABRA: (A faint grin on his face) Anything?

(Two hours later... Jynx enters the lab.)

JYNX: Doctor Pohkenshtein! (Notices he's nowhere to bee seen.) Doc...

(The lab table, previously used for the monster, begins to lower, with
Abra and Jigglypuff on it.)

ABRA: How many times do I have to tell you? NEVER disturb me while I'm

JYNX: I appologize for interrupting, heir Doctor, but I've just recieved
a telegram. You're fiancee is coming. (Looks at him) I suggest ya put
on a tie!

ABRA: What?! Persian, here?!

(Abra hops off of the lab bench, quickly gets dressed, and runs upstairs
to the main hall. About then, a loud knock can be heard at the door.
Jynx opens it to greet a finely bejeweled Persian.)

ABRA: Persian, darling!

PERSIAN: Abra, dearest! (They embrace) So, this is where we are going to
live, now...

ABRA: Yes, dearest. (Jigglypuff finally gets to the top of the stairs,
fully dressed.) This is my lab assistant, Jigglypuff.

PERSIAN: How do you do? I'm Persian.

JIGGLYPUFF: It's a pleasure to...

PERSIAN: Now, dear, where is my room? I feel faint from the long

ABRA: Ah, yes. Raichu, please take Persian's bags up to her room! We'll
follow shortly.

RAICHU: Yes, master. (He rolls his eyes, then grabs her bags.)

(Abra and Persian go upstairs, Jigglypuff close behind. Finally, they
arrive at Persian's room.)

ABRA: Here you are, my dear.

PERSIAN: (Obviously lying) Oh, it's lovely! (She turns to Abra.) Dear,
do you want me?

ABRA: What? Well, yes, of course!

PERSIAN: Would you have me?

ABRA: Certainly! (He advances toward her.)

PERSIAN: (Turning away) Oh, but would it not be better to wait until we
have been wed?

ABRA: (Confused) No!

PERSIAN: (Angry) Yes it would! If you can wait just a few more months,
then you can have me without guilt.

ABRA: Yes dear. (Thinks to self, How did I ever fall in love with HER?!)

PERSIAN: Oh, I'm so tired! I'll see you in the morning, dearest!

ABRA: Er, yes, darling. In the morning...

(A few minutes later, Persian is grooming herself, when the monster comes
to her window. She screams and faints, and the monster takes her with
him. Abra arrives just a few seconds too late, just soon enough to see
the monster leaving through the window.)

ABRA: Oh no! Now what will I do?

SCENE: Somewhere in the Forest (Hint, hint! ^_^) (The monster has taken
Persian to a small grove of trees, and is looking her over longingly.)

PERSIAN: Who are you?

MONSTER: Mmmmm... (looks down at her)

PERSIAN: What do you want with me?

MONSTER: Mmmmm! (He indicates his [literally] rock-hard cock)

PERSIAN: Oh, my! I had no idea... OH! (The monster begins to advance on
her) Please... don't... OOOH(begins singing) Ah, sweet mystery of life,
I've finally found you!

(Meanwhile, on the roof of the castle... Abra is playing the enticing
song on the electric guitar, and Jynx and Jigglypuff are setting up the
amplification equipment to summon the monster back.)

ABRA: I hope this works!

(Thirty minutes later... The equipment is set up, and the monster and
Persian have had three quick "rounds".)

PERSIAN: Wow! You're really something!

(The monster nods, then cocks his head back towards the castle. He hears
the music playing, and gets up slowly.)

PERSIAN: Hey, where're you going?! (The monster begins to leave.) Come
back here ya big brute! You're just like every man! Two or three quick
ones, and you're outta here! (The monster is gone, and she lays back
down.) I think I love him!

(The monster reaches the castle, and begins to climb the wall vines.)

JIGGLYPUFF: He's here!

ABRA: Where?

JIGGLYPUFF: He's climbing the wall! (The monster starts to slip.) OH!
He's slipping! (It regains itself, and continues up.) That's it!

(The monster gets to the roof, and they help it up. They lead it down
into the lab, Jynx taking over the electric guitar as Abra sets up a
strange device.)

JIGGLYPUFF: Doctor! Is this safe?

ABRA: I have no idea. But we have no options left! I'm going to have
to give this monster some of my brain if it is to survive.

(Abra hooks the monster up, and himself.)

ABRA: Now, I want you to turn this on, and do not turn it off until
seven minutes have passed.

(Raichu turns on the machine, and Abra loses conciousness. Brain matter
begins to transfer between him and his monster. Meanwhile, outside...)

MR. MIME: The monster is in there! We must attack! (The mob picks him
up.) CHARGE!!! (They slam his head into the door.)

JIGGLYPUFF: (Hearing a noise upstairs) Oh, no they're coming! How much

JYNX: Another five minutes...

MR. MIME: CHARGE!!! (They hit him into the door again, and it begins to
yeild.) CHARGE!!! (One last time they slam the door, and it opens. The
mob begins to spread out, looking for the lab.)

RAICHU: Only thirty seconds left! (The mob breaks through the door
above.) Oh, shit!

Some cliffhanger, eh? Well, not really, but I figure there's too much left to
happen in the story to cram into part VI. Looks like part VII will be the last
one, after all... Anyway, that's it. You can return to your regularly
scheduled posting, now. ;)

Sky Render

Writer of Lemons, Semi-Lemons, Strange MST's, and Fanfics
Hater of that little electric rodent (we all know who!)
Owner of 1 Demented Brain

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||/ Collaborated position
-AGNPH Psychotic Boat Driver-
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