AGNPH Stories

Jolteon 5 by sorai


Episode I

*NOTE - I am still working on my requests! The next one is almost done! I just had to get this one out of my system. Hope you enjoy. It was more of a whim than anything... at any rate, 8 more lemons to present in... four days? Eesh.*

Space- the final frontier. Backdrop to almost all science fiction comedy and drama. The black sheet with the sparklies on it that people usually sits behind the mod- uh, you get the point. Once more we find ourselves onboard a common starship, just as gray and boring as the next. But rather, let us change our focus from this horrendous exposition to something more interesting...

Sorai Presents:
Jolteon 5
(in no way affiliated with TNP, with no material stolen. I just gypped the name-pun off of a popular series. More than one lemon can take place in space, damnit. *sulks.*)

Kai sat cross-legged upon his bed, an extension of red velvet from the cold metal walls of the starship. It was a rather large room, one perfectly suited for the captain. In the center of the room was a large table which was covered with several scattered reports and issues of AGNPH monthly. Currently the shiny metal doors were locked, denoted by the red do not disturb light above the door. Another doorway led off to another segment of his room. All in all, it was a cushy little bedroom.

And there sat the bright golden jolteon, laid halfway into the velvet, his pants cast aside on the floor. His fur shone and gleamed from the stars, as did his thick cock as he casually stroked away at himself.

"Captains log," he murmured to the device he balanced in his other palm, the other still maneuvering between his strong thighs. "Whatever, whenever we are. All I know is that it's been a week since we've departed from that rock we like to call Earth, and we've finally gotten this junk of a ship to stay in one piece. It's been one hell of a ride, but now we're sailing smoothly, and the crew is finally getting comfortable with each other.

I suppose since this is the first entry, and this thing doesn't have bloody eyes, I should describe the crew for posterity's sake. First worth of mention is Celeste, that Raichu boy I was classmates with back in the academy. Honestly, I'm surprised to find him with me, especially as my second in command. He was top in his class and was offered admiralship, but he declined it to come along to be my navigator. Something about 'making sure Kai didn't screw up the galaxy,' but let's face it, he's just hung up on me. Not that I blame him. I've always had a thing for that blonde bombshell..."

Here he trailed off with a groan, shaft pulsing in his paw. He nearly dropped the pocket console as he squirmed into the bedding, imagining the plush fur of Celeste against his own. At last with a firm breath and a squeeze, he regained his composure and continued.

"There's also Kuro, the arcanine who runs the weapons systems. Damn quiet, him, but he's the strong, quiet type. I'm sure he'll be warming up to the crew in no time... and then we'll have him, mm- broken in. Serah runs communications- she's the pretty furret girl who has her eye on my Celeste. Fortunately, she's too shy to do anything about it...

We have a couple more officers on board, like May and Umi, the umby-espy girls... though I can never tell what they're really supposed to be doing on the bridge. Never can seem to keep their tongues out of each other's mouths. I think there are a good handful of people on board this rig, but they're really not worth bringing up... I mean, honestly... how many does it take to keep this thing running? You can't really sink in space. Now, where is that boy when you need him... I told him to meet me in here."

Kai kept entertaining his hard-on with firm strokes and squeezes, the heavy rod gleaming in the pearl light. As if reading his thoughts, Celeste's voice came in loud and... loud from the jolt's communicator.

"Captain! Unknown vessels are approaching the Deadweight. Come to the bridge immediately."

Kai grumbled and tossed the mini-blog onto the bedding and leapt from the bed, brushing his uniform off. "Can't someone else handle it?"

"No. This is rather important, so if you'd stop looking at your smut for a minute and act like a real captain..."

"Fine, miss Celeste," Kai jibbed and shut his communicator off. He sprung into action and rushed from his room, beelining for the bridge.


Celeste stood waiting impatiently by the captain's vacant seat, stroking his long blonde hair with a finger as Kai came barreling into the room. As he stood there, grinning like an idiot, Celeste lashed his tail once in the air, sighing.

"Captain... are you forgetting something?" he said, gritting his teeth.

"Right, right," he said, giving a sloppy salute before slinking down to his chair. "At ease."

Serah coughed some and raised her paw from her console. "They're hailing," she said. "Should I put it on screen?"

"Just a moment," the Raichu waved to her politely before looking scornfully to Kai once more. "Pants. You forgot your fucking pants."

Kai turned bright red, his grin extending from ear to ear as he waved a hand. "Out of uniform... that's bad, isn't it? You know what we have to do, then..."

"Find some damn pants?"

"Everybody, remove your pants," Kai announced. "We have an image to keep up. That's an order."

"Kai!" Celeste growled, cheeks sparking.

"That's Captain Kai, and an order," the jolteon shook his finger playfully at the zapmouse. "Now drop them, rat. You too, my faithful crew."

After some hesitance, most of the bridge had shed their lower garments, though fortunately, most were covered by their respective consoles. May and Umi were already nearly naked, paws trailing each other's bodies intently, their muzzles interlocked...

The ship rocked some as a beam of light bounced off of their shields. Sarah waved her hands in a panic. "I think we'd better let them through, Captain!"

Kai stared adamantly at Celeste. "Pants off, first."

Celeste glared fiercely at him, then dashed his pants aside with a growl, revealing the thunder-bolt laden boxers beneath. The crew snickered.

"Those too."

Reluctantly, the raichu removed the boxers, his slender, shapely rump within an arms-reach of the jolteon. He slapped his commander firmly on the rump, causing him to yelp, then called up to Sarah. "On screen."

Serah breathed a sigh of relief as she called the giant image to life. Overlaying the immense panorama of the ocean of stars was the bridge of their opposing ship, the respective captain standing at the front. The Persian 'morph was covered in a large purple cape, red gem gleaming. A couple of nondescript officers stood behind him. His eyes widened momentarily, and he bit his lip in disgust. Kai grinned, his legs spread wide in his chair, allowing the unknown person a full sized view of his proud erection.

"Captain Kai of the S.S. Deadweight," he hissed. "Your reputation... ugh... precedes you."

"Thank you," Kai interrupted, one hand raised, the other taut on his balls. "Now what business have you with a ragtag crew such as us?"

"You are in restricted space," the Persian said abruptly. "I'm sure the federation warned you of traveling through the SOPS territory to whatever miserable destination you have. Now, surrender immediately, or meet your fate."

Kai pondered a moment, seeming in deep thought as he stroked his throbbing cock. Gradually his eyes drifted from the screen and again to the raichu's ass, and the grin returned to him.
"Captain!" Celeste growled, turning back to him.

"Right, right," Kai mumbled, groaning. His paw pumped harder, and he threw his head back a moment, then grinned right at the Persian. "Surrender this." Splat. Kai moaned amusedly as he shot cum at the screen, splattering the floor with drops of liquid. Celeste tried hard to contain his anger. The Persian, on the other hand, did not feel the need.

"Impudent scum. I'll teach you to fuck with us."

"That sounds like fun," Kai mused as the screen suddenly shut off. A powerful explosion rocked the ship again, and the lights flickered. Klaxons blared. The crew eyed their pants longingly.

"What kind of enemy are we looking at?" the jolteon panted, matting his waning arousal with the fur of his fingers. "Make it quick."

"Altessan class fighter, armed to the teeth. Both gravitational and interdimensional shielding. Fortunately, there's only one. Must be a scout."

"So... if we were, say, an orange... that would make them... mango-class?"

"Yes!" Celeste cried out, pacing the bridge. He bit his tongue, keeping his mutinous thoughts to himself. "How should we deal with them?"

"You seem to have a good handle on that," the jolteon grinned. "You give the orders. We'll blast them out of the sky."

Celeste's ear twitched several times at the captian, his head lowered in deep thought. Then a subtle grin came over his face and he found himself with mischief. He turned to Kuro and thrust his finger forward. "Power up the creation coils. You two, convert all available power to shielding. And Serah, dear, tell them to eat hell."

Each of them complied quietly, Serah with a faint blush. Kai looked up at Celeste, suddenly stricken.

"You're not going to-"

"You gave me the authorization," Celeste replied in an almost childish glee. "Kuro! How are we on energy?"

"Fully charged," the arcanine muttered non-chalantly, eyes glued to his screen.

"Good! Begin final preparations." He then turned to the helm, tail lashing wildly. The ship rocked violently again as the blackness outside lit up with fireworks. The large enemy vessel pummeled them with torpedos and beams, but the shields held. Sparks leapt from the computers for no damn reason.

Then the S.S. Deadweight gave a violent shuddering, and from beneath the ship, a large rod began to emerge. It started wide and tapered to a tip, crackling with energy. Celeste waited until it had finally risen to its full length, then shouted the command.

"Fire the Quill!"

Kuro simultaneously slapped his forehead and the firing mechanism. The 'quill' gave a large shudder as the neon-blue energy rushed through it, swelling in it, until the whole extension has become a large glowing mass. Then it fired in one concentrated beam, sending ripples through space. The energy surrounding the large ship shattered, and the hull screeched. Waves of energy flowed into space, shaking all, and there was a large explosion. Then nothing but debris remained in the place of their former enemy.

"Did we get them?" Celeste looked up at Serah, who stared at her computer.

"I don't think so. We destroyed a good part of their ship, but they may have managed to get away. There was a gravitic space disturbance just as our beams hit. I think they escaped."

"Oh well," he sighed. "Damage report?"

"Some scratches and energy depletion, but we took them out before they pulled out their big guns. Shouldn't be a problem."

"Good. Well, now that that's over... thank you all. Captain, I'm turning command back to you."

Kai's expression had not changed since the moment Celeste has issued the order to fire the weapon. Instead, he glared firmly at the Raichu, his fur bristled on all ends. "You, commander... I will see you in my quarters in exactly point five hours. We need to talk."

Celeste just nodded and grinned cheekily as the suddenly moody captain stormed out of the bridge. He turned to Serah, quickly re-donning his undergarments and pants. "Do you think you can hold the bridge in my absence? Just maintaining our course for Halson V."

"O-of course," Serah stammered, hiding her blush in the glow of the computer screen. "And Celeste... good luck."


Celeste slipped into Kai's quarters as ordered, now looking soberly serious and apologetic. The doors slid shut behind him and clicked quietly, indicating their lock. Kai lay upon his bed and stared at him, now currently clothed himself. Celeste's tail swept the floor, rope swaying as he looked down.


"Come here," Kai commanded, bending his finger. From his actions, he seemed more of an older brother than a captain. Celeste replied reluctantly and dragged his huge paws to the jolteon's bedside. Then without warning, Kai gave him a firm electric shock and pulled him down onto the velvet cushions.

"H-hey!" Celeste squirmed, body tingling as the jolteon held him in place. "L-look, I'm sorry!"

"I know," Kai said, poking his nose with another zap that made Celeste's cheeks turn bright red. "But I don't like it when you try to usurp me like that. And I told you expressly when we had that weapon installed that you would NOT refer to it as 'the quill.' The rest I can put aside, but this is a matter of pride..."

Celeste looked down between them, griefstricken. "I know... but I couldn't stand it. You need to be put in your place, you know? You aren't exactly the-"

Kai cut him off by turning and pinning him to the bed, knees on his legs, hands pinning his shoulders. "You need to be put in your place," he said firmly. Celeste flinched as his head came down, and closed his eyes firmly. The next thing he felt was Kai's muzzle pressed against his as he pulled him into a kiss, a surge of electricity running through his body so strong that he stiffened. Kai's hands left his wrist, holding the younger raichu with his body weight. One hand stirred the blond hair that pooled on the sheets while the other trailed down and started rubbing the raichu's groin, feeding that area with an even stronger electric current. Their muzzles parted as Kai licked his lips, grinning at him.

"You ready to accept your punishment for your disrespect?" he teased, now firmly groping Celeste's crotch. He moaned softly in turn, lifting a hand to Kai's muzzle, giving him a playful but forceful rush of electricity.

"Of course, Captain... I need to learn my lesson."

The jolteon nodded and his tail took about Celeste's leg, securing it tightly. He leaned to kiss him again, and his hand slid into the rodent's pants. There he could feel his shaft slide from his painfully thick sheath, and there met his sensitive flesh with fingertips tingling with electricity. Celeste whimpered pitifully and rose his hips so that his shaft slid right into Kai's paw, the other locking on his side.

Kai continued to tease him, all the while minding his own erection as it bulged in his pants. Then when he found it suitable enough, he kept Celeste down with a single paw as he tore the pants and boxers away from him in one stroke, minding well his tail, and then found his own thrown aside. Celeste opened his eyes briefly to fluster over the sight of Kai's larger shaft hovering inches from his own. Again he groaned as the golden fox took his shaft, as well as his own into the same paw and began to rub them vigorously. Squeaks and murrs were exchanged between another deep kiss or two, Kai's tongue playing across Celeste's as he smeared the lubrication against his shaft. Celeste trembled as he felt the small ball of a knot forming on Kai's shaft, rolling against his own, still with the constantly increasing flow of electricity.

"I think this is about right..." Kai said, finally breaking the kiss, and then seized the Raichu's legs. "Do you think this is ample punishment?"

"Of course," Celeste replied, voice trembling some, though his grin remained playful. "A quill for a quill, no?"

Kai growled playfully and silence him with his tongue, sliding it clear to the rodent's throat. He threw his weight upon him and guided his pre-slick shaft with one hand until it just barely touched beneath the raichu's tail. Then in one swift movement, the electricity ceased. Celeste's muscles went limp and Kai lifted his hindquarters from the bed, thrusting his shaft sharply into the warm, tight confines of the mouse's rump.

Celeste bit his lip to restrain a moan, and Kai, now at his hilt, shocked Celeste firmly. His muscles tightened again and rushed both their bodies with tingling, the raichu's tailhole tight against Kai's cock, and Celeste's shaft rubbing into Kai's silky underside. Tense as he was, Kai pounded relentlessly, his hips meeting Celeste's twice a moment, with all the force a jolteon could muster. Celeste squeaked on each impact, eyes clenched shut, body nearly cramped as he wrapped his legs around the jolteon and beckoned him on. He could feel the knot swelling now, popping in and out of his tailhole with a lewd slurp as it grew, sending waves of pleasure through him. His own shaft swelled in its whole length against Kai as he shocked him once and again.

"Mmm... Celeste...!" Kai groaned, forcing his body down as his knot popped in a final time, and then swelled so large that it trapped itself within the raichu's tight posterior. His cock trembled and suddenly stream after stream of hot cum poured into Celeste, who found himself on the verge himself...

but then a large wave of lightning rendered him tingling, and most of all, his erection was numb, and he remained trapped, paralyzed on the edge of orgasm as Kai emptied every drop of pleasure into him. He whined and squirmed, finding no release even as the jolteon slid his dripping cock from his body, and promptly drew a blindfold over his eyes.

"Didn't I tell you this was a punishment?" Kai said gleefully as he forced the almost-spent Raichu to stand. "Now, Celeste, come nice and quietly..."

Celeste could do little to protest as he followed the Jolteon blindly, and soon realized that they were leaving his room.


Celeste trembled now as they traveled the halls, rode an elevator, all the while his suspended pleasure driving him nearly insane. Kai zapped him harder each time he even let a whimper, and in darkness he wandered in humiliation. Fortunately, he could not detect any others present... it wasn't a matter of humiliation? Another set of doors swooshed. The metallic floor changed. Instead, he felt rock and grain and grass beneath his feet, and the cold cool breeze on his face.

"Kai?" he said hesitantly. "What is this? Wait, no, this is the..."

He screamed as he felt himself falling into thin air, hearing quite clearly Kai's victorious laughter.

"Holodeck!" He howled at the completion of his practical joke.


Serah had earlier left the bridge under another's command, having little to do and much concern for Celeste. As she wandered back through the corridors, she had seen the half-dressed pair enter one of the holodecks, and she feared for the worst. Yet she also feared for her embarrassment, and only willed herself to step in to think that this was her last chance to confess herself to Celeste and steal him back...

The doors swooshed open. What she saw was a small simulated forest with a large pit. Over that pit stood Kai, holding Celeste, and she arrived just as Kai threw him downwards. It wasn't long in flight before several thick, dripping tentacles, not unlike a tentacruel's, shot from the pit and seized Celeste by the limbs. His cries of shock were muffled by another tentacle that wrapped around his muzzle, and soon plunged it's thick, phallicy end into his muzzle, not long after dripping with a thick cum-like substance.

"Kai!" Serah screamed, running forth and grabbing onto his arm. "What are you doing to him?!"

Kai startled at first, but turned to look at the girl who clung frightened to his arm. The door slid shut behind them in absence of any matter, and he smiled comfortingly. "Just giving him a shock, don't worry..."

Celeste, meanwhile, twisted and turned to try to escape the endless mass of tentacles. They bent his body one way or another, and soon had snaked an incredibly thick appendage between his thighs. The dripping end probed his tailhole relentlessly, teasing and testing it. His cries kept fading into gargled sounds as he was forced to swallow the sweet-tasting liquids. He could not see, but he could feel them soaking his body, restraining him and holding him there. Then without warning, that one shot into his rump, spreading his tailhole painfully as liquid dripped out.

"Don't worry?!" Serah shook Kai violently. "Why not? This is horrible!"

Kai glanced at Celeste as the tentacles molested him, then pulled her aside for a moment before whispering into her ear. "Here's a little secret... this program? He set up the original. I just changed a few details... he's really enjoying this."

Serah stared down into the endless mire of tentacles and illusionary spooge. Celeste, suffering though he was, had a dirty little smile pasted on his face as the tentacles smeared him until his fur was matted and dripping with white goo. They in turn pumped his body relentlessly, one tentacle fixed neatly to the tip of his still-numb shaft.

"See now, Serah? Uh, Serah..?"

Before he noticed, she had stripped herself down to her brown and cream fur and rushed past him, throwing herself into the mess of tentacles with a giddy scream. Celeste's ears perked and he tried to exclaim, but soon was forced to swallow another torrent of cum. The tentacles quickly took to Serah as well, and soon entrapped her, tentacles splayed over her erect nipples and crawling towards her sex. She gurgled as another tentacle obligingly plunged into her muzzle, another spreading her labia while the other drove right into her tunnel. Hers and Celeste's gasps of pleasure mingled as the illusionary tentacruel drove them insane with pleasure.

Kai, meanwhile, had shrugged it off bemusedly and watched his beautiful raichu molested in every way possible. Again he was hard, and again he stroked his shaft as the two of them enjoyed the senseless ravages of the simulation. Then, it all happened at once. Kai came again, letting his warm semen fly to splatter on the tentacles and those trapped therein. Celeste finally came hard, and though the tentacle caught some, most of it splattered on Serah's stomachfur. The tentacles experienced similar, and soon the raichu's poor rump was dripping with the streams of hot cum.

Serah came too, her muscles squeezing down hard on the tentacle as her honey seeped down it. She panted and blushed, grinning especially as the raichu's cum matted on her fur so eagerly. She licked her lips longingly, but could not reach any limb for it as her orgasm continued to wane.

Then Celeste's blindfold fell, and he saw before him the face of Serah. They both blushed furiously, both in the strongest holds of pleasure, so close yet so far away from one another. Kai watched bemusedly in his own spent state, tsking. Then as Celeste's climax fell, he blacked out.


"... and here I am now..." Celeste said, now sitting in his own quarters, on his own bed of navy blue silk sheets. "This... will be one interesting trip. I've... nothing more to record at the moment, so I think I'll leave it at that."

With that, he shut the device down and set it aside. As he rested his clean, dry body against the sheets, he closed his eyes. Everything that had just happened... was it just a hallucination? A simulation? He couldn't stand the thought of Serah seeing him in such a state, or with Kai, but both...

The room switched off the lights automatically. Only the light of distant stars outlined the now dry, naked body of the Raichu as he fell asleep, exhausted, a happy but small smirk on his face.


Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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