AGNPH Stories

Jolteon 5 by sorai


Episode II

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I realize that i've been slacking on my requests. it's my INTENT to get to my next one tonight, but I can't promise anything. Yes, I'm a colllege student, I'm lazy, and I'm trying to go professional. u_U; After my next request announcement, I'll put a little posty re-editing my request policy. I'm still not egotistical enough to force payment, but you have to realize that my attentions sometimes end up forced elsewhere.

As far as this story goes, it's out of a series. ^_^; I might kill it at 3 eps, or I might go to five. It does have a bit of plot, but not much, and there's mostly just sex. Hope you enjoy the next segment of this pointless smut adventure. x_x; and sorry, I usually only pop these out when inspired... which is why I have two on this storyline. @_x without any more ranting... I bring you... with the usual disclaimers (ref: Ep I)


Celeste turned onto his side, wrapping the silk sheets around his person tightly. The starlight, and the reflections of a few closer moons cast an odd light on the room and gave it a surreal glow. The Raichu's ears twitched as the night delved on. Despite the excitement of the previous night, it added up to a rather awkward sentiment.

So just how do I feel about him? And what about...

Celeste sighed and hugged onto his eevee plush. Soon after, the door flickered and buzzed to let him know of a visitor. He startled and rolled up into a sitting position, holding the sheets over his lower half, for he only wore a long night shirt.

"Who is it?" He called, and the vocalization was echoed by a scratchy intercom outside. The response came in the same voice.

"It's Serah. Can I come in for a minute?"

Celeste blushed and gulped. "Uh, sure," he murmured before groping around for his pants. Instead, he accidentally found the control panel near the bed which manually unlocked the door. It opened with a swoosh as he desperately tried to recover himself.

And there she stood in the door, Serah, the anthro furret, dressed in her evening best- that is, a long red nightgown with very little else. Though the fabric covered her modestly, it was exceedingly thin and clung to her contours well. The back had to be specially modified to accommodate her tail which stretched up past the tips of her ears, nearly wider than her.

"Not used to seeing me out of uniform?" She giggled and took a step inside so that the door closed behind her, and then locked it.

Celeste shook his head and slipped back against the huge mound of pillows. "N-no," he said, smiling. "You look nice, though. Please, sit down."

There was a healthy supply of chairs, but she moved straight for the bed and sat down beside him, a faint blush painted on her cheeks. She smiled and stirred the bedsheets with a finger as she spoke.

"Thank you. I don't know, when I'm out of uniform, I like to feel more like a woman... and this is a lot more comfortable."

"It looks like it," Celeste said, folding his paws nervously. "So, what is it you wanted, Lieut- err, Serah?"

Her gaze lowered again to her knees, where she settled her hands. Her enormous tail swished, obscuring Celeste's view before draping itself across his knees.

"The other night," she said as she looked up at him again, "That wasn't just some twisted dream, was it? You... you know... in the..."

He quieted her and sighed. "Oh, that... that wasn't a dream, no. I wish you didn't have to see me like that... I'm sorry..."

"Oh, no!" she exclaimed and stole his hands up into her own. "Don't apologize. I'm just as... embarrassed as you are, but don't be ashamed. Admittedly that wasn't the way I'd want to see you like that..."

Celeste still fidgeted, with her paws now and his tail surfed the sheets. "O-of course, I expect that much, but... why does that concern you? I mean..."

"That was just a curiosity of mine," she said, lifting his hands up to rest just above his chest. "You and Kai are close, right?"

"We're close..."

"How... close?"

"We're not together, if that's what you mean."

Serah sighed heavily, smiling a little- at the same time, feeling somewhat embarrassed. She snuck her paws up Celeste and scooted closer to him.

"Of course," she said, rubbing his shoulders. "Of course not."

Celeste returned his paws to his own lap, head tilted to the side. "So... why do you ask?"

Serah giggled a bit and blushed. Oh, he can't be that dumb... she thought to herself as she brought herself closer, little by little.

"You know... graduating a year early? I did that so I could follow you..."

"Was that why?" Celeste replied, scooting back a bit, startled. "Everyone thought you were some kind of genius. We were friends, but I didn't think that..."

"So you don't like me?" Serah smiled and loosened her grip. "Is that it? I can understand you being scared... it's like I'm stalking you. When I found out you weren't going to be taking admiralship on the excelsior, I had to call in all of my favors to get transferred onto this piece of junk. Maybe I'm a little obsessed..."

"Maybe," Celeste laughed a little. "Don't... I like you. You were always a great friend of mine, and I... um..."

"Hmm?" Serah's ears twitched as she leaned in closer, bending them towards his muzzle expectantly. "Don't be shy..."

"Of course... um, but..."

"You're not gay, are you?"

"No, I'm not... Serah, I..."

Her grip on his shoulders tightened. She pulled him forward, just enough so that the sheets slipped to his knees, and pressed her muzzle into hers. He squeaked, and the resulting static spark sent a rush through her. Instead of letting go, though, her grip tightened and she parted only after an affectionate tongue across his lips.

"Then make me feel like a woman..." she breathed into his ear.

Celeste continued to blush, little blue sparks flying from his cheeks. His heart raced and he could feel his erection starting to stand between his legs, and he had completely forgotten about the sheet.

"But, um, I've never... touched a woman like that..." he said sheepishly as she put her paws on herself once more, this time guiding him in sliding the straps of her dress from her shoulders.

"Not even in simulation...?" Serah teased, leaning up to lick the outer ridges of his ear. He squirmed at that and felt the pang of his arousal strongly now as his raichu cock strained against the fur of his stomach. She giggled at this and continued to lick at his ears, pinning him against the pillows as she tortured him.

"N-no!" he gasped, between frantic giggles and the sudden rush of pleasure. "I tried, once, but I couldn't... I couldn't bring myself to..."

Serah stopped licking his ears and kissed him twice; once on the lips, then the nose. "That's sweet... really, it is..." she whispered, and as she kicked the dress to the floor, she pushed his hands against the creamy fur of her pert breasts. "Go ahead... I'm begging you to touch me..."

Celeste's hands lingered there for a moment, the firm flesh and fur of her chest pressed into his palms. He hesitated still, shyly taking a finger stroke or two, freezing when he felt the stiff nipples brushing his fingertips.

"Mm, that's nice..." she murmured as her hands slowly slid from his shoulders... "Go on... I know you like it. I know you want to feel more... Maybe this'll persuade you..." Abruptly, one hand seized him by the rump and pulled him so that he rested at a slant beneath her, and the other seized his raging hard-on. He almost lost it right there, and struggled hard not to even release any of the pent up electricity.
Despite her enthusiasm, her paws did little more than shyly finger and stroke at him. Thank goodness... any more and I would have blown it on her stomach... again... he blushed again at that mental image... and his paws began to work her chest once more. She giggled and cooed, further leaning her weight to him. His brown-painted paws worked their way up and down her sides, her back, and traced where her large tail began... similarly she explored him, but not once did her paw leave that place between his haunches where she touched and stroked him in fascination.

"You seem to be into being restrained... that sorta thing..." she murmured and stole up one of his hands again, fluffing her tail out as he stroked it. He nodded shyly, tilting his head to the side as she pulled his paw between her legs... where her fur faded to a nearly white... and pressed it against her once again. This time, his fingerfur became soaked with a warm liquid, and for the first time he felt the hot, slipper flesh of her labia.

"That's cute... mm..." She lost her words as she forced his fingers into her- three of them disappearing right into her thickly furred crotch, her slick tunnel squeezing and rubbing them. And still she had the relentless focus to squeeze and stroke his shaft, occasionally touching his balls with some fascination. All of this paused for a moment, save for Celeste's fingers, which he'd finally gained the courage to explore with...

"Would you mind being mine?" she leaned down and licked his other ear this time, and the reaction was much stronger. His body arched and his cock swelled in her grasp; his eyes nearly shut as he looked up at her. "Just for a little while?" Amidst all of the heat and softness, it felt so surreal... he draped his free arm over her shoulder and managed to squeak out.

"O-of course not... Serah..."

Her smile grew faint as she slowly pulled his dripping fingers out of her... then her expression changed entirely. With an almost childish glee she swept him from the bed and shoved him into a kiss. No part of him was able to resist the gropes that she'd previously restrained; from his ears to his feet she touched, kneading his fur (and squeezing flesh when necessary), and for a while, he thought she meant to swallow his muzzle whole.

By the time her actions slowed, she had actually lifted him from the bed, and Celeste experienced a strange feeling. Her enormous tail snaked around his ankles, then up his legs. His whole body felt emersed in the warmth of her fur; his back supported by her tail, the tip of which had rested snugly between his ears, and her own body which pressed firmly against his.

"When I said mine, I meant all mine..." she purred and stroked his cheek, kissing him repeatedly. Comfortably yet intricately trapped against her, the best he could do was wrap his arms around her. Even her breasts which she'd so generously offered earlier now claimed his own chest in comfort. He nodded and smiled, shyly but certainly kissing back at her.

And the moment Celeste'd gained enough confidence to proceed, she reached a slender arm between the two of him and grasped his length once more, and he arched into her eagerly. This time, though, she pulled the tip up, leaving a thin streak of pre across her thighfur, and rested it against her entrance.

"And you are mine..." Serah purred. Her tail lifted him further, her body arched and her hips sank. They both let a unanimous cry as his thick shaft plunged into her awaiting tunnel. Small, he might have seemed, but there was something deceptive... she writhed against him and his thickness became suddenly apparent. Serah wriggled and squirmed atop of him, and he clung to her tightly as her warm, slippery insides slid against him.

Apparently she'd adjusted quickly, because soon she'd grabbed him up by the hips and tried to pull him deeper. Celeste could feel his crotchfur becoming damp with her liquids... his hips thrusted, but he felt helpless as his body hung helplessly against her tail. Instead, he felt the firm thump of her body against his as she slowly started to push and pull, her labia closing over his cock, once and again as the whole world tore between completeness and endless desire.

Time suspended and his world became a blurr of chestnut and white, and her beautiful black eyes... staring down at him with want- with desire- no, with lust for possession. She'd claimed him and lost herself to that, and for the first time she fucked him ravenously. The lewd slurps bothered her none as she filled herself again and again, body shuddering each time... she came once, and became so tight that Celeste thought he'd lose all feeling...

And there was that struggle with his electricity. He'd kept his circuits shut out of fear of hurting her, and it was hurting him like hell just keeping that restrained. Yet at the same time, the pleasure amplified. Everytime her hips thumped against his, everytime he felt that inescapable warmth squeezing and milking every drop of pleasure out of him, the voltage amplified it and rushed it through his whole body.

Serah came twice, and a third time, until his thighs were sopped, and her thrusts flew like lightening... and she still growled in frustration. He wouldn't release... he wouldn't climax. She could sense his restrained energy... she didn't need to ask. Instead, she lowered her muzzle down, careful not to alert him as she continued to pleasure herself upon him. Instead, she sunk her teeth ever so gently into his left ear and began to suck at the velvety fur there.


Celeste couldn't stop. His body shuddered violently and he nearly screamed at all the energy. It filled him, filled her with numbness and pleasure at the same time. The blue-gold aura enveloped them both. The lights flickered and shorted out, and for a moment, he thought his life was over.

Then he felt her drive him into her again, harder than ever before, almost violently, for she'd been so tight that he couldn't have gotten away if he'd tried. Finally, his pent up energy released, his balls churned, his cock swell quickly and gave a fierce jerk. She groaned as his shaft ground against the walls of her vagina, and he came in a sudden eruption- all at once, her body flooded with his warmth. The thick liquid splashed against her cervix, flooded her, dripped down and out and mingled with her own liquids as they came. They both convulsed, and as soon as it had come, the moment of passion left. She slumped against him, with the poor raichu still trapped by her tail, and still trapped inside her.

"Um... Serah..." Celeste said after a while, now weakly running her hands down her sides. "I'm sorry... god, I'm sorry about that..." But she kissed him firmly and pressed a finger to his nose as she whispered.

"Don't be sorry...." She murmured, giving her hips another determined but feeble thrust against his. "Don't ever be sorry for something like that... that was amazing..."

Then her body tensed one last time. She turned onto her side, holding him with her. He didn't even have to pull the blanket back up. Between her and her tail, the both of them found plenty of warmth. The lust faded into an ackward but content feeling, the warmth that still burned within them, begging them not to part for a moment longer... another moment... just another moment...

"Celeste... um..." Serah said, looking downwards. "If I got a little..."

The raichu laughed softly, hushed her with a kiss, and winked. "Don't ever be sorry for something like that..."

She nodded some too, and smiled, and embraced him tightly. All of that pent up energy released, now she returned to her usual self. "Can I stay the night...?" she asked softly as she worked her hands down his sides.

For a moment he made no response, only because he became lost in her caresses. "Mm... of course." They kissed once more before finally settling down. Soon they drifted to sleep, one blinking off while the other tried to stay awake a moment longer. And as they drifted off, the lights flickered back on, and the room resumed its normal state. From beneath the bed, a single tentacle sneaked its way up around Serah's ankle...


The next morning came too quick, Celeste thought. He yawned several times, just on the way over to Serah's room. Thankfully, no one saw them... they'd become exceedingly shy since the previous encounter, but he still joined her in the shower- nothing had occurred there other than some washing- and held her hand to her room. But now that they'd donned their uniforms and made their way to the bridge, they tried to remain distinctly separate.

It's not obvious... and no one knows...

The door to the bridge swooshed open. They arrived looking just as if they'd run into each other, both covered their emotions well... and of course, Kai was the first to lead the applause as both of them stepped on.

"Ass," Celeste glared at Kaisoku, who couldn't help but chuckle. Soon the applause faded, and past that, no one made any other mention of it. Serah assumed her station quietly, and Celeste moved to the front of the bridge, tail sweeping back and forth nervously.

"Alright," Kaisoku cracked his knuckles and slumped back into his chair. "Let's get down to business, folks. We're well on course, and we haven't seen or heard word of our darker friends since that last encounter. There's... something shiny on the maps..."

Celeste sighed and rolled his eyes before helping along. "There's a spatial distortion en route to our drop-off point, likely another phenomenon. It's only a couple clicks off of our main path, and we have to decide whether or not it's worth checking out."

"Right, sexy tail," Kai nodded to him. "At any rate, anyone for checking this out, or do we go the boring old way?"

"You're our captain," Celeste droned. "You're supposed to make the damned decisions."

"No objections?" Kai grinned. "Sounds good. Also, I'd like to introduce a new member on our bridge. Since apparently it takes two people to run one monitor," Kai at this point shot a playful glare at the espeon and umbreon women, who were, as usual, hot and heavy at their station, "I've appointed Becca, who hails from the engine room, to take care of the second monitor. Everyone, please give Becca a warm welcome."

Celeste glanced upwards to find the new bridgefolk. I wonder what crazy that Kai managed to pick out for us this time... What he found was a flaafy, who looked up momentarily from her station to offer a simple wave and smile. Dear gods. Isn't lacking pants, or snogging the nearest crew, or dancing on the controls... she's normal. Thank GOD she's normal.

"Welcome aboard," Celeste offered, and the others followed. "Although... you've been aboard this whole time. Heh."

A brief chuckle came from the crew before they returned their attention to Kai, who, by now, had a quite obvious buldge in the pants of his uniform.

"That's all for now," he nodded. "This rock isn't going anywhere without us, so how about a little break? Kuro'll watch the systems as usual... you know, make sure we aren't falling out of the sky or anything."

Both Kuro and Celeste rolled their eyes at the same time.

"And I'll see you later, miss Celeste."

Kai had managed to sneak past and slap the unsuspecting Raichu on the rump, earning himself a firm zap before heading back to his quarters. Celeste grumbled... stupid irresponsible... but Serah smiled at him, and he ceased grumbling. Instead, he headed back to his room to do some serious thinking... And some serious logging, he thought with a childish grin.


Later, Celeste sat once again in his bed, which he hadn't bothered touching or cleaning since the previous night. He couldn't bare to let that feeling go yet. It was reminiscent... it looked messy, but... It smells nice, he purred. It smells like HER. And he sat by that spot, inhaling her scent with a faint sigh as he flipped open his logger.

Dear diary, he said, pondering for a moment. Last night was amazing. It had to be the best night of my life. It... he dropped off for a while, then shook his head. This is insane. I know she loves me... and to think she went double time in the academy just to be with me. That by itself says so much. When I'm with her, I can't help but think that...

I don't know. Because there's Kai. Sure, he's a total ass, and he's irresponsible... but that's him as a captain. Really, we're best friends... almost like brothers...
Celeste broke off into immature giggles. Well, we do things that most brothers would never do... oh, nevermind. The fact is, I followed him this far, and I'm really attached to him. I can't keep ducking behind both of them forever, though... it feels less... 'official,' with Kai, but I can't juggle them. I have a feeling this may get ugly before it's all over...

A sudden buzz from his communicator startled him, and he shut the diary off.


He sighed. It was Kai. "Yes, Captain? What is it?"

"You can call me Kai, it's not command business," the communicator fizzed and crackled. "Well, this IS an order. I want you to meet me in holodeck two... hehe. Bring that cute night outfit of yours."

Celeste sighed, but smiled a little and flicked his tail. "Sure... I'll see you in a bit."

"I'll be expecting you, sexy-t..."

It crackled again and cut off. Celeste tilted his head. Something must be wrong with the communication... I didn't think we were close enough to the anomaly for it to be messing things up. He sighed and slipped out of his clothes, now donning his nightshirt- and silk pants. Ackward in the day... but I can't deny orders. Besides... It'll give me a chance to talk to him...

He adjusted his outfit and made for the holodeck.


Kai arrived in his room and promptly sat down at the edge of his bed, grinning to himself. He pulled up the miniature monitor and began to flip through a series of still-shots... all taken from the previous nights' recording.

"I love having captain's access..." he drolled to himself as he selected a particular frame, wherein Serah had finally nipped the poor chu's ear. "I'll have to remember that one..." he laughed and reached down to undo the uniform's pants...

Before he could unbutton or zipper, though, his communicator cut him off.


The jolteon grinned and adjusted his pants a bit at the sound of Celeste's voice.

"Hey, kid. Whatchya need?"

"I think you know what I need..." the communicator garbled, but he could pick up that slightly whiny, seductive tone that he recognized from the odd night in space. "But the question is... what do you need?"

"You know I don't like it when you talk subtle..." Kai laughed and dipped a paw to stroke at his hard-on. "Spit it out, my little chu..."

"Always to the point, aren't you? Well, in that case, meet me in holodeck two..."

"Sure, se..." he replied, but the communicator went dead to his response. Shrugging, he got up and made his way to the holodeck.


Celeste lounged about in the holodeck. The enviorment had already been set when he arrived... it was similar to his area with the tentacles, except instead of the vile pit, there was now just patched of grass surrounded by trees. He paced a bit, when finally the hidden door swished open and Kai stepped into the field.

"Well, aren't you dressed up?" he chuckled, nodding over Celeste's outfit as he drew the raichu up into his arms. "Sorry I kept you waiting."

"Of course," Celeste said as he licked at the jolt's muzzle. Kai licked back, nuzzling him firmly as his paws slid down to grab the zapmouse's posterior.

"You don't think about much else, do you?" The raichu grinned a little and zapped him on the nose. "So what exactly is it that you called me here for...?"

"Called you?" Kai chuckled and kissed his way up Celeste's neck, causing the chu to whine and crane his neck. "You were the one who called me, you naughty rai..."

After a few more moments of incessant gropage and smothered kisses, Celeste pushed his way out of Kai's clutches.

"No, you're definitely the one who called me... asked me to wear this outfit" Celeste tugged on the nightshirt.

"I didn't..." Kai took a step back and glanced around. "Then who did? That was clearly you..."

A laugh came from the nearby trees, and Becca made her way out into view. She spun a small computer between her paws, grinning at them deviously.

"I was the one who called the both of you here..." she said, tailball sparkling. Celeste growled and took a step forward, but Kai restrained him.

"What for then?" Kai asked calmly, arms crossed as the chu struggled to get free. "Now why would someone like you, who just got a promotion, want to bring us both here?"

"Simple!" Becca responded and seated herself on a log. "You're going to listen to me and do everything I tell you."

"And why are we going to do that?" Celeste's cheeks sparked as he tried to get away from Kai, who easily overpowered him. Becca lifted up and waved the small console in the air.

"Because I know things that you don't want everyone else to know," she purred. "These recordings of just what... the two of you have been up to... I'm sure you don't want Serah to be seeing these, do you, Celeste?" Celeste's ears drooped and he slumped into Kai's arms, who held him tightly, regardless.

"And you, our illustrious captain... You know how many regulations you've broken... I'd be more than willing to report those if you weren't willing to cooperate. Oh, and this isn't the only place that I've kept the records. You'll have a heck of a time getting them away from me if you don't cooperate."

Kai sighed and grinned, letting go of Celeste. "What do you want?" he asked, half-heartedly. At this, Becca beamed with glee and nearly tipped back onto her log.

"Strip down, both of you..." she ordered promptly. "I want you to do like you always do... but nice and slow. We've got all the time in the world, gentlemen..."

Celeste looked up at Kai, confusedly. The jolteon shrugged his shoulders and leaned down to pry Celeste's shirt off, whispering into his ear. "I suppose it couldn't hurt... putting on a little show. No different than usual, is it?"

The Raichu signed as he began to strip Kai out of his uniform, muttering something to the equivalent of "Fangirls..." followed by several harsh curses only understandable to the chu race. Soon, though, he almost forgot about the manipulative flaafy and instead enjoyed feeling the guidance of Kai's hands. Soon his pants slipped down, and he felt himself against the lithe jolty again, with those tiresome hands stroking his posterior.

"Keep going..." Becca said, already stripped out of her clothing. "Don't stop..."

This time they didn't need to even acknowledge her. Kai brushed back Celeste's hair and kissed him firmly on the muzzle, tongue flicking in and out of his lips. Celeste squeeze the jolteon tightly as he felt his ever bulging cock pressing against his leg. Becca, meanwhile, moaned softly, her tongue hanging out as she began to rub at her swollen slit. Her fingers traced and dipped down the slender lips before she managed to speak again.

"You, Raichu boy... on your knees... I want to see you sucking some jolty cock..."

Celeste still needed no forcefulness, though Kai was eager enough to guide him down by pressing on his shoulders. Thankfully, the grass felt nice on his knees, and he leaned his muzzle against Kai's tummy, offering an affectionate lick. Then his hands settled on his hips and his muzzle lowered to nuzzle against the enormous 'eon cock. He needed no guidance there, began licking timidly at the base, becoming more adventurous and his tongue reached the tip... Then Kai couldn't take it any longer, and he gently but firmly forced Celeste's muzzle against his shaft.

"That's it... take it, boy.. take that thick jolty cock..." the flaafy groaned as her paw dampened. She leaned back on the log and began to thrust her fingers in and out of herself, eyes always locked hungrily on the pair.

Celeste folded his ears back, to the point where he could no longer hear either of them... and the thick jolty cock did indeed fill his muzzle. He wrapped his lips around it tightly and brushed the very tip with his tongue. Kai groaned and slumped a bit at the incessant teasing, his shaft finally hard as a rock in Celeste's muzzle. The Raichu dipped his head as he sucked upon him, nibbling and slurping down the trickles of pre...

But before they could get any further, Becca interrupted them. She stood from the long, trembling, her paw still dipped between her legs.

"T.. that's enough," she said as she padded over. Slowly and reluctantly, Celeste slid from Kai's shaft, which soon bobbed freely in the air, and the both of them looked up at her expectantly.

"Are you satisfied, Becca?" Kai said, licking his lips. "I'm certainly not... so are you done?"

"Done!" Becca laughed a little before brushing up against the jolty's fur, and the resounding spark rushed between the three of them. "Hardly... you didn't think you were going to be the only ones playing?" The flaafy then curled one leg around Kai's and pressed her dripping slit to his thigh. "Oh, I wont be done until you've both pounded me nice and hard..."

"Interesting," Kai smirked and reached over to fluff Becca's head. "If you were so damn horny, you could have just asked..."

"But... Serah..." Celeste said, twiddling his thumbs.

"I've no desire to see you and that girl's lovey-dovey romance go out the window," Becca said as she worked her way between them, slowly pushing Kai downwards. "I'm just going to force the both of you to stuff me until I'm satisfied. Get it?"

Kai grinned at Celeste, reaching in through Becca's mane to squeeze at her breasts. "Come on... I'm always up for something new. Besides, it's not like we have much of a choice..."

Celeste simply looked down at the two of them as Kai let the girl work her way atop of him, letting her pin him to the grass. The lightning ran between them as she caught his shaft between her legs. Kai groaned as she took her into him, taking his whole shaft in a practiced motion. Then the flaafy's tail curled up, close to her back as possible, and she glared back at Celeste.

"You've had this done to you enough times to get it right, raichu boy," she said. "It's not as if you two are official... now get over here and... oogh..."

Kai had shut her up with a firm zap, right through the lightning rod that caused her to convulse and moan in ecstacy. The sentiment was returned. Celeste sighed and stared at the upturned tail, at the woman going down on his best friend...

We're not together... Celeste thought, reaching out a bit. The pink fur, the concentration of static... So this isn't wrong, is it? Yet it feels so... His hand finally got close enough that she managed to send a strong shock right through him. He moaned... even her voltage, strong as it was, was distinctly feminine.
He moved over and slid atop of her, and shyly pressed his shaft between the cleft of her rear. She bucked up against him, and he felt the whole of her fur and wool brush against him, sending a rush through him.

"I've seen how much you pre, raichu boy..." she chrred. "Go.. aahn... don't want you precious Serah to know..."

Celeste nodded in affirmation, at this point so entranced by her touch that he simply nuzzled at her back. The doubt he buried deep in him and he lifted his hips to press his thick shaft into her tight tailhole. Even with all her practice, all her simulation, she couldn't have prepared for two real electrics sinking into her at once. And Celeste, experienced as he was, had never felt anything like this. Her posterior clenched down on his shaft, and he could barely drive it any further... but still, her soft touch beckoned him onward.

He couldn't see anything. Just felt himself as he sunk into the tight, hot confines of her tail... and could feel her twitch, feel her body tense as Kai slid in and out of her. Celeste got momentum, then, driving in and out of her, his hips caressing hers, and he could feel Kai, too... so thick, he thought. The damn girl must be crazy...

Becca felt crazy, too. Her tongue held out limply body now simply pistoning between jolteon and raichu... when one mercifully pulled away from her, the other drove deep, and sometimes she held them both at once, her insides streaked with pre. Celeste shocked her, and she tightened up. Both jolt and chu could hardly hold it, thrusting in and out of her. And Celeste let himself go to instinct, the only way he knew, clutching Becca as he drove his pole into her over and over and over...

She couldn't handle it anymore. Her electricity surged as both of them hilted in her and she tensed so hard that neither could move, but they kept thrusting regardless. Celeste felt her muscles move, could feel Kai's cock squeeze and jerk, and could smell their fluids leak out into one mass... static and lightning filled the air and danced around them as the three slowed. He didn't cum. He couldn't... But Becca didn't seem to complain. She pushed him off without a care and rolled over in the grass, panting in afterglow.

"Think she's had enough?" Kai panted, grinning, unphased as usual as he wiped himself off and made for his clothes. Celeste just stared off, not moving until Kai'd thrust his night-wear at him.

"Uh? Oh, yeah..." Celeste murmured and began to dress himself. "Sorry, I'm just a little..."

"Yeah, I know." Kai nodded, still grinning. "Me too. Look, everything'll be fine. Let's just get out of here before our fangirl comes around." He tipped his head towards the flaafy, who still was in the throes of pleasure. Then he waved a small console in the air and winked. "I don't think she'll be giving us any more trouble after this."

Celeste nodded again, and smiled a bit. "Sure, sure. Um, Kai..."


"... nevermind."

"Hm?" Kai tilted his head, but couldn't get another response out of him. "Ah, alright, kid. Let's get you back to your quarters."

Celeste sighed as Kai took his hand, and he followed. He didn't look back at Becca, who would obviously still be rubbing herself, reminiscing... And then there was Kai. He smiled again as he guided him back through the corridors. He's really supportive... even if he can be a jackass. Still, I need to talk to him. Soon.

His thoughts left him just as Kai did, after a brief kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Celeste."

Yeah... Celeste pushed his way into his room and fell with a slump onto the bed. I need some sleep for this... The scent of Serah overtook him once more, and he fell asleep peacefully.
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