AGNPH Stories

Jolteon 5 by sorai


Episode IV

Author's Note: Here we go again. You know how sporadically I update, but alas, here is a finished episode for you to read and hopefully enjoy. There are only two more episodes after this one... I extended it. ^^; I finally have web-access again, so you might be seeing me around a little more often. Either way, I don't have much more to say before I open this one. Once again, much thanks and well wishes from your friendly neighborhood azumarril.

Sorai Presents
Episode IV

Celeste did not sleep the remainder of the night. His whole body still strained with the tortures of his previous venture, but they mattered none to him now. What pain he did feel was drowned out by the dozy pleasure of Serah's fur. The Furretess had long since fallen asleep, holding him protectively. Perhaps his pain would not leave him for the fact that her arms were like a vice, crushing at him throughout the entire night. But she was soft, she was warm, and she was Serah. That's all that mattered. He passed the night by watching the stars drift by, and trying to forget absolutely everything that had happened the previous day. It wasn't hard, with her doting over him for hours...

Serah stirred some, and her grip on him slackened, if in the slightest, for he rolled down her side and against the cushy bedding. He smiled at her as she opened her little black eyes and licked at her lips.

"G'morning, SeNYEEP!"

Not a second moment before she'd waken up did she take his hand and shove it to her crotch. Drowsy though she seemed, she had absolutely no trouble in keeping his fingers against her already matted crotchfur. She shushed him and leaned over to kiss him on the nose.

"Morning. I thought about you all night..." she murmured as she bent one of his fingers towards her entrance. He nodded sheepishly as he looked back at her.

"I can tell, I mean, yeah... I um... thought of you too..."

The raichu squirmed as she rolled over him and pressed her teeth against his shoulder in mock roughness. She laughed as his ears twitched rapidly and she held him against her all the more.

"Please?" she said, still half asleep.

One look from those pretty black eyes was enough to set Celeste ablush, and he nodded a couple times. Serah sighed, relaxed, and closed her eyes again, laying back. Her paw still against his, he pushed his fingers inward, parting the soft fur of her crotch, until he felt his fingertips brush across her slippery flesh. His paw stroked there a minute, collecting the warm liquids that had already dripped out of her tunnel. She squeezed his paw, urging him on; Celeste held his breath and slid his finger into her.

The furretess rolled onto her back and moaned softly as the raichu's pawdigit penetrated her. Her creamy colored chest rose and sunk as he felt about her, brushing at her slick, rippled vagina as it clenched down hard on his finger again and again. Determined, now, he added a second finger beside that, and she gasped as the second appendage slid into her. He couldn't see, but he could feel as she stretched and spread her haunches to allow him further passage.

His fingers curled and stroked, pushing to the knuckle, so deep he felt he may have lost his paw. Each thrust of his finger was punctuated by a small mewl and the slurp of her labia pushing against his paw. He continued for minutes, what seemed hours, and his hand gradually felt sore....

Cautiously, he turned his thumb up and pushed it gently against her flesh until he felt out the small nub there. Her eyes opened wide as he began to push and turn his finger there, still pushing the other two within her. A moan escaped her again as he began to feed electricity into his fingertips, and her walls clenched down hard at the constant tingling pleasure.

"Celeste... ungh...."

The rest built like a wave. Her hips bucked and her body shook, a faint purr at the back of her throat. She climaxed happily, squealed once as she finally locked down and released. Her slick sex spasmed around the raichu's fingers, and her liquid trickled out to soak his paw. When the moments had passed, she hugged him again, and he slumped against her, finally caught up with a bit of fatigue.

"Thank you, Celeste." she leaned down and kissed his cheek. He simply nodded, sparking a bit, before curlnig up against her. She tilted her head. "Are you in pain? Oh, dear... um, maybe you should go down to the sick bay.... I can take you, just let me get dressed..."

Celeste pulled away from her as her grip slackened, flinching. He shook his head and curled his long tail about himself.

"I'm fine. I can go by myself... you... probably need a little shower and some rest." He smiled faintly up at her, despite the soreness finally catching up to him. "But thanks..."

She nodded, and wearily stepped out of bed herself. Before he could escape, she pulled up a blue robe from the nearby table and handed it to him. "At least put this on, please... and promise me you'll be back later?"

He nodded as he threw the robes around his shoulder, and leaned back to hold her once again. "Sure. I promise... so take care, hm?"

"Yeah..." she sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. As he got to the door, she looked down at her stomach and put a hand on it thoughtfully. "Um, Celeste? I..."

He turned around, confused, and tilted his head to the side in that cute way that Raichus do. "What is it?"

She sighed and closed her eyes. "Um... I... nevermind. Just.... maybe you could pick up food for me later. I'm not feeling so hot. I mean, I've been starving lately."

He pondered a moment, then nodded happily and headed out the door. "I'll grab something for you on my way back up. Take care, dear."

"Yeah. I love you!" She managed to call out before the door swished shut. She could almost see his blush through the thick metal doors, and she almost melted at hearing his stammering reply, unfortunately cut off by the closing of the door. Again she smiled to herself, but it didn't last. She ran to the bathroom, overcome by the sudden, strange nausea.


Celeste didn't feel quite up to snuff either, he mused. As he traversed the conveniently endless corridors, he stared at his chocolate stained paws and sighed to himself. What's wrong with me? I'm supposed to be the responsible one, and I can't even keep myself together. I need to just come clean about everything. And what of Grim... I'm sure he'll be back, and I just... ugh.

He needed time. Time to think. Time to take care of things. As he casually passed by the holodeck, he froze in front of the console. Without looking, he murmured aside.

"Computer, are there any occupants in chamber three?"


Celeste sighed in relief and turned to face the large doorway. "Good. Activate file: Celeste, slash, meadow, foxtrot."

"Program Confirmed. Enjoy your stay, Celeste."

The metal doors swooshed open, and he checked to see if anyone was coming before stepping into the meadow. It was indeed his usual forest setting, but here, there was no tentacle pit, nor was there anyone to disturb him. Without looking back, he smiled to himself and muttered. "Computer, lock doors."

No response. Just a simple beep, and the doors vanished behind him, and soon blended in with the landscape. He moved over the grass and to the log whereupon he sat. As he did, he finally noticed the non-anthro azumarril sitting beside him. He blinked a bit as he stared at the strange creature he was positive that he hadn't programmed. It looked normal, except that its ears had drooped, one over its side, the other over its left eye, and it wore a pair of glasses so thick that one could not see his eyes beyond the white. He clicked away at a little black laptop before Celeste interupted.

"Um, who are you?"

The bunny sighed and clicked the laptop a couple times before closing the cover and looking up at Celeste. "My name is Sorai, the personal counselor you installed last time you ventured into this simulation. If you don't mind, I was a little busy..."

Celeste doubled back and blinked for a minute, chuuing. "Um... what was I smoking when I installed you?"

"Pokenip," the bunny said plainly before opening the laptop and typing again. "A blend of herbs and natural grasses, including the tops of a few oddish. It was simulated, but the sensations were real. Care for some?"

The Raichu raised an eyebrow at the roll of various green leaves and shook his head. "I pass. Anyway, since you're my counselor, I don't suppose you could help me with any of my problems?"

Sorai sighed and rolled his eyes, a gesture only noticeable by the movement in his eyebrows. "Serah loves you, and you love her, and you know it. Kai... probably loves you. I mean, he wants you, sincerely, and you want to be with him. That..."

"Isn't what I'm worried about." Celeste interupted and folded his arms. "Grim. This whole situation involving the quill..."

"It's what you signed up for when you took the job." Sorai sipped from a cup of coffee and continued. "As for your sexual desires concerning Grim, why not just ask Kai to take a more predatorial approach? At the least, you can recreate something in here... anything to keep your obsession with predators from hurting the crew."

"I do not have an obsession with predators."

"Fine, whatever. The fact is, you need an alternative solution to keep yourself from breaking the balance of this ship."

Celeste sighed and slid down the log to a slump. "That still doesn't help me concerning the creation energy engine. There'll be plenty of people after us for that, and this... mystery girl doesn't seem all that friendly."

With a conclusive sigh, Sorai slid from the log and stowed the laptop in some pocket that Celeste couldn't possibly fathom where it was. "Excuse me a minute. I'll take care of that, too."

"What do you mean?"

"The creation energy engine is currently being used only to power the singularity cannon. With a little rewiring, I can adapt the energy displacement dishes to offer a second function of the energy source: perfect shielding. Granted, it'll only be operational with the full dedication of the system, but for the most part, it'll make this ship indestructable. There are a few ways to use this energy that we haven't explored yet."

Celested rubbed a hand over his eyes and blinked. "How can you... I though you were just a program? I didn't put that into you, i don't think."

"Who said you programmed me?" Sorai hopped away and glanced back with a faint smirk. "I'm capable of doing just about anything on this ship."

"You said I created you, didn't you? That still doesn't explain..."

"Hmm, so I did. Did you really beleve something like that? There are some things that you're just not meant to know."

Celeste shook his head. "Maybe I don't want to know. Wait.... what am I supposed to do?"

Sorai shook his head and mumbled before he disappeared behind a tree. "Maybe you should take care of that problem of yours. Not everyone wants to look at that, you know."

He looked about confusedly until he looked down at himself, blushing. For the longest time now, his erect raichu cock stood proudly between his legs, parting the blue fabrics of the robe. He glanced about nervously, making sure that the strange azu was gone before he wrapped his paw around it and began to stroke.

"Cha... stupid bunny... but, nnn, maybe this is just what I need..."

Was it? Celeste licked his lips as he pumped away at his sensitive rod, thumb brushing over the head as he pawed away. No, the sensation just isn't enough anymore... but I don't want to see anyone else... I.. hm.

For a moment, he turned about a bit, seeming to follow his own tail. He removed the robes and allowed his white underside free, including the full length of his pink, throbbing shaft. Once that was done, he curled up on the robe, cushioned beneath by grass. He curled up on his side, like a cat, and his spine moved surprisingly well. He smiled to himself and curled further until his tongue could easily brush against his dick.

Celeste moaned. His ears splayed wide as he trailed his fine grained tongue over the tip of his own shaft. His haunches trembled and he pushed closer until he could lick the underside. It didn't even hurt. With the simulation, he could curl so far as to suck at his own aching balls, and he did. He nourished the notion until his fur was all slick and shiny, and his erection throbbed with such need that it almost outmatched the soreness still in the back of his mind.

He pushed the end into his mouth with a shy gulp, and began to suck himself off. The raichu moaned against himself, pushed against himself, buried his pulsing cock inside his own muzzle. He licked away at the sweet pre-cum that dripped from his tip, swirled and teased those most sensitive spots. He needed, release, though, and release soon. he thrusted against himself without worry, pushing his shaft towards his throat as he nibbled and worked at his shaft. Not too long after, he couldn't control himself anymore. One gentle zap was all it took to send himself over the brink.

Celeste whimpered as his own cum erupted into his mouth. The hot, sticky liquid coated his tongue and the roof of his mouth as he tried to swallow it down, but the instinctive bucking of his hips dislodged him. The rest of his semen flew and spilled across his fur; across his face, his chest, his stomach, and the robes around him. Embarassed, he slumped back and sighed, almost relaxed until he heard a sudden voice.

"Aw, that's cute. Do me next."

If Celeste didn't recognize the voice, he would have recognized the large red shaft bobbing just inches from his muzzle. He peered up at Kai, gasping as he tried to wipe the sticky white liquid off of his face, only smearing it to his cheek and paw.

"K-k-kai!? What are you doing here?"

"I own this ship, I can be anywhere I want." He grinned happily and shoved his erection forward at the Raichu's lips. "Come on. Don't ruin that perfect lil image of yourself... just give it a few tongueings and I'll be happy."

If Celeste protested, Kai didn't hear. He guided the swollen canine shaft to Celeste's lips with one hand, and gently rubbed at his ears with the other. Celeste would have sighed in slight content, but as he opened his lips, the red tip shoved inside. Instead of air, he gulped jolteon cock. And it tasted just as good, he thought as his ears splayed back. Kai moaned and leaned back as he let the raichu go to work. His lips slid up and over his shaft, into the back of his muzzle, and he administered the lapping and the sucking just as he had himself a moment before.

"Nn..." Kai stroked Celeste's head as he continued to suck him off, fingers weaving at his eartips. "Are you feeling any better today? Wait.. just twitch your ear once if you are, twice if you aren't."

The raichu's ears twitched numerous times before they stopped, and Kai didn't pay much mind. Already his preliquids started to seep into Celeste's muzzle. Kai suddenly pulled out of him with a gasp, and began stroking the base of his shaft.

"'s good... 's good, Celeste.. thanks."

Celeste blushed, confusedly, and licked at the mixed liquids in his mouth as he watched the jolteon seat himself on the log. Kai beckoned him up, and he moved up confusedly until the jolteon suddenly sweeped him off of his feet and into the air. He squeaked out loud as Kai hovered him effortlessly over him, the freshly wetted tip teasing his tailhole.

"It's been forever since I've got to nail my raichu," Kai murred. "Just relax and enjoy the ride."

The wink wasn't all too assuring, but Celeste trusted him as much as ever. He lifted his tail away from his still-sore posterior and spread his haunches, allowing him access to the pink undertail muscle. Kai took to the opportunity right away and pulled Celeste down onto him. The raichu moaned out in both pain and pleasure as the thick jolteon cock sunk into his rear. Even the swell around the base moved easily as he slowly clenched down on him, settled in the jolteon's lap with his entire shaft digging up into his hot posterior.

"Mm, Cel.." Kai squeezed firmly on the raichu's rump and pushed him back and forth a little, rubbing his cock against his insides. "You're looser than usual..."

"I'm sure it'll go away eventually..." Celeste repressed a whimper as he ground down on the jolteon's lap. "Don't worry about it for now... just cum in me, please?"

Kai grinned and gave his companion's rear an extra firm squeeze as he began to pull him up again, watching his shaft slide magnificiently from Celeste, and suddenly push back in again. "Oh, I will.... nnngh... tight or not... you're still as good as ever..."

Celeste's response was a breathless moan as Kai began to raise and pull him, sinking the warm, pulsing shaft into his tailhole again and again. He flinched on occasion, but he pumped his tail back and forth regardless. Kai pulled him faster, harder, already filling the raichu with spray after spray of precum. His breath came in pants as he leaned back and pounded Celeste against him, the raichu's balls bouncing against his own as he made the raichu blissfully full over and over again.

The soreness was there, though. Celeste couldn't take much more, and he began to feed electricity through his body. It tightened. His tailhole tightened so much that it was nearly impossible for Kai to keep pushing into him. The jolteon groaned at the wonderful tightness and pumped away, thrusting his hips at the raichu until he finally came. The knot swoll and stuck, and Kai came hard, Celeste's posterior quickly filling with the volumous liquid. It seeped around even the knot and began to leak down the raichu's posterior as he slumped against Kai, who hugged him tightly.

"I hope that wasn't that bad..." Celeste whimpered a bit and rubbed at his own sore posterior. Kai looked at him for a moment, concern in his eyes now.

"It was fine... Cel, did you go to the doctor this morning?"

"Not yet..." Cel swallowed.

"Geez..." Kai grimaced as he slowly pulled out of Celeste, licking at his cheeks. "You should have said something. I don't want to hurt you further."

"It felt good," the raichu assured him, but he shook his head and gave him the half sticky robe.

"Go. We'll have more time for this later... I'm just worried aboutchya now."

Flustered, he nodded and pulled the robe over himself. Kai grinned and waved him off, and he managed a smile before he began to limp towards the sick bay once more.


After what seemed like forever, the poor Raichu finally arrived at the sick bay. His ears did perk up none, though, but at least he hadn't seen anyone for the past fifteen minutes. He curled his robes around himself extra-securely and stepped through the doors with a swoosh.

Inside was a typical medical lab- several partitioned areas for patients, a containment area, and thousands of computers. Manning- or womanning, it, I should say, was a single ninetales dressed in a white labcoat. She turned to him and offered a warm smile- he returned it, but couldn't help but notice her enormous breasts, despite the fact that he maintained eye contact with her.

"What seems to be the problem, dear?" She asked as she strode over and hugged him up, squeezing him into her breasts. He could, surprisingly, still breathe, and despite the crushing arms of the vixen, he didn't feel any worse for it. After a moment, she let him go and led him to one of the partioned areas while he talked.

"I'm... very sore," he sighed and looked down at himself "All over. I don't know what all's wrong with me, but after the incident, I feel like a wreck."

"Ahh," the doctor said, smiling a bit. "Despite your vagueness, I should be able to clear up the problem. I heard about that.... you must be a little..." she patted him on the rump and giggled. "Worn out. Now, take off your robes and get on the table. And don't look at me like that, I'm a doctor."

He nodded, and though blushing, removed the blue fabrics and tossed them aside. "Sure, I... uh... Miss..."

"Miss?" She grinned and folded her arms under her breasts. "What makes you think I'm a miss?"

Celeste blinked, dumbfounded. "You uh... sorry... I..."

She shook her head and, to Celeste's startling, climbed up onto the table and peered over him, allowing him to stare at her golden-furred breasts.

"I'm a hologram," she purred and leaned down to lick at his cheek. "This is just how I'm set to be now. I can change to a man, if you like."

"That's fine, I...."

"So you like me as a woman?" The vulpine leaned down and nuzzled against him as her tails began to creep under him. "Don't worry, I'm going to administer you in the meanwhile... now, is there anything quite as comfortable as being in a sea of tails like this? Hmm?"

Celeste looked back and saw that she had indeed already intwined him in all of her tails, and indeed nothing had ever felt so comfortable. They were soft as silk, twice as fluffy, immensely warm, and wrapped all around him. Never before had he felt so calm in his life until she began to unbutton her lab uniform. He nervously glanced behind her just for kicks- yep, the door was closed.

"You have an erection," she said bluntly as she shedded her clothing and allowed him access to her full form. "Good. That will be necessary for part of your treatment."

"I, uh..."

"Do you want a man?" She repeated again and smiled, leaning back to her knees. As she did so, she revealed upon herself a sizeable set of shaft and balls. Celeste's eyes widened and he shook his head.

"It doesn't matter! You don't want to.... um...."

"I don't need pleasure...." she leaned down and nuzzled his shaft playfully, her long tongue running over it. "But this is a necessary part of the treatment. If you'll allow me..."

He didn't resist, and even if he could, she easily turned him over, moving him so that he lay atop of her. She giggled as he nuzzled comfortably against her breasts, and then squeaked as she suddenly grabbed his shaft.

"Go ahead. Penetrate me. Want to? I'll show you how."

"I know how, but... um..."

"No, it's complicated." She insisted as she lifted his body a bit, adjusting his shaft. Still she carried her male equipment, but her female sex still seemed to exist, too. She cooed and giggled as she pushed his shaft beneath her soft, fluffy balls and into her entrance. This evoked no response from her but a happy sigh, but Celeste gasped and instinctively thrust against her.

"Nn, that's good," she nodded and took one of his hands. "Now put this here...." she guided his hand to her shaft and wrapped his paws around it. "Good, good... now just put your tail under... mine... and you're set."

As ackward as it was, Celeste had no reason to stop, and as he stroked at her and humped away contently, his tail curled around and thrusted into her rear. This also evoked no response from her, but gave him a sense of completeness. somehow, he felt that distantly, she was doing something else.... but her tails curled up around him and distracted him. Suddenly, he moaned at the sharp pleasure that rushed through his body.

If he hadn't realized it before, he knew it now- despite how loose she was, she was extra warm and extra wet. He slid in and out of her with lewd slurps and each time his shaft filled her slit, he felt filled with a sense of euphoria. He kept these motions up, grinning giddily, and nuzzled her breasts as she held him. As if that weren't enough, one of her tails curled up behind him, poked under his wagging tail, and suddenly thrust.

He expected it to hurt so much, but it didn't. Still, he doubled over and gasped, nearly losing it in her already. The tail, strange as it was, reminded him quite strongly of when Grim had taken him. The large, strong, pulsing flesh pistoning in and out of him, ravaging him.... and it didn't even hurt. He continued to thrust into her until indeed he did feel a soreness in his hips.

She grimaced and added another tail- now the sensation doubled. He surrendered right away and clung tightly to her as he blew his load into her. The vixen purred as she held him and allowed him to fill her loose sex with all he could muster, and then he slumped. His eyes closed. He blinked. Once. And once more, he was alone again, on the table, naked and cold.

When he looked up, she was still standing there, holding a clipboard, fully dressed. She smiled at him and purred.

"Glad to see you're up. I had to do a lot of work... repairing organs, fixing fractures, correcting some chemicals..."

"You mean that..." Celeste blinked and rubbed his head. She leaned down, kissed him on the forehead, and smiled.

"Didn't really happen? Depends. I'm a hologram... am I real?"

"That still doesn't make any more sense to me..."

She nodded and continued to poke at her clipboard- Celeste blinked. It was, in reality, a small computer, he realized, but the clipboard helped add to the illusion of a more traditional doctor's office. She nodded once and handed him the robe.

"It's my duty to keep the crew in top condition, and sometimes when I have to do a more painful procedure, this is my special brand of anesthesia." She winked and purred. "The captain said he picked me because he thought I best suited the needs of this crew. For you, anytime you come in for a checkup, I can give you my special anesthesia, if you want."

Celeste shook his head again and tried to sort it out. In the end, he decided it best to leave it be and donned the robe.

"You're free to go," she nodded. "I suggest you go take a shower, relax, get something to eat..."

"And pick something up for Serah." He nodded in agreement in strode out. After he did, the doctor smiled and pushed at the previously invisible communicator on her chest.

"Serah, could I see you in sick bay for a minute? I need to run some more tests..."


Celeste grumbled as he finally arrived at his room. He felt positively fine, now- even the soreness in his posterior seemed to have vanished. Still, he felt absolutely violated...

It's just a hologram, though... so it's no different than the holodeck, right?

The thought calmed him as he entered his room. He threw the robes aside and strode into the other room, where the bathroom was contained. The shower was utterly barren- just one closed section, steel walls like the rest, and the shower spout.

"Computer," he sighed. "Shower on."

No response.

"Shower on," he repeated. Still the shower remained off. He walked over and twisted the knob, attempted to handle it manually. It creaked, and no water flowed. He grumbled and looked up at the ceiling as if addressing the computer.

"What's wrong with the shower, computer?"

"Plumbing technicalities," it said back plaintively. "May take a day or two to correct. May I suggest the public shower? No one uses it anyway. I suppose you could lock the door, too."

He threw his hands up into the air and sighed. "I guess that works." He grumbled as he put the soiled robe on once more, and stormed out of his door. "stupid technology... more damage than good... grumble."

What he didn't see was the grinning, gleaming, sinister pair of eyes that watched him as he moved. As he went through the corridors, they went, and hid themselves from sight again.


"Shouldn't we ask him first?"

Umi, the espeoness, shot a wicked grin to May, her umbreoness counterpart and brought a finger to her nose as she shook her head.

No, it's more complicated that way. Besides, he wont have any recollection of the event. The espeon responded by thought as they stared through the curtained partition and at Celeste. The Raichu had indeed come to the public shower, as they had planned, and he had locked himself in. Comfortable after checking that no one was around several times- including the spot where Umi and May hid- he had turned on all of the jets and finally relaxed as he cleaned himself. Now, the two evolutions, espy and umby, watched and waited for the right time.

Technically, he's still single. If we take it from him now, we're not doing anything wrong. Don't you want to have a child someday?

Yes, but... the umbreon's eyes flickered as she stared up at Celeste's back. No matter how feminine he is, he's still a man. I wont, and I can't see you...

That's all taken care of. Umi winked as she patted the bottle at her side. It was fairly large and sizeable, and the opening had been very generously lubricated. It, May imagined, could probably fit a rapidash if one needed. She blinked and tilted her head, confused.

I've been watching him for some time, and I think I know how to obtain what we need. All we'll be doing is using this bottle strategically... Umi's gem flashed as she grinned up at the bathing raichu. But I'll get into his mind. What he'll see is you. Umbreoness on the hunt. Hungry. Wanting. What he'll get... she giggled and tapped the rim of the bottle. Is this.

You know he's unconsciousable to do something like that. It's not in his nature.

But being prey IS. You'll be so forward that he'll have to accept... or, say, you don't even ask...

May grinned toothily and leaned forward to kiss Umi deeply, tonguing at her cheeks. I like the way you think. And his memory?

Masturbation fantasy at best. Now come on, let's get down to work...


Celeste trilled happily as he scrubbed at his ears with the lather of soap. The water felt so warm on his fur, and the steam around him gave an added sense of privacy. Still, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. For a moment, he sat the psyduck toy and the soap w/brush down, and padded over to the door. It was still locked; good, he thought. He turned around and made his way back to his spot at the shower.

At least he thought he would. Suddenly, the room seemed filled with the moist steam. He couldn't find his way back to the jet stream, or the crank, or the door. Instead, he stumbled around a bit- managed to find a wall- and stared out. Soon, a pair of ruby eyes emerged from the steam and the black-furred body became visible.

"May? Is that you?"

Her muzzle formed into a grin, and he fangs showed. For a moment, he took in all of her beauty, and in this steam, it was much different than the many times he'd scene it on the bridge. Each step she took flexed her muscle tone; her heavy, black fur was shiny as silk and likely just as soft. Her golden rings pulsated in the mist, and her eyes shone like blood rubies. Her ears twitched. His nose did too- the scent of her musk was unbearable.

As she got even closer, he saw plainly her arousal, split coral sexlips pressed against her black fur. Her chest, though small, stood out proudly, and her nipples parted the darker fur there. By the time he could finish taking in her whole form, she'd already pinned him to the shower wall with her powerful paws. He squeaked, then squealed as her muzzle descended to his neck; her teeth grazed, but she sucked at the fur an flesh of his throat firmly.

"Nnnn... M-may? What's wrong? I..."

"Sssh." May growled and pushed him down, level with her breasts, and began to chew at his ears. "Don't think. Please me."

The raichu stared at the plump breasts in front of him and offered a shy lick to the stiff nipples. May groaned in pleasure. "But..."

"Don't. Think."

She pushed again, this time burying him in her chest. He licked and sucked away obediently, much to her pleasure. The umbreoness had managed to pin him down with all of her weight, so much that he couldn't even move his arms. She could feel his heart beating a million miles a minute, and grinned. Her claws scratched at his sides until she reached his thighs, where her touch became tender. Then in one swoop of aggression, she grabbed his already hard sheath and began to stroke at him forcefully.

His protests were muffled by the mouthful of umbreon breast. Instead, his words simply brought more pleasure to her as his tongue flicked across her tits. Before long, his shaft stood out proudly between his legs once more. May grinned and pulled back, allowing him to catch his breath.

He cluched his throat and gasped for air. While he did, she was gone for a moment, and he thought it was over- but not quite. In another moment, she pinned him again, this time to the floor, and she wrapped a silk gag around his mouth.

"Best that no one hear your cries..." she churred and kissed him on the cheek, then the neck, deeply. He moaned into the gag as he stared up at her... and his eyes widened as she took out several ropes. They, too were silk, but that didn't matter as she began to tie him down. The ropes seemed to connect to anywhere; soon his wrists and arms were bound, as were his ankles and legs, the soft rope caressing, but holding him completely immobile.

"Perfect..." she murmured and leaned down, her eyes flickering as she gently licked at the tip of his shaft. "Mm, you'll need more than that."

His eyes widened again as she took out a small bottle of lube and began to smear it over his cock. Though slick before, when she was done with it, anything that touched the heavily gelled shaft seem to slide off in an instant- and she tested several times with her fingers, much to his dismay. He squirmed as she teased his aching cock until it was so hard it hurt.

And then she turned away. He almost cried out for her not to leave, but he couldn't. To his relief, she stopped, a few steps away, and stooped over. Again he could see her, now from behind, her perfect posterior and dripping arousal. She took the rest of the tube and put it into her cunt, and then squeezed. She let a feral hiss and moan as she slid a finger in, spreading the liquid until her intimate flesh shined as brightly as did the raichu's cock.

"I've been watching you..." she said as she finally uprighted herself and walked to stand over him. "Waiting... watching... for this opportunity. Despite everything they say, I'll go against everything... I want to fuck you right now, my little chu. You're mine now. I've caught you."

Celeste blushed and sparked as her body slid down against his. He lost sight of his own erection as she lay against him, legs spread over his crotch. She chewed on him for endless minutes, and her claws raked at his fur. Her tongue groomed him possessively, and she stared at him with those eyes- those feral, wanting eyes... until he stared back helplessly. He'd known he'd become hers.

That's when she took her chance. She slid back and arched her back. He could feel her fingers expertly grip his shaft, despite the lube, and angle it towards her. He shook all over as her body lowered, and though he knew when to expect it, the sensations he was about to feel, he could not prepare for.

None of the lube in the world could have prepared May, either, as she thrust herself at the head of the raichu's cock. She growled, hissed, moaned as it hit dead-center of her opening, split her labia further, wedged into her awaiting vagina. Celeste cried out as she sunk her claws into her shoulders, but not for that pain, but because she was tight as a vice. Her liquids and the lube dripped out of her cunt, which was achingly wet, achingly hot, and she slowly forced him inside, until he felt absolutely trapped within her, and then another inch to the hilt. His body quaked with absolute pleasure as the Umbreon's muscles squeezed and massaged his erection. And then she began to pump.

Slowly at first, her hips moved up and down, adjusting to this new sensation of penetration. She hissed again and clawed at his chest to keep him in check, keep him from moving as she used him. Her ears folded back and she moaned as she pumped him to her deepest spots, her most sensitive places... and her muscles clenched tighter, tighter, her coral labia clamping and pulling on his shaft.

He couldn't last long. She knew that, so she abused his shaft while she could. Her hips pounded his in a torrent, making him sore, making him want her all the more. And before he could savor another moment, she came, hard. Though little, her juices still trickled around her as she spasmed and howled. He yelled and squeaked, again, as he finally lost it.

Celeste came hard. Harder than he had ever in his life (despite even all of his recent proactivity). His cum came in gushes, his whole body seemed numb with pleasure as he filled the anticipant Umbreoness. The climax seemed to last for hours. Then it faded, and it seemed all too soon. She pulled the gag off, kissed him, and he seemed to drift off to sleep as her teeth closed on his neck...


In reality, Celeste now sat snoozing against the corner, his shaft spent and limp against him. Umi giggled giddily as she held up the bottle, which despite its size, was nearly half full of the raichu's cum. Am I good, or what?

You're the best... The umbreoness murred and clapped her paws, hugging the espeon. You shall have to show me just what he saw, sometime.

Of course. Umi kissed may before she wiped the rim of the bottle off and capped it. But for now, let us leave the sleeping dear be. He must be absolutely tired after what you've done to him

You're such a horrible tease.

Umi winked, waved a paw to Celeste, and then the two eons vanished from the shower room. The steam cleared, and soon Celeste awoke with a groan.

"What the... must have dozed off..." he said. He stared down at himself, blushing... he could tell he'd just had a very intimate, powerful experience, but strangely, could not remember a lick of it. "Good dream, I guess," he muttered as he stood up and rinsed himself off. "Better go pick up something for Serah soon."

He cheerfully shut the water off and began to pack his things into the blue, waterproof bag. He then strode over to the other stall where he'd stowed his uniform, donned it, and then marched right out the door.

"Destination: Mess Hall!"


The mess hall was a welcoming sight, especially for Celeste, who had spent the whole day alone. Dozens of officers, pokemorphs of all varities casually gathered here, eating whatever they seemed to prefer. Celeste had managed to get himself a bowl of rice and fruit- something nice and simple, he thought, and he looked around for a place to sit. After a while, he saw a table that was nearly empty, save for a young zigzagoon officer who was eating alone.

His tray held tightly to his chest, he moved over quietly and looked down at him. Startled, the racoon pokemorph saluted; he returned the gesture expertly, holding the tray in one hand for a moment.

"May I sit down, cadet.... Salt?" He asked. Salt, mouth full, just nodded a couple times and gulped down another heap of what Celeste identified as cantalope.

"S-sure.." Salt continued after the raichu had seated himself and began to eat. "Wow, second in command.... you don't come down here often. Don't like minglnig with the crew, I take it?"

Celeste peered up innocently over a mouthful of rice and shook his head. "Not at all... I just prefer my own cooking, usually. But I don't have time to make two meals today, and I'm totally bushed..."

"I understand," Salt grinned and nodded. For a moment, Celeste glanced away- and for some reason, he only noticed a small blurr as Salt snatched a piece of his honeydew. He laughed and paid it no mind.

"So... wow, you really are as handsome as they say." The zigzagoon hid his blush in the bowl of fruit. "Is it... true what they say about how prolific you are?"


"That you sleep with anyone who wants to have their way with you?"

The raccoon looked as though he expected some reprocussion, but Celeste was just stunned, and a little shy. He poked his fingers together and smiled nervously. "I never thought of it that way, but... I suppose... but I mean, only while I'm a bachelor.... which is... aak!"

While he was speaking, Salt had reached under the table and groped through Celeste's pants with a wink. Then, as the raichu watched in stunned silence, he got up and walked away. He got up and hurried after, but he still managed to keep a distance. He followed him out of the hall, food forgotten, and into a nearby doorway.

Celeste raised an eyebrow at the interior. As the door slid shut behind him, he discovered that it was simply a broom closet. And indeed, there was only a broom there. Salt locked the door and looked up at Celeste nervously.

"Well?" Celeste sighed and leaned back against the door, defeatedly. "You obviously want something, so what is it?"

"Um..." Salt shook a little and pawed up at the Raichu. "I've never... I was wondering, since you're here, if you could..."

"Could what?"

"I um...."

"Okay... okay..." Celeste sighed and squeezed his ears in both paws. "Don't tell me. Just do what you want, get in whatever position you want, and I'll oblige you!" He smiled a little at the cadet. Just his age, too. "I mean... you're too cute. I can't say no."

"Oh, thanks, I, um..." Salt's enthusiastic grin faded to a blush again, but he nodded. The raccoon was almost scrawnier than Celeste, and it showed as he shedded his uniform. The alternating stripes stood out fluffily, but there was very little too him, except some excess fluff on his underside. To his surprise, though, Salt had gotten to all four paws, and moved his bushy tail aside. The raichu stared, dumbfounded, although admiringly at the cute zagoon's rump.

"I've never... um... done THAT before..." Celeste said shyly as he undid his pants. "You really want me to..."

"Uh-huh," Salt repled, tailwagging a bit. "I've practiced, so don't worry about hurting me. I'm surprised you haven't done this..."

"It's... not usually my thing." He said softly as he lowered down, ackwardly pushing his shaft against his new friend's tailhole. It pushed back against him, warm, soft, and exceedingly strong. Salt peered back with a smile and nodded.

"That's okay..." he pushed his posterior back, squeezing at Celeste's tip. "I'm clean. I've lubed. I'm always ready for an encounter like this..."

He raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it. Instead, he put his hands on the zigzagoon's hips and began to push. To his surprise, he had indeed been lubed, and the penetration was quite easy. He watched his pink shaft become engulfed by Salt's rump, and his eyes lowered a bit, he blushed as he felt just how warm he was. Salt let out a gasp as he pushed his hips back, sinking Celeste all the way in.

The zigzagoon didn't wait for him to start thrusting; he was rough on himself from the start. He squeezed down, hot, tight insides now pulling on Celeste's shaft. The Raichu threw his head back and let out a soft 'raiii...' as he let himself go and matched Salt's thrusts. In, out, his cock pistoned... over and over as he caressed and squeezed the boy's sides. He reached down with a paw to stroke at Salt's obvious erection, and as he did, the other male's thrusts grew sharper. Into his paw, the thick cock slid, and out drew Celeste... then back, he drove into Salt again, and his paw stroked again. He thrusted, harder, faster, little tongue hanging out.

Celeste wanted Salt to cum, and it didn't take much. Between his fondling paws and incessant, uncontrolled thrusting, he climaxed. The zigzagoon's cock jumped in Celeste's paw, and he almost lost hold of it as his palm-fur became splattered. The rest dripped to the floor. As he came, his posterior became incredibly tight, his body warmth increased... Celeste took a few more ackward thrusts before he finally let go and what cum he had left from today poured into him. He snuggled him a moment, the drew out, leaned back, and relaxed.

A few moments later, Salt recollected himself and nuzzled up against Celeste.

"Thanks, Lt. Com..."

"Don't mention it..." Celeste smiled ackwardly and nuzzled back against him. "Um, really, don't mention it... but it was fun. I'm just so tired..."

"Right, right, I'm sorry." Salt dipped his head. "I'll let you go. Let you get that second meal you wanted."

"Thank you," Celeste said and hugged the zigzagoon up. "And if you ever need anything, call me. That goes for anyone, but I don't want to be too swamped, kay?"


He left the afterglowy zigzagoon there in his sanctuary, a little ackwardly. After redressing, he headed back to the mess hall and sighed. The line had gotten immensely longer. As he slipped into line, a charizard behind him caught his attention and grinned as he squeezed the raichu's rump in his claws. He sighed and his ears drooped- this was going to be a long day.


Finally, after some miracle, Celeste managed to stumble back to Serah's quarters with a tray full of food. He couldn't even count the number of dishes on there, so he hoped that among them, she'd like one of them. As he got to the door, it swooshed open automatically. He startled, almost dropping the tray as he saw Sera packing.

"Oh, come on in..." she looked up at him and waved a paw. "Don't mind me, I'm just getting some things together for the upcoming trip."

"Trip?" Celeste repeated as he stepped in. Swoosh, the door closed behind him. He sat the tray on the table and sighed. "What do you mean?"

"We're about to reach Halson V, sometime in the morning. I signed on for the expedition, and I assume you're naturally going... you should pack too. Oh, thank you so much for the food..."

"No problem," the raichu grinned as she took right to the food, then sat down nearby and sighed. "Um, we need to talk, Serah. About a couple things. They're... good things. But I need to talk."

She smiled at him, though softly, behind a leg of turkey, and she nodded as she gulped it down. "I've some things to say too... we'll talk while you help me finish this?"

"Uh, sure..." Celeste nodded a bit and looked down at the food. "Sure. Talk."

"Right.... talk."

~End Episode~
To be Continued, as usual.

Ending Notes: As you know, there are only two episodes left in the story, and they're both plot ridden, although just as hot as the last four. Again, if there's anything you want to see before the season finishes, please make sure to PM me on the boards, or email me, or something, and I'll be sure to put it in! Afterwards, unless there's a huge demand for the fic, I'm putting it on hiatus while I work on school and some other, larger projects. Sorry, but that's the way it has to be. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a book to write.

Haa. Seriously, guys. Your readership is appreciated, and I'll respond to your reviews as soon as I get to finding out how to do that. ^^ Also, fanart is appreciatd, encouraged, and insisted, as usual. *shot* Hope you enjoyed the fic. Xx
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