AGNPH Stories

Jolteon 5 by sorai


Episode III

Author's Note: Well, inspiration has hit again. And this is a different inspiration than grabbing your neighbour and pinning them to a wall, or pulling out the porn folder and... well, you get the point. I'm still having high hopes for this fic. Big dreams. However, I need you few readers to support me in your utmost! o_o This means donations *shot* no. I need brain donations. Suggestions. If there's something you want to see in the story, let me know in a review or message. If I deem that it fits in well and would be good for the smut-rating, I'll go forth and do it! I will give you credit for the character/idea, although I'm very hesitant to take other people's characters. (As far as these lemons goes, the only ones I'll risk suing me/throwing a fit is the big N, and we're protect from that. Better be. *eyes Doc* Benefits, benefits!)

The requests... are still sitting here in a pile. And I'm almost done with my novel, so barring any unforeseen pushbacks, I'll be hitting them soon. To be honest, though... if you do want your requests that badly, you could bother me. So I know you still want them. ^^; I'm open to new ones, as well, but I'll be a bit more selective, and I can't promise time restraints. But hey, it's free. If you have a dream...

Without further ado, 

Jolteon 5
Episode III

By Earth standards, as denoted by the system, it was night. The bridge hummed quietly with the constant attention of machinery as the crew drifted into sleep. Or most of it, for that matter. May and Umi, those notorious for their exhibitionist tendencies enjoyed their privacy for the moment. Their uniforms lay spilled across the floor now and both of them rested against the computer in the little niche.

For the moment they simply rested. May, the umbreon, was already half asleep with her forehead braced lightly on Umi's. Her hands still trailed up and down the espeon's back, though, and she licked at her nose constantly. The red jewel on Umi's head flickered for a moment, and the umbreoness groaned in pleasure. Though her mate's hands were dormant on her posterior, she could still feel the sensations of her mind... those silky, ethereal fingers that squeezed and massaged her chest until she squirmed at the sensation.

Shouldn't we retire? May thought, knowing all well that Umi would hear it, and kissed her upon the lips. There's no one around, and we can continue somewhere a bit more comfortable...

Without removing her muzzle, Umi responded, her tongue brushing against the other's. 

I know, but there's something else we're waiting for... one more time, please..?

May's ears flicked back and she nodded, her hands now moving to settle on the espeon's hips. Their mouths parted briefly and the espeoness smiled as she drew up against her lover's body.
"Thank you..." she spoke this time. 

The umbreoness wasted no time in getting to work, but even in her haste, her movements seemed graceful. She licked at the espeon's neck, nudging against her with her nose until she craned, and then did she begin to suck upon her neckfur. All the while her hands descended, one clutching her lover by the waist, the other descending to her crotch.

She'd still been sopped from their constant previous affections, and her scent was still just as strong. Umi nibbled gently down her neckfur as her slender black fingers started to caress and squeeze May's mons, her fingertips delicately grazing and stroking her coral labia. Having brought her to climax so many times that day, she had to be most delicate to make it enjoyable. Her movements were graceful, not forced, but quick still. She stirred the espeon's tight folds and warmed them between her fingers, the tips teasing to push through her entrance in long strokes, but never quite reaching.

And when she sensed the moment just right, her fingers coiled to push the lavender fur aside and two of them gently plunged into her vagina. She gasped and clutched at May as she felt the palm against her crotch, and the hot, soft fingers brushed her most sensitive places. She bared her teeth and squeezed her legs, clinging close to her.

But she was not alone, either. Her hands still planted on the umbreon's rear pulled her closer, until their knees were interlocked. Still mounted on the computer, she had plenty of room to flick her two-ended tail up between them and begin brushing over May's slit. Her psychic attentions dwindled as may swiftly slid her fingers out and pushed them back into her, rubbing her moist tunnel firmly.

Unable to focus on that, she curled her tail up again and positioned her tail against May and pushed. She gasped audibly as one end slid right into her tight cunt, the other penetrating her long unattended posterior. The umbreoness moaned and her attentions became more sloppy, more erratic, but Umi grinned wickedly anyway. Now accustomed to the pleasure racked over her body, she pumped her tail in and out of May several times, causing her to lurch each time the tailends suck to their furthest and began to vibrate softly at the slight psychic stimulus.

"That's not fair..." May groaned as she slumped against Umi's chest, who purred. Despite the rare pleasure that she was receiving, the umbreoness still managed to stroke her fingers in and out of her, but the sensation was uncomparable.

May squirmed against Umi's warmth, unable to maintain her grace any longer, and she began to thrust instinctively against the tails. Her posterior and her hips clenched, quickly growing tense... in addition to the pumping, spinning tails deep within her, Umi had once again taken psychic hold over her, and it was hitting her in spades. She felt her lover's hands exploring her tenfold, massaging her rear, groping her chest, stroking her ears... all as her true attentions drove her to the edge of climax.

It happened all at once. She cried out and pressed against Umi, and Umi cried out as well. May's body shook as waves of pleasure took her and she came, vagina clenching down tightly on the tail, her ass numb with pleasure, her slick, shiny liquids dripping down the purple tail. And the espeoness moaned in pleasure as well, grabbing and pushing at her fingers. Every sensation that May had experience, she'd gradually been siphoning until her very climax in which she shared every sensation.

The pleasure died down and their breath slowed, leaving them only with the faint hum of the computers and the warmth of each other's bodies. They kissed once and left it there, only breaking when the doors suddenly swooshed open. May looked, but Umi didn't.

"Good early morning to you, Miss Serah," she said quietly.

None of them looked surprised, used to the psychic's antics, but Serah still shook her head in a blush.

"And you too," she replied as she walked over. She was wearing the very same dress that she had worn the night that she'd slept with Celeste, but the scents had been long washed off and it was quite clean.

"I... hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Of course not," May said with a smile. "You're always welcome here. Is something troubling you, darling?"

Any inhibitions Serah could have had with the two of them were washed away. She tilted her head a bit and sighed. "Well... um.... I'm curious, why do you always do it there on the monitors?"

May and Umi shared a knowing smile before the latter turned to respond.

"They're very warm," she said. "Amazing sensation. You should try it sometime. Now, I know that's not what you're here to ask. Something's really bothering you. Would you like to share, sweetie?"

Serah blushed and pondered that a moment. She moved closer, as if she could be more secretive- perhaps too close. She squeaked in surprise as May pressed her bare body up behind her and lowered her head to suck on her shoulder gently. No resistence emerged, though, as Umi slid down the shoulders of her dress and brushed her nose against the Furret's.

"Just relax... enjoy what's offered... tell us what's wrong?" 

She squirmed as her dress fell to the floor. May had slipped between her tail and her and now pressed her breasts against her back, her legs straddling her tail. She rubbed up against her affectionately and murred while Umi rubbed her shoulders reassuringly. 

"It's... ooh..." she trailed off as Umi's hands drew lower, now rubbing at her small, pert breasts, fingering at her nipples. "I'm too embarrassed to ask..."

The smile on Umi's face grew wider as her hands continued to lower, and so did she. By the time she'd replied, she was gently sucking at Serha's breasts and her hands were around her legs.

"It's that Raichu boy, isn't it?" she cooed against Serah's stomach. "You like him, don't you?"

Serah grew hotter by the minute, though it was more her face than anything. Still, May could smell her arousal staring to grow, and she ground her hips against the furret's posterior, slit grazing and brushing at the base of her enormous tail.

"I figured you knew, but I still couldn't say..." Serah looked down and sighed. "I just don't know what to do. He knows how I feel, but..."

"You haven't taken him as your own yet?" Umi said as her nose brushed across Serah's stomach. "Oh, darling, how could you? He's such a man. Sweet and beautiful to boot. If ever there was a male I'd offer myself to..."

"And I too," May cut in, her hands cupped over Serah's breast. "Were I not set with you, dear. He's so much more... different than a man... sometimes I wish he was a woman."

By now, Umi had settled onto her knees and brushed her fluffy cheekfur against Serah's crotch, catching small droplets of her moisture on her fur. "The point is, darling, that you like him, and he likes you... even if you aren't sure about things now, I'm sure they'll work out somehow."

"I guess... ooh!" she shivered as the espeon's cold nose brushed across her labia. "Um... I..."

"Are you okay with this?" Umi asked once, eyes gleaming as she looked up at Serah. The furret nodded shyly and she smiled as she resumed nuzzling against her crotch. "Good girl. I'm sure you'll land yourself a nice one... but let us take care of you for now."

Serah made to respond, but it melted into a moan as the espeoness' fine-grained tongue stroked through her thick fur and across her labia. She leaned back helplessly to May, who continued to hold her protectively, still rubbing herself off on the softness of her tail.

"She's right, you know..." May whispered between nibbles at the Furret's ears. "You both care for each other, so just enjoy it, and let things happen as they happen... who knows what will come up? Appreciate every moment..."

She nodded a little in response, her eyes drifting shut. Her legs rested apart, now against May's, who she relied on entirely for support. Umi dug her nose right into Serah, the cold nose sliding up and down her labia as her tongue probed deeper and deeper. Before long, her hips started to work against the espeoness' muzzle while she licked and sucked at her sensitive cunt. Umi smiled delightfully as she continued, and without a single mental stimulation, drove the furret girl to orgasm. She came quick, but she came hard, though she let out just a whimper. Her sex clenched about Umi's muzzle as she continued to lap up her liquids, muzzle becoming soaked in the process. 

They didn't stop their attentions, though they dwindled down to affectionate caresses as Serah lay panting against May. After what felt like forever, she pried herself off of the umbreon and retrieved her dress from the floor.

"Thank you very much, Umi, May..." she said shyly as she redressed herself. "For the advice and... um..."

"Don't worry about it," Umi laughed, already back in May's arms. "You're welcome here with us any time. Go on and get some rest, dear... you're absolutely tuckered."

Serah nodded and dipped her head quietly before retreating from the bridge altogether. Once she'd left, Umi kissed May again and sighed contently.

"Sweet girl," she said. "I could sense it in her... she really, really loves him, though she wont admit it..."

"You don't need to be psychic to know that," May laughed and kissed her again. "She loves him a lot. But not as much as I love you."

"Right..." Umi teased and slowly slid off of the console. "There's one thing you couldn't tell, though..."

"What's that?"

Umi grinned playfully and nuzzled up to the umbreon. "I sensed more than one life with her..."

"You don't mean..."


May smiled a little and hugged onto Umi tighter. "I'm glad I don't have to worry about that. Lucky girl, though... sometimes I wish..."

"Come on, it's late. We deserve a shower and a nice rest..."

May nodded and clutched the espeon's hand. Umi swept down and grabbed their uniforms before they too retreated to their quarters.


That night, though, they were not the only ones awake. Celeste sighed and lay buried against Kai's chest, enjoying the sensation of the captain's arms around him. As he licked up at his muzzle, he sighed.

"I just don't know what to do..." he sighed and squeezed the jolteon's sides. 

"You need to quit whining." Kai lightly cuffed Celeste over the ear and immediately fluffed his headfur. "Just ask her out. Snag her, whatever. I know you'll do it anyway, with a lot more whining involved. But remember, your mine, no matter what hussy gets her paws on you. So you'll always be coming up to the captain's quarters on these long nights." He winked playfully.

"Yeah, you're right..." Celeste sighed. "I wish there was some sort of... I don't know... but I can't see life... without..."

Kai cut him off by seizing his muzzle and pressing his lips to the raichu's own. For minute he kissed and caressed him, and held him tight beneath the red silk sheets. A gentle tingle leaped from Kai's tongue as it probed its way into Celeste's muzzle, wrapping around his own. The raichu's ears splayed back and he pushed one leg against Kai's. As he did, he couldn't help but giggle at the rock-hard erection that rubbed across it.

He broke the kiss and grinned up at Kai as he lowered one hand to clutch the jolt's shaft. "Need me to take care of this, captain?" he teased. The jolteon moaned and pushed right into Celeste's paw, the thick knot spreading his fingers out.

"You know me too well..." Kai murred at Celeste, who had already disappeared beneath the covers. He forced back a giggle as he turned and brushed his muzzle up against the cock, licking rapidly at the tip. Kai clutched the seats and rolled over, spreading his haunches wide to give the chu a better reach. 

Celeste settled between Kai's legs and placed his hands on his hips as he continued to administer him with his tongue. He nuzzled teasingly at him, licking his balls gently, and up his crotch, until every inch was shiny and slick.

"You tease..." Kai whined as Celeste continued to suck at the very tip of his muzzle. The raichu couldn't help but laugh, earning himself a sharp but playful zap in the rear. On that cue, he pushed his lips over the thick, red shaft and began to suck while his lips slid right down. Kai groaned and pushed gently until he felt the round of the knot brush against Celeste's muzzle, and stopped.

Celeste meanwhile contended himself with drinking down every drop of thin pre that Kai produced, and it was a lot, indeed. He fed electricity through him slowly, and it built, the warm tingling rushing through Kai's body. Soon, he had his hips bucking a bit, cock swelling still as Celeste went down on him.

"That's better... mm... gah, you're amazing, sexy tail..."

Celeste squeaked around the mouthful of jolteon cock as he felt Kai groping his posterior through the sheets. He wagged his tail and continued on, daring to push the knot into his maw, spread widely so not to graze his teeth on the sensitive flesh. Soon the wide knot settled into his muzzle, the very end pushed into Celeste's throat. His breathing went shallow, but quite well practiced, he sucked on the whole of Kai's cock, knot and all. The pre trickled down his throat, which squeezed and gagged at times, and left Celeste panting for air, but he stuck with it. His tongue lashed up and down the sensitive flesh and he encouraged Kai's thrusts with his hands, kneading and pulling at his haunches.

"Mmm... Cel!"

Kai moaned out and thrust forward firmly, clutching Celeste's head. His cock gave a fierce leap against the roof of his mouth and Celeste choked again, punctuating the jolteon's orgasm. The electricity flew and the buffers on the bedside absorbed them with a blue glow as the thick, sticky liquid poured down Celeste's throat. He cautiously opened his mouth and pulled it out a bit, still drinking down the slightly salty, extra saltly, hot and delicious jolteon cum. While his mouth nursed hungrily at the end of the shaft, he clutched the knot and base and massaged it until every last drop had been swallowed, save for a little that he dabbed across his face. As soon as Kai started to relax, he pulled Celeste up into his arms and hugged him close.

"I couldn't stand to lose you..." he sighed and purred, nuzzling him affectionately. "You're too good... and too goddamned amazing..."

"I know," Celeste laughed a little and kissed Kai, licking his lips several times. "I couldn't leave you either. I'm staying with you on this heap of junk whether you like it or not.."

Kai smirked and rolled atop Celeste, pinning him to the bed.

"Oh, I'm quite sure I like it..."

Celeste laughed and sighed, clinging to Kai as he sighed happily.

After all... I couldn't want more.


A few hours later, Celeste rolled over in bed. He groaned a bit, worn out from the previous night; and in the end of it all, Kai slept heavily, with a faint snore (which was more like a purr) and his limbs sprawled about the bed. The raichu couldn't help but smile as he redressed himself and quietly left the room.

As he did, he noticed that the world was a little hazy.

Maybe I'm just adjusting to the light...

He rubbed at his head faintly, fighting the fatigue and the headache as he passed the metal walls. The consoles and the doors went by, but the elevator never seemed to come. His vision never cleared- rather, there was a faint, sweet smell in the air... and there was a green haze that nearly escaped the eye. There was also a large bulge in Celeste's pants, which he was trying to ignore.

As he turned the corner, he felt a sudden rush of electricity as he smacked straight into someone. Looking down and about to apologize profusely, he realized it was Becca. Though he opened his mouth to say something, he didn't get the chance.

She pulled him down and kissed him with one hand, the other groping his crotch. As soon as he managed to pull away, he shuddered.

"W-what do you want?" he growled. "I thought we weren't going to be dealing with each other any more?"

The flaafy smirked and huffed, her wool shifting. Though she wore her uniform still, her pants were all the way unzipped, and there was nothing standing between Celeste's eyes and the her fluffy pink fur.

"Oh, you know what I always want," she said, her tail flicking back and forth with a zap on each turn. "You want it too... can't you feel it? It's the middle of the night... no one is going to see us... so get on your knees and beg."

Celeste stumbled backwards as Becca sent another surge of electricity through his body, and this one was more intense. It shook him with pleasure, one that he wasn't expecting, and his throbbing erection pressed painfully against his pants. Despite his feelings, he felt strangely inticed.. inclined by Becca. She cooed and kissed him again, pinning him to the wall, and this time he didn't even resist. 

He couldn't think- not one word even crossed his mind, the sensation and smell was too strong. Becca pushed her hips against his and pressed her bare crotch to his, and the wetness seeped through, against his needy cock.

Celeste tried to shake it off, but only a moment of consciousness took him over before he fell into it again, and followed obediently as Becca took him to the middle of the hallway and pushed him down.

"Becca... Um..."

"Shush, Chu boy," she said, though her voice dripped with affection. Once she released his shoulders, she pulled down her pants next and stradled his nose. It pushed through her fur and up against her sex, where the scent of her arousal and that of the air was far to overpowering. He whimpered a bit and started to lick at her.

"Yesss..." she moaned and grabbed his head with both hands. "Keep doing that..."

Celeste flinched at the powerful burst of electricity that went through him, but continued slurping at her dripping cunt obediently. The scent, the taste, the feeling was incredible. His whole body was on fire with the sheer lust as he continued to satisfy her urges, muzzle pushing harder and harder between her legs, until he was sure that he would drown in her very vulva. Each time she moaned he wanted to please her more, and each time he pleased her, he needed it. 

He didn't mind the footsteps from the opposite direction until Kai stood behind him with arms folded, smirking.

"Now I thought you didn't like this chick?" he said as he idly stroked his erection. Celeste blushed brightly, stricken by reality, and looked back, away from Becca's heated pussy.

"Kai!" He said. "This isn't..."

"Oh, shut up and keep working..." Becca yanked his head back against her crotch and purred softly as he went to work again, tongue lashing rapidly. As much pleasure as she endured, as much as she dripped with desire, she couldn't orgasm. She cocked her head at Kai and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you waiting for, sparkbutt? I'm sure Chu boy here would love it if you rode him like a wild horse..."

Kai considered that for a moment, and grinned. Even though he too was taken by the sudden urges, he would have done it anyway. And that added to his enthusiasm as he pounced at Celeste's posterior, causing him to squeak loudly as he slid the uniform right down. 

The Raichu made to respond, but his words were muffled with the sweet taste of Becca's honey. Again trying to quench those desire, he continued to lick and nibble at her, and even shock her, and she shocked back hard. Kai shocked too, and though Celeste could not see him, he could feel as the jolteon's body bore down on his. His muzzle rested on his back; his hips ground against his, and that familiar erection pushed through the cleft of his rear intently.

"That's right.." The flaafy moaned even louder and she massaged Celeste's shoulders as she watched Kai take him. "Fuck him... fuck him hard... fuck him until he cries for mercy and then fuck him some more!"

Celeste's ears folded back at that remark, tongue sore from each labored stroke into Becca's sweet tunnel. And he moaned loudly as Kai grabbed him tightly and thrusted true, forcing his cock deep into the Raichu's tailhole Becca grinned and released a heavy bolt of electricity that enveloped them all, and Celeste's body tightened. Were it not for that, Kai would have tied with Celeste that very second, but instead, the knot braced against the raichu's undertail muscle as his erection throbbed within him.

The mass of pleasure continued as Becca bore down on Celeste, and Kaisoku did as well. It was different than last time- Celeste couldn't feel guilt, or even think- he just wanted Becca to cum. To soak his face and call him dirty names, and he wanted that more from Kai.

Kai delivered, and in spades. The tightness didn't stop him long, and as Becca allowed him to relax a little, the jolteon pounded away. Celeste whimpered a little as Kai stuffed him time and again without mercy, his whole body sweltering with every sensation. Then with one determined thrust, he drove the knot in, fully developed, and Celeste would have cried out had Becca not have thrust his muzzle full force against her.

Finally, she came. In fact, she came right as Kai did, and it was no coincidence. Almost as if she could feel the sensation Celeste felt, she came hard, and the raichu choked on her honey as he tried to swallow it. The Raichu's sore rump was no hinderance for the sheer ecstasy he felt as Kai's hips locked against his. He squirmed and pushed back, trying to push the enormous shaft deeper into him, knot and all, as the trapped phallus poured more semen into him than he could ever imagine.

His hips shook. His breath drew shallow. He thrusted at thin air and his cock, straight against his chest, fired too. The cum came and kept flowing, splattering across the floor, across his chest, and Becca's pants. They continued to grind against each other ravenously until weakness and numbness took over them. Kai fell back, pulling out of Celeste with a gush of cum; Becca slumped back against the wall, holding her paw against her crotch, absolutely soaked. And Celeste fell to the floor, covered from head to toe in cum, purring giddily.

As time passed, they didn't move much. The haze seemed all the much stronger, but their weakness kept them from falling into it again. Becca lifted and eye to Celeste and grinned.

"I don't know what came over me..." she mumbled. "I didn't plan on screwing you, but I couldn't help it..."

Celeste was too enraptured to move, simply pawing a little at the floor as his tail swished back and forth. Kai, though, stood up and pulled his clothes together, surprisingly clean. He nodded.

"I'd do that again in a heartbeat," he nodded. "But something is weird about this. I'm going to the bridge to investigate." He looked at Celeste cautiously and sighed, trying to ignore the inevitable arousal. "For the love of god, take care of him for once. That's an order."

"Sure thing, Cap," Becca gave a salute as he walked by, then smiled at Celeste, who was still unaware. "Poor thing certainly has earned it..." 


Kai dashed through the doors onto the bridge, heart pounding. The haze was all over the ship, and was especially heavy in the main room. May and Umi were all over themselves at the second station monitor- no surprise there. Thankfully, no one else was in the room, except Kuro, who looked as stoic as always. 

"Thank goodness you're alright," Kai sighed and clutched the edge of his computer. "Can you tell me what the hell is going on? You monitor this crap, right?"

The growlithe's eyes glinted, and he smiled faintly. "Things have been getting weird ever since we've headed towards that spacial distortion." He explained, but before he finished, he grabbed one of the jolteon's paws and forced it into his pants. Kai yelped as his fingers became forcefully wrapped around the growlithe's pulsing shaft, but he quickly agreed and began to squeeze and stroke at him.

"So what do you propose we do about it?" Kai moaned as Kuro's hands slipped under his uniform and began to squeeze at his tailend. "We can't exactly blow up a mist."

The fire puppy simply shook his head and thrust into the Jolteon's paw, already leaving them sopped and dripping. "I say change course before this gets any worse." He shrugged his shoulders and moaned as he pushed eagerly between the Jolteon's kneading fingers.

Soon the other hand joined, and Kai began rolling Kuro's hefty balls in his hand. He held back a growl as he began to sloppily undo Kai's pants and reveal his own awaiting shaft. Instead of grabbing it, though, he undid his own pants and held his crimson shaft against the jolteon's. Kai looked down and smiled back up at him slyly.

"Don't tell anyone about this..." he muttered. "But you need it..."

Kuro simply nodded in agreement as he dragged Kai over against him. The two of them took their throbbing shafts in each other's paws and held them together as they squeezed and stroked. Together they moaned, grinding against one another as they sopped their paws with each other's juices. Kai bucked his hips, sliding his tip to bump against Kuro's knot. He could feel the needy throbbing, though neither of them were quite as possessed as they had been previously.

Kuro wrapped his legs around Kai possessively and continued to thrust, growl gradually building until he finally came. His seed poured out, much thinner than Kai's, but just as plenty. It splashed in the jolteon's paws and across his stomach, and he took that to smear his own shaft as he finally came against the growlithe. They panted a moment and when the orgasm finally wore off, they regarded each other for a moment.

"Maybe..." Kai panted. "We should change that course now..."

"Yeah..." Kuro nodded. "... maybe..."

The growlithe smirked before he pushed Kai onto all fours.


Celeste stumbled through the corridors, half dressed, and still a total mess from the previous encounters. He forgot what floor he was on, too- as soon as he'd recovered, he left as soon as possible. Becca was too preoccupied with pleasuring herself, so she didn't notice his flight. Now, though, he lingered in the seemingly endless hallways, still held beneath the intoxication of the strange haze. 

As he continued to walk, he felt a sudden since of déjà vu.

Now where have I seen this before? he thought as he passed a series of quarters, and then froze. This was the very hall he had returned Serah to the night of their encounter. He panicked, felt guilt, desire all at once, and they all swirled his stomach into a knot. Just as he minded to bolt, the doors swished open, and Serah stood there, looking at him, stunned.

"Oh, Celeste!" She gasped. "Are you okay?"

To his surprise, she didn't ask any questions. Instead, she grabbed him and hugged him tightly, pressing his muzzle right up against her breasts.

"I was going to go look for you, but I'm surprised to see that you're right here." She smiled and wagged her enormous tail before coiling it around him. "Good for me. Would you like to come in?"

Celeste gulped and pulled back a bit to look up into her eyes. "S-sure!" he said, sighing heavily. The desire to breed was overrun with his concern for her, especially as she pulled him inside the room.

The doors swished shut behind them, and Serah locked it. The room was surprisingly like his, except instead of blue everywhere, her room was furnished in red and black. She led him straight to the bed and he thought she would pounce him right there, but instead, she sat beside him and held his hand in her own.

"I think we need to talk," she said, and as she did, pulled him to lean against her. 

He smiled and accepted the attention eagerly, cuddling against her. His erection throbbed in his pants, used as he was, and he prayed she didn't notice.

"Yeah, we do," he said. By now, she'd curled an arm around him and used the other to lift his muzzle. "There's something I want to..."

"There's something I want..." she said as well as they drew nearer. Celeste screamed on the inside- the strange feeling was already overtaking them. He wanted to ask so much... to tell her everything.

"I want you..." was all she said.

All of his thoughts vanished as she kissed him. He kissed back- and this time, there were no doubts. Even as the strange aphrodisiac ushered him on, he still knew it was her- he WANTED her, and she wanted him. It went all the faster for it.

She continued to kiss him and grope at his form with much more enthusiasm than the last time they'd met. He clung to her almost helplessly as she helped him out of the sticky uniform, and by the time she'd reached her own clothing, she simply tore the dress off and threw the remains across the room.

They hit the bed with a thump. Celeste squirmed with glee as he felt the caress of her bedding, the silk sheets even deeper than his own, the pillows more numerous, all so deep that he thought he could get lost in it. And her, her body pressed tightly against his, lips intertwined... his heart nearly leapt out of his chest.

It was slow at first, despite the passion that drove their bodies together. She stroked his fur, and he groomed her as they grew closer and closer together. Her enormous tail looped around him and pulled him as tight as it would go, and he returned it, the thunderbolt tucked neatly underneath the end of hers.

The furret then took the leap and grabbed Celeste's shaft. He thrust right at her, and she giggled as she stroked and caressed it obsessively. Now, though, he had more courage before, and his paws descended intently. He grabbed her crotch, groped and rubbed with the intention of pleasing her, making her cum, right then and there. 

Serah didn't, but she did well soak his paws as he matted the fur down. Her paws squeezed and jerked at him, bringing him closer and closer until he very well started humping against her leg. She laughed happily, though, and frisked his paws away from her. 
With the back of her tail, she pushed his head right up against her bare breasts, a nipple digging into one of his cheeks. He turned and ran his tongue over it, making her shiver. She pressed his muzzle closer and he sucked at her soft-furred chest. The Raichu's paws never stopped exploring her, every sensation feeling as new as ever.

Serah carefully took his painfully hard dick and guided it flawlessly to her entrance. Still on her side, her hips sunk forward, and she pushed the swollen head between her labia, and wet as they both were, he slid quickly inside her. She gasped and panted, still unaccustomed to just how thick he was, but bucked her hips slowly, her slick, hot insides shifting and squeezing on his shaft.

They went at it crazily. Those few moments they first mated were deep sensations, and they shared the kindling of the fire that soon consumed them both. The heat brought them closer, and their bodies came together so fast that it almost stung. Celeste simply ceased his licking and pressed against her tightly as he drove into her, and she met him, crotch pressing firmly against his.

Hours seemed to fly by. Celeste lost all track of time as they made love, and every now and then he couldn't help but shock her. She shivered at the sensation and tightened, and he couldn't move for that moment, their bodies pulsing together as he hilted her again and again. 

The slurps grew louder and more lewd as she pinned him without shame to the bed and pounded her hips on his as if her life depended on it. Remebering one thing, she leaned down to his ears and began to lick at them as she whispered. 

"Cum in me, Celeste..." she whimpered. By now, her liquids ran down his shaft, and his presemen flowed almost infinitely into her as she grew nearer to his most sensitive place. 

"I want to feel you fill me to the brim..." she moaned softly into his ear and pressed her lips to the place on his inner lobe she new best, and kissed it lovingly, her tongue swirling. He lost it right there, though his electricity had nearly run out, only weakly zapping her. She tensed up nonetheless.

And it was incredible. Like it was their first time all over again, she clutched him until it almost hurt, her legs locked around his, her vagina spasming and squeezing as she came and came again, all over him. And he came more intensely than last time. She rolled back and held him as her climax continued, so that every drop of hot, sticky chucum he spilled would remain in her. Between the two of them, though, her labia were soon overflowed and dripping with their combined juices.

Sure enough, the lust subsided once more, and they cuddled one another lovingly. She wouldn't let the raichu go, either, holding him just as tight as the depth of their bonds began to show.

"That was lovely..." she whispered and nuzzled firmly at him. "Please stay with me more often..."

"Of course, Serah..." he replied and nuzzled back, gently zapping her. "But perhaps we should, um, clean up..."

She looked down at them, regarding their messy and sticky bodies for a moment before giggling embarrassedly. "Yeah... come on, let's go..."

The furret gently unwrapped herself from Celeste, and still shaking from their passions, started off towards the bathroom.

"I'll join you in a minute," Celeste called to her, still basking in the comfort of her bed. She rolled her eyes and grinned.

"Alright, dear... don't be too long."

I wouldn't miss you for the world... Celeste grinned to himself as he rolled back onto the sheets. Now, the haze was the furthest thing from his mind. Instead, he relived those few moments with her over and over as he drank her scent like an oasis.

Suddenly, a strange feeling overtook him. He recognized it immediately as being teleported, and the room vanished in an instant. When he reappeared, all he saw was the dimly lit wall of another ship, and then a beam hit him sharply in the back. He fell unconscious.


"Wake up, rat..."

Celeste stirred at the distantly familiar voice, his eyes opening. He tried to sit up to look, but he couldn't. He was bound tightly to a cold metal table. There he lie, restrained and naked, looking up in fear at the Persian who stared down at him.

"You!" The raichu yelled. "You! You're behind all this!? I thought you were..."

"You will address me as Master Grim," the persian said as he grazed a few claws across Celeste's cheek, taking a few fibers of fur with it. "And I would watch yourself if I were you. You're in my hands now..." he turned and gestured to a screen that showed the S.S. Deadweight drifting in space, near a large black cube.

"What is that?" 

"That," Grim explained, smirking. "Is the source of the anomaly, which you pitiful excuses for explorers walked right into. We designed it to make you overcome with desire... to forget everything in wild passion while you drifted in space. Meanwhile we figured out your shielding frequency and I beamed you aboard. Genius, is it not?"

"Vile is what it is," Celeste growled. "You think that you can get away with this?"

The Persian laughed and brushed his cape to the side as he stood menacingly over the raichu. Celeste gulped. He had to be at least eight feet tall, and though he was no muscle-cat, he was quite strong.

"I'm afraid I already have. I've already issued my demands. Your miserable captain hands over the secret weapon in exchange for your life."

Lightning leaped from Celeste's cheek as he growled. He let loose a full charge of lightning at the persian, but it simply was absorbed by his bonds and faded away. As he looked around confusedly, Grim chuckled and ran his claws over Celeste's chest.

"Don't think so," he chided. "I made this table special for you. Anything you try to throw at me will simply be thrown away. Now, I expect to be hearing back from..."

"Grim, you insolent kitten!"

Both of them froze and looked up at the screen. Where once the ship was displayed was now dominated by a large feline silhouette. Grim's ears pinned back and his lips curled, but he turned and bowed his head.

"Yes, mistress?" He said, incredibly smooth for his anger. Celeste tilted his head in confusion.

"Don't act like you don't know," the woman hissed. "Do you have the weapon yet?"

Grim sighed and folded his hands. "I'm working on it, M'lady... I will have results by tomorrow. You can't just tractor beam in something of that caliber..."

"Don't get smart with me! I expect you will take care of this quickly, or there will be repercussions. Next time I hear from you, it had better be good news."

Before he could reply, the screen went blank. Grim hissed and kicked the wall so hard that it echoed around the room. 

"What was that all about?" Celeste asked curiously. The persian wheeled around and glared at him. He gulped but continued. "It sounds like she's riding your ass really hard."

"You wouldn't know the half of it," he replied as he slunk nearer. "Why do you care, anyway?"

"It just seems like you're not happy here," the raichu said quietly. "What do you really want, anyway?"

Grim closed his eyes and lashed his tail back and forth. "You wouldn't understand even if I told you," he muttered. "It's none of your business. If you're going to suggest that I join you, you don't have a clue. You're a captive here and you'll listen to my every word, got it?"

A sly smile came over Grim's face that made Celeste shudder and pin his ears back. "Which reminds me... I haven't heard back from your friends yet. They must still be recovering, or some crap like that. Perhaps they need some incentive..."

Celeste whimpered audibly as the persian flipped a few switches on a nearby console. 

"I'm sure they'll be more convince when they witness your screams of agony."

"You wouldn't..." Celeste squirmed in his bonds. Grim's claws extended and flew up into the air. The raichu closed his eyes. But instead of the slash of claws, he heard the ruffling of fabric. When he chanced to open his eyes, the feline stood in front of him, nude, wielding a large tube of lubricant. Celeste shuddered and wondered what was about to happen when one of the long, white-furred fingers plunged into his tailhole, smearing it with heavy layer's of lubricant.

"My, haven't you been the slut lately," Grim growled as he pumped the raichu's tight tail a few times, then removed his finger and proceeded to dump more of the clear shiny lube on his penis. "This is not for your sake... I will not be the one suffering from burns... you'll still scream for me, trust me."

Celeste couldn't quite understand until he looked upon Grim's erect shaft. He expected as much, tall as he was, but his eyes widened in shock at the gigantic dick that stood proudly in front of the feline. It was large, even for his stature, and had to be at least a foot long, and with a thickness to match. But that's not what scared Celeste. Rowed on the head of the glorious cock rested row after row of spines that Grim stroked lovingly. 

"You... you wouldn't..." Celeste stammered as he gripped his already painfully spread hips. "I can't..."

"Oh, I know you can't..." Grim murmured as he positioned the fat end of his cock against the raichu's tiny pink tailhole. "But you will. Scream, kick, hurt yourself, but I swear, if you shock me, I will kill you."

Silence came over Celeste. Silence, at least until the persian plunged into him without warning. And without mercy.

Scream Celeste did as Grim plunged into him, the incredible slickness not even helping the pain as he stretched vice-tight around the shaft. A hiss and moan escaped the feline as he drove to the very hilt with as much force as he could, leaving tears in Celeste's eyes. He had to fight back against the urge to shock, and had he not depleted his charge earlier, he may not have been able to control it.

For a moment, Celeste thought he could handle it. Slowly, he began to adjust to the nearly numbing sensation of thirteen inches of persian cock buried inside his body. But then Grim yanked his hips and pulled back, causing Celeste to cry out again. He stretched again in a feeble attempt to accommodate the monster, but the spines splayed and raked across him as he pulled out. 

It did not cut, nor draw blood- merely scrape, but the tingling sensation was unbearable. But Grim didn't pay mind to the rodent's pain and pleas. Instead, he thrust harder and fucked Celeste without care, racking his body with the pains and pleasure all at once. He licked his lips as he stared down at the squealing, squirming rodent and murred as he felt the raichu's tight posterior fighting to pleasure him as soon as possible.

Slowly, though, pleasure began to overcome the pain. Something in Celeste liked Grim- he doubted his motivation, but he had a thing for predators. Serah stole his heart, and both she and Kai stole his dedication, but Grim stole the very lust from the darkest corners of his mind. He was being abused and preyed upon, and it felt so right.

Celeste's cries mixed with moans and the warm tears that poured down his face were those of pleasure. The persian didn't care that it wasn't torture any more, either- he'd made himself predator, and drove his shaft stubbornly into Celeste's rump again and again. The hot, tight sensation of his smooth, wet insides was too much, and soon he clutched the raichu harder. His balls churned and he pistoned into the raichu so hard he might have broken if his orgasm didn't come soon enough.

It did, and soon blast after blast of the feline's cum filled what room was left in the raichu's rump. He pulled back slowly and allowed himself to claim and fill him. Celeste whined and tried to buck, but his limbs strained against the bounds, and his penis simply jammed against his stomach as his cum flew across himself once more.

Grim pulled out, panting, grinning wildly with victory. He leaned down and began to lick the cum off of Celeste with his enormous tongue. Celeste was relieved and his body felt terrible, but inside, for a moment, he loved it. 

I want to belong to him... I want him to keep me as his little fucktoy so I can please him like no man or woman can... no one else can handle this...

His lust-blurred dillusions didn't last long. As soon as logic gripped his mind, he remembered Kai and Serah. Longed for the company so much that he almost burst into tears again. But before he could, blue light overtook him. The world disappeared. He heard Grim screaming faintly.


As soon as he had finished teleporting, he fell to a slump to the floor of the transporter room. Serah and Kai rushed up to the platform and picked him up carefully. He still yelped regardless, eyes cast to the floor.

"I'm sorry, Celeste..." Serah sobbed into his shoulder. "I should have stayed with you, protected you..."

Kai squeezed her shoulder affirmingly before wrapping both arms around Celeste as well. "Sexy tail here can handle anything, don't worry about him. I know he enjoyed it..." Kai grinned a bit, then lowered his gaze. "But I wont forgive that bastard for what he did to you. Goddamnit..."

He jammed his communicator with a paw.

"Kuro, set course for the enemy ship. Arm the goddamn creation cannons. Prepare to-"

"I'm sorry, Captain," Kuro interrupted. "The ship has already gone to warp. Disappeared moments after we beamed Celeste aboard."

"Smart one," Kai growled. "I'll still find him, and blast his ass. I'll never forgive him..."

Celeste shook his head and sat up, leaning against Serah. "Stop it, Kai," he pleaded. "I know he did some bad things, but I don't think he really is evil. There might be something that I can..."

Serah shushed him gently and helped him up with Kai. Together they supported him as they stepped away from the transporter.

"If you say that's true, I'll believe you," Kai sighed. "But I'll still never forgive him."

Celeste nodded meekly and looked down. He couldn't bare to look at Serah or Kai after what had happened. She kissed him once, though, and already he felt the warmth return to him.

"So how did you do it?" He asked, voice still weak. "How did you manage to beam me back?"

Kai sighed and grinned. "I'm not stupid, you know. When he had you, he figured he could just turn that gizmo off and we'd just fall right into his hands. But as he figured out our frequency, we figured out his in his idleness, thanks to Kuro. We were able to beam you out, but I wish it could have happened sooner."

"Thanks," the raichu said, smiling warmly. "You know, you're not so much an idiot when you really try."

"Thanks, I think," Kai grimaced. The furret gave Kai a gentle push and smiled.

"Why don't you get on those reports," she said. "I'll take care of Celeste, if you don't mind."

Kai shot a glare at her and opened his mouth to deny, but his gaze crossed the raichu, who looked at him almost pleadingly. The anger faded from his face and he nodded softly, stepping away.

"Sure, kid." He forced a grin. "You take care of him, though, or I'll make you pay for it. And Cel, remember what I told you. I meant it."

Celeste just nodded as Kai headed off. Soon, though, his attentions called back to Serah, who giggled at him.

"Let's get you a little rested." Suddenly, she lifted him up with both hands and carried him to the elevator. "We'll clean and dress you later. I promise I'll make sure you don't feel any pain. Maybe we should take you to the sick bay..."

"Tomorrow," Celeste blurted out, blushing brightly. "Um... I want to stay with you tonight."

She blushed too, but nodded and giggled as they entered the elevator. He rested against her in silence, pondering, until he realized her words earlier.


He was still naked. Serah burst into a fit of giggles as they headed towards her quarters. Celeste simply groaned, humiliated at the thought of being in such a state in front of the crew. But the furretess pulled him close, and he felt just fine in her warmth. 

Just fine... he thought to himself, smiling. Everything will be just fine...

~Roll credits~

End note: I removed two sex scenes because it was just getting ridiculous. But don't worry, they've been put forward to episode four, not deleted! The plot thickens, but not as thick as the musk. Just what diabolical fate awaits our heroes? And just what wacky and/or sexual escapades await them? As many as I can write, you can bet your life on that- or maybe you shouldn't. You are encouraged to read, review, read again, and wank to your pleasure. n_n If you so desire. And now, I must sleep. Yes, I typed this all in one run. If it needs revision, I'll get right on it, but I don't want to hold this one back from you. Love to all, your local Azumarril pervert.

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