AGNPH Stories

Someone Special on R&R Ranch by hamos


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon and all publicly recognized characters are the property of their owners. I am in now way associated with Nintendo or GameFreak, ect. No copyright infringement is intended.

Someone Special

Pokemon farms are not all the same as some people may think. There are different people waiting to greet you and different pokemon enjoying themselves to the best of the befits that they have. So it's easy enough to say that this farm is one of those places where you find odd and unusual things. This farm contains average pokemon anywhere from eevee's to a leafeon. However, there is one glaceon..."she" is not a normal pokemon. She stands on all fours and looks mostly like a normal glaceon except for the fact that she is quite a bigger then any other eevee evolution out there. She is not fat, quite the opposite in fact. She retains the curvatures that only female human and female human shaped pokemon have. Also she has other features that no other four legged pokemon have. She has an abnormal number of breasts. Instead of the normal eight that most four leggeds have, she has six. Also instead of them being all the same size that a pokemon should have, they are much larger and no two pairs are the same. The first pair located right behind her front legs on her chest were the equivalent to D size breasts. The second pair were about the same size as human C size breasts. And the last pair which were located on her lower abdomen were around the size refereed to as B size breasts. All of which are on a scale according to her body size. All of them are succulent and juicy, waiting for what they want. The biggest pair have nice large nipples that point outward of her plump round breasts. The second pair almost exactly the same, just smaller in all proportions. The smallest were the most of that closest to her natural look. Firmer, less shapely and pointier with the her teats just peaking through her shiny and elegant fur that covered her raised furry domes. She was healthy and beautiful. Her name was Marine and she did not let her humanoid breast's or form get her down. In fact she took pride in them. It made her special and a little bit better then everyone else on the farm. She was a little snobby about her body but the emotion didn't overwhelm her kindness to others. Marine was the name of this one of a kind glaceon. Marine has lived on R&R's Ranch just outside of Floaroma town in the Sinnoh region. The same town where a very ambitious young boy named Zack wants to work on that very same farm.
Zack, now a seventeen year old boy had his heart set on getting a job. Luckily for him a job was now being offered at Eve Pok'e farm. Zack caught sight of the help wanted ad in the paper. It asked for a young adult who was willing to work with and care for all the eevee evolution types. This young lad had once saved an eevee from a poacher's trap and always wanted one of his own. Considering he was going to move out of his parents house in a year or so, he thought this was the perfect opportunity to learn a little more about this pok'emon. Zack couldn't wait for his first day on the job.
He could now see the ranch around the corner. As he turned onto the driveway he could already see a group of eevee's playing by the fence just a little further up the driveway. As he approached them they quickly stopped what they were doing and ran to the fence yipping happily. He stopped of course and kneeled down to pet each one of them. As he got up and started to walk nearer to his destination he got the feeling that he was being followed. He turned his head and saw that the eevee's had been following him the whole time. Once they knew he had noticed them, they sat down on their rumps and wagged their tails. It was apparent that they had a lot of human contact. Zack smiled, turned around and kept walking with the dog like poke'mon following him every step of the way.
Zack hadn't been here before because he had called the owner about the job. Rachael, the owner of the ranch had told him that his first week would be to evaluate him on his performance and work ethic. If he could find a way to impress her then he knew that he was sure to get the job. She had, however, told him over the phone that as long as he showed her that he wanted to work then he would have nothing to worry about.
The fence stopped at a small barn wall and the eevee's could follow no further. They didn't hang around to watch him. They scurried off into the small field area where they had been playing at before. Zack climbed the three stairs that led up to the front door of the ranchers house. There was a sign hanging from the rope of a bell.

Zack: Hmm...What's this?..."For Assistance Ring Bell Five Times And Quack Like A Duck"

Zack pondered his thoughts for a minute or so. He assessed the situation and could not think of a more peculiar time in his life then this. Why would she want him to quack like a duck? Of course she couldn't be playing a trick on him could she? Nevertheless he needed the job, so he did as he was told and rang the bell five times. He waited to see if she would answer, nothing happened. He looked around, no one in sight. He looked back at the door and took a small breath.

Zack: 'Quack?'...

The door quickly opened and a lady stepped into the door way. She defiantly looked like she was starting to get old. She looked at him with a smile on her face. Even though she was standing in the shade you could see the sincerity and child like soul bright in her eyes.

Rachael: You are so gullible child. 'Chuckle' However, it does tell me too things. That your willing to do what your told and your open minded. Which is exactly what I was looking mindedness I mean.

Zack: Playing a joke on your new employee is quite childish you know.

Rachael: Yes, but it's still fun to do, would you agree?

Zack: Fully!

Rachael: Ah! I believe we are going to get along like two peas and a biscuit.

Zack: Biscuit!?

Rachael: Is there something wrong with biscuits?

Zack: No, I suppose not. However, I prefer the term "Like Rhubarb And Vanilla Ice Cream".

Rachael: Quite so and I believe that we shall have to make some at the end of today. But first, I will show to around. Your work will be devoted entirely to the pokemon. I can handle the rest, I just needed someone who would be willing to become my assistant breeder. Do you want to work with the pokemon?

At this point she had started walking to the much larger barn to the left of her house. It was approximately five times as large as the barn across from it at the end of the driveway.

Zack: Of course, this is after all a pokemon ranch.

Rachael: And what is your thoughts about becoming my assistant breeder?

Zack: I am actually very excited about the idea. Could I become a breeder?

Rachael: With training, always with training. However, if you love what you do then it's not work.

Zack: And I love being around pokemon, especially the eevee family.

Rachael: Well, then I guess this job is perfect for you then is it?

Zack: I suppose it is.

Rachael opened the large barn door to the massive barn next to her house. Inside looked exactly like a normal farm barn. There were stables, a hay loft and a tool closet far on the other end off to the right. Straight ahead at the end of the barn was another door leading out onto a separately fenced field then the one that Zack had walked beside leading up to the ranchers house. There was a variety of eevee evolutions on both sides of the barn. There was one in each stable filling up the entire barn. But what could not be seen was that every female in there had B size breasts. It was a physical trait that they gained after they had given birth.

Rachael: These are most of my adult pokemon.

Zack: Wow, how many are there?

Rachael: There are fifteen females on the left and twelve males on the right.

Zack: Why are they all cooped up in these pens?

Rachael: Because as a breeder I do breed my pokemon and mating season starts this week. I keep them in separate pens mostly to avoid fighting. I am a well known breeder in this town. My specialty is the eevee family. I can't have my friends tearing each other up just to prove who is the strongest and claim dominancy. My pokemon play together, they never fight nor do they establish who is in charge. That is why at this time of the year I separate them for their own good.

While Rachael was talking, both her and Zack had been walking down hall in the barn. Rachael stopped at each stable on the right and pet each one of the males. They all lifted their heads into her hand for her.

Zack: You too treat pokemon as an equal companion?

Rachael: Of course! Pokemon are sometimes smarter then us. They help as work, they are there when we are in trouble and they are there when you a hug. Most pokemon are more loyal then the average human. I trust them and thet trust me. I care for them and they care for me. That is why I am a highly respected breeder. Because everyone who has come to adopt one of them has given me everything from respect to thanks to a cherry pie that him and his flareon had cooked an hour before I received it.

Zack: I can see why, their coats are so shiny. They must be very happy and healthy. I must admit that I find myself having more in common with eevee's then I do with my class mates.

Rachael: Sometimes people don't understand differences and because of this, they are afraid. And what do most humans do when they are afraid of something?

Zack: They either run away or destroy it.

Rachael: That is correct! That is why for some, like myself, finding our best friends to walk on four legs.

Zack: Maybe that's why I want to be a breeder more then anything else.

Rachael: Maybe so, but nevertheless that's your dream, is it not?

Zack: Oh it is, I want it more then anything right now!

Rachael: Well it's a good thing your here then.

As they reach the end Zack caught an Eevee staring at him. He stopped and bent down next to the gate. He scratched behind the eevee's left ear. It yipped in response.

Zack: Well I'm glad you like it!

Rachael turned around and watched curiously as Zack made a new friend. Zack petted the eevee's head and got up. The eevee yipped at him while it still had his attention.

Zack: Your thirsty, well I'll get you some water. Rachael where is the water spigot?

Rachael pointed to one near the tool closet. At that point Zack had picked up the eevee's water bowl and headed over to fill it up with water. Rachael watched intently, intrigued by the situation. Once Zack had filled the bowl up with water and walked carefully back over toward the barking pokemon. He gently set it back down in the position it had been before he had taken it. The eevee lapped happily at the cool brisk water, getting some in his nose at one point and sneezing. Afterward the dog pokemon went right back to drinking the water that Zack had provided. Zack smiled and stood back up.

Zack: There, all better now.

Rachael: You can understand what they are saying?

Zack: I don't quite know what their saying but I can usually pick up on the meaning.

Rachael: Well you'll come in more handy then I thought you would. Now taking care of every pokemon on my ranch may seem like a lot of work. However, once you get all your tasks down and if you'll enjoy it as much as I do then I believe you can handle it.

Zack: I don't mind doing a lot, I'm here to work.

Rachael: You can have fun too, this isn't a box office. You have freedom here and I insist that you get to know the pokemon here a little better. Play with them, your not gonna be whipped for play tag with the pups.

Zack: I how do I care for them?

Rachael: Ah, so you finally want to know the specifics of your duties to the pokemon. Well feed them, make sure their water bowl is always full. I think a smart boy like you knew that was going to be on the list.

Zack: Well I had believed that taking care of them had included that. I was just pensive about where your food and water bowls were.

Rachael: 'laugh' Ah young lad I do believe I am going to enjoy your company.

Zack: Well good, because I most certainly enjoy yours!

Rachael: Now you will also be grooming them all too. It's not as hard as you may think. However, do you know what the grain of a hair is?

Zack: Yes ma'am!

Rachael: When grooming, always go with the grain, never against. If your doing it correctly then they will push into the brush. Sometimes they will need to have their fur trimmed and washed. Don't cut their claws! Just to tell you, you will not find any clippers on my ranch. When washing their fur use the soap in the closet. I make it myself and I'll show you how to make it too someday. Now you've seen these trouble makers here, there is also six adolescents beyond that door there and there are about ten pups that play in that area next to my driveway.

Zack: Yep, I've met them. They seem to be quite well trained.

Rachael: Which beings me to another chore that you will be helping me with.

Zack: Training of course!

Rachael: You bet! However, training pokemon have two different meanings here. You will train them to have manners, basic commands, house training, things like that. But you must also teach them to use their powers, help them to defend themselves like in a battle. I suppose you understand what I am saying?

Zack: One hundred percent!

Rachael: Then you will also know that one may not be able to accomplish this on a everyday basis. So I expect you to get as much done and then pick up where you left off the day before.

Zack: I can do that. Truthfully, I can't wait! I can already tell, just from the feeling of this place, that it's going to be like a second home.

Rachael: Well I guess if your gonna live here, then you should meet everybody.

Zack: Wasn't I going to anyway?

Rachael: I suppose...

Zack pondered his thoughts. He could not understand what Rachael had meant by "I suppose"? Rachael saw that Zack was staring at her with an almost dumbfounded expression on his face. She instantly smiled at him and with a gentle voice spoke to him.

Rachael: Are you ready to meet the rest of the family?

Zack: Yes, very much! Where to first?

Rachael: We'll go the other barn door and meet the teenagers as I call them.

Zack followed her through the big red wood door that she had been standing next to. She closed the door behind her. Zack saw the group of eevee evolutions not to far away. There was two flareon's, an espeon, a leafeon, and two umbreon's. They all were playing with a soccer ball. It looked like a game of keep away. All of them seemed to be having a great time. Then when Rachael whistled, they all came running over and brushed themselves up against her legs. Then they all sat down in a line before them. Rachael proceeded to introduce each one of them.

Rachael: This one here 'pointing to the flareon with a dark red fur coat' is Red, 'pointing to the flareon next to him with an orange fur coat' this is Brad on the count that he can sometimes be a brat, 'pointing to the espeon next to him' this is Mirror, 'pointing to the leafeon next to her' this is Green, 'pointing to the umbreon with a purple ring of fur on his head' this one is Shade 'pointing to the umbreon next to him' and her name is Moon. All of you, this is Zack. He is here to help me take care of you all for now on. I'm not leaving, I just can't do it all anymore so he is here to work and play with you all. Well...? Say hello everyone!

All at once they yipped in a happily manner toward Zack. Their tails were wagging and you could see the smiles on their mussel's, now knowing that they had a new friend to play with.

Zack: Hello everyone! I hope we all get to be the best of friends.

Rachael: Ok well, let's go check up on the little ones. See you all in a little while.

Zack: Bye everyone!

They all barked goodbye and sprinted off to play their game again. They didn't really care to see them leave. They were all to busy tripping over themselves trying to get to the ball first. Rachael Opened the gate in the fence that separated the pups from the adolescents. She closed the gate behind Zack and instantly all the eevee's ran their heart's out to get to them. The hopped, jumped, leaped, nuzzled and yipped at their feet. Rachael bent down closer to them and kissed each one on the forehead.

Rachael: Now you all need to calm down. You'll tire yourselves out to the point of exhaustion!

They didn't listen of course, so much energy and happiness coursing through their veins that nothing could stop them. However, both Zack and Rachael had to move on.

Rachael: Well I guess there is just one last part of the family for you too see.

Zack: Who is that?

Rachael: You'll see!

Zack was confused again and although he was sure that he would be glad to meet another pokemon here, there was something in the back of his mind telling him that there was something different about this one. Rachael led him through the gate that was next to the small barn. It brought them back to her house. They had made a big circle all the way around the ranch. Zack stood there waiting for more directions. He didn't know where they were going. He was sure that he had seen the whole ranch.

Zack: Where are we going?

Rachael: We are going nowhere, because we are already here.

Rachael walked over to the small red barn and unlocked the door. She smiled and looked at Zack who now understood. He knew that this particular pokemon must be very special to be separated from the rest.

Rachael: You coming?

She opened the door and stepped inside. Rachael held the door open, waiting for Zack to step inside.

Zack: Of course!

Zack stepped inside while Rachael closed the door behind him. He saw what was so special about this pokemon. Laying in the hay looking up at him was a glaceon. However, her form, although dog like, had human characteristics. Most noticeable from her position in the hay was her curves. So slender and elegant was her body. He stared into her eyes, they were wild and yet so intelligent. She got up not breaking eye contact with Zack. She walked right up to him with neither a smile or frown. She had an intense expression on her face. As she now circled him, searching his body up and down a smile grew on her face. It looked like a smile of relief and as she stopped in front of him she looked up into his eyes again. She nuzzled his leg and mewed happily.

Zack: H..hello too!

Rachael: Her name is Marine.

Zack: Hello Marine!

She yipped back at him but stayed there nuzzling his leg. Zack promptly set his hand on her head and scratched behind her ear. Rachael kneeled down with Zack in the hay.

Rachael: Marine is my prized possession. She is more beautiful then any other pokemon I have seen, would you agree?

Zack: Fully, but why does she have such umm...

Rachael: Big breasts?

Zack: Yes...

Rachael: I don't know, I found her as an abandoned pup out in the forrest. Until now no other human has seen her besides me.

Zack: Do you let her outside?

Rachael: Of course I do! We even go for walks in the forrest. It's just being so close to mating I need to keep her in here.

Zack: Why?

Rachael: Because she drives all the males wild and she also upsets all the females. Marine has got it in her head that she is better then all of them.

Zack: Have you ever bred her?

Rachael: I've tried, but she has rejected every male on the ranch.

Zack: Do you know why?

Rachael: I think it's because to her, none of them are good enough. That also brings me to your other chore. Every day you need to spend a couple of hours at the end of the day before you leave, here. You will feed and groom her, the usual. But mostly because I don't want her to get lonely, she needs to be cared for. So what do you think Zack, can you handle it?

Zack: I think it's great, I get to spend the day with so many different types of pokemon.

Rachael: Don't you forget, it's your job to take take of all the pokemon on the ranch now.

Zack: I understand.

Rachael: Now since the days almost over, I'll let you have time to get to know her and I'll she you bright and early here tomorrow. I'm heading in for the day, so goodnight you two. Zack, lock the door behind you.

Zack: Goodnight!

Marine crawled into Zack's lap and yipped at Rachael before she closed the door. Zack let his hand run over her back repeatedly. She cooed at his touch.

Zack: So you like that?

Marine: Mew

Zack: I'm glad. I can understand you just so you know!

Marine lifted her head and looked at him with an odd expression on her face.

Marine: Mew?

Zack: It's true, well I don't know what your saying, but I understand the meaning behind it. I was wondering if I could ask you a question?

Marine: Mew.

Zack: Why were you alone in the forrest when Rachael found you?

Marine: Mew...

Zack: I'm sorry that you were abandoned, but isn't living here ok?

Marine with her head hung low let it fall lower onto Zack's thigh with watery eyes.

Zack: I know that it must be hard but why do you take it out on the other pokemon here?

Marine get right in his face with an angry expression. There was fire in her eyes, she couldn't believe that he would say that. Zack was scared because he thought she was going to attack him for bringing her down then bringing in a rude subject in her time of weakness. She had every right to be defensive. She barked at him in an angry tone.

Zack: I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I didn't know they treated you like that when you were first brought here.

Marine stared straight into his eyes and gave a small smirk. She gave a proud look and barked at him again.

Zack: Oh..umm...I'm sorry that they are not big enough in the area for you.

Zack was now a little embarrassed talking about such things. Marine however had forgotten it and laid her head against his chest and wept. Zack felt calmer and patted her softly. It had been along time since Marine had forgotten her pride and opened up to someone. Marine in her current state didn't know what she was doing. She put a paw onto his left shoulder and licked his cheek. Her tongue ran slow and compassionately along his skin. She pulled away to look into his shocked eyes. Her pupils went wide, she realized now what she had done. Redness spread across her aqua colored face. She looked away in embarrassment. Zack's face too had flushed a deep shade of red. However, even with his red cheeks he was able to understand why she did it and his mind and body slowed itself down to a content state.

Marine: Mew...

Zack: It's ok...I understand. You don't have to be embarrassed. I'm here to take care of you, I'm here to be your friend.

Marine: Mew?

Zack: If you need me, I'll be there.

Marine: Mew.

Zack: I got to head home now ok. I'll see you tomorrow!

Marine: Mew!

Zack: Bye!

Zack got up and headed home. He made sure to lock the door behind him. On his way home he thought about what it felt like when Marine licked him. He had liked it, a lot! He had to shake it off and get a good night's sleep because tomorrow was his first work day and he had to be ready so he could give Rachael a good impression. With a little luck he might be able to keep this job and care for the pokemon on the ranch every day from now on.

The next day Zack arrived right on schedule and went right to work refilling the empty bowls in both barns. The pokemon in the barn were all still sleeping, even Marine was asleep. The pokemon outside on the other hand had been awoken by the sun. They quickly ran to eat their breakfast once Zack had got to them. After he had fed all the pokemon he traveled back onto the field were the rowdy teenage pokemon were now playing soccer between their two goals near the back fence. Zack joined in and became the referee. However, after being tackled on three occasions and hit with the ball at least five times he thought that it was time to go groom the pokemon in the barn. Beside the fact that he had to wake up each individual one and drag them into the tub, it was easy and fun to clean them. Some even liked to play in the tub and splashed Zack with water. He didn't mind one bit, he was having fun. Cleaning their lower regions at first was embarrassing and hard to do with a steady hand. After a while though, he got used to it and each of them seemed to enjoy being washed as well. The water was luke warm so they didn't shiver or sneeze. Drying them off proved to be a harder task once it came time to wash the younger ones. They didn't still still because once they were done they just wanted to go back out and play ball. So before he dried them he taught every single one of them to sit still. At least long enough to dry them off and move on to the next pokemon.
By the time he had finished washing the pups it was past lunch time. Zack walked into the house to find lunch already there for him. Now cooled off, he sat down at the table with Rachael to eat their pot pie.

Rachael: So how is your first day going? I saw you out there as soon as I woke up.

Zack: Good, a little wet but good! I have a question.

Rachael: Shoot for it!

Zack: Why did you only tell me the names of the young ones and Marine?

Rachael: Because the adults in the barn won't be around long enough for you to remember all their names and the pups don't have names yet.

Zack: Oh, well that explains it. But that doesn't explain why this pie tastes so good!

Rachael: 'laugh' It's because it's an old family recipe and I have never changed it. Took my dad a while to perfect.

Zack: Well my thanks to him as well for his masterpiece!

Rachael: It was my pleasure to fix it up for you. So what do you have left to do today? It's already past one o'clock.

Zack: I just have to go and see Marine for a while now.

Rachael: That reminds me, mating season started today.

Zack: Is that why there is a weird smell in the barn now?

Rachael: Yep, it's the scent of musk and heat! I will be tending to them from now on till mating season is over.

Zack: Ok, that's fine with me.

Rachael: Since your schedule will be kind of free tomorrow, I was wondering if you could take Marine for a walk in the forrest? I think she would like it a lot to get some fresh air and spend more time with you.

Zack: I sure can!

Rachael: Just feed the others and take her out for the day. It'll be good for her!

Zack: Will do ma'am! Well thank you for the meal, I guess I'm off to see Marine.

Rachael: Ok, I'll be in the other barn if you need me. Other then that, I'll see you tomorrow and good job today!

Zack: Thank you for this opportunity!

Rachael: Your very welcome!

Zack headed out the door and off to the small barn. He unlocked the door and found Marine waiting for him. Just as he closed the door Marine and jumped on his back. He fell to the ground. She started tugging on his shirt. He knew she wanted to play, so he flipped over and attacked her. They tussled, ran and played for more then an hour until they were both exhausted and Zack fell on top of Marine. He had just knocked her over and now they were both panting. Zack raised his head and looked into Marine's now vulnerable eyes. He smiled with playful honest eyes and slowed his breathing. Marine's pupils were wide and she stared into his. She grasped both of his shoulders and gave him the same compassionate lick on the cheek that she had given him the night before. Her eyes closed, just as before. She opened them slowly and saw the same shocked face that Zack had given her last night. Zack got up off of her and moved away. This had hurt Marine more then Zack would have guessed. She looked at him with tear filled eyes.

Marine: Mew...mew

Zack: No, I don't hate you. It's just your we're not suppose to do that. Do you understand?

Marine nodded her head slowly and nuzzled Zack's leg. She licked his hand in apology. Zack pulled it away and hugged her softly. He felt so warm to her, she loved the feeling. She had known him only a short while. But he has been the only male to actually treat her with respect understanding. His embrace felt so right to her. However, as soon as it had happened, it ended.

Zack: I need to go home now. I wish I could spend more time with you...that's right! We got the whole day together tomorrow. Rachael is taking care of the pokemon in the barn, so all I got to do is feed the youngsters and then I'm taking you for a walk in the forrest for the day. Would you like that?

Marine: MEW!

Marine's tail wagged back and fourth so so fast she almost lost balance. You could see the excitement in her eyes. Zack walked over to the door and turned around to look at her.

Zack: Get some sleep, I'll see you early tomorrow morning! Good night!

Marine: MEW!

Zack opened and closed the door, locking it before he left. Now thoughts were flying though his head, all of them about Marine. What was he gonna do, he had developed feelings for Marine and he knew it. What he didn't know is that Marine's heat started not too long after she fell asleep that night.

The next day Zack woke up a couple minutes early. He made himself breakfast and headed off to the ranch. The walk felt shorter then it ever had before. Probably due to the fact that he was still thinking about Marine. The way it felt when she touched him, he just couldn't get it out of his mind. He was already at the red wood door. He almost stepped inside to get the pok'e food out of the closet when he finally noticed that a bag of it was blocking the door. Rachael had put it there last night that way he could just simply carry it around the ranch to feed the pokemon. There was also a spigot on the outside of the barn on the other side. He had noticed it yesterday and used it to fill the water bowls for all the young eevee evolutions on the ranch.
Without really thinking about it, Zack had picked up the bag and started his daily routine. He had fed almost every single pokemon on the ranch in under a half hour. The only one left was Marine, and he was gonna be headed there anyway.
Zack unlocked the door and stepped inside as he always did. He found that Marine was already waiting there for him anxiously. Once Zack had stepped inside he was hit by a beautiful smell. It was the most exhilarating aroma he had ever inhaled. It played tricks with his mind, and everything around him seemed to get more exciting. Marine looked at him slyly, she knew exactly what was happening to him considering she was the one causing him to do so.
Zack poured her food into one bowl and water into the other. Marine walked over seductively and started eating. As she ate, Marine swung her tail from side to side allowing her strong scent to fill Zack's lungs. He could feel a very primal urge start to take over. He couldn't look at her anymore and the room started to get hot. Marine was wet with neediness and her snatch was swollen to a plump red with heat.

Zack: Are you finished eating?

Marine: Mew.

Zack: Good! So your ready to get some fresh air?

Marine: Mew!

Zack held the door open for Marine so she could step into the morning sunshine. The air was crisp and moist. The smell of dandelions and wet wood filled the area around them. There was a path leading into the woods on the other side of the driveway. Zack first closed the door and then led the way into the song filled forrest. Marine was staring at him the entire time. She had only one thing on her mind and she was determined to get it. The path was narrow and the light breaking through the holes left by the trees was just bright enough to illuminate their way deeper into the woods. After about thirty minutes of walking the two came to a small opening where the trees had not yet taken over. The pine needles covered the circular floor of the ground. There was a thin grass carpet underneath them. You could see some of the blades of grass just barely peeking through. Zack thought this would be a good place to rest and maybe spend some time at. The sunlight was warm to his skin and the humidity was just perfect. He sat down and leaned up against a soft mossy oak tree.

Zack: This seems like a nice spot to stop at for a while don't you think?

Marine: Yip.

Zack: Glad you think so! You can get comfortable if you choose or do as you wish, I don't mind.

Marine walked slowly up to him, a need in her eyes, her heart vulnerable again. Zack looked at her and had an idea of what she was doing. He would have stopped her but as soon as her front paw was set on his chest he couldn't move. He was frozen to the spot he was in, his muscles wouldn't allow him to move. Marine's face got closer to his and the air around him became very hot yet somewhat cold. She closed her eyes as she neared his lips. She rested her other paw on his left shoulder and she cocked her head a little. From the moment her chilly lips met with his a warmth swept over both of them. Marine's body stiffened and Zack closed his eyes. Marine could feel his heart pound harder beneath her paw. Zack didn't sit back while she kissed him. No, he was kissing her back with passion. He knew it was wrong in someway but he couldn't stop. He slowly pulled away and panted almost as hard as her. Marine could barely open her eyes. She stared at him and wondered if he felt the same way she did. Zack looked at her for a while, trying to fight against his morals which were quickly disappearing, was hard for him to do. He smiled at her solemnly which made her blush spread across her face. He gently grabbed the back of her neck and slowly brought her lips back to his. Marine murred in his grasp as her legs became dampened by her juices. Then he slowly slid his tongue inside her maw and wrapped it around hers. Marine meeped and her ears went up straight when she felt his hot tongue touch her shivering one. She moaned into his mouth and her ears went back. Both their eyes were shut tightly, enjoying the moment so immensely that Marines knees buckled and she fell on top of him. Zack made sure to hold his lips firmly against hers. As they broke the kiss Marine gasped for air, her eyes still closed and her head hung, she tried to gather some air. Marine yelped out when she felt Zack sink his teeth into the side of her neck. He started sucking gingerly at her open wound.

Marine: Mmmm.....Mew!

Zack held the other side of her neck with one hand while he traced the other one along her back and then along her curves. She couldn't stop murring, his touch was just to grand. I tingling sensation was left everywhere he touched. She uncontrollably arched her back once his started nibbling down her neck. Zack held her head in both hands and kissed her again caressing her tongue with his. He enjoyed all of her minty flavor. He broke it, falling back against the tree. He swallowed all of their combined saliva, the taste sensation so profound.
His eyes shot open when he felt a tug at his pant's, which were now unbuttoned. His eye's were narrowed to slits and his thoughts all led back to what she was doing. She slowly unzipped his now tight pants with her teeth. She then followed up with tugging his pants off completely. She looked up at him innocently as she used one of her front paws to slide his underwear off. She could now see his manhood in all it's glory standing straight up at more the seven inches in length. Her mouth watered with temptation, her eyes now wide. Both her back legs were now drenched in female liquids. She looked at him seductively and then rested herself in front of his dick. She wrapped her paw around his length at the base and softly licked his head picking up the bead of pre at the tip. She savored his salty sweet taste and shivered as a stream of juice escaped her snatch. Zack meanwhile had his head arched with his eyes rolled into the back of his skull. His body had tensed up as soon as he felt her cool smooth tongue touch his head. Marine stared at it and then draped her mouth over his sensitive tip and circled her tongue around it.
Zack was now moaning into the air with his fingers digging into the ground beneath him. The sensation was almost an intense tickling feeling, but was smoother. Marine's cunt was burning now! She needed release and Zack was ready to give it to her. She slowly pulled off of him while sucking, letting him feel how magical her lips were. She panted hard on him, making him tremble. She released her grip, then got up. Zack looked into her needy eyes, she wanted it badly and who was he to deny her that right.
She turned around with her tail raised high. Zack could see her beauty, it had swollen to almost three times it's size. However, her entrance was small, the slit was no wider then a marble. She whined for him to give it to her, to mate her. Her juices were flowing like a stream down her legs and a puddle was now forming beneath her. He got up and his knees and softly grabbed her sides. She yipped from his touch, being startled. She whined out for him again.

Zack: Are you sure?

Marine: MEW!

He positioned himself and rubbed her entrance with his tip. Marine cringed and moaned loudly while Zack started to take his shirt off. Marine could now feel the skin of his chest and belly against her back.

Marine: Mew...mew...mew

Zack: It's ok, I know! It's my first time too, I'll be gentle.

Zack wrapped his arms underneath her, grabbing her front most breasts. He squeezed them lightly hearing Marine squeal with joy. All of her six nipples became hard. Zack pinched and twirled them with his fingers listening to her sounds of lust. He then grabbed a firm hold of them and licked along Marine's neck. She shivered with delight but whined with greed. Zack laid his head on her shoulder and nuzzled her neck. She cooed with delight and let her maw hang open. Zack started pushing forward feeling the tension of her moist outer lips. She gritted her teeth and breathed hard. He felt her opening start to give way as he slowly started to slide inside. Marine couldn't stand it, she wanted all of him, NOW!

Marine: mew...

Zack: Do what?

Marine: mew...mewww...

Zack: Are you sure?

Marine: MEW!

Without another word, Zack forcefully plunged his entire shaft deep into her cunt hitting her cervix hard and breaking her for the first time. Marine yelped in pain and pleasure as blood began to dribble slowly to the ground below. Zack moaned in pleasure as Marine almost caved underneath it all. She whimpered and cried. Zack looked at her and licked her cheek. She looked into his mournful eyes, so much concern in them.

Marine: M..mew...

Zack: Are you sure?

Marine could only nod her head at this point. Zack slowly pulled out a little and bit into Marine's neck, moaning in pure bliss. He dove back in, vibrating her neck with his moans of pleasure. Her insides were so fluffy and delicate, cushy and wet. Yet somehow they were able to grip his meat with such force that it almost hurt.
Marine could feel every bit of him as it pushed hard up against her cervix and back wall. She yelped in pain as he hit it. The pain at this point was so unbearable that her legs were shaking. She almost wished it would stop, but a part of her wouldn't let it stop. It was the burning sensation, somehow the need to mate was still there.
Zack started thrusting and with each and every time he hit her cervix a shot of pain went through her. Zack started going faster and his body started to tense. Now every moment that Zack wasn't hitting her cervix became more and more pleasurable for Marine. She now started to moan every time he pulled out and thrusted in. However, Marine still yelped in pain once he had hit her cervix. The burning sensation was now taking over, Marine was now drooling with pleasure. Something was starting to build up. Marine moaned louder and louder. She gripped the ground harder, digging her claws into the dirt. Her breasts were swinging back and forth. Zack held tightly onto her largest ones, now squeezing them with all his might.

Marine: Mmm...mew...mew.....mmmmmmm....mew...Mew..Mew..Mew....MEW!

Marine was getting close, the pleasure rising. It was getting to be much for her. Her walls started to tighten. She was howling now, shaking with pleasure, she needed release. Zack pounded faster and faster.


Marine threw her head back moaning with bliss. Her walls contracted which sent jets of cum gushing out of her pussy. Her release kept going and going until finally her contractions got the best of Zack. He bit down hard into her neck spilling her blood into his mouth. He pounded into her one last time as hard as he could making her scream in pain. He pulsated, spilling his seed into her awaiting womb, dousing her heat in cum, putting out the fire. He sent wave after wave of his seed into her, emptying his balls.



Both of them moaned in satisfaction, indulging both themselves, and their primal instincts in bliss. Zack released his grip on her and they both fell down into the pine needles completely exhausted. They stayed like that for a while, looking at each other. Both panting, tried to catch their breath. They waited there staring into each others eyes while they regained their energy.
Finally they had regained their strength, giving one another a passionate kiss. After they broke the love filled kiss Zack got up and started putting his clothes back on while Marine cleaned her fur. Once they were done making themselves proper, they stared into each others eyes and kissed compassionately again.

Zack: I think it's time to head back now.

Marine: Mew....

So they headed back, walking as close as they could get side by side. Now they had a secret life, a forbidden love for one another. However, even though they both had a new life together, neither of them knew of the new lives they had created.
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