AGNPH Stories

My life by anthro_ninetails_jeff


The begining

Disclaimer: this story takes place 20 years after Ash finishes his adventures for now. This is a fictionized version of my life as a human. so please do NOT jump my case about it. and Ash and misty are my parents(odd, huh?). Also, professor Samual Oak was replaced by his son,Gary. It starts out sexless but the entire story is still a work in progress (im working on chapter 2 right now) it might start to get more and more obscene later on. so please do NOT read on if you dont feal comfertable reading about sexual baised themes,ed chapters. these chapters will be noted at the top of the page under a disclaimer.

chapter1: The begining
"Jeff, get ready for bed." Said my mom, after climbing the stairs to my room. "Can I watch the end of the battle?" I pleaded, but was shot down by my father. "No Jeff, you have a very important day tomarrow." He said while my mother sneaked behind and shut off the t.v. "oh, I amlost forgot. Tomarrow is the day I start my pokemon training." I spoke while I fixed my bed, eagerly waiting for tomarrow to come.

The next morning, my fathers pikachu was shoving me, trying to wake me up. when i finaly decided to wake up and get out of bed,l T grabbed my glasses from off the nightstand and changed into a pair of faded, comfertable blue jeans, a red shirt, and a baseball cap that had a pokeball on the front. In anticipation, I raced down the stairs, waiting for 9a.m. to strike, which is when I would leave to meet professor oak at his lab.

Eagerly waiting to leave, I went into the kitchen to find something to eat for breakfast. While eating, my mothers vaporeon, named vapor, walked down the stairs from his room looking for his breakfast. "'morning vapor, sleap well?" I asked him while grabbing his food for him. I didn't get an answer due to the fact that he was strill half asleep, so i sat his breakfast next to him. As I was doing so, my mom walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning Jeff, are you ready?" she asked. "Yup!" I replied as i slid on my shoes and finished my breakfast.

Before I left I left I was told to clean out my pidgey's cage. I opened the cabinate to grab the cleaner and gloves, but inside I found a small box addressed to me. Iopened the box and was appaled at what i found. There was a pokegear and a small note attached to it. It read,"Just kidding ^_^. I am going to clean the cage later. Love mom.". I ran up and down the stairs until i got back into the kitchen and threw my arms around her."THANK YOU MOM.^_^ YOU ROCK. Uh-oh, its 9 already. Later mom." I said, running out the door to professor Oaks lab.
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