AGNPH Stories

My life by anthro_ninetails_jeff


Ironic fate-My life anew

Disclaimer: ok, well this is the first chapter with anything obscene in it, although its not a lot.readers be advised.

Chapter2:Ironic Fate-My Life Anew
After dashing out of my house, I noticed someone walking down the road. I ran toward the figure a little bit to see who it was. "Hey Jeff!" the figure shouted. I looked at the person for a moment and figured out who it was. "Hey May! It's been a while!" I shouted to her. "It sure has. What are you doing out here anyways?" she asked me. "well, I start my training today." I replied. "Thats cool." she sayed. " So what brings you here to Pallat town?" I asked her. "well I came to visit you and Ash." she sayed. "Oh,ok. I'm sure he and mom will be happy to see you." I said. "I'm sure Misty will be." she sayed to herself. "Just watch out for Vapor." I sayed to her, running to the lab.

As I entered the lab I was greeted by profess or Gary Oak, who looked a little unusual today(or so I thought...). "Good day Jeff, what are you doing here?" he sayed, his voice a little off. "Well, I start my training today." I sayed to him. "Alright then, follow me." he sayed. Ignoring the fact that he looked a little off.

The professor took a sharp left turn. I picked up the pace to catch up with him. But by the time I made it to the corner, a man completely dressed in black with a red "R" on his shirt jumped me and put a rag doused in clorophorm over my nose, knocking me out.

A few hours later, I woke up. My vision a little blurry at first but it cleared up. I ran one of my hands through my hair but stoped short. Instead of my regular shaggy hair, there was an upward curl in its place. I sat up and walked towards the only mirror in that bright room. What i saw put me in shock. It wasent me in the mirror, it was an anthro Vulpix!

"HOLY SHIT!!!" I yelled. After finished yelling, i noticed a wet patch of fur. I rubbed it and examined it for a moment. "Those bastards raped me!" I said to my self.

There I stood, cold, nakid, and alone. That was, until, three more rockets entered the room with three vaporeon. "Alright you, lets go!" the middle rocket yelled. "Not after this." I said. "fine then... VAPOREON, WATER GUN!" He yelled, the three vaporeon using water gun on me, knocking me out again.

"Wake up..." a female voice said as I was waking up. "Oww, my head... Where am I and who are you?" I asked the other anthro vulpix. "My name is Vixen, and your stuck in a cell with me." she replied. "the name is Jeff. And what is with these collars?" I asked her, tugging at my own." I think its called a "pleasure" collar, whatever that is." Vixen replied, handing me a pair of clothes. "What are these for?" I asked her. "Well, you are still nakid." she sayed, looking down at my cock. "So I am." I replied, putting on the clothes.

After getting dressed, Vixen and I got aquainted. After a few minutes of small talk, another rocket came into the cell with a strange remote in his hand. "Alright you two, lets go." he said, pressing the button on the remote, sending waves of pleasure throughout our bodies, making us fall to our knees. We followed him, the waves of pleasure stopped, out of the cell to find out what else the evil team rocket has in store for us.
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