AGNPH Stories

My life by anthro_ninetails_jeff


enter shikatan the eevee morph and nanako the growlith morph

Chapter3: Enter Shikatan the Eevee Morph and Nanako the Growlith Morph

"Get in there you two." the rocket grunt comanded, kicking us into the next room where we were led to a line of morphs by two different rockets in different uniforms, the executives. "Stand here." one of executives said while the other pushed us into place, next to an Eevee morph.

"Hey." I said to the Eevee morph. "Hello..." "You four, step forward!" one of the executives said before he could finish. Teh three of us, including a female Growlith morph, stepped forward, not wanting to find out if the collar around our necks could do more than the unwanted pleasure. We stared straight ahead as smomething emerged from behind the curtain. At first it was hard to tell who it was because of the dim lighting, until he stepped into the light of that large room. He was a tall man, his hair an almost jet black, and he was wearing what looked like a purple tux with a monogram "R" on his right side.

"This is your new master, Giovanni the Second." The same executive spoke not only to us, but the entire group of morphs. The new Giovanni looked at the entire group of morphs, then to the four of us in the front. "Are these the four I asked for?" He asked the two executives. "Yes, these are the four you requested." The executive on the left said. "Jeff Ketchum, Vixen Nanima, Shikatan Shizouru, and Nanako Nanima." The one on the right said. "Good, get them some sutable clothes and send them to room 13A." Giovanni said, retreating behind the lavender curtains.

As soon as he left, several grunts came and grabbed the morphs behind us and returned them to their holding cells. "Alright you four, follow me." A female executive called for us, her sneazle standing next to her. Obediantly, we followed the female rocket to the door, the Sneazle standing by incase any of us decided we could make it to the exit. Togeather we walked into the other room. In that almost empty room were a couch, a bed, and four sets of clothing.

"You are to change into the clothes that are provided for you." the executive said. "I'm not changing infront of you!" I yelled at her. "Oh really? Sneazel, give our friend a little help." She said to the Sneazle. The Sneazle grinned evily and charged blindingly fast towards me. Without a word's notice, the Sneazle jumped at me, tearing through the shirt i was wearing and leaving one inch deep lacerations diagnolly across my chest with its extended claw. I yelled out in pain as the white hot pain flashed through my body, the gashes starting to bleed. "Oops, looks like you made a mess." the female said to Sneazle, who was licking the blood off of its extended claw. The executive pulled out a walkie-talkie and pressed the call button. "Send someone from the med lab, we have a little problem." She said into the walkie-talkie while I held my wounds, the others crowded about me.

"Are you alright?" Vixen asked with a very concerned tone. "I'll be fine..." I said to her weakly. "Nanako, go grab that torn shirt and start making strips out of it." Shikatan said to her as he removed his own shirt and started to shread it into strips. nanako rushed to what was my shirt before the attack and started to tear at it with her claws. Slowly, I tried to stand, but failed miserably and dropped into Vixen's body.

"Don't try and stand ,YOU DUMBASS!" Shikatan yelled as he finished with the shirt and started to pull the strips around my torn chest. The blood from my wounds were forming a small puddle beneath Vixen and I. Shikatan got the first couple of strips tied onto the lacerations and started working on another. "Vixen, start putting pressure on those cuts." Shikatan comanaded as he worked on another laceration. She put as much pressure onto the wounds as she could at that point, preventing the blood loss. Shikatan put the finishing touch on the gashes and stood up.

As soon as Shikatan had finished putting the makeshift bandages onto my wounds when several medics came into the room. Not having the strength to move, the medics graabed me and threw me onto the stretcher, buckled me down and wheeled me out of the room. "Where are you taking me?" I asked weakly to the of the nurses. "You're going to the med lab to get those wounds fixed." She replied, strapping a mask to my face. She turned a valve on the canister on the side of the stretcher and a hissing noise while a gas poured into the mask. A few moments later, my eyelids grew heavy again and I found myself sleeping.

"Jeff... wake up." a some what familiar, femanin voice whispered into my ear. "Wha...where am I?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "You're asleep." She said. I opened my eyes to the full voice of the female. "You know, you sound exactly like the prostitute I see in my dreems every three nights or so..." I said to her. "You know, I have a name." She replied, a little annoyed at this point. "Right, now what was it again?" I asked. "Try Shizuku." she said to me. "Oh, right. Sorry about that. can you tell me something?" I asked her. "Sure." Shizuku replied. "Why do you look like a morphic Blissy?" I asked her, staring with a puzzled look on my face. "Don't ask me, it's your dream." She replied, looking over herself. "Anyway, you need a name change." She finaly said, looking in my direction. "Why?" I asked her. "Because your name was odd enough before your body change." She said. "Yeah, I suppose you're right. My dad was drunk the night he though of the name...or so mom tells me." I said, a hand behind my head. "Well, your new name is...Blaze." Shizuku said to me. "Blaze!? How long did it take you to come up with that one?" I asked her, laughing. "Fine then, I guess I'll just not show up every third night." She said pissily. "Alright, alright... I'll take the name change."I said, accepting my new name. "Are we know?" I asked her. "Not this're about to wake up, so it would be pointless to start anything." She replied. "Really?" I asked her. "Yeah..." she replied. And with that, the area started to fade away. "I'm not getting paid enough..." was Shizuku's last statement before everything went black.

I opened my eyes slowly and waited for everything to come in focus. "Well, lokk who decided to wake up." Shikatan said. The room finaly came into focus after a few seconds. The room was completely lavander with two lavander chairs on different spots in the room. Attatched to the windows were bars that would prevent our escape. "What happened while I was gone?" I asked Shikatan, sitting up. "Holy crap, I'm nude again." I said before he got a chance to talk. "Here, put this on." Shikatan said, throwing a lavander robe in my direction. I grabbed the robe and put it on, tieing it shut. "Well, after you pulled that stunt with the executive, a few of the grunts were told to strip the three of us while you were in the med lab." He told me. "Great, twice in one day." I replied. "Is everything alright?" Vixen asked us after slipping into the room. She was wearing a flowing, lavander nightgown. "Yes, we're fine." I replied. Vixen sat in the other arm chair neer the door.

"Shikatan?" I asked


"Did you see a way out?"

"Just a couple of ventilation ducts, why?"

Because that may be what we need to get out of this hell."

"Oh great..." Shikatan sighed as he looked at the door. "Can we just worry about this in the morning?" He asked. "We might as well, from the look of things, we aren't going anywhere soon." I said. "I'll stay with Jeff...just incase something happens." Vixen said. "If you two don't mind, call me 'Blaze'." I said to them "Blaze!? Where the hell did that come from?" Shikatan asked. "Don't ask... you wouldn't believe me even if I told you." I replied. "What ever... Well, that bunks me with Nanako." Shikatan said as he opened the door. "Well, good night Vixen. Blaze." he said, then walked into the next room and shut the door.

"I guess I'll Sleep on the chair." I said to Vixen. "We can share the bed." She replied. "Are you sure? Because I can sleep on the chair." I told her. "Trust me." She replied, getting into the bed and moving to one side. She then began to signal me over. "Alright then..." I said, getting into the bed. "Good night Jeff, er, I meen, Blaze." Vixen said. "Good night Vixen." I replied as I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.
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