AGNPH Stories

All in the Mind by shinjihiroku


Story Notes:

I am by no means a good writer. This is my first attempt at a story ever. I wrote it at 3 in the morning cause I had nothing better to do and I've always wanted to try. Grammatical Errors? Continuity Errors? Tell me Ill try to fix em.Well I'm just gonna say it. Since I dont know how to go on with this story I'll just call it done. It was meant as a oneshot anyway >.> So unless you have some fantastic Idea that can keep the story going Imma call it good. Im not turning this into an epic adventure.

The Voice

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Notes I forgot to Include: Dan's Thoughts are in parenthesis
April's Thoughts are in Italics
The voice's thoughts are in Bold

For some reason unbeknownst to me I had up there (Rachel's thoughts in Italic) when it should have said April. I dunno what was up with that. Its fixed now though


"Well Dan I'm officially going to call this place a bust, not only is there nothing even REMOTLY close to an artifact THERES NOTHING TO FIGHT!"

Sigh in case you're wondering what's going on a quick recap. I'm Dan and that's my Lucario April. It been about 10 years exactly since we've been traveling together. That just about covers everything, as for where we are, we're in some of some road.... "April where are we again?"

"How the hell should I know, YOU'RE the treasure hunter."

That about sums it up; I have no idea where we are or what we are looking for. The rumors we heard were pretty vague, some kind of mystical item of ultimate power, pretty standard rumor I hear it all the time.

"Sigh" I say the word as I sigh "Yeah I suppose you're right this time."

"How long has it been anyway, since we got down here I mean." April asked.

With a quick glance at my watch "6 hours."

"Yep lets get the hell out of here, call Mismagius." Mismagius is sort of our guide in dark places, I send her ahead to scout.

April covered her ears as I let out an ear splitting whistle.

"Now we wait."

A few minutes passed but no sign of her. I tried my whistle again but still nothing.

"Ok now I'm worried, come on lets go find her."

"And go deeper into these lame-ass ruins? No thanks."

I rolled my eyes, turned on my flashlight, and headed deeper into the ruins, but not before saying under my breath "Scaredy Cat."

"What was that?" she said accompanied with her signature death stare.

"Oh nothing *cough*baby*cough*" I then proceeded to running as fast as I could to avoid an imminent beating.

She gave chase and screamed "Get back here!"

She's so easy I can't believe she still falls for that. It was a good thing I got a head start because there's no way I'd be able to outrun her. Fortunately I didn't have to because I came across something interesting: Mismagius, and an interesting room, it seemed pretty artificial compared to the rest of the ruins. The walls were actually carved and shaped with intricate designs, the room was shaped almost like a perfect square, and If these ruins weren't built some thousand years ago I'd say those large wooded structures looked like scaffolding.

But of course as I stopped to enjoy the scenery I was tackled to the ground by April.

"Mind repeating that last statement you jerk?"

Without lifting my face from the dirt I simply pointed at Mismagius.

"Sweet, finally we can leave." She said as she flipped off of me and made her way over to Mismagius. "Hey, you, come on I wanna get out of here in the next decade or so."

No answer

"Quit daydreaming lead us to the exit!" she said while violently shaking Mismagius.

Still nothing.

Making my way to my feet I asked "What is she staring at?"

"Nothing, it's just a wall!"

"Ever consider the fact that there might be something behind it?"

"Nope and even if there was I stopped caring about an hour ago, I just want to get out of here."

"We can't leave without Mismagius so just break the damn wall down." Even I was starting to get annoyed at this point, the tone in my voice made it evident.

With an incredibly over-exaggerated sigh she gave the wall one hard punch.

"See, nothing now lets g-" before she could finish the sentence the wall crumbled behind her revealing a small glowing stone on a pedestal. I smiled smugly.

"Shut up."

I walked up, snatched the stone, and stashed it in my backpack. I was so careless because USAULLY artifacts hidden this way aren't booby trapped. Usually. As much as I hate to admit it, I was wrong this time.

Mismagius snapped out of her stupor and we all began to head for the entrance, but before we got close a huge stone door slammed shut. Only then did I realize the room had only one entrance. We weren't exactly concerned, this sort of thing happens all the time. So with another well placed punch April smashed the wall only to reveal...another stone wall.

"The fuck?" is all I heard from April as she wound up another punch to break the next wall. "Another wall?!"

She went through about 4 walls until I realized something potentially dangerous and yanked her from the doorway.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Watch." as I said that another wall crashed down to fill in the slot of the previously broken wall. It was only at this moment that I also remember how long the corridor we ran down was, I was so busy being chased by April I hadn't given it any thought. "Ingenious, they set it up so it would be nearly impossible to escape unless you could keep up an insane pace, and made it so breaking every one of the walls would take up too much time."

"Stop admiring their work and THINK OF SOMETHING!"

Almost instantly I responded "I've got nothing." They had us by the balls, I did have a plan but I'd need two other pokemon capable of holding up those walls, but we were lacking in that department.

"Useless as usual Dan."

"Why are you eager to get out of here anyway?"

No response, that usually means she's angry but this time it felt different, she didn't even give me an angry glance.

I returned Mismagius to her ball. "Look we're stuck for now so let's just get some rest, but first break down that scaffold, I need the wood to make a fire. I still wasn't very concerned we had enough dehydrated foods and other non-perishables to last us a few days.

I could've made the fire from scratch but I decided to save some energy and take the lazy way out, my trusty lighter. In a short time we had a nice little fire going. I then took my spot against the wall and began going through my bag.

"Hungry April?"

No answer, she seemed to be staring off into space. She was breathing abnormally hard. (I hope its not that time again.) I thought to myself.

"April!" She seemed to snap right out of it this time.


"It's that time again isn't it?"

No answer, that means yes. Confused? She's in heat.

"That the reason you want to get out of here? I don't see what the big deal is; you'll treat it like any other session."

Here's another thing about Aprils personality: she's stubborn, but that's what makes her strong. For the last 10 years she hasn't even looked at another mans privates. She doesn't even masturbate. (Though I heard that doesn't help much anyway.) She just.....sits there and waits it out, something I didn't even think was possible. Can you imagine the amount of willpower that takes? I sure as hell can't but April has it, so I don't see why she's so intent on getting out of this place.

I might have to take a *closer* look. No not in that way you perverts.

Something I failed to mention about myself, not sure how to put this lightly but I can read minds..... yeah. It doesn't come up in conversation much since it only causes problems and I really don't need to use it on April because whatever she's thinking is usually the first thing she says. She isn't a very complex individual. There's no way I'd tell her now though, she'd probably beat the crap out of me. It's one of those "I was gonna." situations. I forgot to mention it the first day I met her. "Ill tell her tomorrow." I said. But tomorrow turned into next month, then next year, and so forth. The longer I waited the higher the chance she might hurt me, so I said "Fuck it." and decided not to tell her at all. I've always joked to myself about her being "in to me" but thought that it could possibly be true. It had to have been around 5 years ago that I decided to peek into her head while she was in heat. I heard an ear splitting scream and haven't tried since. Maybe something has changed by now? One last try.

Doo dee doo dee doo.

(No that's Mismagius. She's always thinking that.)

Fuck this cave. If it wasn't for Mismagius we could have been out of here already.

(That sounds like April.)

Why now of all times? Maybe I'm overreacting that was over 5 years ago, it won't happen again.

(5 years ago? I remember that incident, tell you about it later though.)


(And now she's hearing ghosts in her head, I wonder if this happens every time.)




April actually brought her hands to her ears after that.

Do you know what day it is April?

(Holy mother of crap that voice sounds absolutely sinister.)

The day I get what I've always wanted.

Try all you want you can't win.

That was 5 years ago April my dear, today I will claim what is mine.

("Claim what is mine?" What is this 1985 no one talks like that anymore.)

I'll give you one chance April, look at him.

I hadn't noticed but I had actually been staring at April while reading her mind.

"What are you staring at!" she growled.

I averted my gaze while still holding on to the mind link.

He's so handsome isn't he?

(That is making me insanely uncomfortable.)

We both want him, now GO GET HIM! That yell seemed to echo in her head.

I don't need it, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!

That was your last chance April. I could almost see her smiling as she said that even though she had no physical form.

Pfft you can't do any-

She paused for a second before she let out an audible gasp. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her hand slowly and smoothly making its way down to her private area.

You wouldn't dare! Her tone scared me even more then the evil voice did.

I wouldn't, but I have something far better in store. And with that she gave one of the most evil laughs I have ever heard. Nothing has ever sent chills down my spine before but that laugh was downright disturbing.

Why don't you take a nap so I can have so alone time with Dan.

I swear if you even touch him I- April's body seemed to go limp for second but soon after she raised her head menacingly. I know, how can someone raise their head menacingly? I don't know, but she did it which confirms my theory that April has the most evil force in existence in her head.

Here I come Dan. Followed by another one those bone chilling evil chuckles.

She seductively spread her legs and began to finger herself. I couldn't bring myself to look away. I'm not sure if it was shock or genuine interest but all I could do was stare as she pushed a second finger in. The only thing that was able to bring me out of my stupor was hearing her say "Dan." In an almost needy voice, but more importantly it was in April's voice.

"I can't stand it anymore," This time I was looking away and couldn't bring myself to face her. The combination of her moans and that wet sound of her fingering herself were really taking a toll on my psyche. There were so many thoughts racing through my head that I couldn't focus, it also meant I couldn't hear her stop fingering and crawl toward me. I didn't notice her until she was dangerously close to my face. That moment lasted longer then I had hoped. I think she was expecting me to start us off with a kiss and I almost did, the smell she was giving off was intoxicating, but one thought hit me that brought me back down to earth: April would literally kill me if I did this, especially if she wasn't in control of her body.

With that I was able to push her back and calmly say "Give April her body back." She didn't look as surprised as I thought she would.

"Dan are you feeling ok? Here let me help." Halfway through her sentence she tried to bring her wet hand to my face. Before I could get a whiff of the smell I grabbed it and force it to the side.

"Do you think I'm blind, you don't talk like April and you don't even move the way she does. I've known her 10 years do you think I wouldn't be able to spot a fake?" I probably wouldn't have spotted it if not for my psychic power, I'm not that perceptive, I was just trying to make myself look cool.

"You must be sick, here lie down." Last chance. I heard in the back of her mind.

"This is gonna hurt me a lot more then it's gonna hurt you." I reeled my hand back and delivered a powerful slap across her face. Ow, when people use that expression they usually don't mean it literally, her face was like a brick, but I had to ignore the pain for now. "April I know you're still in there, WAKE UP!"

Dan? Her voice weakly emanated from her mind.
"April I can hear you are you ok?"

Im fine but- she gasped pretty loudly. DAN RUN SHE'S GOING T-

The voice cut April off saying "Now look what you've done, you woke her up." It was that evil voice again but this time it was actually coming from April's mouth, so she might actually be capable of using that voice too, neat.

"I wanted to avoid doing things this way but you leave me no choice."

Before I even had a chance to react she pinned both of my arms against the wall. I keep forgetting she has the strength to crush boulders with her hands, I didn't stand a chance.

"Now you're all mine." Then an idea hit me.

"Jeez I'll cooperate you don't need to rape me." Emphasis on 'rape'.

Dan you bastard you better not!

"See April Dan wants to enjoy himself too, why don't you join us?"

April yelled far too many expletives after that, my brain couldn't keep up. She released her grip on my hands only to be greeted by "Gotcha Bitch." I had managed to get April's pokeball from my side and fire a return shot at her. But since fate is cruel she disappeared before it could connect only to reappear one second later and smash the ball in her hands. "Well I'm out of ideas."

You're so useless Dan.

"Shut up April."

"No more games." This time with a hint of annoyance in her voice. I tried to move but before I could blink I was pinned again. To my surprise she let go, but this time what was left around my hands was a pale blue glow, I was still pinned.

"Psychic? No way April doesn't know that move.

"But I do." The seductive tone was back.


Dammit stop being interested and DO SOMETHING!

"What the hell am I supposed to do; she could break every bone in my body if she felt like it. How am I supposed to win?"
Through the argument I didn't notice my pants were already gone, I was stuck sitting against the wall and all I could do was observe as she had her way with me.

"Both of you be quiet and watch." She was pretty fast, my underwear were off and to the side but still intact. My cock had been at full length ever since she started masturbating, just under 7 inches, I measured. She slowly dragged her tongue up the side sending a surge of pleasure through my body. I was a virgin, I hadn't even tried masturbating so this was all new to me. I tried to hold back my groans as she continued to lick up and down, only when she stopped to suck the tip did I finally lose what little composure I had left. The precum had been building for a few minutes but now it was really starting to boil out of control.

"April you should be able to taste this too." The voice said with a small chuckle.

She continued this treatment until she got bored and finally took the entire length into her mouth. I let out a loud gasp. She just giggled evilly and started to bob her head. Up and down up and down. At the same time she wrapped her tongue around it and pulled in the opposite direction her head was going. How she managed this I don't know, but it felt amazing. My moans were getting louder and louder until "I cant hold it." finally I blew. Apparently it was a lot because she couldn't swallow it all, but the way it dripped from the side of her mouth turned me on again.

"Do you like the taste April?" The slightest hint of that evil chuckle was there.

No response, as much as I hate to say it that means "yes" when dealing with April.

"Well we're not done yet." She slowly lifted herself up and positioned herself over my still hard cock. "Any last words?" There goes that evil chuckle again. "Then here we go."

She slowly lowered herself on it until she was about halfway, it was so tight, the feeling was incredible. We hit the barrier which I believe was her hymen. "This may hurt a bit April." She said in an almost sing-song tone. She then forced herself all the way down breaking the hymen and making April yelp. She let out a satisfied sigh and began moving up and down. She started off slowly but began to pick up speed. I couldn't hold back my moans anymore and neither could she. Her hips started to move back and forth as well as up and down to add the pleasure. Up, back, down, forward was the pattern and I have to admit it was really turning me on. She continued this while picking up speed for a good few minutes until she shifted her concentration to speed. She was slamming into me as fast as her hips could move. She started to lose focus at this point because the psychic binds around my hands disappeared. It didn't matter though I don't think I could've stopped myself if I wanted to, my hands instinctively grabbed her and pulled her closer, somehow I was still aware enough to be careful of her chest spike though.

"I'm comi-" was all I could manage to get out before three powerful spurts filled her and with one final slam her vagina squeezed my cock as she let loose her own torrent of fluids, soaking my nether regions with a combination of our collective juices.
Things were silent for a minute before we all said simultaneously "Amazing."

"I think my work is done here." She looked directly into my eyes, the evil was still there but lacked feeling; I could tell she was tired. "I'll see you both again, real soon." She flashed that scary smile once more, kissed me, and then fell limp.

"April, are you ok?"

Almost a minute later without even moving to look at me she answered "Yes." She sounded depressed.

"Im sorry." As said weakly as I tried to cheer her up.

"Why are you sorry, it's my fault; you aren't the one who raped me."

(Damn I can't argue with that, we need a subject change.)

"It's not your fault, I could hear your entire battle with that 'thing', you couldn't win."

She paused for a second, before looking at me somewhat annoyed. "You can read my mind?"

"I was gonna tell you one of these days." I looked away toward the wall.

"I'll beat your ass tomorrow." She rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep.

(Better then her being depressed.) I fell asleep shortly after.

I woke up to find Mismagius with a very happy expression on her face. "How the hell did you get out of your ball?" Instead of answer she just motioned with her head for me to follow. Luckily April had rolled off of me during the night so I didn't have to wake her. I followed Mismagius while rubbing the "sleepies" (as my mom calls them) out of my eyes to find.....a door, which led directly outside. I could see the trees from where I was standing; it was right behind the pedestal where we found the stone. There is absolutely no way we could've missed something this huge last night. After closer inspection I found that the morning sun shined through a small hole near the ceiling and through a small system of mirrors actually hit the pedestal opening this door. Fascinating, but it also meant we didn't have much time before it closed. I scooped up April and my bag and proceeded to the outside.

I took a deep breath and said "Fresh air, finally."

Apparently the smell of fresh air was all it took to wake April.

"How'd we get out?!"

"Magic." I said with a huge grin.

"Put me down you idiot."

"As you wish mistress." I tossed her a few feet away and she landed safely on her feet before stretching.

"Oh by the way, for getting us trapped and for not telling me you had psychic powers."

(Crap I forgot she's going to kill me!)

I turned to see a fist dangerously close to my face but to my surprise it wasn't moving.

"But for getting us out and ridding me of a "problem" I guess it evens out." She lowered her fist.

"Phew, for a second there I thought you were gonna kiss me." We both went silent for a second before we both started laughing.

Being the first to break the laughter she stated simply "Lets go, I need a shower."


(Good to know our "relationship" hasn't changed. but who knows what the future holds. We'll see when we get there.)
Chapter End Notes:Yep I still suck at writing, critique me damn you, be brutal
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