AGNPH Stories


What would have been if one of our heroes, of our world, had turned dark at the beginning and changed their quest from saving to dooming their side? What would happen if from our world, one where dark and light are so close that they touch, a guy was taken from death to serve as a savior in a pure world such as the pokemon one? It may turn dark; it may be most displeasing... but in the end, good or bad, it will still remain the savior of the day.

Story Notes:

Thought of something like this a time ago when I first got to lose hope in most the human kind... Yea, how original... But then I saw, as many did, that sometimes good can be brought from people that thought they lost it, that they changed for the worst and that they had lost all. Is it really possible or is it a fairytale? Well, I am a writer to write fantasy and to put my thoughts in the paper. If you would be as polite as to read this slowly, to bear with the naughtiness, foul mouthed and violent action that takes place... well, who knows! Maybe you will see a miracle happening.[Rated XXX for future naughtification in some chapters and because action and swear words will take place here and there. Only one species shows, but many will get into this story. Only Bestiality/Zoophilia shows as well, but in some chapters maybe Drug Use or other things may appear, but this will be sporadic and not constant with the story. Any needed warning will be added in the chapter notes]

  1. The Fallen Savior (5090 words)

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