AGNPH Stories

Truth or Dare Legendary Style by feign12




On a small hill laid a beautiful mansion. It was 50 feet high and the length was the size of a football field. The garden is filled with assorted flowers, ranging from simple dandelions to sunflowers. Inside, it had complete accessories. It had a pool, a Jacuzzi, 10 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, complete with showers and a tub. It had marble tiles and granite tabletops. And the owner was considered lucky. And the owner was me. I never experienced the company of friends within the mansion. I have been considered an outcast due to my psychic ability. My parents died on a mysterious car crash, which was never solved. They were the only ones who cared for me to the highest extent. After learning of their death, I started to become depressed and problematic.

I started to be withdrawn. I refused to go out of the house. I stopped caring about other people. My grades were still the same, straight A's. The only exception was my conduct, which was affected due to the tragedy. The family's lawyer then visited me on a Saturday. He brought with him the will of my parents. He sat down on the living room while I was escorted by my servants. I sat down with him, still depressed and clasping my hands together. "Jeremy," he said. "Do you know why I'm here?" I shook my head slowly, urging him to explain. "I'm here to give you the will of your parents." he spoke, opening the briefcase. He grasped a piece of paper which was the will. He took it out then closed it. "Apparently, you are the sole beneficiary of the house, the business and everything your parents owned." he explained, reading the will. I widened my eyes in shock. "Does that mean I'm rich?" I asked him, trying to find out if my thought was right. "You are." He confirmed, with a wide grin on his face. "I'm off. If you ever need me, just call." He stood up, took hold of his briefcase and left the perimeter.

That night, I remembered that I had my psychic ability. I had forgotten about it when my parents were still alive. I then reached for my notebook, the last thing my parents gave me. I looked at the cover, on it was pasted a picture of me and my parents. I started to cry, the tears that had been withheld ever since the incident. Those crystal teardrops came crashing upon my lap, remembering the good times I spent with my parents. In my pitch-black mind, I saw an image of something. But it was blurry. Next thing I knew, I awoke to a bright morning. I cried myself asleep last night. I sat up and closed my eyes, trying to stir my psychic senses to action. Suddenly, I fell unconscious. 5 minutes later, I woke up to an almost destroyed room. I was really surprised when I saw my own room. 'Am I that powerful?' I thought. The mirror was destroyed completely. The shelves were dismantled from their joints. The books were now burned to ash.

Once again, I closed my eyes and tried to project a telepathic message. (To anyone who can hear me, I would like to invite you to my mansion, located on a small hill.) Seconds later, I heard a reply, causing me to gasp in surprise. (Well, well, well. A human psychic. This is interesting.) It sounded like a perky, female voice. A small grin and a happy smirk escaped my mouth. "This will be some day." I then jumped from my bed and concentrated my psychic powers on fixing my room. Few minutes later, it was back to its original state. I walked towards the bathroom and took a shower. I then put my clothes on as fast as I could. It seemed like I went back to my old, usual self. I skipped towards the door, opened it then exited the mansion, my destination was my school. Time seemed to pass by quickly as school ended 8 hours later.

Running towards my room to change, I thought of what tonight will bring me. I dressed in my night clothes, composed of a black t-shirt, baggy shorts and my slippers. Then I proceeded to my garden. I stared into the bright, starry night sky. I feel like I'm relaxed. Suddenly, I hear a voice in my head. (We finally found you, human psychic.) I shout, "WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!" (We don't want to harm you. We are here because you invited us.) I relaxed a bit, remembering what I did last night. "Could I request that you show yourself to me?" I muttered. (Request granted.) A bright light flashed before me, causing me to cover my eyes. After a few minutes of flashing light, it stopped. I uncovered my eyes. I was wide-eyed in surprise and joy. In front of me were the legendaries of the 4 regions. I stumbled on my foot in awe as they stood in power and majesty.

"Welcome to my humble home." I greeted them. "My name is Jeremy." "No need to greet us, human." Acknowledged Darkrai, holding his hand up. "May I ask of your purpose of visiting me?" I inquired further. "It's because of your invitation and the persistent nagging of this little girl here." Irritably replied Arceus, pointing towards Mew. She just blushed as she was acknowledged. "Can we talk outside the mansion please? It's not being rude or anything. It's just you're all stepping on my garden." I requested, a slight blush of embarrassment showed itself on my face. They nodded before teleporting me, along with them to the Hall of Origin. "Wow. I've never been here before." "Welcome to the Hall of Origin. This is where all Legendaries flock to discuss issues." Explained Dialga. "The world is safe at the moment so what do you do in your spare time?" "Well, we don't know." Sheepishly replied Palkia. "We don't do anything. We just sit here idly. And this is one of those moments." The others nodded. I tried to think of an idea on how to spend time. Then a very bizarre and somehow idiotic idea. I blurted out, scratching my head, "Well, there's this activity that we do in school when we're bored. We play Truth or Dare." Suicune's eyes lightened up before saying, "Let's do it then. Let's play Truth or Dare!" "I'm sorry but can we do this tomorrow? It's nighttime and I need to sleep." I groaned. "Well then, sleep here." Suggested Latias. "But my servants might look for me." "That shouldn't be a problem." Dialga smirked before using his power to freeze time. Everyone in the world stopped abruptly due to Dialga's abilities. After he used his power, he turned towards the others and then towards me. I was a bit sleepy by that time. "Tonight, think of good dares. Tomorrow, we're going to play Truth or Dare." I sluggishly commented before falling asleep, leaning against a wall. The Legendaries smirked, thinking of the most devious, perverted and dirty dares and truths.
Chapter End Notes:If you want to suggest a dare or truth, put it in your review. From here on end, it will be script fics. If you want to join, tell me. But you have to be a Pokemon. I'll transform myself next chapter into a handsome Umbreon. =3 Be nice in reviews
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    Reviewer: damanlyguy
    Date:Apr 21 2014 Chapter:Prologue
    The sudden transition in the mood of the fic is really off putting. The events also moved really fast and could easily be embellished with descriptive 'filler' sentences.

    The concept of T/D with legendaries has potential, although I would personally rethink how it happened.

    All in all, I rate this 2/5 for good potential.