AGNPH Stories

Awkward by time by thedreamer


Story Notes:

On-going story, so enjoy as it unfolds(note: if your coming here for the more...sorry for the grammar and typos....if you want to edit, tell me, I would be happy to accept any help to improve the quality of story.) (Leon's cell phone alarm)This is my first try at fan fic, Pokemon based story, or anything of the sexual area of stories, enjoy and worship!

Chapter 3: A little bit of a shock

"How did you end up like this anyway?" Nurse Joy said as she placed food on Leon's bed. He just shrugged and started ripping into the food, between bites of the food he said.

"I have no idea, just suddenly was paralyzed and at one point fainted." He shrugged as more food was stuffed into his mouth, stopping once or twice to drink from a glass of water. Nurse Joy just sighed as she started to walk out of the room.

"I see my sisters weren't exaggerating about your eating habits, how could all of it fit in there?" She said with a faint smile before leaving the room.

"I think everyone has wondered that." Leon heard a voice say, his mind translating what to others would be the yelps of a Pokemon. "You have been sleeping a lot." Lucario said, Ninetails walking up beside her.

"Yea...sorry." Leon muttered as the last of his mean was down his mouth.

"What's with the sudden wave of sadness Leon? That's not like you." Lucario said walking up beside him, her burnt paw dangling against the bed as she leaned up to him.

"Sure its like me, I must have been sleeping to long." Leon said in almost a whisper.

"Ni, Ni." Ninetails said, assuming Leon could understand her as well. Leon glanced over, faintly remembering seeing her before he has passed out.

"Umm, who is that?" Leon said.

"Doesn't he understand me?" Ninetails said to Lucario, her tails seeming to move stiffly.

"I think I am the only one he understands." Lucario replied.

"What?" Leon said, confused.

"So he only understands you, that's quite interesting, how did such a thing come about?" Ninetails said.

"Not sure he has always sort of understood what I was saying." Lucario said in reply to Ninetails.

"Okay, what are you saying?" Leon said, poking the Lucario in the head softly. She glanced back feeling herself somehow feeling like she blushed at the contact, her own fur hiding it.

"Oh sorry Leon, umm, this is," Lucario points with her working arm at Ninetails. "the Ninetails that....well, paralyzed you."

"And why is she here then?" Leon said seeming rather dull, his eager cheer having quickly left him after his meal was over.

"Ne ne ni ta" the words meaning to Lucario as "May you translate for me, Lucario?" Ninetails said to Lucario as she hoped on the bed, resting herself at Leon's feet, her yellow eyes looking up at him.

"Okay" Lucario said, "Leon, I am going to translate what she says for you."

"Umm, I guess." Leon replied looking eye to eye with the Ninetails.

"After you were, rendered unconscious thanks to the command of a elderly man who purchased me from a child who had stumbled across my poke-ball that had been left in the street. Lucario offered me a alternative to the greedy master who had bought me from a ignorant child. And I simply choose to accept." Ninetails said, her words translated (with some challenge) by Lucario.

"So...what was the 'alternative' Lucario gave you?" Leon said.

"For you to be my Master." Ninetails said and then hopped off the bed to a poke ball that rested next to Lucario's own on a desk that laid at the far side of the room. "I understand that in the negotiations you were not capable to attend, thanks to events, so I will leave the ultimate decision up to you, Master Leon." At that she pushed her nose at the small button of her poke-ball, quickly returning.

"I think I just got a new Pokemon while I was asleep." Leon said

"Indeed you have." Lucario said smirking faintly, mocking a formal tone.


After a day of recovering (and a lot of food stuffed down Leon's mouth) Leon had reached a point the could leave freely, his dull voice seeming to be replaced at a eagerness to win their next badge, and his own want to spend most of the money on food.

"Master Leon, who is it that we must fight in order to win this badge?" Ninetails said with Lucario's translation.

"A gym leader, we have to beat her Pokemon to get it. But each Gym has it's own rules on how exactly you reach the leader to even get to battle them." Leon said while they walked down the busy street, the loud sound of people in the street talking to each other leaving the area hanging with a ringing tone in Leon and Lucario's ears, unused to it.

"Interesting, and with the assumption that this leader holds the max of six Pokemon at their disposal, does that mean we are to be expected to avoid damage to ourselves?" Ninetails said, seeming to be in deep thought.

"Even if there was only one other Pokemon, I would hope you try to try not to damaging yourself." Leon replied.

"Very well Master Leon... By the way I wonder if you have realized," Ninetails seemed to be arguing with herself if to say what she was planning, Lucario glanced at her in wondering hwat she was planing to say. "it but Lucario seems to...." Ninetails translation was cut off as Lucario stopped talking suddenly away of what Ninetails almost made her admit.

"Leon?" Lucario said

"Yea?" He replied.

"Me and Ninetails are going to go on ahead, we will meet you at the gym." Lucario said, quickly grabbing hold of Ninetails paw and yanking her along.

"That was rather rude." Ninetails bluntly said as they finally slowed down.

"Your not supposed to go blabbing things off when I ask you not to!" Lucario yelled back at her.

"Calm down...What is the matter?" The Ninetails said, her eyes seeming to be darting about the ground as she spoke.

"You almost told him...almost made me tell him." Lucario replied her voice in almost a whisper as she tried to control her emotions. This Ninetails could have ruined her friendship with Leon, what if she had said it? What would Leon think of her after that?

"What would be so bad about admitting your feelings? Master Leon seems like a understanding sort of human." Ninetails replied dully.

"He's just...I am afraid what he might think of me if I tried to tell him." Lucario replied, her paws crossing at the middle of her hips. The Ninetails tilted her head before stopping and looking back.

"Very well then, I will leave the planning up to you, but I feel that he most likely would accept your offer." The Ninetails ran back stopping at Leon's feet as he walked up to them.

"I thought you said you guys were going to wait at the gym." Leon said as he laid a hand on Ninetails head, patting her softly.

"Sorry we got distracted, umm, girl stuff." Lucario replied walking slowly up to her trainer.

"Okay then." Leon said, scratching his own head faintly. "Well I was thinking about what Ninetails said and I do think we might need another Pokemon if we are going to get much further, if that's okay with you two?"

"Where?" Lucario asked.

"Look behind you, you happened to stop right next to the gate." Leon said as he pointed behind her to a large sign. The words 'Pal Park' lay across the sign in bold letters. "I hear they are offering a deal today for people who want a Pokemon." Leon explained, "And all I need to enter with is 20 credits. I will get to use one poke ball of my choice and you two come in and the first Pokemon we see we have to try to capture."

"What may be the effect of failing this objective?" Ninetails said, once again with Lucario's aid with translation.

"I will have to pay the whole 500 credits to enter and then leave." Leon said with a shrug, a faint mutter in his head come along with Ninetails reply, the faint mutter seeming to give him a vague idea of her words before Lucario translated her words being,

"A interesting gamble...I assume that you have planned in advanced for our victory?" Ninetails flicked one of her many tails in the air as she stretched herself.

"Well..." Leon said stopping his own words.

"No." Lucario finished for him. Ninetails glanced up at the two her eyes dwindling on the two for a second before faintly laughing.

"I quite like this team." Just has Lucario had translated Ninetails ran off to the entrance to the park, "Come now Master Leon, I am eager to see how this act will turn out." Leon walked slowly, feeling Lucario at his heel's holding onto his arm. His own mind was in a faint jumble, feeling like he was starting to understand Ninetails as well. It was that same kind of whisper in his head, the same feeling of understanding in the movements of her mouth. He looked over at Lucario faintly smiling at her. Lucario noticed, smiling back both confused and feeling herself blush again under her fur.

"Is something bothering you Leon?" Lucario said, her paw tightening around his arm as he lead her in the gate.

"Nothing...just thinking, excuse me Lucario." Leon laid his other hand on her head, removing her arm from her grasp (to Lucario's apparent disappointment) "Hello?" Leon said to a woman who seemed to be half away as she sat behind her desk, the faint sounds of a game playing on the computer at her desk.

"Oh umm, hello," She showed a fake smile and a bored tone before looking at him, her eyes seeming to be drawn to his face "Can I help you?" Her smile seeming to become more realistic as her tone turned cheery.

"Yes, I came here about a special deal I heard this place was offering for a 20 credit entry fee." Leon said seeming not to notice that the smile or her tone had change.

"You are lucky you came in sir, two minutes more and you would not have been able to join in on the offer, please pay and then you are free to enter the park, just be away your only allowed one try and can only use one poke ball, if you attempt any more you will have to pay a fee of 1000 credits as a fine and the Pokemon you got will be freed." She said, seeming to speak with faint stutters throughout as she read the scripted words on the screen. "Make sure you come again soon!" She added her words seeming to try to play on cute.

"Thank you." Leon said as he handed her the money and then walking, seeming to have not noticed the woman's interest, back over to Lucario and Ninetails who had been silently watching, Lucario before turning around to join her trainer seemed to notice a disappointed sigh from the woman before she went back to playing whatever computer game she had been playing.

"I think that girl was rather attracted to our Master," Ninetails noted. "Why did he not react?" Her words seeming to be directed to Lucario.

"Leon has never been good at reading emotion." Lucario replied.

"Ah, that explains other matters at which he seems ignorant of." Ninetails said

"Please...don't-" Lucario was interrupted. By Leon who caught the words replying with,

"Don't what?" Leon stopped seeming to be suddenly distracted (to Lucario's relief) as he pulled he bag back over his shoulder to rummage through a pocket full of many types of unused poke-balls. "Never mind, umm, what poke-ball type should I used?"

"What about that one?" Lucario said as she poked a paw past him and pulling out a great ball, something that he seemed to have plenty of.

"Well I am not sure...umm, what are poke-balls like to you two?" Leon said, and to Lucario it felt odd, while she had one she spent almost no time in it, so only faint memories of her time spent in it existed. Yet Ninetails seemed to have no problem with the question.

"It is like being a living light, or at least my normal brand poke-ball is, its simply being like a glowing living energy in a dark red container." She said, and then asked Lucario to say it for her, almost forgetting that Leon could not understand her for some reason she had yet to understand.

"But if its like that, why do you like it in there?" Leon asked.

"Because of how it feels, as if being that energy is all I need in the world...forgive me but all that time I spent in it before being found by the child has left me with a impression other Pokemon may not share." Ninetails nodded to the poke-ball in Leon's hand. "But I suspect that, that poke-ball is not as different a experience as my own."

"Okay...well, lets get a new Pokemon!" Leon suddenly yelled as he ran off into the park.

"That was quite random." Ninetails said as they started running after him.

"I hope he remembers that the Nurse said he could not run much right now after just recov-" Lucario was cut off by Leon yelping in pain as he tripped over a rock. "ory..."

"I'm okay!" Leon yelled as he pulled himself back up to his feet, starting off on his run in the grass again, the two Pokemon already caught up.

"Leon, remember your lag was fractured, you need to let it heal before you run to much." Lucario said as she grabbed the back of his shirt.

"I know." Loen said, his feet stopping abruptly, causing Lucario to almost knock him over. "But I feel fine."

"Leon." Lucario muttered

"Perhaps we should turn our attention to the Shinx that is approaching rather abruptly from the left." Ninetails said directing the words at Lucario. Lucario glanced over, pulling at Leon's shirt and pointing.

"Sh, Sh, Sh!" The Shinx yelled, the female Pokemon's words translating into "Hi, hi, hi!" too Ninetails and Lucario. The Pokemon was happily jumping around Leon.

"Do you think the Shinx might be willing to let us capture it?" Leon asked to Lucario

"It's a girl...and I don't know." Lucario replied

"I assume from its eager jumping about our Master that she likes him." Ninetails said as she laid down, "I should have expected such a thing."

"I guess so..." Lucario said unsure what the Ninetails was talking about. "Um, Shinx?"

"My names, Venus!" The Shinx yelled like all its words, Lucario repeated this to Leon.

"There are Pokemon who name themselves?" Leon asked.

"Sometimes, or it may be of the parents choice, but rarely do they keep the names in most cases just being called of their race by the trainer who captured them, or simply what ever name the trainer gives them, or simply not being called anything at all." Ninetails replied.

"Why is that Pokemon repeating everything, she's silly!" Venus yelled.

"Umm, for some reason Leon" Lucario pointed to Leon. "Can only understand me, anyway, would you like to join Leon's Pokemon team?"

"Sure! Make sure I get a pretty ball!" Venus yelled again, Lucario translating for Leon.

"Hm, I think I have one poke ball that was color treated, you might like it." Leon said as he dropped his bag to the ground, the poke-ball pocket opened already. "Now where was it..." Lucario remembered the poke-ball he was talking about, it was one that he had requested made just simply out of interest to see the process, in reality Lucario saw little reason that he would need so many poke-ball's since this would have been the first time he ever used one, and it seemed like this one would not put up a fight. The poke-ball itself was more or less a great ball covered in bolts, the colors of the bolts tended to change with the time of day and the amount of light on them. Considering the Pokemon they had found she doubted that the Shinx, Venus would say no. "Found it." Leon said as he pulled the poke-ball out, its colored pattern a bright yellow slowly turning green.

"Cool, cool, give to me, give it to me!" Venus yelled, jumping up quickly bumping her head into the button on the ball, her form turning to light as she went into it. It shook for a second before turning calm, and it was set, he had captured a Pokemon.

"I'm amazed she stayed still enough for you to capture her." Ninetails commented.

"Same here." Leon replied as he poked the button letting her out of the poke-ball.

"Yay, yay, yay, yay!" Venus yelled as she hopped around the trainer a few times before suddenly stopping, "I'm tired!"

"Does not surprise me." Ninetails commented. Venus lay down and quickly fell asleep leaving a confused look on the trainers face. "Such hyper Pokemon tend to fall asleep the fast."

"I guess we should all follow her offer and go to sleep ourselves, it's getting dark." Leon said as he picked up the snoring Pokemon. "We are done her anyway."

"Sad...I expected a battle." Ninetails said as she followed. "So have you yet to think of a way to show your feelings? Or must I expose them for you?"

"Stop that." Lucario muttered.

"Perhaps you can take advantage of the arrangements of the day." Ninetails said with a faint smile

"What?" Lucario said.

"Today is marked on his calendar as the day he would have set to have us bathed." Ninetails said, "Such a perfect chance to follow your goal."

"Your telling me to..." Lucario whispered her next words. "Offer my body to him?"

"Why not?" The Ninetails asked.

"But-he-I-he...I don't know." Lucario's words felt confused unable to think of how to reply to such a suggestion.

"Then simply use this day to give him a expression of more of your body then he tends to make heed of." Ninetails replied.

"'re a pervert." Lucario said dully wishing she had not admitted her feelings to this nosy Pokemon.

"I am simply speaking my mind, something I wish I could bring you to do." Ninetails replied, "Very well I shall act on my own plans." The Ninetails ran off to catch up to Leon who was talking to the woman for before.

"What plans?" Lucario said faintly before running up to join her trainer.

"Okay I got the Pokemon." Leon said to the woman.

"Thank you sir for your visit. Just let me register the Pokemon as captured into our database and you are free to go on your way....or stay a while." The woman added on to her words, all of them seemed to echo on cute and lustful.

"Okay then, thank you." Leon said seeming not to have noticed her tone once again. He turned around and calmly walked out seeming to be in a hurry to move. "I just remembered the reservation I made for our room only will last another minute." Leon returned Venus to her poke-ball and went sprinting for the Pokemon center, taking several minutes to get there thanks to the pain in his leg. "Are we late?" Leon almost yelled as he pushed through the doors, the main area empty other then Nurse Joy who seemed to be smiling as she notice him yet seeming tired as she simply said,

"Nope, your room is still reserved."

"Good." Leon said dryly as he went to walk down the hall, his running causing him to hurt to the point that he was limping.

"Umm, Leon." Lucario said as she moved to help him walk down the hall to their room.

"Yea?" Leon replied.

"I think today's the time for that bath thing." Lucario said.

"I know...I have the brush's and all that already set up in there." Leon added on, "Who wants to go first?"

"I do." Ninetails said, "I am feeling rather....gritty, I would like one." Lucario repeated it remembering this 'plan' Ninetails had mentioned before and wondered what it could be.

"Okay, then go ahead and I will go get the shampoo...I kind of forgot to buy." Leon walked back to Nurse Joy to find out what would work best on a Shinx and a Ninetails while Ninetails walked away to the bathroom that was joined to the room that they had rented. Lucario sighed as she rested herself on the bed, the faint smell of Leon still hung on its sheets.

"yayyyyyyy, this is fun!" Lucario was abruptly woken up by the sound of Venus yelling as she was bathed, the sound of her yelling and running in the seemed to leave Lucario wanting to laugh.

"Slow down, I just need to wash the soap off your head and your done!" Leon yelled as he ran about to keep up with her in the small space of the bathroom. Lucario glanced over to see a smug smile on a now shiningly clean Ninetails.

"What is it?" Lucario asked

"Nothing I just am reminded of the child who found my poke-ball, she was just as hyper." Ninetails replied.

"Do you miss her?" Lucario said.

"I used to a great deal...but my memories of her are...fading recently, and I have grown to enjoy Master Leon's company quite quickly." Ninetails replied.

"Done, finally!" Leon said as he walked out of the bathroom with a fluffy Shinx, "Okay Lucario your next."

"Umm, okay." Lucario said as she walked into the bathroom. "Hey Leon...did Ninetails do anything particular?"

"Hm, not really, but she did seem to be looking around a lot." Leon replied.

"Oh.." Lucario muttered.

"Well anyway get into the bathtub, I have the water already set up, I just need to get the shampoo." Leon said, and like everywhere else that thick over filled bag of his was nearby for him to pull out the shampoo. A image of a well groomed Lucario standing in a show-offy position was placed on the bottle. Lucario sat in the water, her spiked spine making her have to avoid resting her back on the tubs side. (many baths were left with holes from times she had tried in the past to rest on her back on them)

"Okay...Leon." Lucario said. Leon turned the bottle over letting the contents run over her head, before softly laying his hand on and rubbing the shampoo over her head and her back, a faint tingle of pleasure felt as each spike was pushed softly against as Leon moved down her back.

"Okay now to get that brush." Leon said as he walked over the brushes he had laid out before hand so that the Pokemon could handle cleaning area's that Leon tended to by nerves about cleaning himself. "Hm, where is it?" Leon muttered. Lucario thought back to Nine tail 'plan' how does taking a brush change anything?

"Leon...umm, can do it yourself." Lucario said thinking faintly that this might have been her plan.

"You sure?" Leon said glancing over, "I don't know..."

"Please? It would be a lot quicker..." Lucario said, her paws crossing at her hips under the water.

"I guess." Leon said. He leaned forward, rubbing shampoo on his hands before slowly lowering his hand to wash her stomach, moving in short circles around it, thick suds covering her white fur. She closed her eyes stifling a faint moan as he slowly washed up, his palm brushing over one of her nipples, hidden under her coat. She had to hold it in several times afraid the sounds would make this feeling end to soon.

"Okay...I'm done." Leon muttered, moving his hands into the water to wash off the suds from them.

"umm, okay.." Lucario waited till he moved his hands to lean into the water to let the suds from the shampoo to wash off her body. Leon turned to put the soap back in his bag the sound of a zipper echoing in the awkward silence. Leon pulled the bag over his shoulder as Lucario dried herself with a towel left by the door, waiting for Leon to open it. He didn't seem to talk much as he opened it.

"Sorry I could not afford much food with the money that was left, so we will have to wait for after we win the gym battles tomorrow to get any more." Leon said as he pulled small portions of food out of his bag handing it evenly to himself, eating quickly before going to sleep before everyone else.

"I see my plan worked." Ninetails said.

"Nothing happened." Lucario said, thankful once again for the fur covering her feeling of blush.

"Yet I see he has a bit on his mind." Ninetails replied. "That reminds me...Venus, I think she wants it now."

"Okay!" Venus said running away.

"Wants what?" Lucario was cut off as Venus returned with a brush cluched in her teeth.

"Ninetails said that you wanted me to get this for you later! Here you are!" Venus dropped it at Lucario's feet.

"Venus." Lucario said, "Your kind of to gullible."
Chapter End Notes:Pokemon on Leon's team so far: Lucario, Ninetails, Shinx
Pokemon to come: Sneasel, Leafeon, Growlithe

I hope you enjoyed this wall, there is more to come, sorry if the next takes a while like this one did, I have been distracted lately.

(Note: while I try to keep my grammar and spelling in check the flaw of only having Notepad and firefox spell check. Leaves me not spotting typos and grammatical mistakes as easily at times, any you spot, or just plain odd sounding spots tell me please!)Tibet section:3.) Lucario childhood has caused her to develop a mild case of Autophobia, which is a fear of being alone or by oneself. In cases where she is forced to be alone she has been known to become violent or paralyzed in fear
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