AGNPH Stories

Awkward by time by thedreamer


Story Notes:

On-going story, so enjoy as it unfolds(note: if your coming here for the more...sorry for the grammar and typos....if you want to edit, tell me, I would be happy to accept any help to improve the quality of story.) (Leon's cell phone alarm)This is my first try at fan fic, Pokemon based story, or anything of the sexual area of stories, enjoy and worship!

Chapter 5: Getting your education (real chapter 5)

Leon's cell phone rang in almost an echoing fashion in his eardrum. Why did he pick that song again? It's like it was made to dive deep into his mind and dig deep at his weakening nerves.

"Leon..." A voice said, it seemed familiar, seeming to have a loving tone to its nervous stutters. Who is that? "Leon, why are you still sleeping?"

"Perhaps he's comatose." Another voice said, seeming high class and holding a lingering undertone of one who might be mentally laughing at the world.

"His aura's fine, I would know if it was something like that." The first voice said, now he remembered...Lucario and Ninetales. Why are they trying to wake him up? Is it already time to go?

"Then perhaps you would be best to the subject?" Ninetales said...or it seemed to be her, with his eyes closed and his mind still stuck in a haze it was hard to tell.

"What are you talking about..." Lucario asked, Leon's mind waking up enough to notice it. With a heavy grown he pushed himself up, his head quickly bonking into Lucario's knocking the drowsy Leon on his back groaning more.

"That hurt." Leon said rubbing his tired eyes.

"It's about time you woke up, as it seemed, Lucario and I may have had a whole day to ourselves." Ninetales said, seeming to laugh at an inside joke it sounded to Leon. Lucario seemed to be embarrassed at whatever it is as she spoke. Wait...when did he notice things like embarrassment so easily before?

"Le-Leon, you have been asleep longer than normal. Is something wrong?" Lucario asked seeming at all bothered by Leon's bump into her, as if she didn't feel a thing of it, compared to Leon who softly rubbed his aching forehead every few seconds.

"Other than a bump I think I am fine." Leon replied looking around fuzzy eyed at Lucario, her fur seeming to be more matted down than normal. "Hmm, have you been training while I was asleep?" Leon asked. Lucario glanced at Ninetales before shaking her head quickly.

"Uh...yeah, there was not much else to do so-." Lucario stopped as Leon laid his hand softly on her head.

"Okay then, calm down." Leon said "Don't be sorry about it." Leon smiled faintly before pushing himself up...of course forgetting that he had not bothered to put on any more clothes after him and Lucario's event. Ninetales seemed to smile and stare.

"Well, your well endowed Master Leon." Ninetales said, laughing faintly. Leon glanced down feeling himself blush before covering his manhood.

"Umm, here Leon." Lucario said offering him a pair of pants she had quickly pulled out of Leon's bag.

"Thanks...umm, excuse me." Leon walked with a hand covering his behind and a hand covering his fount to the bathroom, his mind thinking on the fact he needed a shower anyway. "Oh and let Venus out, I think she should get to run around a bit before we go!" Leon yelled already in the bathroom, the door locked behind him.

"That was rather fun." Ninetales said as the shower turned on and Leon could not hear them anymore.

"What?" Lucario asked, not completely paying attention as she pulled Venus's poke-ball out of Leon's bag.

"Simply what just occurred." Ninetales replied. She licked at the side of her muzzle before walking up the now released Venus who lay sleepily on the floor. "I suspect she was held in the Poke-ball for too long and fell asleep in boredom." The Shinx shook her head to try to wake herself up glancing at Lucario and Ninetales in turn.

"Yay!" Venus suddenly yelled jumping in the air, consequently hitting Ninetales in the face in the process who happened to have been partly stunned by the sudden change from tired to hyper. "Nap time's over! Where did Leon go?" Venus seemed to be partly hopping as she looked around.

"A place he would be angry if you joined him." Lucario said in a faint stutter, hoping that something that generic would keep her from jumping into the bathroom with Leon. Of course, it didn't exactly work....

"What's that noise?!" Venus yelled seeming not to have heard Lucario. "I'll go find out!" She ran quickly to the door (despite Lucario's almost silent muttering to stop), and pushing at the door. Of course once again Leon was unlucky as the lock was half set, thanks to his own rush to close the door. Venus's quick slams quickly undoing the lock and making the door slam open.

"This is once again rather fun." Ninetales said, her head laying down.

"Venus, get out of there!" Lucario yelped running into the bathroom after Venus.

"Yay! Leon!" Venus yelled slamming into the naked trainer who didn't notice till it was too late of the eager Pokémon as it jumped at his face, knocking him into a white tiled wall. Venus jumped off tilting her head slightly. "What's wrong?" Leon's eyes were closed, laying down under the blows of the shower, muttering to himself softly as he held his manhood instinctively to hid it from unwanted eyes, his head buzzing from contact with the wall. As well as a recent wake up.

"Too fast." Leon muttered commenting on his day. He woke up to a head-butt, unintentionally exposed himself to Ninetales (considering what happened the day before he really didn't care much if Lucario saw.) and now his head was beating as his mind tried to translate the hyper Pokémon's words. "Please slow down..." Leon moaned rubbing his acing head.

"Leon...sorry, sorry I tried to stop her and-" Lucario muttered, twitching with worry as Leon started to laugh.

"Something bad seems to happen every time I plan to leave some place." Leon said laughing at his own bad luck. "Remember the 'hi-tech' fold bike we got in the last town? The bad luck didn't start as soon as we left or before, but it happened. I was afraid we were going to get roasted." Leon stopped laughing slowly, noticing Venus looking down curiously. He had moved his hands exposing his manhood, and to his embarrassment. It seemed Venus had spotted it. Of course in a way Lucario had too, and enjoyed such a sight, but she was better as hiding her quick glances.

"Umm, Venus, is it okay if you come with me? I think Leon wants to take his bath alone." Lucario said her voice still stuttering like always.

"Okay!" Venus said eager as before hopping out the door and into Ninetales, startling the half asleep Pokémon. Lucario sighed smiling a little as she walked out the door, making sure to close it completely behind her. Leon had to keep in his own laughter, why did he feel happier than before? It's like this slow understanding of Pokémon was making him feel freer in his mind. Or was it because of what happened the day before? Even if it was short and awkward, it He sighed to himself as he glanced around for his own shampoo, the bottle showing his own scrawled hard to read print, his name to make sure he didn't mix it up with the Pokémon shampoo. (After what happened last time he mixed something like that up, he had blue hair for a week. Much to Lucario's amusement.)

"Okay, Venus please don't do that again." Lucario as she walked up to the hyper Pokémon who seemed to have started to hope around on Leon's bed.

"Why? It was funny!" Venus asked continuing on her bounce.

"Leon...doesn't like people to jump on him when he is bathing himself." Lucario said tired just from watching the hyper Pokémon.
"Okay...can I at least see that pointy thingy?" Venus said, seeming to have hopped off the bed and was creeping up on a sleeping Ninetales. Lucario twitched with an impression when she mentally guessed what Venus was talking about.

"Umm, no." Lucario said.

"Aww...okay!" Ninetales yelped as Venus jumped biting into one of her tails.

"Please relinquish my tail, I very much would like it to stay attached." Ninetales said, her paw pushing down on Venus's head. The bathroom door creaked open to show Leon holding a towel over his shirtless shoulder, slightly wet jean's hanging loosely on his hips.

"Well I feel better." Leon said his words ending in a yawn as he stretched back. "Lucario, do I still have any clean shirts?"

"Umm, I think there is only one left, the one with a torn sleeve." Lucario said thinking as she spoke, unsure if even that was clean.

"You two seem to already be quite like a couple." Ninetales said laughing silently.

"What is she talking about?" Leon said, fully understanding Ninetales as she spoke, already starting to understand what she was talking about.

"Umm, gossip?" Lucario said with a faint nervous chuckle. Leon just shrugged, how was he to expect Lucario to not tell someone, since Ninetales seemed to be better then Leon was at understanding things, maybe she talked to her to understand thing a bit better or something. If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't know any humans he could trust with this kind of event he might have talked to someone else about it too.

"Okay then." Leon said before turning to look through his bag. His back littered with small scarred marks from a year ago, when he was attacked by Pidgey, there seemed to be enough to consider them like you would stars, plentiful and thickly covering.

"Ow, that must have hurt!" Venus said bouncing around, "Where did you get them!?" Leon didn't understand Venus yet so only heard her yelps as she jumped around. While Lucario may have translated for Leon, at that time she could only stare with a grimace at them. Blaming herself for what had happened to Leon's back, and the pain he went through. If only she had been stronger he would not have needed to protect her when she had meant to protect him...

"I suspect Venus wishes to know, as well as I do, as to why your back is covered in scars." Ninetales said. Leon glanced back pulling out a plain black shirt, its left sleeve torn leaving a gaping hole at the elbow.

"Long story." Leon said.

"Yay, stories!" was Venus's only reply.

"I suspect that does not matter to her nor me." Ninetales replied. Leon shrugged picking the half opened bag up.

"I guess I can tell a bit of how I got into the situation where it happened while I get my clothes clean." Leon said glancing faintly at Lucario, whose eyes seemed to be shaking. Lucario happened to know all of it; in fact she knew a little bit more about what was happening behind the scenes of what happened that day. She at that time could not stop wanting to follow this strange demon toothed boy, yet to afraid to get close after losing her parents.

"You see, when I was younger, I always was more interested in my family's trade, they were scientists researching new technology. Things like that, where I was more into the idea of creating a Pokémon over capturing them. You might have heard of a few man made Pokémon, so it left me wanting to do the same. But when I was about twelve..." Leon sort of blanked out. Lucario remembered what he had told her, saying it for him.

"Umm, When Leon was twelve, his big sister...the one who wanted to be a Pokémon trainer came across a poke-ball. She never really told anyone about what was in it, saying that she didn't want to scare the Pokémon inside. Saying how the Pokémon seemed to not really trust anyone." Lucario said, helping him to start again, as well as taking over his digging for his clothes so that he could go on, somehow drawn to hear it again. This story of before she met him, and why he went from scientist to Pokémon trainer...

"Well, Lucario you're sure you want to do those, it's not just shirts..." Leon said, Lucario softly looking at him and waving her paw at Venus and Ninetales who laid lazily waiting for more. "Okay then, if you're sure." Lucario nodded,

"They want to hear a story, you need your clothes cleaned, and you were never very good at doing two things at once." Lucario said smiling faintly.

"Good explanation." Leon said shrugging; she was right in a way. With clothes that is at least, last time he was distracted while cleaning his clothes...he bleached them...all of them...luckily most of them looked okay with the color mix and white spots, or at least he told himself they did. "Anyway, how should I say this..." Leon glanced over faintly at Lucario. "About a week after finding that poke-ball she was found with her face smashed in, an eye missing, and everything she owned even her clothes were taken. Nobody knew what happened to her, and it's not really that common that anything that brutal happens to anyone."

"Who found her?" Venus said with a slightly morbid interest.

"I did..." Leon muttered, wishing faintly that he had picked a later point to start telling them. He really didn't like any reminders of what had happened, how her naked body had been torn at. How her left eye, the only one left, had still been twitching. Most of the damage made her face almost unrecognizable. His parents had put him in therapy after what had happened, but it never really helped much.

"Please go on, Master Leon." Ninetales said, feeling faintly aware like she knew something about this, yet didn't know where.

"I was more or less left traumatized after that. Questioning my life and wondering if science was what I really wanted. After all, who decides what they are going to do at twelve years old? Sure Pokémon trainers do, but I never really thought about them much. I did finally make a choice at fourteen when a kid came in around my age. His arm was broken and his Pokémon was bleeding and letting out moans of pain as it tried to drag its trainer. I got closer to the two wanting to help get him to the center. But the Pokémon he was with, a Raichu, tried weakly to attack me. Biting when I got close, so I just sort of waited there watching them, it might have been better to go to the Pokémon center and get help. But I don't know if I was thinking clearly, all it did was wait several minutes before trying again. This time the Pokémon was more willing to allow me to get closer." Of course he was still bitten but it was better than before. As far as Leon knew the Pokémon just sort of warmed up to him. But it was more his Aura, as Lucario had said before. Most of the good ones like Leon tended to give off at calming field. While most Pokémon could not see it, it tends to leave an effect on them more than human. This is one of many reasons that Pokémon tended to pick up traits of this trainers.

"This is getting too wordy!" Venus complained, losing interest. "Get to the good part, what made you really change your mind!?" Leon sighed, he was not really that good at telling stories.

"Okay I guess I can, let's see..." Leon muttered before going back into telling the story. "Eventually the Pokémon let me pick its trainer up so I dragged him to the center and they took care of most of his wounds.

"Was that Raichu the reason you got those scars?!" Venus yelled, interrupting Leon. Ninetales repeated Venus as Leon stopped unable to figure out what Venus had said.

"No..." Leon said about to go on with his story only to be interrupted again.

"Okay!" Venus yelled, Ninetales translating. Leon seemed to stay silent for a second trying to remember where he left off, his mind jumping up to where he was hit so many times in the back by the sharp beaks of those Pidgey.

"Okay." Leon said after a minute of thinking. "Anyway, I spoke to the trainer a lot and I think started to understand the Pokémon he was with, I don't know I have always sort of understood Pokémon, just never as...clearly as I do now, or as quickly. I became obsessed with hearing about his travels to places like the Orange Islands, the Johto Region. Places I have never been before, before he talked about them. I just saw them as places on some old map I thought nobody looked at. Of course still from there I would not have made a step to become a Pokémon trainer if it was not for my sister. You see, when I turned ten she was so excited thinking I was going to join her on her travails and she could teach me about Pokémon and have a companion or something. But I was not interested in becoming a trainer so I let the day that was offered for kids to get their first Pokémon pass by without thinking about it. She got angry when she came to visit home for a few days, but she got over it quickly and left when it was time for her to go to get her next badge. Bragging about how great the life of a trainer was the whole way. So that may have been another reason why I might have, since she talked about how much she liked it but never told her own experiences as a trainer." Leon sighed, he had said quite a lot, his mouth felt kind of dry from it all. But Ninetales seemed unhappy to see him stop.

"Go on, Master Leon." Ninetales said push her muzzle at him.

"Let me breath a little, I was talking a lot." Leon replied.

"Very well, but I wish to hear the rest before we depart. Your undergarments will not take forever to clean." Ninetales said, looking over as several pairs of boxers were thrown into a washing machine by Lucario.

"...and that was what I meant by saying more than shirts, are you sure you want to clean?" Leon said looking over at Lucario.

"Umm, I-I have already seen what's under them..." Lucario said smirking.

"'re sure...I guess I will go on...Let's see, yeah I remembered how she had wanted me to be a trainer I remembered those stories the trainer I helped told me. At the end of it, the last thing to make me try was a friend of mine. She had been a clerk at a Pokemart with a Pokémon of her own, I think she named the Igglybuff, Gin." Leon said starting up again. "So yea, one day while I was at the mart some group called the C.S.C I think ran in. I don't know what they said but Saria, my friend, seemed to be begging them about something. It took only a second before they ordered their Pokémon to start wrecking the place, knocking out half the people who happened to be unlucky enough to be in there at the time...I remember faintly hearing Igglybuff cry for help, saying something about Saria bleeding..." Leon seemed to stop trying to think, he really couldn't remember what happened next, did he black out?

"Then what?" Ninetales said, translating the words of a yelping Venus.

"I think I was knocked out, if nothing else I woke up with a bleeding head, and the place had been leveled. As for Saria...she turned into a mute after that. Apparently they had not just come there, Saria said something apparently that helped that group find her parents. I don't know if their still alive but I kept saying they might be to Saria for up to a year after that happened." Leon said muttering faintly in his words recalling it. "That was really what made me try to become a trainer. I spent a year learning as much as I could about Pokémon ability's and weaknesses. I don't know why I decided it would be best to be a trainer, I just wanted to find a way to get revenge, part of me feeling like this C.S.C might have been involved with my sister's death. So I saw becoming a trainer as a way that I might be able to find them quicker. Travel around and hope that I run into one of their members and might be able to find out who their leader is or something." Leon shrugged as he stopped to catch his breath. It was hard doing all this talking, he didn't feel like he was cut out of storytelling.

"Did you ever find trace of this C.S.C?" Ninetales asked.

"Nope, not yet, and it's been a long time now." Leon replied. "I think I tried to get a Pokémon at fifteen but they didn't have any, so I looked into a few maps and found a small town not that far away where it was said they normally had a extra Pokémon or so because there were not many people interested in becoming trainers." Lucario glanced over, a faint memory of that camp site she had almost stumbled into. How he seemed so sad and alone sitting there, she could not remember many times that he exposed his anger, and it had ended quickly after. It was hard for Lucario to see him as a human driven by revenge back then, nor now, even with those demon-like teeth...

"It's done." Lucario mutter as she pulled out a load of clothes from the dryer, with challenge stuffing them into his bulging bag that rested at her feet.

"Then I guess I will tell the rest later." Leon said looking over to pick up his bag, lifting it in a quick wave of his arm.

"Your story was too wordy!" Venus said, this time with Lucario's translation.

"Sorry I am not much of a story teller." Leon said shrugging, "Anyway, it's a long way to Saffron city, so we might as well start now. But I don't think we will get very far before it gets dark. Why didn't anyone wake me up if I stayed asleep so long?" Leon asked.

"I tried." Lucario said. "We did eventually."

"Also we got a bit distracted by other matters of interest." Ninetales said with a smirk, "and you seemed to be happy with how you were." Lucario seemed bothered by Ninetales statement.

"Leon, Leon!" Venus yelped hoping on his leg.

"Yes?" Leon said looking down, he didn't understand what she was saying but could tell she was talking to him.

"What's that thing?" Venus said looking over at a poster of a Pokémon. In colorful letters it advertised a transportation business.

"Hmm, That might shorten out travelling a little." Leon muttered walking up to the poster, Venus clinging to his leg and yelling happily.

"What is it?" Ninetales asked.

"A quick way to the next gym." Leon replied happy to not have to walk the distance to the next city.
Chapter End Notes:Pokemon on Leon's team so far: Lucario, Ninetails, Shinx
Pokemon to come: Sneasel, Leafeon, Growlithe

This one is kind of short considering I was planning to have a min of 5000 words per chapter, but I didn't want to go to the point to force more words out of myself.

To those who read the filler before this you might understand a few (horrible) jokes I put in and references. Hope you enjoyed Leon's story more then Venus did!

NOTE: Help by the proof reading of Boss Snikrot, a awesome writer.

Tibet section:
5.) Why do Pokemon evolve? What makes this evolution possible. Is it just simply a way to grow more powerful like is apparent? Does it have to do with the Pokemon's maturing? This are common question's among the community of researchers. The biggest question being why human's are so far out of the equation compared to most wildlife and otherwise. While were can trace our roots and see a noticeable change over time. It seems to be as if the human race may have once been joined with Pokemon before under a strange mutation or we may have just became. Some of the largest theory's being that we came from another world. Some radicals stating we came from another dimension. While there is evidence of other dimension and our roots show a large involvement with such Pokemon who are capable to moving through dimension's. Such theory's tend to be thrown out rather quickly for the idea we were created by a divine being, Pokemon or came to be from a Pokemon evolution and at one point just a mutation going to be what we are today
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