AGNPH Stories

Awkward by time by thedreamer


Story Notes:

On-going story, so enjoy as it unfolds(note: if your coming here for the more...sorry for the grammar and typos....if you want to edit, tell me, I would be happy to accept any help to improve the quality of story.) (Leon's cell phone alarm)This is my first try at fan fic, Pokemon based story, or anything of the sexual area of stories, enjoy and worship!

Chapter 7: Flash backs (filler)

Leon, age 4_ April 5th

"Dad, why do you and Mom keep leaving me behind?" the little Leon moaned out hanging on his fathers leg.

"Leon, you won't be alone, your sister is going to stay behind to watch you." Leon's dad said, walking around seeming to ignore the weight of the child hanging on his leg. The man seemed much like his son, the same silver eyes, the same high cheek bones, the same demon sharp teeth, the only difference being his deep blue hair which seemed so different from the white of his child.

"But she's boring." Leon went on moaning.

"Maybe she can tell you what she is learning in that trainers school of hers." Leon's father said, glancing out a window to see his Lucario, Leota helping Leon's mother pack a white van, the image of a Poké-ball marking its side.

"I don't want to be a trainer." Leon said clinging harder on his fathers leg.

"That does not mean you won't like something you learn." Leon's father said, still looking out at his Lucario. "Humans have a deep bond with their Pokémon, us Lucai a little deeper then most other's even."

"But none of the Lucario wanted to be near me, even Leota won't go near me..." Leon replied, seeming to be hugging on tighter then Leon's father thought he could.

"Leota has never been much for others..." Leon's father said visibly bothered, a faint memory of what Leota has mentioned when he had even asked her why she had recently stopped going near Leon.

"But she used to tell me stories and everything until you took me to that Lu-Lucario place." Leon said

"Well I don't know son.." He said remembering what she told him. 'Leon scares me, Leon...' Leota had said.

'Kind of confusing when we have the same name for you to say that, who is scared of who?' He had said as a odd joke.

'That's not funny, Leon, ever sense he was born he had a strange aura, now its like its going crazy, I feel like its going to absorb me.' She laid a hand softly on his arm, 'It would have been better if-'

'Don't say it.' Leon said 'It's not wise to have two generations in a row with their Pokémon anyway...and I just don't like you that way...'

'I can make it work! I am stronger then Luna, and I even care for Leon more then she does, and he is her own pup.' Leota said rapidly, her paws twitching.

'Strength is not the issue....and what was all that on you being scared of Leon?' Leon said.

'I...I tell stories to him when he is sleeping, he even said my name in his sleep hurts me Leon...that I am trembling to much to be around him during the day...' Leota seemed to almost crying. 'He looks so much like you, I see myself as his mother sometimes and-.'

'Please, Leota, stop.' Leon muttered, his index finger gently poking her forehead. 'you know what happened to the Rattota when they decided to have to many generations in a row with their lines Pokémon...'

'Their stone stopped working, and the living members were to Pokémon-like to breed with humans anymore, yet still to far away to breed with a Pokémon and their line died.' Leota sighed, 'fine Leon, fine...I will do what you think is best...'

"Dad....Dad!" Leon yelled to his father who had seemed to drift off.

"What is it son?" Leon...the older one, said, Noticing his son had let go of his leg and was look with concern at his father. He had been laying on the ground a soft pillow propping him up and the warm feeling of blood on the back of his head. " I?"

"Your heart went out," Said Leota as she patted her hand on Leon Jr.'s head "Leon got us, luckily, I jump started your heart, but I don't know how long it will last without proper help."

"Where's....Luna?" Leon Senior said, his voice seeming weak.

"Calling for help." Leota said quickly.

"Dad...are you going to be okay?" Leon Jr. said, unable to understand what Leota was saying in the slightest, Leota put a arm around Leon Jr.'s head hugging it with her arm softly.

"I will be fine..." Leon Senior stopped for a second to hold back the urge to cough, feeling bile in his mouth. "Just a little sick."

Leon, age 4_ March 25th

"Stop running Leon!" Leon Senior said to his son, annoyed by his frantic running around the boat, eager to run to every corner of the vessel. The ships crew quickly growing to like the hyper and inquisitive boy.

"I believe you acted the same way when you took me home Leon, so hyper and eager to learn everything you could. He is the youngest Lucai, and the only one who has not meant his Lucario partner. You were the same way." Leota said seeming be blissfully watching Leon Jr. running around the room looking under anything that he could move.

"That does not mean he can run around, my mother scolded me when I did this." Leon Senior replied.

"Leon over there has not tried to drill a hole in the floor like you did." Leota replied holding in a soft laugh. "Just let him have his fun, you can stop him when we get off."

"I guess..." Leon Senior muttered.

"What is it?" Leota asked in confusion as his sudden calm.

"You said something before about him giving off a strange aura recently, what were you talking about?" Leon Senior said, stopping himself from jumping up as he saw Leon jump as a crew member entering the room, the strong armed man just smiling down at the child, seeming to be happy for the change of pace.

"It's just so powerful, sometimes I start shaking around he is taking away my aura to power his own." Leota said, seeming bothered muttering some of her words. "I'm ashamed of myself for saying such things, he is your pup, and he is so much like you. Why is his aura like that?"

"You know he would never hurt you or anyone else." Leon senior muttered seeming to slip deep in thought.

"I know, and I love him like he was my own pup but...I don't know at times." Leota muttered.

"Dad, Leo-leto-leate...umm." Leon Jr. said his eager yelling stopping quickly as he tried over and over to say Leota's name. She muttered it softly just as he finally said it, feeling a bit like he understood her. "Leota! Come on, Frank said we are close to shore." Leon Senior pulled himself out of the soft seat, Leota already standing by Leon Jr., noticing that see seemed to have a glazed over and worried look in her eyes.

"Okay son, go ahead with Leota, I just need to talk to the Capitan about something." Leon senior said quickly looking away. "On second thought, wait for me next to the landing, I don't want to be there when you get your Lucario.

"Okay dad!" Leon Jr. said sprinting off, Leota glancing back for a second before following after the eager boy. Leota could not keep her mind off the boys aura as he ran, it seemed so powerful, and she was a adult Lucario...would Leon get his own? What could she do if he was the first to be denied a Lucario partner?

"Leota!" Leon yelled, sitting around at the bottom of the ramp. She jumped across to Leon Jr. landing squarely on the balls of her feet. "wow." Leon Jr. muttered before talking again, seeming eager to just tell what the Sailors had taught him about the boat, of stories that he heard. 'so eager and pure, why was he given such a aura so young...'
Chapter End Notes:_____________________
More will be added as time goes on, even after I do finally finish chapter
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