AGNPH Stories

Where Dreams End by Lunis1992


The Boy Known As Alistor Gracidea

A baby cry echoed through the white room. The smell of medicine fill the air as a small family stood, one sitting on a cushioned bed. The mother had a small child in her arms, who was crying like all new born babies. A tall broad man stood next to the woman, a hand on her shoulder. He was the husband of this woman and the father of the child. Both of them had dark hair, shoulder length. The man was wearing a long cloak that hid his broad frame. There was another one in the room, a young boy around the age of six. His hair was also dark, but longer in length on the left side of his head. He was the first child of the married couple. He look a bit strangely at his newborn brother. It wasn't because of the Z shaped birthmark under his eyes, since both he and his father had them themselves at the same spot.

"What's the matter Isaac?" the mother asked.

"He just seems...well...different...a bit different" Isaac said as he noticed the little white tuff of hair on the child's head.

"Does seem a bit weird, Donna" the man said, stroking his hand across the white tuff.

"Does it really matter Leonel? He's still our son" Donna said, cradling the young one closer "And sometimes different is better. I mean...I married you didn't I?" Leonel rolled his eyes and strokes her cheek.

"You got me there" The door opened and a man in a white lab coat came in. The doctor told them that the young child was healthy but couldn't find an explanation for his unique appearance. Isaac took his bottled water from the nightstand before he jumped onto the bed in front of the newborn.

"You haven't named the boy yet Donna" Leonel said. Reason why he let her pick the name was because he had named Isaac when he was born. He promised her that she would name their next child. Donna smiled tenderly at the crying baby and stroked his white tuff.

"I think I'll name him Alistor. I always liked that name" she said. The now-named baby, Alistor went from crying to whimpering as he saw Isaac took a drink from his water bottle. As he set it down next to his lap, the young one snatched it up and starts to drink, his mouth closed around the opening as he hungrily drank it.

"Woah! Hey that was mine!" Isaac said just as Alistor just finished it all, letting out an adorable burp and yawning. Leonel raised an eyebrow at that.

"He drank that rather quickly and easily" he said. Alistor giggled and took hold of one of Isaac's finger in his tiny hands. Isaac gently held onto his hand as his baby brother gently well to sleep. The feeling of an older brother crept onto his shoulders. The feeling was great. Isaac smiled as he watched his baby brother sleep.

"I promise Alistor" he said, "I will make sure to be the best big brother I can be" His parents were happy to hear that. They knew Isaac enough to know that he would do his best to keep that promise.


The Garden. The place of the Gracidea family. The home was large and wide. Many gardens were in the walls, flowers blooming vastly and beautifully. It wasn't only the flowers. The grass was shining green with the sun's rays as the pond sparkled brightly. A young boy with white hair was sitting at the edge of the water, his feet barely touching its surface. He leaned back and bask in the sun. Alistor was now eight years old. His tired out face showed that he was doing a physical activity. The wooden sword next to him showed that he was practicing sword play.

"Phew! That's about all for today" he said as he stood up. He took a look on the wooden sword and then shrugged. "Oh a phew more swings wouldn't hurt". He picked up the toy and swung it around. He always took his time outside near the pond to practice his swordplay. His older brother, Isaac, was marvelous when it came to it. Heck, he was the best for his age. Alistor wanted to be much like him. He wanted to be strong and courageous like Isaac. He didn't care how long it'll take.

The adrenaline in him made him throw a mighty swing. Suddenly, when he swung, the water from the pond jumped up and created a very small wave. He gasped as he backed up a bit. He looked around for anyone nearby. No one was. No water type pokemon that created that small wave using Surf. Nothing. Nervously, he walked his way to the water and peaked inside. Nothing was swimming underwater. Nothing at all.

"That...was strange" he muttered as he stood back up.

"Alistor!!" a mother's voice called out, making the little one jump and yelp.

"Mom!! Don't do that!!" he shouted at his mother at the entrance. He took note what she was holding. He couldn't see thanks to the white blanket over it. Whatever it was, his mother was stroking it at the top.

"Sorry if I surprised you dear" she said as she walked to him "But I want you to meet someone. She's been injured a few days ago and we brought her in. She didn't seem so anxious to go when she had healed" Alistor went on his tip toes to see who exactly she was talking about. In her arms was a small Cyndaquil with a cross shape scar above her right eye.

"Does she have a name?" he asked. His mother sighed a bit.

"She wasn't able to tell us a thing, but they used a psychic type to get her name at least. They said her name was Calida". Alistor took a closer look at her. She cowered in the blanket as if she won't be seen inside.

"Come on" he said silently, "I won't bite". He slowly extended his index finger and gently stroked her head. The little fire mouse slowly peaked the rest of her head out from under the sheet and looked up to him. Soon, she was letting out a small pur as Alistor petted her behind the ears. He smiled glad to have her open up to him a bit more. "May I carry her mom?" he asked.

"Sure sweety" his mom said as she wrapped Calida more in the blanket and handed it to him. He lifted her in his arms with care and petted her back. A sigh of content escaped Calida's mouth as she finally relaxed. Donna was a bit surprise that the Cyndaquil wasn't resisting Alistor this time. She was hard to keep still. Reason why Calida wasn't struggling before was because she was too tired to.

"Don't you worry Calida, I will take good care of you" Alistor told the sleeping pokemon in his arms, "I promise." Donna smiled at the sight. She may had been surprise by Calida's attitude now, but she knew that Alistor can get her to open up a little. Her other son soon walked by, along with his pokemon companion Torch the Charmelleon. Unlike most of his species, he had a orange scales instead of red. Isaac came out and looked at the scene.

"What's going on here?" he asked with Torch by his side.

"Look Isaac" Alistor said as he showed the sleeping Calida in his arms.

"A Cyndaquil? Wow. Those are rare you know" he said.

"Who knows" Donna spoke up, "Maybe this little one will be your first pokemon when you join." Alistor's eyes looked as if they are sparkling.

"I really hope so" he said as he petted her back again "She looks like she's a strong one. Maybe once we get to train we'll even beat you Isaac." His older brother chuckled as well as Torch.

"Maybe in your dreams"


It had been over a year since Alistor had met with Calida. Ever since, he had been spending some time with her. She had finally opened up after a few weeks and was now speaking without any nervousness in her voice. Sure there was that language barrier and his family had always taught pokemon human language. But Calida didn't want to learn how to speak human. Alistor thought that since she didn't want to speak human, he himself can understand pokemon language. Luckily, Calida was eager to teach him how to understand. Not only because he was the first friend she made in the place, but she also thought it would be funny. So far, he was able to understand a few words and phrases, but not all of it. Right not wasn't the time for language learning though. Now both were outside, playing around and training themselves.

"Alright Calida, try to disarm me" he said. Calida stood on her paws. Alistor grinned as he charged with a child roar and wooden sword in hand. She giggled and jumped over his wooden sword. She jumped over his head and landed right behind him. He nearly fell forward as his arms flailed. Calida took this time to jump on his back and bite the back of his collar. "H-hey get off!" he laughed out as he swung his toy wildly. Sitting under the shade of a tree were Isaac and Torch, seem to be taking a rest. The Charmelleon was now a very strong Charizard with black scales and a white underbelly. Isaac's opened one eye was the commotion from his little brother became louder. Alistor was now wrestling the Cyndaquil across the grass. Their laughter echoed in the air. He stood up with Calida on his shoulders.

"Come on Isaac" he laughed, "Come play with us!" Isaac leaned up and motioned him closer. Alistor smiled and set Calida down and went to him. Just was he was right in front of his brother, he suddenly had a finger pressed against his forehead. "Oww" Alistor whined, "I hate it when you do that."

"Can't play with you Alistor" Isaac told him, "I got another thing I have to do." He got up with Torch as he dusted off his pants.

"Sure you have another thing" Alistor chuckled as he rubbed his forehead.

"And what does that mean?" Alistor grinned big as he started to sing.

"Isaac and Jamey sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-Ow!!" Isaac poked his forehead again, cutting off his song. Jamey was an Infernape who lived close to the family. She and Isaac had been close friends ever since they met when they were little. Isaac didn't say anything else as he just walked with Torch behind him. Alistor rubbed his head more as he watched him go.

"Cynda?" Calida spoke out. He looked down and smiled at her.

"Is anyone near us?" he asked her. She sniffed the air and shook her head. He smiled more as he took his wooden sword and went over to the edge of the pond. He sat down on his knees and gazed over the water's surface. "Okay, now lets see what I can do" he muttered. Calida was next to him when he extended his arms over the pond. He focused and focused until the water started to float in the air and created a ball between his hands. Alistor had discovered about his talent months after the first incident. Since then, he's been practicing on this, figuring out how it works. He discovered many things. He can manipulate the water around him and he can even change its temperature. There were still so many questions. He even wondered why he has the powers. Everyone in his family had powers of their own, but they were mostly from their Eternal Flame powers. The power of fire. So why exactly did he have water and not fire?

"Well lets see if I can do more then just make a ball of water shall we?" he muttered. He focused on the orb more and it began to take shape. He started off with a cone, and then a box shape. The surface didn't seem so smooth, but he got the feeling that he was doing better the more. Just as he was making another shape, he was suddenly pushed forward and right into the pond. Alistor had yelped and swam back to the surface, coughing a bit.

"Calida!" he coughed, "what was that for?" The Cyndaquil raised a brow and shrugged her little shoulders. She hadn't done anything besides sitting next to him. He looked to her confusingly when a small splash came from behind him. He turned around, but no one was there. "Okay this is strange" Just then a little head of brown fur popped out from the water in front of him, making him jump back with another yelp. He knew what popped out. An Eevee.

"Eevee Eev!" it yipped happily, swimming around Alistor. His eyes followed the Eevee closely. He let out a small chuckle.

"Hey there" he said, "never seen you around here before." The little fox stopped right in front of him and then....spitted water at his face. "Gah!!" he sputtered out as the Eevee giggled and dived right under. "Why you!" he said as he dived in after her. Whoever this Eevee was, she was a good swimmer. Every time Alistor reached for her, she always swam away. He still chased her though, trying again and again to catch the little stinker. (I got you now) he thought and reached out, finally able to grab her around her torso.

"AHA!!" he shouted, "" He just realized one thing that seemed abnormal...he was breathing....underwater. He was so intent on catching the Eevee that he didn't try to hold his breath. "Woah!! This is amazing!" he shouted and swam back up. Calida was peaking over the edge worryingly since it had been a long while since Alistor dived in. His head popped out, which scared her to falling on her back. He climbed out of the pond just as the Eevee did.

"Cyndaquil! Cynda! Cyndaquil!!!" Calida shouted out of frustration of being scared.

"Calida! You would never guess what had happened!" Alistor told her about the ability to actually breathe underwater. Probably another one of his special talents. The new founding was getting him even more excited about what else he can find out about himself. Now there was the Eevee.

"Oh, we didn't even catch your name Eevee" he said. She yipped before she went into the bushes and came back with a small stick in her mouth. She began to engrave something on the dirt with it to spell out a name, Brooke. Seemed like her name was Brooke.

"Well nice to meet you Brooke" Alistor said, "Never knew you can write. Anyway, my name is Alistor and this one here is Calida" He petted the Cyndaquil's head which got her to pur a bit. "So you saw everything huh? Well I guess there's no point in hiding it from you Brooke" The Eevee let out a giggle and winked.

"Cyndaquil!" Calida yipped.

"Looks like we have another addition to our band of dreamers" The three all laughed out and rolled across the ground. Another pokemon to add in his group of friends. He was glad. She seemed very nice without doing any kind of mischief. He laid on the grass with a smile on his face. Maybe his dream will come true after all...his dream to becoming the best out of anyone in his family. He wants to protect those around him and help those in need.

"Well if I want to achieve it, all I can do now is keep practicing" he said as he got up, "Now, let do it!!"


The pokemon center in Vermillion wasn't having many trainers coming in today. Nothing serious was happening, so that meant either the city's gym leader is going easy on new trainers now or he's on his day off. Either way, it was nearly quiet. Nurse Joy was just writing down something on her desk when the door had opened. She looked up and saw the new trainer come in. He looked like a normal fourteen year old boy with a white shirt and blue pants. He had white hair that was much longer on the left side of his face. Behind him was a small child around five years younger than him. Unlike the boy's hair, hers was black. But it had the same kind of style, having the left side of her hair longer than the others. Behind them was a Typhlosion with a cross shape scar over its right eye, a Lopunny with a Silk Scarf wrapped around its neck as well as its waist, and a Vaporeon with a bell choker. Nurse Joy would feel like they were ordinary trainers if it wasn't for the weapons on their back, the girl having two. She slowly moved her paper work on the side and put her hands under the table, getting her fingertips close to the panic button incase this goes wrong. The boy went up to the desk and then...smiled brightly at her.

"Hello there Nurse Joy!" he shouted happily, "Mind giving my team their checkup? It's been a long walk from Cerulean City." She figured that this kid wasn't as dangerous as she thought and puller her hand away from her fingertips.

"Or course I will" she said with a smile.

"Names Alistor by the way" he said, "and this one behind me is Pedils, my little sis" Pedils stepped on her tips toes to get her eyes above the counter and waved.


Alistor and Pedils sat down in tables with the three pokemon fully rejuvenated as well as hungry. The Typhlosion licked its lips.

"I'm betting you're as hungry as a Munchlax Calida?" Alistor told it. She nodded eagerly.

"Been hours since I had some real food you know!" she said.

"What food doesn't count as real for you?" the Lopunny said. Base on its tone of voice it was a male. But if one was to just look at him, they would mistake him for a female thanks to his wide hips that'll make any woman jealous and the tuff of fur on his chest that made him look like he had breasts.

"No now Jack be nice" Alistor told the Lopunny. He only replied by turning his head as he lay on his elbow. The Vaporeon was on the table looking over the menu with its tail wagging.

"Mind watching your tail Brooke?" Calida chuckled. Brooke blushed a bit and put her tail down.

"I'm sorry but...they have soooooo many fish" she said, eyeing the picture of the roasted Magikarp and the deep fried fish sticks. She had a strong hunger for seafood. Alistor nearly laughed at that while Pedils just continued to look in the menu. She already made up her mind though, but she didn't want to get into the crazy conversations that was happening on the table.

"Well you can order anything you guys like. Thanks to all the battles we had won on the road we won't have much to worry about prices" he said as her looks closely at the menu and decided on having the extra double cheeseburger with a side of large fries. His sister pushed down the menu so he can look at her.

"Don't you think you should do something else besides eating?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Want a repeat of what happened last year and the year after that?" He grimaced at that thought. For the last two years since he had considered joining the league, he was always too late for the registrations.

"Don't remind me" he said.

"Well if you don't want a repeat I suggest you get your hungry butt up and go to the port and by the tickets before they sell out?" Alistor quickly got up and ran out the door in break neck pace. Calida still looked over the menu.

"You know the Cheri Pie looks so good, but there's also the Oran Berry hard to choose!!!"

A new ferry had just shipped in with many people, so the place was very crowded. Alistor rushed through the crowd of people. The ship filled with travelers had just arrived and the place was filled.

"Crud. I got to get tickets before they run out" he muttered, pushing his way through. He accidentally bumped into someone and nearly lost his balance before was able to regain it. The person, who looked around his age, nearly fell over as well.

"Hey!" he shouted.

"My bad" Alistor apologized, "I didn't hurt you that bad had I?"

"Nah, I'm good" said the boy. Alistor rubbed his head a bit and had noticed at how badly the guy's clothes were. The ferry was coming from the Hoenn region, so he must've had a run-in with the wild.

"Had a tough time in the wild in Hoenn huh?" he chuckled lightly, "They must be tough. Good thing I know how to use this". He smiled and pointed to the black Absol-like handle on his back using his thumb. The guy grumbled a lot and rubbed his eyes.

"I don't even know how I got like this!" he said. Alistor looked to his confusingly. Either this guy had really didn't know how he got that way, or he was just crazy.

"You don't" he asked, "well whatever happened must've got you in the head hard. He then looked him over. Something about him was a bit different than the trainers he met before. Something unique. Alistor was feeling something. Something...invigorating and exciting. He grinned at him and shook the guy's hand.
"My name is Alistor by the way. Alistor Gracidea" Even though he seemed a bit annoyed by the head hit part, he returned the handshake.

"I'm Ash Ketchum"

"Sorry if I offended you in anyway" Alistor said, taking notice of Ash's annoyed face. "Say, are you a trainer?" he asked him, making sure.

"Yeah, I am" Ash said, pointing to the small pokeballs on his belt. Alistor felt stupid for asking that now. Nonetheless, he smiled to him.

"You know, there's something about you. You seem a bit...different than the others. You give off this feeling that you are much tougher than the rest, and I got to see if the feeling is true. So, you want to battle now?" Ash smirked widely at that question.

"Yeah! I'm always up for one!"

"Alright! Just name the terms and..." Just as Alistor reached into his pocket, he felt nothing around there. He sweated a bit and checked the other pocket. Nothing. No pokeballs. That was when it hit him.

"What's wrong?" Ash asked a bit concerned.

"Gah!! I forgot I left them at the center" Alistor groaned, rubbing his face. "My bad" Ash frowned at not being able to battle right now.

"Guess we can't then..." Alistor looked to him apologetically, feeling even more stupid.

"Sorry about that. I usually have my team with me"

"No problem. I just remembered I need to keep moving too."

Alistor blinked as he heard one of the boats blew its horn, saying how there are only a few minutes until they depart.

"Oh right! I need to get the tickets for Hoenn" he said before he smiled to Ash, "Well I guess the battle has to hold until we meet again huh?" Ash smirked at him.

"You bet!" he said before he ran off. Alistor smirked to him and shouted through the crowd.

"Next time you see me I'll be carrying the Hoenn League trophy!! You'll see Ash!!!"
Chapter End Notes:A new beginning. The Hoenn region. What will be there once they arrive
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    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Aug 21 2013 Chapter:The Boy Known As Alistor Gracidea
    Parts were somewhat jumbled, and with the run-in with Ash I have a burning question: where were Pikachu and Brock?