AGNPH Stories

Where Dreams End by Lunis1992


The Time That Comes Before Heading Out

Littleroot town was a small place, surrounded by forest greens. There were farms and small houses, with many people living in them. So many trainers start their adventure here, since it was the place where registration starts. The town even had their own Pokemon center, where they kept all travelers in for the night. This is where Alistor is in....well on top. The young lad was on the roof, laying on his back as he saw the clouds past by. The rest of his partners were downstairs sleeping in the room with his sister, Pedils. He smiled as he stretched out laying flat on his back. He decided to rest a bit before he hurried to the professor. He was relaxing when a shadow loomed over him. He felt a slight decrease in light so he opened one of his eyes. Standing over him was his Typhlosion, Calida, who had been with him ever since she was a small Cyndaquil.

Professor Birch smiled as he tends to the pokemon in the field. There were so many of them that people wonder how he can take care of them all. The man smiled, scratching his bearded chin as he just finished setting the food for the Ponyta in the farm. He goes back out, stretching his arms and taking in the day light.
"Ahhh" he cooed, "'nother great day this had turned out to be". Birch was on his way to his home when suddenly-

"WAAAAAH!!!" A shout was heard and the professor turned. He saw someone was rolling down the hill of his field. Not one, but two people. It looked like a boy was rolling down with a Typhlosion. Birch looked to them as they rolled his way. Side-stepping, he moved and they rolled with a crashing stop at the side of the barn. The duo groaned, dizzy from the roll they did. The professor blinked at the scene, a bit confused.

"Oooow" Alistor said, "That hurt like hell" Calida groaned too, getting up with him. Pedils and the others were carefully running down the hill. Alistor and Calida decided to have a race and when they got to the top of the hill, Calida tripped and took Alistor with her. Jack was laughing his ass off while Brooke looked a bit worried. Pedils, as usually, looked very annoyed.

"I told you not to run Alistor!" Pedil said, coming to a stop. Alistor laughed quietly and scratched the back of his head. The Professor looked to them confusingly. Most of the trainers come running down the hill not rolling. Alistor got up with Calida and dusted themselves off. He looked up to Prof. Birch and smiled wide.

"Hey are you Prof. Birch? I heard you register trainers in the region's league" Alistor asked.

"I happen to be that man" Prof. Birch said, smiling. "Although, most of the trainer's who register don't have strong pokemon like you already". Alistor chuckled in a goofy manner before nodding.

"Yup. Been about four years since I started my journey".

"Really now? I'm taking a guess that you're fourteen then?" Prof. Birch asked. Alistor chuckled more and nods.

"My name's Alistor, Alistor Gracidea. I'm here to enter the league....umm...please tell me that I'm not late". Prof. Birch laughed and shook his head.

"Oh no, you made it in time. Registration was going to end in a week" Prof. Birch took note of Pedils. "I'm guessing that you must be his little sister". Pedils waved to him.

"My name's Pedils, it's a pleasure" she greeted.

"Ohoho!! Seems we have a young lady here. Well not, lets get down to business and register you". The group then head inside, excited that their journey can soon start....well all excited except Pedils.


Alisor and Pedils were sitting near a small table in the living room of Prof. Birch's house. His pokemon were all eating their hearts out. It's been a long while since they had anything good to eat. Calida was already on her second plate by the time the rest were even half way done with theirs. Jack flips one end of his Silk Scarf back so crumbs wouldn't get on. Brooke was taking her time by eating one at a time. Prof. Birch was on his CPU with Alistor's Trainer I.D. in hand. He smiled as her pressed one button and heads back.

"Okay! Registration is complete Alistor" Prof. Birch said, "You're now ready to start your journey. But I must recommend you to stay here for a day. It's a bit late to go out ya know and it'll take some time to reach the first city". Alistor laied his head back as if thinking about his answer. He didn't mind walking in the night and out in the wild. But he wouldn't want to be rude and say no to the offer.

"Okay Prof. Birch, we'll stay. That is if Pedils is willing to stay here as well". His sister was eating a sandwich that the professor gave her and nods, saying she's into the idea of staying over. Prof. Birch clamped his hands together loudly as he smiled wide.

"Wonderful! I have some extra room down the hall. Please make yourself at home". Prof. Borch said. Alistor nods and stands up along with his sister.

"Oh and professor? I need to use the phone" Alistor asked. The professor pointed him to the video phone before he disappeared into his room. Alistor quickly went to it and dialed. He needed to call someone back home to tell him about his arrival. A few rings later, someone answered. The man had white hair and what seems to be a veil over the lower part of his face. The man took a look at the screen and suddenly looked surprise. He then took off the veil away from his face and smiled to Alistor.

"Alistor! You arrived in Hoenn already?" the man asked. He was actually Alistor's uncle and a well known fighter in the family. His name was Varten and he was a Gracidea Shinobi, a ninja. His known tactics and tricks made him the best of the elite. Varten was also Alistor's uncle truth be told, which made the lad very proud to be his nephew.

"We went all out and rushed over here as fast as we can uncle" Alistor told him, "We made it here to Hoenn and my league journey starts tomorrow!"

"That's good to hear Alistor" Varten said, "Hope you know that since you're an experienced trainer, the gym leaders won't hold anything back. They'll use their real pokemon on you". Alistor chuckled hardly.

"Don't worry so much uncle. I can handle myself. I'm aiming to be the top trainer remember? I'm not going to let anything stop me".

"Well then. I'm not saying that I don't believe you do it but I think you'll need one extra member in your team Alistor". The one lad blinked at the video phone to his uncle.

"What you mean catch a new pokemon?". Varten chuckled.

"Oh no. I want to send you someone. She may be some help when you need it". Alistor smiled.

"Really Uncle? That sounds awesome! What's she like?" Varten chuckled more at his nephew's enthusiasm.

"You'll just have to wait and see now won't we?" Alistor smiled as he saw that his uncle had a poke ball in his hand. He placed it in the transported in the video phone. He smiles as the poke ball appeared. He takes it in his hand and twirls it around his fingers.

"How about we get you out of there". Alistor smiled and tossed the poke ball in the air, a flash of light laminated the room as the pokemon inside was set free. What was inside as sparkling scales, a bright horn, and beautiful blue eyes. It's tail wagged side to side, moving the two sparkling jewels that stuck to it. Alistor smiled big, had seen enough back home to know what it was.

"Uncle! You're giving me a Dragonair?! Wow!! This is so cool!!" he cheered.

"Thought you might like her. Alistor, meet Anna, she's Selena's daughter" Varten said. Selena was the local Dragonite who helped around the Gracideas. She had always spend so much time with Varten especially. Alistor grins, smiling bigger as he closes in on the screen.

"I'm guessing Anna's my cousin then?" her chuckled, getting his uncle to blush, saying bye and good luck before hanging up. He turns to the Dragonair, smiling.

"Hey cous!" Anna said, "How's it going?"

"I'm doing pretty good. So Anna, how long since you evolved?"

"I've been a Dragonair for about...I think 2 months now. Ever since I heard my older cousin had went off to a journey I thought I asked dad to help me train. And boy was it hard. But we succeeded!" She smiled again.

"Well that's how he is, always pushing everyone to do their best, no matter how many bruises we get" the both laughed, knowing all to well how Varten is when it comes to training the little ones. The team had watched them and got a bit surprise that Alistor received a Dragonair. Not only that, but supposedly his cousin too.

"Anna, meet your team. The Vaporeon is Brooke, she's a sweetie. Don't think that Lopunny is a girl, trust me. Jack gave me a hard one in the face when I mistaken him for one" Jack crosses his arms and smiles, looking glad he did that one time "And the one over there, stuffing her face still is Calida". Alistor received one pokemon food pellet at his face. Calida was great when it comes to shooting things out of her mouth. She grinned as he brushed off some of them crumbs before putting one in her mouth. "Everyone, this is Anna, my cousin and new member of our team" he said gladly.

"Hey everyone, hope I'll be a great addition here" she said.

"Hungry Anna?" Brooke asked, "I think there's some food left for you".

"Better hurry though, or Miss. Eats-a-lot here will have the rest" Jack ducked under a food pellet that was thrown at him. The Typhosion growls and continues eating, giving a glare to Jack as she does. Brooke was giggling at the scene, glad she had small entertainment while she ate. Anna slithered her way through the group, going to the small table in the center of the room. Alistor chuckles as he filled her bowl with food pellets and hands them to her. Anna looked rather confused when she saw what she was eating.

"Food pellets? You serious?" she asked as if this was a joke. Alistor looked to her and then to the bowl.

"Well....this is what Prof. Birch recommended to eat" he told her. Anna just looked up as if she was pouting.

"Well it look rather stale if you ask me" Alistor chuckled at her personality when it comes to food. He told her how he promised that if she eats all of the food pellets he would take the gang to get some real food. Anna didn't know about it at first, but decided to just go with it. Her first view on the food pellet soon changed when she taste the sweet flavor that was added on. A smile appeared on her face as she chewed them down. Alistor had some time chatting with Anna as she ate. He told her how his last adventures went. Wasn't all bad, nor was it so exciting. Either way, he was glad to be apart of it. He even told Anna about the trainer he ran into when he got into the region. He felt something in this guy, something burning and a fiery passion. This....Ash, he think his name was, felt like he would be a strong trainer. One day they would come across each other, and the battle would be unlike any he's been in so far, and he's sure of it.

The group had all decided to take time to themselves by exploring around for a bit. Calida didn't care, she just went on the couch and decided to take a nap. Jack decided to go outside in the forest to train a bit. Brooke went outside too so she can relax near the pond she found near the house. Anna just went to the room she was going to stay in, checking around to find something to do. Alistor chuckled as he goes to get ready for bed.

Jack bounced to forest once her was out. He hated the fact that he had to bounce, but that's just how his species are. He especially hated how he's more figured then most Lopunnies and the fact that his chest fur gave him the look of having small breasts. He sighed, knowing some of the males were watching him go, even hearing some whistles thanks to his sensitive hearing. He growled, but continued on. He was glad to finally reach the small forest and away from the males who were staring at him. He took a deep breath and sighed in relief.

"Thank god I'm away from those drooling mongrels. Now, to get some training going" Jack never liked the reputation on "slutbunny" given to his species. He trained ever since some time after he evolved. He wasn't apart of Alistor's team until about a year later. He had a career before and wished to never speak of it. Heck, he didn't told anyone in his team about it. He doesn't plan on telling them anyway. He hopped a little deeper in the forest until he found a good spot. Was a acceptable space with the trees on one end and a boulder in the other. The gap between trees was enough for Jack to make sure how late it would be.

"Now this is what I'm talking about" Jack said as he flipped one side of his Silk Scarf to his back as he started with a few warm ups.


Brooke had a smile on her face as she laid on the side of the pond with her tail in the water. She cooed, loving the feeling of water on her fur. She giggled and stood up, only to dive in the pond and swim around. Her body moved with elegant grace as she swam. She spun, flipped, and corkscrewed her way around and back onto the surface. The Vaporeon swam to shore and shook herself dry before laying back on the grass.

"The water is so nice" she told herself as she coiled her body. She noticed how it was getting dark, but thought she had enough time to take a nap. She yawned and coiled more as she started to take a small rest.


Alistor had just started getting everyone's bed ready. He was glad that Prof. Birch offered extra beds for the whole team. He checked all the bed, not including the ones Pedils and Anna were sleeping in already. He checked the digital clock on the counter and saw that it was already getting late.

"Huh...they should've been here by now" he said as he looked out the window. The moon was up and he couldn't hear a sound from outside. Maybe they lost track of time? He looked behind himself as he heard the door open and saw Jack bouncing his way him, looking a tad filthier then before.

"What happened to you?" he asked him. Jack growled softly as he crossed his arms.

"Some Machoke came by while I was training, wanting to have a piece of the bunny he said. You know how I get when someone gets me confused with a female. So I gave him a clobber!" Jack told him.

"Looks like he did some number on you huh?"

"Nah! He had two Mightyena with him who wanted a piece of me. Took care of them with one punch" the Lopunny dusted off his shoulders "I know it's a bit late but mind if I take a bath first before I sleep? I feel so filthy". Alistor chuckled before he let Jack off for his bath.

"Oh and have you seen Brooke? She's not here yet"

"Brooke? She's probably back at the pond" Jack told Alistor, bouncing to the bathroom for that shower. The human smiled, knowing how well that Vaporeon gets when it comes to water. He couldn't blame her, he loves water too. Heck, he has to. He decided to go get Brooke before he went to bed. He didn't want her outside for to long. He quietly exited the room and the house.

Alistor took a look outside. The stars were shining and not a cloud was in sight. The moon was gazing down on the world with it's brilliant face. He scratched his head. Where was that damn pond again? His fingers snapped as he remembered and headed to it. He smiled as he heard the nocturnal pokemon roamed through the forest. His eyes spotted a blue spot in his sight and hurried to it. He saw that it was Brooke, fast asleep next to the waters. He smiled to her, always adored that peaceful look. Even though he hated to ruin this sight, he had to wake her up. He kneeled down and shook her shoulder. Brooke's eyes opened slowly. She stretched her body , arching her back.

"Hmm? Huh? Oh boy. Did I overslept?" she said.

"You did for a bit" Alistor chuckled, "Head on inside. Prof. Birch laid out a comfortable bed for you" Brooke yawns one more time before nodding and heading inside. The boy smiled to her. He looked up to the sky and then the pond before him. He looked side to side before his smile grew. He only removed his sword from his back and he walked into the pond. Small waves formed as his entire body came in. He sighed, totally relaxed as his hands floated on the water's surface. His mind had gone blank. He laid his body back, letting it float and drift.

"I'm finally in Hoenn, ready to start my journey. To think that tomorrow is a new adventure, for everyone" Alistor cupped some water on his hands and splashed it on his face. The cold water dripped down his face and the cold breeze ran across it. Alistor wanted to stay there, heck even sleep like this.

Crash! A loud crushing sound was heard inside the forest, making Alistor jerk up and look around.

"What was that?" he asked himself. He quickly climbed out of the pond and grabbed his sword. He looked back, seeing if anyone has heard it. By the look of the light coming out of the window, they heard it too. Should he wait for the others to check so they could check together? Another loud crash was heard. There wasn't much time. He swung his sword behind him and ran to the sound. Bushes and small branches whacked at his body, but not slowing him down. He heard the crash once again, making him make a hard right turn. Alistor made it to an large open area where he thought the sound was at. Seemed to be like no one was out here.

"That's strange. I thought the crashes came from here" he said, looking around more. The crash sounded again, this time sounded like it was getting closer. The bushes rustled and he turned and prepared himself. When they stop shaking he calmed down, thinking that it was just some wondering Bug Pokemon.

"That was strange" he said. But as he stood up straight, a white blur shot out and collided with him, knocking them both over. Alistor groaned at the hard impact and looked to see what jumped him. What he saw was an elegant looking Pokemon. It's face was red like the color of the sunset. The fur was white, but had a small hint of the same red from its face. The horn it was arched on the right side of it's head, same color as the face. What got Alistor was it's eyes. It was a shining Sapphire color. Even though the eyes were half lid because of the hard hit it received from the collision, he can tell how beautiful they were. He realized what kind of pokemon it was. An Absol.

"Woah! Hey there. Why the rush?" he asked it. As the Absol was about to answer, suddenly a Onix rammed through the trees and lunged at them. Both of them gasped and Alistor rolled them out of harms way. The rock serpent left a large crater from where it attacked. If they had stayed on that spot, they would've been goners. Alistor jumped up and ran behind a boulder with the Absol in his arms. He set it down before looking over his shoulder to the Onix.

"Okay I don't know what you did you make it mad, but stay here okay?" he told it. Before it could say anything, the kid jumped over the huge rock and went in front of the serpent. The Absol looked over, seeing what was going on. Just what was this kid doing?

"Hey bit and ugly! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" he called out to it, making a face at it. Onix didn't like that. It roared loudly and tried to ram into him again. But the kid jumped over it's head with little trouble and ran up it's body, chuckling as he does. He hopped down to the ground and sat there, waiting for Onix to get back up. It shook its head, growling loudly and lunged at him again. This time, he rolled under it to dodge. The Onix looked down as it past, unaware that the cliff side was in front of it and its head bashed into it. Alistor chuckled as he saw it had swirly eyes. The Absol was staring in shock. This human was facing against a giant pokemon like an Onix...and he was winning. How is this possible?

"What's wrong? Can't keep up?" Alistor called out to it. He knew that the serpent was getting tired. Seemed like the Absol was a lot hard to catch. He figured that one more miss would take care of it. Expectantly, the Onix roared again and goes for him again. Alistor just jumped over it and watched it slide under him. He landed with both feet on the ground and heard the Onix panting roughly. That was it. That pokemon was out of breath and to exhausted to move. He dusted off his hands and went over to the Absol, who had its eyes wide open.

"You okay?" he asked "Do you have a name?"

"....Uh..." By the sound of it, Alistor guessed that the Absol was a female.

"Well nice to meet you Uh" he said, playing around. The Absol shook her head.

"Umm...I'm did you-?"

"Beat the Onix? Was easy? Had ran across some a few times". Unknown to them, the Onix was slowly getting up. Beaten by a human? It didn't want that kind of reputation. There was no way. It's tail dug into the earth and shot multiple boulders at the duo, aiming to keep this defeat a secret by taking out the two. Leila gasped as she saw one giant rock hurling towards them and covered her head as if it can protect her. Alistor looked back and growled.

"You never give up huh?" he said. His hand reached to the hilt of his sword and pulled. With a quick swift, the boulder that was heading to them split right in two down the middle. Alistor looked over to the Onix, who had a very shocked expression on its face. Leila couldn't believe it neither and took a look at his sword. It's shape was most unique, like it was giving an image of a small wave. The blade resembles distant ocean waves with a breaking wave just above the hilt. The edge is black, and yellow and black leather attachments are above the hilt to protect his hands. A curved horn-like shape extends from the hilt. Alistor looked over to the Onix, a bit angrier now.

"Big mistake you know" he said. He drew his arm out, his fingers extended. Water started to gather around the area. All the drops came to the front of his hand, creating a ball. He grinned as the Onix tried to get up and flee, only to trip over and fall again. Alistor smiled and waved to it.

"Cya!" he shouted. The ball of water suddenly shot out, turning into a powerful torrent towards the Onix. It couldn't even move. It was hit and the pure power of the torrent lifted it in the air. It went even higher and higher. Soon, the Onix was sent soaring through the air, over the forest, and out of the sky, a star appearing from where it disappeared to.

"And he's out of here" he chuckled as he turned to Leila, "Can you move?" She tried to stand, only to fall over. She winced and looked over to her hind leg. Seemed like the Onix did some damage while she was fleeing. Alistor looked over it and reaches to his side. He took out a round canister and opened it.

"Let me help with that" he told her. He placed the palm of his hand over the opened top. He slowly pulled his hands away and out comes the water, floating out of the canister. Leila looked nervous about the scene. How could she not. There was a floating ball of water on the boy's palm. He told her to hold still, his hand held her leg up a bit as his hand with the ball went close to her injured leg. The water jumped into her leg and slithered around her leg. The Absol looked to it nervously, wondering what he was going to do. Just was suddenly, she felt that he ache was slowly disappearing. Her wound suddenly healed as if nothing had injured it.

"There we go" Alistor said as her pulled back the water and returned it to the canister.

"...You know, I never got your name" Leila said.

"You didn't?" Alistor chuckled "I'm Alistor. Alistor Gracidea. Pleasure to meet you Leila". She smiled to him as she stood up and shook her body to remove any dirt that clanged into her fur.

"Thanks for helping me" she said.

"Hey, even though you're leg is okay, I think I should take you to the professor. He's a good guy and knows much about pokemon". He smiled down to her, which got a smile back.

"That would be nice" she said, the gasped as she suddenly found herself lifted up and laid on his back.

"You already ran a lot thanks to that Onix. How about I help you get to his home?" Leila blushed lightly at the generous offer and nods. He gave her a warm smile and started walking. Leila was a bit confused at this boy's gesture. She only met him and here he is, helping her out. She sighed, placing her head on his shoulder. The chase had taken a lot out of her, and she was tired. Her eyes gently closed, the last sight she saw tonight was the smiling face of Alistor.
Chapter End Notes:Alistor meets a new face. Was this encounter a coincidence or had fate decided
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    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Aug 21 2013 Chapter:The Time That Comes Before Heading Out
    {} Achievement Unlocked: 35G
    "Made use of the stereotypical nickname for most Lopunny"

    {} Achievement Unlocked: 35G
    Blasting Off Again!
    "Have character(s) launched high enough to vanish into the sky"