AGNPH Stories

Where Dreams End by Lunis1992


A New Dawn For A New Day

It had been days since the group had started out for the first town on the map, Oldale Town. Alistor had his team out like he always had, on occasions where pokemon needed to stay in their pokeballs. He and Leila were getting along very well. She mostly walked beside him, asking a whole bunch of questions about either him or his sister.

"One thing you should never do when it comes to Pedils is to never ever make her mad" Alistor told her, "You should also know that she dislikes almost the entire male population" Pedils scowled and turned away, knowing the discussion must've been about her.

"Well if those men actually had a brain then I wouldn't hate that many in the first place" she said. Jack rolled his eyes, hearing this so many times from her. Leila giggled at this one though.

"Come on Pedils, some of those males are actually nice compared to the others" she said. Pedils went onto her how the world will be much better if woman ruled and how there won't be wars and other thoughts. Alistor took in a deep breathe of the forest air and listened in on the wild pokemon out and about. He loved the peacefulness in the air. It always calmed him down.

"How long 'till we reach the city?" he asked. Pedils checked on her Poketch she had gotten from Prof. Birch. He had ordered a large supply of them for beginning trainers and thought he should give one to her since she and her brother were so new to Hoenn. Checking the map, she predicted that it would take them just one more day to reach Oldale Town around noon. "That's good to hear. We're getting closer to our first gym badge everyone".

"I just hope they have good food there" Calida said, rubbing her stomach. Jack held himself back at a comment.

"I was in Oldale Town once. It's a very nice place to start off a journey" Leila told.

"Oh you've been to Oldale?" Jack asked, "What did you do there?" Leila turned her head and stared at the ground, being quiet. Jack looked at her strangely. "Was it something I said?" he asked. He decided to drop the subject. Seemed like whatever happened in the city she didn't want them to know. But they didn't know that.

"Oh who cares?" Alistor said, jumping up to take an apple off a tree, "Either way we'll be heading to the first gym battle after. And we're going to kick some butt"

"You bet!" Calida shouted out, "There's nothing that'll stop me!"

"Nothing but sugar fat" Jack replied, receiving a growl from the Typhlosion. Alistor laughed and spun the apple on his fingertip.

"You two behave alright? We are all a team here". They only crossed their arms and looked away from each other. Anna looked nervously with a chuckled and whispered over to Brooke to ask if this happened a lot. Unfortunately, it does.

"Looks like it's getting dark" Pedils pointed out "We're going to need to find a place to rest for the night" Alistor looked up in the sky and noticed it turned to a fiery orange some time ago. He scratched the back of his head and sighed.

"Alright then. Anywhere on the Poketch that shows us the spot?" he asked. Pedils shook her head, saying how it doesn't show anything for campouts. They were on their own on this one. Alistor chomped down on the apple and proceeded on down. "Well lets look for a spot to camp alright? Can't be that hard to look for-"

"Found one" Brooke called out with her upper half in the bushes and her face peaking out from the other end. The gang all took a peak and saw that she was right. There was a large opening in the forest big enough for all of them.

"Wow, that was quick Brooke" Alistor said, going over and taking a long needed seat. The others all sat down. Pedils and Jack had went to look for some wood to make fire with. Brooke and Calida both had taken a spot to rest. Leila was by herself, wondering what she can do. Seeing nothing she can do, she decided to just lay down next to Alistor. He was digging in his pack, searching and moving things around inside.

"Ah-ha! Here it is!" he said, pulling out a book. Seemed to be very old, but still durable to be kept inside something like a backpack. The cover was very well designed. It showed a red bird kind of logo at the center with red flames circling it from the bottom and sides, leaving the top opened up. The edges were crafted in silver fabric. That was all to the cover of the book. The back was the same except it didn't had the red bird nor the flame.

"Hey, what is that?" Leila asked, taking notice of it.

"Oh this?" he said, "This is a book past down from my family for around three-hundred years. It's formally known as The Book Of Harris. Harris is one of my ancestors and a big hero in my family. He wrote the story of his life and only three of his book exist"

"He must've been one heck of a guy" Leila said, yawning a bit.

"He was. His book inspires so many people. I do mean inspire. I told myself to not read it until my pokemon journey starts"

"So he hasn't read it for three years" Calida chuckled from behind. Alistor smiled up to her.

"I get distracted a lot" he chuckled, "but I started this journey now so I can read it"

"You definitely seem to be very impressed with this guy. How do you even know he's a real person?" Leila asked. Alistor smiled down at her with a big grin.

"That's because me and my sis are his direct descendants of his". Pedils and Jack finally got the wood for the fire, a good amount for the night. Brooke had found some rocks around the campsite and placed them around in a circle as some of the wood was put at the center. Calida let out a Flamethrower and the place was lit up. Jack stretched out and yawned.

"That's much better" he said, laying on the grass with his arms and legs spread out. Alistor opened up his book and flipped through the pages. He seemed very proud to have it in his hands. He sighed happily and placed the book by his side.

"Come on Leila, lets show you how to make a tent" he said as he got up. Leila shook off some dirt and followed behind. Two bags were put on the ground, both having their own tent. Alistor went to one as Leila went to another. "Okay the first thing you need to do is make the layout of the tent with these poles here. Once you do, all there is it to-"

"Finished" Leila chimed. She had just finished a perfectly stabled tent with one try. Alistor stared with his mouth slightly opened.

" when did you know how to make a tent?" he asked. Leila giggled and waved a claw side to side.

"I am not telling" she chimed again. He decided to just make the tent, which was much slower than how Leila had done. Fixing a few mistakes on his part, he took the scent of fish in the air as Pedils started to cook some in the fire when Brooke caught some. They were cooking nicely. Leila was next to the fire, using the heat to warm up her fur in this cold night. Calida was sitting down eyeing the fishes as Jack was doing what Leila was doing. Alistor smiled at the scene of his friends all together. He took a seat near the fire and took his book. He opened to the first page and read the first line that had inspired many from his family.

'The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making your dreams come true'


Azuria City, a place of class and prosperity. Tall buildings stood tall as it's citizens walked along the sidewalk. One building as the largest of them all. Nearly doubling in height and width, it was the city's monument. Inside was large and it's hallways were long. Near the highest floor, a more decorated hallway was echoing the sound of footsteps. Down the hall walked a Zangoose. Though, the features were a lot different. There was breasts, large breasts, that showed that it was a female. She was really tall, around six feet tall. She had her claws get replaced by human fingers. Her long red hair flowed fluently. She wore a black body suit with metal platings on her shoulders and boots. The clothing did little to cover her breasts, barely covering her naughty bits. Seemed like a lot was going through her mind. She didn't even took notice of the Lucario laying on the wall as she past him. He seemed like a normal Lucario equipped with armor on his shoulders, arms, chest, legs, as well as his shorts. His spikes were strange. The spikes in his hands were curved out and his chest looked like a steel barb that spreads out at the base. His headlocks didn't had a balled end, but a curved upward.

"You seem to be in a lot of stress" the Lucario spoke out. The humanoid Zangoose stopped in her tracks. "Is it because of her?" She didn't made a single sound. He sighed as he pushed himself away from the wall. "Zena, she did what she was told. The outcome wasn't expected."

"Don't remind me about that time Cobalt" Zena muttered as her hands clenched. "I don't want to remember. I was there myself you know"

"You say that as if it was your fault she-"

"Don't you say it!" she nearly shouted as she faced him. He didn't seem much affected by her outburst as he went closer to her.

"Don't let this get to you Zena. You are stronger than this" he told her. Zena growled and turned away.

"Living on the past will bring you nowhere" another voice said. Down the other hallway came a Gallade, body covered in armor. Lower half of his face was covered in a metal mask and his arms were armored as well, with a gap to allow his blades to extract. "You must forget in order to live on Zena."

"Blade, not now alright" Cobalt pleaded, "It's bad enough as it is."

"I am merely speaking the truth." Blade said, "Zena remembering that incident will cause her to lose herself and will lead to the same fate." Zena sighed and rubbed her head out of frustration. "You best be forgetting it as of now Zena. Lucifer would be displease if he were to see you like this" The Gallade grunted and soon continued down the hall for his objective. Zena was biting her lower lip hard to nearly pierce her skin. Cobalt sighed and patted her on the back.

"Come on Zena, we have to get everything ready for the Paradise Formal" he said. Zena turned roughly and just kept going along the way. The Paradise Formal was a way to convince people that Lucifer was the perfect choice to lead the region. But there was more to this get together than most people knew. Cobalt sighed loudly, wondering if this would work out just as planed.


The gang all stood tall as Oldale Town is seem just beyond the horizon. Alistor grinned big seeing the first town of his journey. Calida yawned, still not fully awake yet.

"First town huh?" she asked.

"It is. Just thinking about this is making my whole body shiver." Alistor said as his fingers began to clench with excitement. The town was pretty simple with its small buildings and shops. The town's people were walking around and eating outside the restaurants. It was late afternoon so nothing much else was happening. Calida had her face almost literally presses against the window of a Bakery Shop. The smell of fresh bread lifted her nostrils and nearly made her drool.

"Oooooh the place smells so good" she cooed. Jack took in the scent as well, his tail nearly wagging behind him. "Oh can we stop for a bite to eat Alistor! Come on! I'm starving over here!" Calida was doing her puppy dog face at Alistor. He laughed big as his stomach growled along with hers.

"I think we deserve a little something. We hadn't eaten in quite a while anyway" Brooke wagged her tail as her mind went over to the sight of fish on her plate. Alistor chuckled lightly and pulled Calida away from the window by the scruff of her neck. Pedils motioned over to a family restaurant that was named "House of Toast". The group came in and was greeted happily and lead to a booth. The waitress gave Alistor and Pedils menus but not the rest.

"Uh excuse me miss" Alistor called out, "but I think you forgot to give menus to my other friends" He gave a small glare at her. She apologized and came back with some menus for Calida, Brooke, Anna, Jack, and Leila. They all looked over the choices of food and happily picked out what they want. They all told Alistor what they ordered, so he can tell the waitress. Calida ordered a double bacon cheeseburger with a side of French fries and a shake. Jack had ordered a potato créme soup for himself. Anna and Brooke both got the same thing, fried shrimp and fish sticks.

"I'll have...five toast only" Leila said.

"That's it? Nothing else?" he asked. Leila blushed and hide her face with her paw.

"What? I love toast." The waitress came back ready to write down their order, going to Pedils first.

"I'll have the chili-cheese fries with a coke please" she said.

"Lets see" Alistor muttered. "we'll have a bacon double cheese burger with a side of fries and an oran berry shake, potato cheese soup, two orders of fried shrimp and fish sticks, and five toast. Oh better make that a double on the bacon double cheeseburger." As the waitress left, the others chatted. Being next to Alistor, Leila started to ask him more questions.

"Hey Alistor" she started, "if you can understand pokemon speech, does that mean your sister knows too?"

"Oh Pedils? No she didn't learn it herself" he said. Pedils, having heard her name, spoke.

"Are you two talking about me?" she asked with a glare. Alistor sweat dropped and chuckled.

"She only asked if you knew pokemon speech. Nothing to serious" he told her. Pedils shrugged.

"Well frankly I never had the time to learn. I always had to work and do more work. Now my work is making sure you don't mess up on your journey" Leila looked to them rather confusingly.

"So not all of your family members know pokemon speech?" she asked him.

"No" he told her, "in fact, I am the only one in my family who knows it. You can thank Calida for that." Alistor patted the Typhlosion on her shoulder. She grinned as she raised her thumb up.

"Without me, he would still be trying to figure out what we say" she said, chuckling.

"Well it actually started because you didn't want to learn how to speak human." Alistor laughed with Calida.

"Wait, so your family teach pokemon how to speak human?" Leila asked.

"That's right. Not all humans teach themselves to know pokemon speech, so my family has them learn how to talk to break the whole language barrier"

"I see" she said, pondering. A little while after, the food was coming in now. Alistor and Calida got their burgers, Anna and Brooke got their fish, and the rest got their food. Leila looked over her toast and felt that something was missing. Just was the waitress turned she tugged on her shirt to get her attention. "Excuse me, but do you have any butter?" she human speech! The other didn't even do their first bite as they heard Leila, the Absol, speak. The waitress was shocked as well as she slowly backed away.

"Weeee do..." she muttered as she left. Leila took sat back in her seat and caught that everyone was eyeing her.

"...what?" she asked. It took her a while to realized what she did. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. "Uh oh!"

"Since when can you talk?!" Alistor shouted,

"Alistor, you mean when can she talk humanly" Pedils said before she shouted, "since when can you talk humanly?!" Leila blushed and tried to duck under the table only to have Calida grab her and lift her back up.

"Spill it" Jack said.

"Okay okay! I'll talk" Leila said humanly this time, "I taught myself how to talk during my travel. I thought it would help whenever I need to ask for directions okay?" Calida had let go of her fur and gently placed her back in the booth. Leila sighed in relief as their expressions changed. (Good...they bought it).

"Well that's understandable for someone to pick up a few words" Pedils pointed out, "but to speak fluently?"

"I-I just listen very well" Leila chuckled nervously, "Why all the talking? We came to eat right?" Calida instantly took a bit out of her cheeseburger and chowed down.

"She's right! So shut up and eat!!" she said as she ate wildly. Alistor agreed to the eating and ate almost like Calida, looking as if they were both racing to finish their meal first. Pedils figured that she should drop it and just ate her food along with the others. Leila sighed in relief again as she dodged another bullet. She'll need to learn how to hide her secrets better.


"Phew! I am so stuffed!" Alistor said as he stretched. The gang had finished their dinner and were on their way to a hotel. Much to his enthusiasm at going through the journey, Pedils suggested that they stay in town for the rest of the day.

"We'll go to Petalburg City in the morning. Lets look for a good hotel with none of the high price" she told them.

"Come on Pedils. Just one stay at a nice hotel won't kill us. I think we have enough money for them" Alistor said. Pedils just growled under her breath and just agreed to it. After a short, five minute walk, they stopped in front of a massive building. Four pillars supported an overhang near the front door, large enough for cars to drive under. The valets in blue suits and hats, stood ready to park cars in the lot beside the building. The building itself was a slightly dark shade of blue, brandishing white trim along its sides and overhangs.

"This looks like a good place" Alistor said. They entered through the revolving doors in the front. The inside was just a luxurious as they expected. The whole theme of "blue" stayed true throughout the lobby. The carpet was a plain iceberg blue while the walls were a slightly lighter shade. Paintings of blue water pokemon and people dressed in blue outfits lines the walls. (!!") thought Pedils as she saw the blue chairs, blue carpets, blue walls, and even a blue chandelier.

They made their way to the wooden, blue stained front desk and were greeted by a warm smile from a receptionist dressed in a royal blue suit with periwinkle hair.

"Welcome to Ocean Paradise Hotel. How may I help you?" she asked.

"Yeah. We would like two rooms for seven please"

"One moment" The receptionist checked on her computer and took down two keycards off the wall. "Your room in on floor twelve" Alistor paid for the room, quiet surprise to actually have enough to afford it.
When the rest of the group finished admiring the scenery, they went to the elevator, just right of the front desk. After a short ride upwards, they arrived in a spacious hallway, decorated in the same fashion as the lobby. There were only five doors in the large, but short hallway and they were spread as far apart as possible. Kelly went for the third door in the hall which was conveniently right in front of the elevator. Pedils swiped one of the cardkeys from Alistor's hand and went to the room.

"Are we going to do the same thing? Jack and Brooke with me?"

"Yeah. Also Anna, since you two haven't really chatted for a while" Alistor said as he turned to Leila and Calida, "So that mean you two will be sharing a bunk with me."

"Just like always" Calida chuckled as she scratched her nose. Alistor went inside his room a little after Pedils and noticed how much the room fit the theme of the hotel. The carpet was the same shade of blue as the rest of the hotel, but had all manner of aquatic patterns on it of a darker shade. Bubbles, waves, corral, and numerous decorations of water pokemon were all over the place. The bed was huge and shaped like a bubble; it looked like it could hold 5 people. There was a large blue door on the left wall, which Alistor assumed lead to the bathroom. The big sliding window in front of him opened up to a miniature patio in the sky, overlooking a fairly large part of town as well as a park.

"What with this hotel and the ocean?" Calida said as she hopped on the bed and not surprised that it was a water bed. Alistor looked around the room, completely surprised at how fancy this place is for the price he paid.

"This must be a new hotel considering we got all this at such a cheap price" he said.

"Can they really do that?"

"I guess they can" Alistor shrugged as he checks his money bag, and saw that he had enough for a small amount of supplies for the trip. "I'll be right back girls. I'll need to get some stuff. Try not to ruin the place to much alright?" Calida let out a small laugh.

"Oh we will never do such a thing" she said. Leila was ready to pounce behind the Typhlosion. Once Alistor left, without his sword, she jumped to the other side of the bed, landing and making Calida bounce in the air and land on the floor.

"Ow!" Calida yelped as Leila giggled.

"Sorry. My bad"


Alistor sat on the park bench. It was still the afternoon but the sun was slowly setting. Should be in about an hour. He brought out his money bag to check on his small amount he had.

"I should've taken Pedils' advice" he said as he closed the bag up, "but to late to turn back now." He got up and started to walk down the town. He suddenly heard a set of cheers in the park, and a large crowd was huddled at a scene. "Wonder what's happening there" he said as he rushed to the spot. He pushed through the crowd and reached the front. There was a wooden stage set up, a pokemon arena stage. In the center was a pokemon he recognized as a Nidoking. His trainer on the right was a big and buff bald man, and he seemd to be getting angry at the fight. Alistor noticed the pokemon he was facing.

It was something he had never seen before. Alistor figured that he shouldn't say 'it' considering that the pokemon had breasts. She had a grayish-brown fur and red and black accents. She had pointed snouts and ears and long red mane with black tips that resembled a ponytail. Her mane had a teal bangle down it's length. She had a black ruff on her upper body, pointed at the shoulders from which her arms extended. She had three red claws on both her hands and feet.

"What pokemon is that?" he muttered as he took out his pokedex and scanned her.

'Zoroark, the Illusion Fox pokemon. Rumors say that this pokemon can change its appearance and are known to create illusionary attacks. Whether it's true, it is still unknown'

"Wow, a whole new pokemon" He looked up and noticed that there wasn't another trainer on the arena. "Hmm? That's weird. Does she even have a trainer?"

The bald man growled in frustration and ordered his Nidoking to attack with Horn Drill. It let out a roar and charged at the Zoroark with its horn pointed straight at her. She merely jumped over it with little trouble and swiped its back with the claws on her foot. The Nidoking made a sharp u-turn and charged at her from behind. She turned and grabbed it by the horns, being pushed across the arena. She reeled her foot back as it began to glow brightly before she kicked at the Nidoking's feet, making it trip and flip over her. The moves was Ankle Sweep, one not yet known in this region. The trainer must've had problems with her considering that veins were appearing on his head. Out of anger, he order his pokemon to fire a Hyper Beam. It opened its mouth wide as it bring in energy. The Zoroark didn't seem to nervous about the oncoming attack. Instead, her hands glowed black as she suddenly disappeared. Next thing anyone knew, the Nidoking stopped it's attack and the Zoroark in front of it, her fist right in its gut.

"Was that....Sucker Punch?" Alistor muttered. The Nidoking hit the ground with a loud thud. Zoroark just dusted off her paws and went to her corner, taking a seat. The man was letting out a whole bunch of curses as he returned his fainted pokemon to its ball. Now a brown haired man in a bright poke dotted tuxedo can to the center of the arena with a mic.

"What a show folks" he said a little nasally, "this pokemon sure know how to fight. Now lets continue on with the King of the Hill event! Win five rounds and you will win a fabulous prize! This pokemon won four rounds already, so who will be her next vict-I mean challenger?" Everyone seemed to be thinking about the opportunity. They saw her battle four tough pokemon and beated them with ease.

"I'll do it!" Alistor called out as he hopped on stage and to the announcer.

"We have a new challenger folks! Tell the audience son, what is your name?" He placed the mic so close to Alistor's face he swore he could smell the guy's breath from it.

"My name is Alistor Gracidea"

"Alright! Alistor Gracidea. Let me explain the rules one more time. Either knock out the king or knock the king out of the ring to win. There are no other rules besides that kid!"

"No other rules huh?" he said as he began to think. When he jumped on stage he had forgotten that he left all his team in the hotel. But since there are no rules... "Alright lets get this started"


The Zoroark stood up and didn't seem into the fight that was going to go.

"Now Alistor, what pokemon will you be sending out?"

"Oh I am not going to bring out a pokemon" Alistor told him, "I will be going up against Zoroark myself."

The crowd began to ramble on about this decision. This kid just said he was going to face this pokemon, who defeated pokemon much larger then him. Was this kid crazy? The announcer thought the same thing and covered the mic with his hand.

"Listen kid. This isn't a game ya know. You can get hurt in this" he told him. He only smiled at him and then the Zoroark, who seemed surprise that he was going to face her hand to hand.

"Well you did say no other rules" he told them, "So, why not fight her by myself?"

"...Alright kid. But if you get scars or going to bleed eternally, don't sue us. It's all you. I even have witnesses" Alistor nodded and head to the other side of the arena. The Zoroark was staring him down. Was this kid really serious about facing her? This some kind of joke? Nonetheless, she extended her claws and stood ready. She decided to hold back on her attacks and go for a regular street brawl.

Alistor smiled as he held up his hands up to his face, keeping them apart far enough to be able to see in front of him. The Zoroark in front of him stared him down, trying to intimidate him like the others she had done. He only smiled more to her and wagged his finger, telling that the scary girl act won't work on him. She growled a bit and stood ready. The tuxedo man grinned and started the match. Instantly, the Zoroark leaped at Alistor and swiped with her claws. He gasped, surprise at her speed, and ducked under her claw and jumped back. She then turned her body and swung her foot claws at him. He jumped back and rolled to her for an axe kick. It missed and he rolled to the left to dodge her punches. Alistor wheeled around and was able to land a kick to her stomach, pushing her back. She seemed really surprise by that. None of the pokemon she faced here hadn't even touched her, let alone kick her.

Alistor smiled and charged with his fist wheeled back. The Zoroark grabbed his hand and threw her own, getting him right on his right side. He rolled across the ground and quickly got back up. He saw her coming at him in the air with her foot straight at him. He blocked it with both arms, wincing a bit from the force of the attack. She didn't let up though as she stomped her feet against his arms. He grimaced and fell to one knee, but still took his stand. She growled and leapt up and smashes her balled hands at him, able to knock him down and kicking up dust in the air. The audience were tuned into the brawl. This boy decided to face a strong pokemon all by himself, and he's doing better than any pokemon sent out to face it. The dust cleared enough to show the Zoroark and Alistor, pushing each other back as he laid on the ground. She growled, getting more annoyed by this human below her. A kick in the gut knocked her out of her thoughts and threw her back. She stumbled, nearly falling off the arena and losing the match. Alistor got up and ran at her. She growled even more and charged at him. He smirked as the Dark-type swung her leg. He took this moment to slide right under, making a silly face at her.

"You missed" he tuned. The Zoroark growled even more and swiped her paws around wildly. Alistor easily dodged them, laughing lightly as he does. She was getting more annoyed as she threw her paws more frantically. Alistor had to work harder to dodge them, but the attacks were pushing farther back to the edge. He grabbed both her arms and kicked her far back, causing her to grunt loudly. She fell on her back and stood back up with an even louder growl. She roared as a ball of flame formed in her mouth right before she shot out a Flamethrower right at Alistor.

"Ah crud!!" Alistor shouted out as the flames engulfed him and launched him out the arena. The Zoroark realized what her frustration had her do and stopped her attack. Smoke rose from where the body of the human had landed. The audience all looked on in horror, expecting the worse. The Zoroark cursed in her native tongue for letting her anger get the best of her and fried a child. But what came next was nothing anyone had expected. The smoke cleared and the body of Alistor was shown. Not burned nor singed, but inside a melting block of ice. The Zoroark stared shockingly, like the audience as the ice cracks and the boy's body comes out, perfectly fine. Alistor stretched out and smiled.

"Oh man. Got myself out of the ring. Looks like I lost" he said, as if nothing unusual happened. The announcer cleared his throat in the mic to get everyone's attention.

"W-well looks like we have a winner her..." he said. The Zoroark turned to him and stood in front of him. "A-as for the reward. You get a womping amount of prize money plus two tickets to the Paradise Formal in Rustboro City" He handed the Zoroark a large envelope, consisting of an enormous amount of prize money plus the two tickets he had mentioned. Alistor climbed up the arena and went to her.

"That was a great match Zoroark" Alistor said, extending his hand to shake her paw. She just looked at his hand and then at him before she just turned and walked away. He didn't took that rejection though as he just shrugged and head on out. That Zoroark was indeed strong. He felt as though she was holding back up until the end. "Wonder if I will meet her again in Petalburg" Could be possible. He looked in the sky and noticed that the sun was setting. He'd been out for quite awhile. "Woah, better get the supplies and go back quickly." He ran toward the closet pokemart, hoping that he won't get Calida's usual when he came back.


The Zoroark who Alistor had face was in an elevator of a local hotel. She sighed and winced a bit from the slight pain in her gut. That kid really got her hard. Took her by surprise actually. She went out and went straight to a room. She sighs and gets inside the room where she and her companion were staying at. The prize money was in her hand as well as the tickets to the Paradise Formal. She noticed that there wasn't anyone else inside.

"...hmm...looks like she's not here" she muttered. Just then, a little pokemon crawled out from under the bed. Seemed like it was a smaller version of Zoroark. Not known to most of the Hoenn league, the little creature was a Zorua.

"Auntie Kerrin!!" it yipped. The Zoroark, Kerrin, rolled her eyes and kneeled down.

"Now why are you under there Aki?" she asked the little one and lifted her up.

"I hide there every time someone comes in" Aki giggled.

"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore" she told her, "Now, had you seen Zora?"

"Uuuhh...Zora said she was going out for a bit. She'll be back soon."

"Out huh?" she sighed, "You wouldn't happen to know where exactly do you?" Aki shook her head.

"Not really. Zora never said much. Thought she did say she was going to buy some food."

Kerrin rolled her eyes. She knew Zora might be doing much more than that. 'Alright. So what should we do to kill time?" Aki smiled and held her little paws up.

"Gimme a hug" she cheered. Kerrin sighed a bit annoyingly.

"You and your hugs" she said as she gave her a small one. Aki purred and nuzzled her chin. Kerrin petted her. "Wonder when she'll be back, I got some extra money for out trip." Aki was still nuzzling her as the door opened. It was then another female Zoroark came in with a bag of stuff. She stretched a bit, not noticing Kerrin yet.

"Took you long enough Zora" she said as she set Aki down. Aki blinked up at her and went teary eyed.

"No more hug?"

"Yeah, bought some stuff from the mart" Zora said, "ran into some guy earlier. Nothing unusual." Kerrin rolled her eyes yet again.

"By the way, I got us some extra money. Plus some tickets to this lousy named formal"

"Cool. You won some kind of contest?" Zora asked as she picked up Aki from the bed and gave her a hug. Kerrin sat on the chair near her and laid her head back.

"Yeah. Fighting one. Some of the stupid humans sent out the most stupid pokemon who have the most stupid moves.

"Good for you!" Zora chimed as she cuddled Aki and received a pur from her. "So what's this formal?"

"Something happening in Petalburg City. Something about this region's leader."

"Really? I hadn't heard much about it."

"I think it's because this is the first time they are doing this" Kerrin got up but winced and held her stomach. Zora was quick to take notice.

"Are you okay Kerrin?" she asked a bit worryingly.

"Yeah. Nothing serious. Some human caught me by surprise in my last match."

"Oh you poor thing."

"Strange thing though. Most humans use their pokemon to face me, but this kid actually wanted to face me himself."

"Odd I guess. Well at least you won eh?" Zora putted Aki down and sits on the bed. "Come on. Lie down here. I'll see if I can help you ease the pain a bit." Kerrin winced more as she walked over to the bed and laid down on her back. Zora gently placed her claws on her stomach and started to rub it.

"What's strange is right when I won. He can actually fight and he got under my skin. I went as far as me firing a Flamethrower at him and got him out of the ring."

"I see" Zora muttered, "well you do have anger problems." Zhe giggled as Kerrin glared at her.

"Then something off happened" Kerrin continued, "he wasn't burned from my attack at all. Infact, he somehow got himself incased entirely out of ice."

"That does sound odd" Zora said, "I heard of humans that learn all sorts of funny skills. You need me to use potions?" Kerrin waved it off.

"No potion. It's only a bruise. It'll go away later" she winced again, "I know some humans have special abilities but they are mostly psychic abilities. To actually create ice out of thin air, ever heard of something like that?"

"I had. Only in legends though" Zora gently rubbed Kerrin's stomach more as she rolled her eyes.

"Never believe in a legend" she said, "that's all I have to say."

"Well, they're true. As far as I heard"

"Well whether his thing is explainable or not, I'm not going to forget that stupid white hair of his or those stupid Z marks under his eyes." Zora's ears twitched as she heard about the Z shape marks. She grinned a bit, since the description sounded all familiar to her. She stopped rubbing Kerrin's stomach.

"Feel better dear?" she asked. Kerrin got up and stretched.

"Yeah, much better" Zora smiled and gave her a hug, causing Kerrin to blush. Kerrin looked out the window and noticed the bright orange sky. "It's getting dark."

"Yeah" Zora said, "It's been a long day..." Suddenly Zora sat on her lap and hugged her close, getting their breasts to press against each other. Kerrin blushed deeply as she felt them together.

"J-just don't do any funny business with Alina got it?!" she nearly yelled.

"Why not?" Zora purred as she rubbed their breasts together, getting Kerrin to blush even more.

"I wouldn't mind having one morning where my face or crotch isn't wet from you two" Kerrin growled. Zzora grinned as if the growl didn't do anything.

"What's so bad about that?" she said as she rubbed their breasts more, having their nipples rub against each other now.

"Oh just don't do anything terrible with Alina got it?!

"Don't worry. You know me. I'll take very good care of her" Zora giggled. The sun had finally set as Kerrin laid her head on Zora's shoulder. When she opened her eyes, she stared at Zora and suddenly...smiled widely.

"Hey there dear!" she yelled out and kissed Zora's lips. She didn't sound like a grumpy woman no more. She sounded more....sweet.

"Hey Alina!" Zora said. She knew about one fact about Kerrin. Whenever it's the night time, her hole personality changed from a grumpy and short tempered Zoroark to a sweet and lovable gal. One day, they decided to call this side, Alina, to not get confuse. Alina hugged Zora even closer then before.

"Where's Aki?" she asked.

"On the bed" Zora said, "enjoying the show." The little Zorua smiled up to Alina and nuzzled her bum. Alina smiled and petted her head and starts to make out with Zora. Both girls giggled and kept kissing each other. One fact about Zora and Alina, they are total numphos. They had been at it for what seemed like forever until Alina stopped for breath and held her stomach.

"Ow. Was Kerrin in a fight today?" she asked. Zora told her what Kerrin said. Told her how she was able to beat four pokemon without getting a scratch, the prizes for when she wn five times, and how a human boy came on the arena and fought her himself. Not only that, but also the abilities he had. "A human got her hard?" Alina asked, "Woe...hmm...wonder when she'll meet him again." Zora giggled and nuzzled her lovingly.

"I have no doubt about that" she said.

"Now about those formal tickets. Can we go?" Alina smiled at her warmly, completely excited to go in. "Aki can come with us too!" Zora giggled and hugged Aki into her arms.

"When is the formal anyway?" she asked. Alina took the tickets and read the date on the front.

"Looks like the formal will take place in three days in Petalburg City" she said. Zora giggled and stroked her cheek.

"That'll give us plenty of time to get ready for it!" she said. Alina grinned and held Zora close, Aki getting mushed between the Zoroark's breasts.

"But for now, lets focus on each other shall we?" she giggled. Zora grinned and pounced her onto the bed, the room echoing their moans almost all night long.


"What took you so long Alistor?!"

Alistor had just got into his hotel room when he was pounced by Calida. He was at her mercy. In her headlock and receiving a powerful noogie attack.

"Ow! Ow! I got sidetrack! Ow! Quit it!" Alistor nearly screamed. Leila was just sitting down, trying to hold her in laugh. Calida was laughing out loudly as Alistor tried to push her off.

"Next time I'll give you one so bad that you're hair will be red" Calida chuckled as she let him go. Alistor rubbed his head painfully as he set down the supplies: 3 potions and an Antidote.

"I'll try to remember that" he said as he took a seat on the water bed.

"So now what?" Leila asked. Alistor yawned and laid back on the bed.

"I don't know about you, but I am dead tired. I think I'll turn in for the night."

"What? This early?" Calida asked shockingly. Alistor smirked at her.

"I suggest you two go to sleep to. We'll be leaving early to make it to the next town." Calida shrugged and hopped on the bed, making it move and jiggle under them. Leila hopped off and looked around the room.

"So where will I be sleeping?" she asked.

"Where?" Alistor said, "Why not on the bed with us? I think it'll better than sleeping on the ground." Leila blushed lightly as Calida and Alistor made room for her under the blanket. She nervously went to the side and hopped on her front legs.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

'Of course I'm sure. Get in here" he chuckled. Leila figured that it wouldn't hurt and hopped right in the covers. She laid comfortably as Alistor pulled the blanket over them. She couldn't help but blush at this new experience. She was used to sleeping all alone with no one around. She can hear the faint snoring coming from Calida and Alistor. This feeling of companionship, it felt so...good. She forgot how this felt like. She smiled and she laid her head on the pillows and sighed in content. She could get used to this.
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    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Aug 22 2013 Chapter:A New Dawn For A New Day
    Cool fight scene. A teaser of potential hot lesbo action. But a few minor mistakes--both spelling and grammar
    Author's Response:
    Thank you for all of those reviews ^^ Yeah, spelling and grammar were my krytonite back in the day @.@ I'm not as bad now...hopefully ^^;;;Anyway, hope you'll check out some of my other stories :3