AGNPH Stories

Where Dreams End by Lunis1992


A Small Delay from a Journey

A Small Delay From A Journey

Leila's eyes slowly opened as the sunlight hit across her face. She blinked so they can adjust to the sudden flash. She rubbed her head, groaning a bit from pain. She remembered having a strange dream last night. She was being chased by a giant rock serpent and right before she was done for; a human came and saved her just in time. She remembered how his white hair swaying in the wind as his sparkling blue eyes shines like Sapphire. His sword was the same. It looked stunning and yet dangerous by how sharp the edges were. The water around her hero seemed to glimmer at his presence. She remembered his angelic voice as he spoke to her. Leila's thoughts went back to her surroundings...this isn't the forest?! The Absol shot up but winced painfully as she felt a pain at her side. She flopped down when she started to feel a bit dizzy. She wondered how she got so injured like this...was the dream real. No it couldn't be. It couldn't be true that one human was able to send an Onix flying. It couldn't be possible that he had power to bend water around him. It's impossible for the human to even understand her.

Leila sighed. Since she couldn't move she might as well look where she is. Place was rather comfy. She lay on a bed with a soft pillow under her chin. The walls around her were plain colored and a lamp stood on a drawer. She looked around more. Course there was a window or there wouldn't be any light coming in. A purple rug was at the very center of the room with a design of a pokeball in the middle. She sees that there wasn't anything else in the room. She checked her body and saw that is was wrapped in some bandages. The door creaked open and came in a human wearing a lab coat. He was carrying a metal plate with a bowl on top, carrying some food pellets.

"Oh you're awake, Absol" he said, calling her by the name of her species "your wounds look seriously bad, so it was a good thing Alistor came by and helped out".

Alistor? Where had she heard that name before? Another human came inside and her eyes shot opened. She remembered that hair and those eyes anywhere. It was him! The human who saved her!

"How's she doing Prof. Birch?" he asked that lab coated human.

"She's doing fine. Luckily that Onix didn't do a lot of harm to her" Leila wasn't paying much attention to the scene. Her focus was entirely on the boy. He couldn't be real could he? He went to take a seat on the chair next to her. Her eyes never left his face as he smiled warmly to her.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. She looked to her body and then back at him. She nodded to him while looking down to the floor. Alistor smiled more and petted her head. "That's good. Looked like you really took a beating Leila". The Absol sighed as she rested her head on the pillow. This wasn't making too much sense. Leila's eyes shot opened when she just realized one thing.

" know my name? But how?"

"You told me of course" he chuckled. Leila nearly gasped at the air she was breathing in. Alistor looked really confused at her reaction.

"H-how do you understand me? I-I'm speaking in my native tongue. How? You're a human". Alistor chuckled lightly, still keeping that warm smile at her.

"I taught myself how to understand native pokemon tongue. I also had some help with my team". Leila, still surprise that a human can understand pokemon speech, just looked to him. Was this another crazy dream? It has to be. The door opened up again and a blue and yellow pokemon came through. Leila had seen this species sometimes during her travel. She believes they were called...Typhlosion she thought. The newcomer came in and patted Alistor on the shoulder as it smiled to him. Leila looked her over and noticed two bumps on the chest. She figured it was a female.

"Hey Alistor. Guessing she's doing okay now right?" it said.

"She's doing very well Calida" he said, "Sorry about delaying our start though". Calida rolled her eyes and rubs her knuckles on his head.

"Well you better make it up to me later" she said. Alistor chuckled as he grabs her head and rubs his knuckles on her head.

"French toast for lunch?" he chuckled. Calida grinned as she reversed it again, giving him a noogie.

"Eight with extra syrup!" she said. Alistor laughed as he tried to break free. Leila was watching on her bed, a bit oblivious on what's going on. Alistor and Calida were laughing as they continued to playfully shove each other. Calida smiled as she sat at the foot of the bed.

"Oh forgot to introduce you two haven't I?" Alistor said, "Calida, this is Leila. Leila this is Calida, my first pokemon".

"Sups?" Calida chuckled, "I heard Alistor here had saved you from having your ass whooped by an Onyx. Must've been embarrassing to have a guy like him save you".

"And what does that mean?" he chuckled, which was only replied by the Typhlosion chuckling.

"Well anyway, get well soon. I want to get the hell out of this place and start burning gym leader's asses". Leila could only gulp silently as she nodded to her. Calida smiled and pats her on the shoulder before she stood back up and head to the door.

"And remember Alistor, twelve French toasts!"

"I thought it was eight" he chuckled as she disappeared. Alistor smiled to Leila again and he pushed his chair a bit closer. He was still holding onto his smile. Leila seemed a bit concerned about her situation, especially when she saw a device on his belt. It was perfectly round. Half of it was red while the other half was white. At what appears to be the center was a small circle and think black lines seemed to separate the red and white. During many of her travels, she had humans throw the item at her whenever she is in a fight with a pokemon they sent out. Her claws extended and dragged across the bed sheets, getting very nervous at what this human is planning.

"Aren't you hungry Leila? You look like you haven't eaten in days" he said, scooping up some of the food on the tray.

"...Sorry...I'm just not hungry." She said. Unfortunately, her stomach growled loudly after that. The Absol blushed deeply and hid her face in the pillow. Alistor blinked and chuckled a bit. He stood up then and sat on the edge of the bed. Leila could feel the tremor of the bed as he sat, which made her scoot a bit away from him. Alistor picked up the tray and again scooped a spoonful of food for her.

"Come on" he quietly sang out "open up". She only shook her head as she hid her face further in the pillow like a toddler not wanting to eat its vegetables. Alistor only chuckled more and pats her shoulder. She slowly peaked out of the pillow. He chuckled and took that spoonful of food and put it in his mouth.

"Sure you don't want it" he asked between chews "taste so good! I highly doubt anyone wouldn't want to eat it" His teasing only made her hungrier and her stomach growl even louder. He took another spoonful and ate that also. Her mouth was close to watering. She groaned and slapped the surface of the bed before she sat up and took the spoon in her mouth before he started eating that food. Her eyes went a bit teary as she had taste her first real food after such a long time. During her travel, she only ate berries she finds and it wasn't enough to satisfy her. Alistor set the tray down as Leila started to eat it out. She didn't even stop to lick off the crumbs from her face as she kept eating. Alistor chuckled as he took a box of tissues ready once she was done. When she sighed in content as she licked the tray clean, he didn't have much trouble with removing the food off her face. She blushed a bit, feeling like a small child.

"Satisfied now?" he said. Leila licked her paw and she only nodded. He smiled at that and stood up. "Well, the Professor said that you can walk around if you want. The only thing he recommends is to not overdo it. So? Let's go" She looked to the door and just hopped off the bed, amazed at how the wounds were healed, especially that injured leg she had. She couldn't even feel anything around the ankle as if she never injured it at all. Her thoughts went back to last night, where the boy done something that had healed her ankle quickly. She decided not to ask him about it until she found the right time. The Absol just held her head up high as she walked out, trying to look tough.


Leila was amazed at how big this place was and how many pokemon were living in it. She spotted small ponds and large grasslands where they all come together. She almost had forgotten that Alistor was right next to her, showing her around the place. She was amazed at how much he knew already. He told her that he had just arrived in the region yesterday. How does he know everything around this place on a short time?

"So what do you think of this place so far Leila?" Alistor asked. She only shrugged, still not knowing a lot about this place. Alistor rubbed his head, wondering how long till she will open up to others. They both heard a pack howling at something, some were whistling as well. Leila pouts a bit, knowing that it was the sound of the males harassing a young female. Of course she wasn't surprise when she saw a Lopunny hopping to them, look of annoyance on its face. Now Leila wasn't into girls, but she can understand why those males were so attracted to her. Her hips were something most females of the human shape would die for. The fur looked so soft to touch and hold that she even found herself tempted to do so. The Lopunny turned around and flicked the male Shiftries off, letting Leila get a good view of her perfectly round bunny butt. Alistor couldn't help but chuckle at the scene but was quick to stop as the Lopunny hopped to them. But her advances were cut short when a male Mightyena came in front of her smiling.

"Hey there cute bunny" he said, "Couldn't notice you just hopping on by and wondered why we weren't introduce yet" the Lopunny rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed. Leila wondered what she's going to do. "Such a pretty lady shouldn't be out all by herself. So how about you spend some quality time with a male like me. Don't worry, I won't bite...much" She seemed to smile and placed her hand on his head, which he liked a lot. But then she raised her hand high and clobbers the male right on the spot. Now the male was laying o his stomach, knocked out completely.

"I'm a guy!!" the Lopunny shouted. Leila could've sworn she just heard the Lopunny say she was a male...wait a minute...she was a he?! Leila's head started to hurt as she tried to take in the sudden realization. Alistor smiled and chuckled lightly as the MALE Lopunny hopped to him.

"Another one Jack? Really?" he chuckled. Jack crossed his arms and grunted.

"Well you know how I am when I get mistaken for a damn girl. It's freaking annoying. Damn" Jack blinked at the shiny Absol next to his trainer, who was still trying her best to suck in the information. He pointed to her and looked up at Alistor confusingly.

"Oh, I forgot. Jack, this is the Absol from yesterday, Leila"

"I already knew that because her fur is different. I meant to ask what the hell it wrong with her?" Alistor chuckled and rubbed Jack's head.

"Probably witnessed what you just did and what you just said back there" he chuckled. Jack cracked his fingers and gave Leila a look of warning.

"Let that teach you then. Never, and I mean NEVER, mistake me for a girl. Understand?" Leila rubbed her head, thinking she was ready now, and nodded. Being a bit curious, she gently poked at the Lopunny's feminine hips.

"Are these real?" she asked, which nearly got Alistor to fall over laughing. Jack waved her paw away.
"Stop that" he said with a slight blush "yes they are real. Not happy about it, but they are"

Leila just smiled and kept up with the poking. Jack waved her off and scurried behind Alistor, making faces at the Absol. She only giggled and started chasing after him. Alistor was chuckling through the whole thing. One swift motion, Jack was lifted off his feet by him while Leila was still running around in circles. She skidded to a halt when she found that the Lopunny was nowhere in sight. Jack hopped off of Alistor's arms and dusted off his fur.

"Mind not doing that please? I mean really" Jack said, putting his hands on his hips. Leila giggled and apologized. Alistor petted his head.

"Seen where the others are at Jack?" he asked him.

"Calida is out exploring more, Brooke is at the lake, and I believe Anna is with Brooke as well" Alistor nodded and stretched a bit.

"I think I can use a dip as well. Want to come along Jack?"

"I do actually. Anywhere but here" Jack said as his ears picked up the whispers of males about what they want to do that that "slutbunny". Jack's hands clenched as his face clearly showed his frustration and annoyance. Alistor knew about that face oh so well. He turned to Leila, who was just sitting there listening to their conversation.
"Want to come with us Leila?" She looked up at him and pondered at the idea. A nice swim in a lake did sound like a good idea. Afterall, she barely ran across any water on her way here and felt like she could use a good wash.


Alistor was glad to feel the water on his feet after some time. He watched as Brooke and Anna play in the lake. Jack was on the side warming up his fur. Even though he wants to prove he's a tough guy, he really cares for his fur. Alistor looked over to Leila, who was sitting right behind him, just watching Brooke and Anna in the water. Leila looked over the water and traced circles on the surface with her claw. Alistor laid back as his feet wiggled in the lake.

"Nice isn't it?" he asked "The sound of the water and the whistling of the wind?" Leila smiled at her reflection.
"It is. Especially in a sunny day like this" Alistor jumped up and smiled bigger. He pulled off his shirt and placed it on the side. Leila was able to see his body through the reflection on the water. Looking up to him, she sees that the human was well built. She can trace out a bit of his muscle tones over his body. Next, Alistor jumped out of his pants and dived right into the lake, causing a splash and getting Leila wet a bit. She shot up and shook herself, getting some water out of her fur. Alistor's head popped out of the surface.

"What are you waiting for Leila? The water's fine!" he laughed, not knowing Brooke was sneaking behind him until he found himself back underwater. The Vaporeon laughed but was soon thrown up in the air and splashed back down. Alistor made a face at her and soon swam away when Brooke gave chase. Anna giggled as he swam past her and soon was swimming with him. Brooke grinned and went underwater. Both Alistor and Anna stopped when she disappeared, completely confused.

"Where she go?" Alistor asked. Anna looked around herself. Unknown to them, Brooke had climbed out of the water and was hiding behind a large pile of rocks. Swiftly and quietly, she hopped onto the top and leaped for the yelling 'GOT CHA!!!' Anna gasped and quickly dove underwater just as Alistor turned just in time for the Vaporeon to dunk him in the water. Leila looked on at the trio as they continued to splash around and dunk each other under the water. She didn't feel really comfortable with a human, even though she tried her best to show she does. She'd been running for most of her life, and she finds herself in a trainer's sight almost every time. All those times she was close to being captured. What else is that some of the villages she goes to always chase her out thanks to the reputation of her species being bad luck.

She suddenly found herself grabbed and pulled into the water. Her eyes sputtered as she quickly went to the surface, spitting out water. Alistor was next to her with a goofy grin on his face.

"What are you doing?" she coughed.

"What's it look like?" he chuckled, "We're playing tag. And it so happens that you are 'it'". Leila rolled her eyes at him.

"Tag?" she asked him. She never heard of anything like that. Heck, she hadn't played any games most of her life.

"Yeah. It's a game where a person has to tag someone. And whoever gets tagged by the tager, that person is it."

"Umm....alright...sorry but I don't think I'll join you" Just then, Alistor decided to splash at her, getting her in the face. Leila sputtered and glared at him. "What was that for?" she asked him. He showed off his goofy grin.

"If you want me to stop, try and stop me" he said, making a face and splashing her again.

"H-hey! Stop!" she whined, splashing back. Alistor made a face and started to swam away. Leila growled and swam after him. "You're gonna get it!!" she yelled out.


They were all on the shore, belly up, laughing hard with Alistor holding onto his stomach. Leila forgot what exactly happened. First minute she was trying to get back at Alistor and then suddenly she was in the game of tag. She gotten Alistor and then she started to swim everywhere. They even got Jack to be in it...after they ruined his sunbathing by splashing water onto his fur. Leila couldn't stop laughing through the whole game. She couldn't even remember the last time she had this much fun with anyone. Everyone was catching their breath. Jack stood up, his soaked fur clinging onto his feminine body. This was one of the reasons why he hated to get wet so much. All his features were showing and often attracts unwanted guest. He quickly shook himself off, getting more of the water out of his fur, but also making it wilder.

"You know I hate being in the water" he said. Brooke laughed and wagged her tail.

"You need to lighten up Jack, always feel good to swim with friends" she said. Jack fixed his fur and glared at all of them.

"Going back to fix the damage you all had done to my fur" Jack turned and bounced away, getting Alistor to laugh a bit.

"Jack! You're bouncing again!" he called out. Jack halted and they can hear a low growl coming from him. They heard him muttered 'dammit' and walked off...or at least attempted to. Lopunnies bounce when they move, and Jack always tried to just walk, but the best he can do is something that looks like skipping, which he hated more. Alistor took a deep breathe and look at the sky. From where the sun was, it was close to being evening.

"Alright. I think we missed lunch" he chuckled "Time sure flies when you're having fun don't they?" Brooke giggled and stood up and shook herself. She suddenly giggled louder. Anna blinked, confused, and the Vaporeon pointed. Soon the Dragonair started to laugh. "....Now what's so funny?" Alistor asked. Both girls pointed over to the direction. Both him and Leila looked over. The Absol joined in on the laugh while Alistor gasped. Over there were two Aipoms, grabbing his clothes and looking them over. "H-hey! Give those back!" he shouted. The Aipoms laughed and fled, leaving Alistor to try and get back on his feet. They were gone by the time he went to where they were.

"Now that was some bad luck!" Anna giggled. Alistor sighed in defeat, knowing that he has to come back wearing his boxer shorts. Leila giggled loudly. She was having so much fun then she ever had in her whole life. Alistor chuckled a bit and looked to the three girls.

"Anyone hungry?"


Leila flopped on her bed. The bandages were all gone because they were soaked, but she didn't need them. She couldn't find a single scratch on herself. Not even a scar was left. She licked her fur clean and placed her head on the pillow. Today was so far tiring, though she actually enjoyed it. Been such a long time since she had laughed that hard. She laid on her back, looking at the ceiling. How long has it been since she started running? One year? Two? She didn't know. All she knew was that she escaped the life she so dearly didn't like. Sure, there was one person who she wished could come with her. But, that person isn't with her anymore. Her head peered up as three knocks were heard at the door. Coming in was Alistor, but this time not in just his boxer shorts.

He was now wearing a white shirt, short sleeved. He also has a vest with two different grey tones, one dark and one regular. He seems to have a red waist band around his body, while her was wearing black pants with a blue colored side that had a red edges . His shoes were bit of the same, black with some grey color spots. He smiled to her and walked right in.

"What the heck are you doing in here while the food is out there?" he chuckled. She looked over to him and sat right up.

"I thought I be in the way. I'm don't know much about eating with others" she said, it being a bit true. Alistor only smiled and petted her head.

"Well there's always first time for everything" he said, getting up, "Come and enjoy the meal with us. Prof. Birch made the food himself, so I don't think it'll be as bad as what I usually eat". Leila looked to him and sighed in defeat, knowing a bit about him now to know that he wouldn't take no for an answer. She hopped off the bed and walked right out when he opened the door for her. She walked down the halls until she saw the Vaporeon she met earlier go into the room. Figuring that's where they were meeting, she went right there. Good thing she was right. In the room were the pokemon she had met and one human she hasn't seen since she arrived. They were all around a small table close to the ground, and each were chatting and eating amongst themselves. Alistor took a seat right next to the Typhlosion and made room for her to sit next to him. Shyly, she went there and took a good look at the table. There were filled with various foods from delicious looking meats, some juicy berries, and even some she had never seen before. Her mouth was watering and her stomach was growling loudly. She sees that the Vaporeon, Dragonair, and Lopunny were eating the stuff. Her eyes went to the girl next to her. She hadn't met her before.

"Oh I think you two didn't meet" Alistor said, "Leila, this is my little sister Pedils" The girl with hair as black as night looked over and nodded her head.

"Hey. Heard that you made a quick recovery" she said, drinking from a small cup.

"Y-yeah" Leila muttered. Her nose twitched as she caught the scent of something mouth watering. It took here to a big pile of smoking hot dumplings. Alistor reached one and was about to take a bite when he caught Leila at the corner of his eye, staring at the dumpling in his hand. He chuckled and set it down on the plate in front of her.

"You know it's completely alright for you to eat the stuff on the table" he told her. She blushed a bit and slowly started to nibble on the dumpling. Her eyes closed and a sigh of content was heard from here. She loved the taste. She could hardly contain herself as she reached out, taking five more of them and chowing down. She had some other stuff to eat, like fried rice, mash potatoes, tons of other stuff. She licked her lips, not taking any notice that she still had some food crumbs over her face. Alistor chuckled and placed his hand over her head.

"Hey, slow down. None of it is going anywhere" he chuckled. Liela, with a mouth full of food, nodded and chewed slowly. Calida was already on her fifth plate when she was at her third, getting a comment from Jack about how she might as well be a Snorlax.

After everyone had their fill, Leila could hardly move with all that she ate. Now she was enjoying herself. She had been starving for days. The time in the pond was able to distract her from it for a bit.

"Oh boy am I stuffed" Calida said, rubbing her stomach.

"You basically ate half of what's on the table" Jack said. Calida growled, but was to stuffed to do anymore. Leila yawned, the food making her tired. Alistor looked to her and chuckled a bit.

"Sleepy Leila? Here, I'll take you to your room" he said, getting up and going to her.

"N-no need to..."she muttered, as he picked her up. She couldn't say anything, to tired to do so. He smiled down as her as he went into her room and set her down on the bed. It wasn't even late and yet she fell asleep once her head rested on the pillow. Alistor smiled down at her. He pulled up the blanket over her body and noticed that he face was still messy. He took a paper towel from the night stand and wiped her face clean. He's got to remember to give her a good bath to fix that fur.


Leila's eyes opened up slowly. She groaned a bit as she stood up. She yawned out loud. Nature was calling and she really needed release. Not knowing much about this place, she got up and went out the door outside. She noticed that it was night time already. How exactly long did she slept? Well, she doesn't want to think of about it now. She's got to find a place to do her business. Sniffing out the right now, she went, feeling relaxed since she doesn't have to hold it anymore.

"What a relief" she muttered. The bushes ruffled, which got her to jump. She turned and glared, ready to defend herself. She couldn't see anything nor anyone. She calmed down and took a deep breathe, thinking it was just the wind. The bushes rustled again, only this time she noticed someone with white hair walk by.

"...Wait...I know that hair...Alistor?" She blinked, seeing him walk through the forest. What she noticed was a black sheath was on his back, a black handle seen also. She looked curiously at him, wondering why he was out so late. She crouched low and followed close behind him. Alistor didn't seem to notice her as he heads to the pond. She wonder why he was going here. She looked around. No one else was around. She hid behind the bush as Alistor took the sheath from behind him and took it to his front.

Alistor pulled the handle, and out came the beautifully crafted sword that Leila recognized instantly. In shades of blue, it shined in the moonlight. He took a deep breathe and walked toward the water. Leila gasped lightly, getting up to try and stop him. But instead of seeing him sink under as she expected, he actually stayed afloat, even going all the way to the very center. Leila nearly fell over. What is this human? How is he walking on the water? Maybe she was still dreaming? She took her claw and pinched her cheek hard.

"Ow!" she hissed. "Not dreaming" Alistor smiled up to the moon. The water around him seemed to glow at his feet. The tip of his sword was barely touching the surface as he took another deep breathe. Then, he raised it over his head and swung it. It went over his head, around his body, moving with so much grace that not even a wave was formed at his feet. He swung his sword at his sides, flipping up, kicking, and even leaping in the air. Leila stared in amazement, forgetting the fact that the human was still floating on water. His sword was cutting the water's surface as it glided through the air. He had a big smile on his face as small drops of water hit his face and the wind blowing his hair.

Leila gulped a bit and slowly pushed back through the bushes. She quietly sat down next to the pond as she continued to watch him. Just seeing this human was putting a smile of her face. It looked as though she was seeing an angel dance in the moonlight. Alistor placed his sword on his side now, standing tall with his eyes closed. Releasing his breathe, he took his weapon and placed it back in his sheath. Leila's eyes didn't leave him as he raised his hand over his head. His fingers clenched lightly and then the drops of water that were falling in the air stopped. Leila's eyes shot open, looking around and seeing them all stop completely. Then, they all came to Alistor's palm and formed a small sphere of water. Small drops of water started to float out of the pond and forming with the sphere. It was the size of his hand when it stopped. The ones still in the air fell to the water's surface. Alistor grinned, looking up. Then he slammed the sphere down, sending a wave of water around him. Leila gasped but it was to late. The wave went over her and soaked her right to the bone, causing her to grunt loudly.

"Hmm?" Alistor blinked and looked to the very wet Absol "Leila? What are you doing here?"

"I can...ask you...the same thing" she sputtered. Alistor walked over to her, placing his sheath behind him and getting on one knee to look at her face. " really did save me from that wasn't all a dream" Alistor smiled and placed a hand on her head. Leila felt drying all of a sudden. She looked up and noticed Alistor's arm wrapped in a blanket of water. He used his special power to remove the water out of her fur and onto his body. He smiled down and placed that hand near the pond. She watched in amazement as it seemed to crawl out of his arm and back into where it was before.

"I was born with this special power" Alistor said, making her look up to him, "It's something that it very useful on my journey. It's actually nice to has the power of a Water Sage."

"A...Water Sage?"

"Yeah. History said that a Water Sage has the power to use water around him or her. It can be used as way to defend, attack, and even to heal" Leila looked at her hind leg, where he healed it that once night, "Being a Water Sage has its advantages, but there are some disadvantages that I have to go through. Like, I'm more conductible with electricity and I have to stay hydrated"

" many things I don't know much about...what of your sister, Pedils?"

"Well...she doesn't have the same power...but she does have something that most people have...I don't know if I should explain about my family. I mean it is pretty late and it is a long story" Leila sat up and curled right next to him.

"I think I can manage" she said. Alistor smiled and took a seat as he began to tell the tale. He told everything that he could remember. He told her about his ancestor, who had a special power known as the Eternal Flame and had told her about all his accomplishments and his victories. He even mentioned how the man gave children to eight different women, all pokemon. He told her that his family were descendants of the man and the Absol. The man, Ashton Redford Crimson, and the Absol, Cassandra. He told her that everyone of his descendants has the power of the Eternal Flame, and that everyone was different.

"So...if your family has the power of this...Eternal Flame...why do you have the power of a...Water Sage?" Alistor leaned back and took a deep breath.

"I don't know...but I get the feeling that it has something to do with another ancestor of mine. Well...until I fully know...all I can do is enjoy it." He smiled down at her. She smiled back and sat up.

"...So...does any of your pokemon know about your family?" she asked.

"Well, Calida and Brooke had known since they met me. Jack was awfully shocked and surprised when I told him. He didn't even believe me at first. And with Anne, well you can say that she's apart of the family" He chuckled, wondering if he should even tell her that the Dragonair is really his cousin. Leila began to think about it. There's so much she wanted to know about this human. She even wondered if she should even call him that.

" have one extra spot in your team?" she blushed as she asked. Alistor looked over to her, completely taken by surprise by the question.

"What?" he chuckled.

"I was wondering...if it's okay then...maybe I can join you in your journey. There's so much I want to learn and so much I want to see. I have a feeling that I won't be able to get that if I travel by myself"

"Well, that would be great" he said. Leila smiled up to him.

"Great. Now, how exactly do you capture me in those round things you call pokeballs?"

"Huh? You know that if you don't want to be caught with a pokeball, you could say so" he chuckled, "I rather have pokemon get inside a poke ball by their own choice"

"Wait...I don't have to be in the pokeball to travel with you? I didn't knew that. It's just that whenever I see a human with a pokemon, they always had a ball"

"Well, I'm a bit different from the rest of them. I let them come to me instead of me going to them. I mean, it's their life, why should they change it because I want a new team member. So Leila, want to be caught by me, or do you not?" All this is her decision? Now this was something Leila hadn't expected. After being attacked by countless trainers, she never really trusted them much. But here's one right next to her, actually giving her a choice. There one thing she learned about pokeballs. If you get caught then no one else can catch you. You won't have to worry.

"...If I get caught...I won't have to worry about any more trainers suddenly attacking me?"

"Nope. And you'll be able to stay out of the ball. I think that my team deserves to be on the outside. Though there are rare times that you guys must get inside like you have an injury that I can't help with. So, what do you say Leila?" He extended his hand for a handshake. She thought of this through before smiling big and placed her paw on his hand.

"It would be wonderful if I was apart of your team" she answered. His smile only grew as he stood up.

"This is so awesome! I got my own Absol! One that's even shiny!" he nearly shouted, "Just you wait Leila, because by tomorrow, we are all heading out!" Chapter End Notes:Alistor has got himself a new teammate. Will she be an excellent addition, or will she not be?
Chapter End Notes:For those who want to know how Alistor looks like look at the link =>
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