AGNPH Forums

Fics Section Bugs/Issues

    Friendly resident Cyndaquil
    Date:Jan 1, 2016 7:00 AM Title:Fics Section Bugs/Issues

    Happy new years!

    Before launching the new site completely and shutting down the old AGNPH, I'd like to ensure that we (the admins and moderators) haven't overlooked anything important. This thread will serve as a base for users to report issues with the new Fics section, and to avoid duplicating reports for bugs. We are already aware of a couple of issues that will be fixed shortly after the new year festivities settle down.

    Known Issues / Recent Features

    • Added an RSS feed for the Fics section (Feature)
    • Some fic updates aren't refreshing the last-updated date  (Fixed)
    • Some performance issues with searching for authors (Fixed)

    If you spot any more bugs with the Fics section (or have more feature suggestions), feel free to leave a comment below and I'll update this list as things progress.

    ~My fire shall always burn eternal~

    Date:Jan 31, 2016 11:29 PM Title:RE: Fics Section Bugs/Issues

    Can you bring back the top stories page?

    Friendly resident Cyndaquil
    Date:Feb 1, 2016 5:24 AM Title:RE: Fics Section Bugs/Issues
    raine8 on Jan 31, 2016 said:

    Can you bring back the top stories page?

     When you refer to "top stories", are you referring to lists like "most read", "longest", etc? If so, you can "search" the new fics section and specify things like "order:views" or "order:length", similar to the gallery. For a full list of possible orderings, please check out the search help guide.

    If you think a particular "top" item is missing or would be useful, let me know and I'll add it in.

    ~My fire shall always burn eternal~

    Date:Feb 4, 2016 9:21 AM Title:RE: Fics Section Bugs/Issues

    Yes that's it. Personally, I do miss the top lists for their convenience. I'll use the search options to sort, as it does seem to accomplish the same thing. Thank you.