AGNPH Forums

freaking out!

    Date:Jan 31, 2016 2:48 PM Title:freaking out!

    Although the is one thing im glad for, this site works better on mobiles i cant hide the fact im freaking out!

    At first i was shocked when the site i knew and loved was gone, then angry that it was closed down to be made into this site. Simply put i dont like change! I understand if this is the direction the site is going and i just have a few questions.


    1: will there be a roleplaying area?

    2: what happened to the stuff i did on the other site

    3: is there any chance the other site could be revived?

    4: it wasnt clearly marked how to get here from the old site, will that be fixed so we dont lose any loyal members? 

    And 5: am i worrying and freaking out over nothing?


    Please help!

    Mewtwo of Finland
    Date:Jan 31, 2016 4:33 PM Title:RE: freaking out!
    testerbite on Jan 31, 2016 said:

    4: it wasnt clearly marked how to get here from the old site, will that be fixed so we dont lose any loyal members?

     That isn't problem because the site address weren't changed in the update, it's still like it was before the update.

    Friendly resident Cyndaquil
    Date:Jan 31, 2016 9:40 PM Title:RE: freaking out!

    Note: If you're worried about HPF, don't worry. There was a hiccup moving over AGNPH to a new site, and your forums will be fixed as soon as the DNS cache expires.

    The new site move announcement was posted two months ago. Very recently (yesterday), the old domain was moved over to this site, which has been live for the same two months.

    1: will there be a roleplaying area?

    There never was an "RP" area on the old site, and there will not be a specific section for that on the new site. You can still RP via the PM system like before, and you can check out IRC for more real-time communication options

    2: what happened to the stuff i did on the other site

    Everything from the old site was moved over (accounts, posts, gallery, fics, PMs, everything). You should be able to log in with your old account and import your other accounts from each section. Contact an admin if you're having difficulties, or visit IRC for real-time help.

    3: is there any chance the other site could be revived?

    Moving forward, this will be the new site. The old site was just a bunch of software packages that didn't work well together and was difficult to keep running. With this new site, we'll have a lot more control over features, so if you have any suggestions feel free to ask if they can be added.

    4: it wasnt clearly marked how to get here from the old site, will that be fixed so we dont lose any loyal members? 

    Because this replaces all functionality of the old site, and all data was moved over, there shouldn't be any reason (other than visual) for not being able to use the new site. In fact, it's much easier to access via mobile devices, which a large number of people use.

    And 5: am i worrying and freaking out over nothing?

    Likely, although if you have any concerns feel free to keep posting them on the forums and/or contact an admin via PM or IRC.

    ~My fire shall always burn eternal~