AGNPH Forums

It programing

    Date:Sep 17, 2019 4:47 PM Title:It programing

    I always wondred waht board this site uses for all my years as a server administratior and forum Owner myself i still not sure waht board this site uses i know there a  huge softwares that offer free   boards that can give you already design forums layouts like phbb or bulletin etc 

    Friendly resident Cyndaquil
    Date:Sep 28, 2019 11:35 PM Title:RE: It programing

    AGNPH doesn't use board sofware; all of it was done custom for the site. Previous versions of the site did try to use forum software like vbulletin, but none had proper gallery integration.

    ~My fire shall always burn eternal~

    Date:Oct 24, 2019 6:33 PM Title:RE: It programing

    Hm interesting sens I'm building my own website  plus the platforms  I mainly had used is phbb a d simple Machines and vbulĺentin plus I had by my years programming and webbhosting experience and administration of  many sites the main issue is that its limited  with galleries interactions and customized profile pages and RPGs pages for Roleplaying  profiles for Roleplaying  and my main content was during that time there was lot of security issuses that's I found completely  se ure the nurses data and database  security to ensure all the safely in first hand secure the data the users implementing in to the system is fully encrypted within the site