AGNPH Forums

Where're you from?

    Mystical furry Genie
    Zana An
    Date:Jul 18, 2013 6:27 AM Title:Re: Where're you from?
    I live in the UK now but immigrated from Dubai. GIVZ me my UK passport now, I want one! XD

    diabolus in musica
    Date:Jul 18, 2013 6:35 PM Title:Re: Where're you from?
    I´m from germany. Not a native german, but I´m living there for some years now.

    "The people collect undeniable data of highpulse weapons and microwaves!"
    Silent observer
    Date:Jul 18, 2013 9:03 PM Title:Re: Where're you from?
    Born in Guadalajara, Mexico but raised here in the good US of A.
    Montgomery IL

    “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
    William Shakespeare

    "I will find you and i will kill you please leave a message*

    Charmander porn addict
    Date:Jul 19, 2013 4:51 AM Title:Re: Where're you from?
    Ontario Canada

    That makes 3 Ontarians so far :)

    Date:Jul 19, 2013 5:42 AM Title:Re: Where're you from?
    Somewhere that barely exists on the map, yet was once very close to being an important place.

    Writing lemons is like auto-fellatio: for some it comes naturally, for others it takes years of practice. But once you can do it, it's one of the best guilty pleasures in the world.

    Date:Jul 19, 2013 6:33 AM Title:Re: Where're you from?
    I'm from Alaska, that's about as specific as I'll get, sorry ^^;


    Date:Jul 19, 2013 6:35 AM Title:Re: Where're you from?

    I think I've already said it in the Introduction Topic, but I'm from the Netherlands |=(:3

    So where you live there are genitalia like...EVERYWHERE? Growing out of the ground right?

    Must be sexy living in the neatherlands.

    I'm sorry madrow i could not resist Eh hehehehehe.

    New york Born and raised, i live a stones throw from the PA boarder somewhere up in the assend of the wooded mountains north of williamsport.

    And as Shay would tell you...i am way to close to him. X3

    Date:Jul 19, 2013 7:23 AM Title:Re: Where're you from?
    I'm like, the only furry in the entire state of Oklahoma.

    Go read my stories!!
     My stories

    Date:Jul 19, 2013 10:33 AM Title:Re: Where're you from?
    well well, looks like now trhat I´m the only Austrian here x3 Austria, south from Salzburg, well, south-southeast to be more precisive x3

    just remember. im here as the big swampert teddy..
    dark devil
    Date:Jul 22, 2013 8:26 PM Title:Re: Where're you from?
    I live in Toronto Ontario big city im surprised by the amount of people live in my region to be truthfull and im happy no to be the single one out

    the more messier your room is  the smarter you are.